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Noah Mabry

HELA 10 Hour 3
15 May, 2016
Catcher in the Rye Exam
1. New Yorks terrible when somebody laughs on the street very late at night. You can hear it for
miles. It makes you feel so lonesome and depressed.
What rhetorical element does this quote appeal to?
A. Ethos
B. Pathos
C. Logos
2. Which is the best answer as to what the red hunting hat means in the novel?
a. Individuality
b. Selfishness
c. Heartlessness
d. Friendship
3. What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to feel some kind of good-by. I mean Ive left
schools and places I didnt even know I was leaving the. I hate that I dont care if its a sad goodby or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I like to know Im leaving it if you dont you feel
even worse.
What branch of rhetorical elements does this quote appeal to?
A. Ethos
B. Pathos
C. Logos

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was
born and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before
they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you
want to know the truth.(Salinger, 1) How does the opening sentence set the tone for the
remainder of the novel?
a. Its informal and obnoxious which continues all throughout the novel
b. It is a nice formal tone which carries on throughout the book
c. He lets you know that hes in a mental institution early on
d. Holden is telling the reader early on that he is a fan of conformity
5. What examples can you find to support that Holden has a close relationship with Phoebe?
a. His constant want to call her
b. Him getting her a rare record
c. Holden trying to find her at the ice rink and the museum
d. All of the above
6. What would result if Holden used a more formal word choice?
a. He would be viewed as much more mature and less childish
b. He would be seen as a much more relatable character

c. He would still be annoying

d. Others wouldnt like Holden
7. Where is she? I asked him. I oughta go down and say hello to her or something. Where is she?
In the annex?(Salinger, 31) Can you elaborate on the reason why Holden didnt go down and
talk to Jane?
a. He didnt want to because he was too mad at Stradlater
b. He didnt want to annoy Stradlater or Jane
c. He was worried she wouldnt feel the same way about him anymore
d. He was too scared to go down and talk to her
8. Sleep tight ya morons! Ill bet I woke up every bastard in the floor.(Salinger, 52) Can you
elaborate on the reason why Holden decided to yell this when he could have left Pencey
a. Holden was broken up about leaving and was trying to cover it up
b. He just wanted to wake up Ackley
c. He disliked Pencey and he wanted to have the last word after being kicked out
d. He was on the verge of tears
9. What would result if Holden decided to go home immediately after being kicked out of Pencey?
a. Phoebe would have lost even more respect for her older brother
b. Everything would have been the same, he would end up in the same place
c. His parents would have forgiven him because of his honesty
d. D.B. would have asked Holden to come work with him
10.How would you use the themes to compare and contrast Holden and Phoebe?
a. Holden is a foul mouthed punk while Phoebe is an innocent girl whom he feels he should
protect from growing up.
b. Holden is innocent while Phoebe is a foul mouthed punk
c. Holden is mean to Phoebe while she just wants a nice brother
d. Holden is always upset about Allie while Phoebe has moved on
11.What would result if Holden used a more formal word choice throughout the novel?
a. He would be viewed as much more mature and less childish
b. He would be seen as a much more reliable character
c. He would still be annoying
d. Others wouldnt like Holden anymore
12.Then I tried to get them in a little intelligent conversation, but it was practically impossible. You
had to twist their arms. You could hardly tell which was the stupidest of the three of
them.(Salinger 73) What approach would you use to get Holden to like you?
a. Humble
b. Intelligent
c. Good Dancer!!!
d. All of the above
13.Im not too tough. Im a pacifist, if you want to know the truth.(Salinger, 46) What facts or
ideas support the idea that Holden is a pacifist?
a. He avoids confrontation even though he constantly judges others; he does this by not
speaking his thoughts about others.
b. He actually is a fighter, he just doesnt know it
c. He is quiet and not mean so he isnt much of a fighter or a pacifist
d. Holden is true to himself and doesnt feel the need to harm others mentally or physically
14.Sex is something I just dont understand. I swear to God I dont.(Salinger, 63) Which statement
supports why Holden doesnt know much about sex?
a. He is inexperienced and doesnt truly know what to do

b. He is very experienced because of his time with Jane

c. He was unable to have intercourse with Sally Hayes so he has no
d. Hes a very unusual guy and girls dont like him at all
15.How does Holden being put in a mental institution relate to the theme?
a. Constantly judging others can lead to your own downfall
b. He always was trying to get people to grow up which led to his demise
c. He didnt value innocence very much
d. His own innocence caused him to be locked up
16.I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and
frozen over.(Salinger, 13) What approach would you use to explain the ducks to Holden?
a. Give him a scientific explanation
b. Give him a meaningful example of where they are going
c. Dismiss that dumb question like the taxi cab driver
d. Dont explain it to him
17.Hello, sir, I said. I got your note. Thanks a lot.(Salinger, 7) How is Holdens word choice
related to his respect for Mrs. Spencer?
a. He uses formal language when speaking to him due to his respect for him
b. He does not respect him; he speaks to him with disrespect
c. He uses the same language as usual
d. Holden speaks obnoxiously to Mr. Spencer

18. Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye
and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me.
And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch
everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look
where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do
all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing
I'd really like to be.(Salinger, 173) The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the
gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they fall off, they fall off,
but its bad if you say anything to them.(Salinger, 211) Analyze the comparisons and
differences between these two quotes and Holdens views on innocence.
a. Holdens views on innocence contrast greatly in these quotes
b. His views on innocence are very similar in these quotes
c. Holden does not value innocence in either quote
d. Holden doesnt understand what innocence means
19. I remember around three oclock that afternoon I was standing way the hell up on top of
Thomsen Hill, right next to this crazy cannon that was in the Revolutionary War and all.
You could see the whole field from there.(Salinger, 2) What judgment could you already
make about Holden from this quote without knowing anything else about him?
20. I could see my mother going into Spauldings and asking a million dopy questions and
here I was getting the ax again. It made me feel pretty sad.(Salinger, 52) How would
you evaluate Holden differently after hearing him feel bad for his mother after he was
kicked out of Pencey?

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