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Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

When youre stuck

Reread the question Might be some useful info.

Propulsion The act of moving something forward.

Nozzle A cylindrical or round spout at the end of a pipe, hose, or tube

used to control a jet of gas or liquid

Candidates should remember that a 'show that' is used when the value
found will be needed later.

Remember that an electron moving into an electric field at right angles to

its velocity is an example of a projectile type question.

eV is a unit of energy

The centripetal force is not an actual force, but the name given to e.g. the
resultant force of the weight and normal contact force.

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Further mechanics
When you label forces on a person/object:

Say Reaction force from seat

If two forces present (E.g. Weight and Reaction force from seat), these must be:
o Equal length vertical arrows from a clear single point centre of mass

In order to make an object move around a circular path at a constant speed a resultant
force must act on it. Explain why a resultant force is required and state the direction of
this force.

Velocity/direction changing Or (object is) accelerating

Force towards centre of circle

A gymnast of mass 40 kg falls vertically onto a trampoline with a speed of 5 m s1 and

rebounds with the same speed. She is in contact with the trampoline for 0.2 s. The
average force exerted on the gymnast by the trampoline during this period is:
where m = 40kg,

= 10 ms-1 because velocity has a direction, initially it was

going down at 5ms-1 and then it was going up at -5ms-1 so the difference is 10ms-1, and t =
0.2s. Therefore, F is 2000N.

Show that the speed of the train as it reaches the top of the vertical tower is about 20 m
s1. Assume that resistance forces are negligible. The height of the vertical tower is 139

Understand that at the top of tower the train has GPE and at the bottom it has KE!!
When it goes down, part of its GPE converts into KE
When it goes up, part of its KE converts into GPE
GPE = mgh The greater the height of the tower, the greater the GPE, the greater
the energy deducted from the KE present, the lower its speed At the top itll be
slower than at the bottom!
KE at the bottom = GPE at the top + KE at the top

Riders will feel momentarily weightless if the vertical reaction force becomes zero.
What is R at this point?

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

KE =

and p=mv p2=m2v2

Put this into Equation for KE

Explain why the encoding of bumps in the groove becomes more compressed as the
stylus moves towards the centre.
remains constant
v = r
So as the stylus moves towards the centre, r decreases, stays the same and speed/velocity
decreases too. This means that the same 10 seconds of the song must now be filled into a
smaller distance if it is still to last 10 seconds since d = st.

As the person in a cabin moves around

the circle, the normal contact force
between the person and the cabin
varies. State the position at which this
force will be a maximum and the
position at which it will be a minimum.
Explain your answers.
At A the contact force is at a minimum as
FC = mg R at this point (Where R is the
Contact Force). So for there to be a
resultant force downwards (The
centripetal force), R must be smaller than
mg which is a constant.
At C the contact force is a maximum as at C: FC = R-mg, so for a resultant centripetal force
upwards, R must be greater than mg.

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Electric and Magnetic Fields

Use Faradays law to explain why the lamp flashes once when the switch S is opened

Current in coil generates magnetic field

Current drops/decreases

Change of flux [accept flux cut] in rapid/quick/short time

EMF/200 V induced
Field/flux linkage large due to many turns


NOTE: N means magnetic flux linkage and significance of the is:

Lenzs law / conservation of energy

induced current/emf (direction)
Opposes the change (that produced it)

The molecules are positive at one end

and negative at the other. The switch
S is closed and 1.5 V is applied across
the glass plates. Explain what happens
to the liquid crystal molecules.

Opposite forces (act on either

end of molecule)
Molecule rotates / aligns with
at top / + at bottom

Role of Electric Field and Magnetic Field in a Cyclotron.

Electric fields:
Electric field provides force on the charge/proton
Gives energy to /work done / E = qV/ accelerate protons (1)
Magnetic fields:
Force on moving charge/proton
Produces circular path/centripetal force
Labelled diagram showing Dees with E field indicated across gap OR B field through
E field is reversed/alternates

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Explain the role of electric and magnetic fields in a particle detector.
Electric fields

can be used to accelerate/deflect particles

direction of force/deflection indicates (sign of) charge.
a = EQ/m

Magnetic fields

produce circular motion Or provides a centripetal force

Direction of force/curvature/deflection indicates (sign of) charge
momentum/speed/mass found from radius/curvature
r = p/BQ Or Bqv = mv2/r

Uniform electric fields produce uniform acceleration

How to derive
p=mv or r = p/Be
mv = Ber
v = 2r/T so m2r/T = Ber
Cancel out r: 2 m /T = Be
Frequency = 2 mf = Be

What happens to capacitor when the switch is closed.

Movement of electrons from one plate to the other OR one plate becomes + the other
OR until PD across C equals V supply

Explain why the coil turns and why it continues to rotate. Add to the diagram to help
your explanation.
As current flows through the coil, from D
to A, a force acts on the coil at 90. As the
magnetic field goes from N to S, we can
see, from Flemings Left Hand Rule that
the direction of the force on the left part of
the coil is downwards. This causes the coil
to turn anti-clockwise. When the coil has
turned 180, the direction of the current in

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

the magnetic field would be reversed, producing a force trying to turn the coil clockwise. By
using a split ring commutator, the current through the coil oscillates so the direction of
current in the magnetic field remains the same. This means the force continues to turn the coil
Capacitance is constant when voltage is changed, whereas charge is not
DC Current is always positive indicating one direction
Capacitor stores charge/charges up
(If voltage is constant) capacitor doesnt discharge

Capacitors discharge exponentially Key word: EXPONENTIALLY

Explain what happens to the capacitor

when the switch is closed.
The capacitor charges: positive charge builds
up on one plate, negative charge on the other.
There is a potential difference across the
The potential difference (p.d.) across the
resistor rises to a maximum as the switch is closed. Explain why this p.d. subsequently
decreases to zero.
The capacitor charges so that the potential difference between the two plates is the same as
the potential difference across the cell. This means there is no potential difference between
one capacitor plate end and one side of the cell: meaning no PD across the resistor since they
are connected in series Vcell = Vcapacitor + Vresistor

One type of microphone uses

a capacitor. The capacitor
consists of a flexible front
plate (diaphragm) and a
fixed back plate. The output
signal is the potential
difference across the resistor.
The sound waves cause the
flexible front plate to vibrate
and change the capacitance.
Moving the plates closer

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

together increases the capacitance. Moving the plates further apart decreases the
capacitance. Explain how the sound wave produces an alternating output signal.
As soon as a candidate sees something about capacitance changing, they should find a
suitable equation, in this case C = Q/V
When the plates are closer together because of the sound waves, the capacitance is greater
(Quoted in the question). Q = C/V. The charge stored by the capacitor is constant, when C
increases, the PD across the capacitor therefore decreases. Since the total potential difference
across the capacitor and the resistor (output component) is constant, the potential difference
across the capacitor increases. V=VR + VC. When the plates are further apart, capacitance
decreases. Q = CV, PD across the capacitor (VC) increases. Thus, VR decreases resulting in
the output signal being altered by having alternating potential differences across the resistor.

A microphone has a capacitor of capacitance 500 pF and resistor of resistance

10 M. Explain why these values are suitable even for sounds of the lowest audible
frequency of about 20 Hz.
and T = RC
So, find RC 500 x 10-12 x 10 x 106 = 0.05s
Now find

= 0.05s

Explain how the magnetic field maintains the ion in a circular orbit.
(Magnetic) force acts at right angles to ion motion/current
Force is the centripetal force or causing centripetal acceleration or direction of
acceleration/force is to centre (of circle)

Explain what is meant by a uniform electric field.

Space/area/region where a force acts on a charged particle
The force is the same at all points/ Field strength is constant/ Field lines equispaced

Induced EMF Source:

As the magnet vibrates, there is a change in the magnetic flux through the coil which induces
an EMF. The larger the coil, and the more frequently it vibrates, the greater the EMF.

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

The diagram represents a simple induction motor. An alternating current Is is supplied

to a stationary coil (stator). This coil is wrapped around an iron core. A rotating coil
(rotor) is shown end on in the
Explain how current is induced in
the rotor coil.
The alternating current (Is) in the
stationary coil produces an
alternating (Changing) magnetic
field. As a result, the rotor is in a
zone of changing magnetic flux (it
experiences a change in magnetic flux), so an EMF is induced across the rotor coil. This EMF
causes a current to flow in the coil (the induced current). The current is alternating because
the magnetic field and thus the induced EMF are alternating.
Why does the rotor turn? 2 ways of making it turn faster?
Rotor experiences a force Or mention of FLHR Or F = BIl
Due to the current in the rotor being in a magnetic field
1. Increase frequency (of current)
2. Increase (magnitude of) current
3. Add more turns (to either coil)

A teacher demonstrates electromagnetic induction by dropping a bar magnet through a

flat coil of wire connected to a data logger.
The data from the data logger is used to
produce a graph of induced EMF across
the coil against time.
Explain the shape of the graph and the
relative values on both axes.
Reference to changing/cutting of
field/flux when the magnet falls

Induced e.m.f. proportional to rate of

change/cutting of flux (linkage)
Faradays law
Initial increase in e.m.f. as the magnet
gets closer to the coil
Identifies region of negative gradient
with magnet going through the coil
Indication that magnets speed increases
as it falls

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Negative (max) value positive (max) value

Time for second pulse shorter

The areas of the two parts of the graph will be the same (since N constant)

F = BIl. State the condition under which this equation applies.

The magnetic field (must be) at right angles to the current
Explain why
the path of the
electron is
between the
plates and
straight when
it has left the

the plates there is an upwards force on the electrons F=ma so the upwards force
cause an upwards acceleration
But horizontal component of the velocity is constant
Outside the plates no (electric) field so no upwards force
o Outside the plates speed so large that gravitational effect negligible

Vehicles such as electric cars are driven by electric motors. These vehicles use
regenerative braking to reduce the speed of the vehicle. The motor is operated as a
generator during braking and the output from the generator is used to recharge the
batteries of the car. Explain how using the motor as a generator slows the car down.
Energy required to turn generator
Transferred from kinetic energy of the car
They are carrying current in the same direction. Explain Andr Amperes observation.

Current in a wire produces a magnetic field

Identifies direction of B field around either wire
(Each) wire is in the magnetic field of the other wire
A current-carrying wire in a magnetic field experiences a force
Mention of Flemings left hand rule (accept motor rule) Or identifies neutral point
between wires.

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Particle Physics
Outline the experimental observations to which Rutherford is referring and
explain how they led him to this deduction.
Particles fired at (named) metal (film) in a vacuum
Most went straight through or suffered small deflections.
A few were reflected through large angles or some were reflected along their original path
The mass or charge of the atom was concentrated in a very small volume
Rutherford designed an experiment to see what happened when alpha particles were
directed at a piece of gold foil. Summarise the observations and state the conclusions
Rutherford reached about the structure of gold atoms.

Most alpha went straight through

Some deflected
(Very) few came straight back/large angle

Atom mainly (empty) space
Nucleus contains most of the mass
Charge is concentrated in the centre/in a nucleus/nucleus is charged
(Nucleus) very small/tiny
(Nucleus) charged /positive

Give two conclusions that can be deduced about the nucleus of an atom.

Nucleus (very) much smaller than the atom

Nucleus is charged
Nucleus is (very) dense Or nucleus contains most of the mass

With reference to the magnetic field and the alternating potential difference explain
how the cyclotron produces a beam of high speed particles.
Alternating p.d.:

Electric field/ p.d. accelerates particles Or Electric field /p.d. gives particles energy
Constant time period Or constant frequency
Polarity of dees switches every half cycle Or P.d. switches every half cycle

Magnetic field:

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Magnetic field/force at right angles to particles path

Maintains circular motion (whilst in dees) Or Experiences centripetal
force/acceleration (whilst in dees)
Radius of circle increases as particles get faster

Role of Electric Field and Magnetic Field in a Cyclotron.

Electric fields:
Electric field provides force on the charge/proton
Gives energy to /work done / E = qV/ accelerate protons
Magnetic fields:
Force on moving charge/proton
Produces circular path/centripetal force
Labelled diagram showing Dees with E field indicated across gap OR B field through
E field is reversed/alternates

Main features of a linac

Consists of electrodes
Alternating high frequency voltage
Length of tubes (electrodes) increases

Explain the process by which a proton is given energy in a particle accelerator.

Electric field
Does work on proton/applies a force /repel/attract
qV / Fd / Eq

Standard particle symbols example:

B0 + + p

The photograph shows tracks produced by charged particles in a bubble chamber.

At X, an incoming charged particle interacts with a stationary proton to produce a
neutral lambda particle and a neutral kaon particle. Both these particles later decay
into other particles.
With reference to the photograph, describe and explain the evidence provided for this

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

(After X) no tracks / track ceases (at
X) / tracks cant be seen (after X)
Which proves that uncharged/neutral
particles are produced because only charged
particles give tracks
At the V points (Label on diagram)
the neutral particles decay into other particles
which are charged and move off in opposite
directions These detected and
Move off in opposite directions due to
momentum conservation
Perfect answer: The bubble chamber detects charged particles, so before X collides with a
proton its path is shown, once it has collided and produced 2 neutral particles, these cant be
detected, so the trace disappears. Both these neutral particles decay into charged particles (At
the V points). These traces show the product of the decay of 2 neutral particles.

Explain how you can tell that track XY was produced by a particle moving from
X to Y rather than from Y to X.
The radius becomes smaller towards Y as the particle
loses momentum due to ionisation within the bubble

A stronger magnetic field strength, or a larger

charge, will make the radius smaller since

Explain how you can tell that track XY was produced

by a particle moving from
X to Y rather than from Y to X.
There is only one track
The one track is going in the opposite direction of
the previous track (before the pion decayed) which means another particle must be
present to conserve momentum

Outline the atomic processes that produce emission spectra and suggest why they are
X-rays in this case.

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

When electrons gain energy to get to an energy level then drop back down again to their
original energy level, they release a packet of energy or photon with a certain energy. In
this case they are x-rays since a lot of energy is being released.

A positron is found to have a mass of 1.8 1029 kg. It can be concluded that this
positron is travelling at close to the speed of light because:
A positron is an anti-particle of an electron, therefore its "rest" mass should actually be
9.11x10^-31 kg, since mass here is bigger than the rest mass, we can deduce that there has
been increment in mass due to relativistic effect (travelling close to speed of light).

Explain the role of a magnetic field in a particle detector.

To curve the tracks/paths Or to produce a centripetal force/acceleration
So that momentum/energy/charge/ velocity/mass can be investigated

Compare the properties of an anti-hydrogen atom with a hydrogen atom.

Same mass (do not credit similar mass)
Opposite charges on nucleus

Explain why it is difficult to contain anti-hydrogen atoms compared with anti-protons.

Hydrogen atoms are not charged 1 proton, 1 electron
Magnetic / electric fields have no effect

How much energy, in joules, would be produced by the annihilation of just 1 milligram
of anti-hydrogen atoms?
Use E = mc2 and DOUBLE the mass because its a hydrogen and an anti-hydrogen.
Suggest why so little anti-matter has been created.
You need a lot of energy to produce anti-matter.
State why it is necessary to use very high energies in experiments such as these.

To create particle /antimatter

Or To allow (large) repulsive forces to be overcome

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

Or To break the particles (into their constituents)

Charge on an electron is -1 and if charge on another particle is -2, the electron will
have a greater radius.

Chanchal Lalwani Physics Unit 4

January 2011
January 2012

June 2012
6, 7, 17
January 2013
12b) Because the wavelength of electron would have to be similar in size to the nucleus i.e 10^-15m. The
wave in a(ii) is too large. i.e. 10^-10m. Smaller wavelength means higher energy. For nuclear structure to
be investigated, the wavelength of an electron has to be smaller than the nucleus itself. So the wavelength
in the previous question is too large to fit inside the nucleus. Because the wavelength is so large, the
electron has less energy than expected. But an electron that can fit inside a nucleus has a smaller
wavelength, and therefore has a larger energy than the one in the previous question. A wave's energy is
dependent on the frequency. and frequency and wavelenght are linked by the equation v=f x lambda

June 2013
12b, 16d
June 2013R
5, 8, 16b, 18bii, 18cii Jan 2010, June 2010, Jan

2012, June 2012, Jan 2013, June 2013R Jan 2011, June 2010, Jan 2010

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