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1. New Yorks terrible when somebody laughs on the street very late at night. You
can hear it for miles. It makes you feel so lonesome and depressed.
Which branch of rhetorical elements does this quote appeal to?
A. Ethos
B. Pathos
C. Logos
D. All of the above
2. Why did Holden get kicked out of Pencey?
A. Fighting Stradlater
B. Poor Grades
C. Drug use
D. Being phony
3. I guessed they were moving to another convent or something and were waiting
for a train.
What could you do to improve the grammar in this sentence?
A. I guessed they were moving to another convent; or something, and were
waiting for a train.
B. I guessed they were moving to another convent or something. And were
waiting for a train.
C. I guessed they were moving to another convent or something; and were
waiting for a train.
D. I guessed they were moving to another convent, or something, and were
waiting for a train.
4. Quote 1:The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to
let them do it and not say anything. If they fall off, they fall of, but its bad to say
anything to them.
Quote 2: Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in a
field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobodys around-nobody big, I
mean-except me. And Im standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have
to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff
Analyze how these quotes compare with Holdens view on innocence?
A. Holdens views on innocence do not change in the story, he believes
innocence needs to be protected throughout.
B. Innocence is irrelevant to Holden
C. Holdens views on innocence contrast each other greatly, changes his
opinion on if innocence should be protected
D. Holden changes his favorite subject from rye to gold rings.

5. Apparently before he phoned me hed just had a long, rather harrowing letter
from your latest head-master, to the effect that you were making absolutely no
effort at all.
Using your context clue skills, what does the word harrowing mean?
A. Disturbing
B. Pleasant
C. Helpful
D. Pragmatic
1. What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to feel some kind of good-by.
I mean Ive left schools and places I didnt even know I was leaving them. I hate
that. I dont care if its a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I
like to know Im leaving it. If you dont, you feel even worse.
How does this quote relate to the rhetorical element pathos?
a. The quote makes the reader feel sorry for Holdens failures.
b. It shows his reasoning behind leaving Pencey.
c. It shows the immaturity and rebelliousness of a teenage boy
d. This quote does not relate to the emotional aspect of rhetorical elements
6. Which best describes Holdens view on religion?
A. Hes atheist, but he respects Jesus
B. He has catholic views because of his parents
C. He hates anything that has to do with religion(its phony)
D. He is Jewish
7. Why does Salinger decide to write the story using informal words?
A. The story is told from a mature persons perspective, so he uses many
informal words to speak.
B. Salinger is a very dirty man, known for his profanity
C. The story is told from an immature teenagers perspective, so he will
speak with a lot of profanity.
D. Curse words are good substitutes for normal words
8. It was getting daylight outside. Boy I felt miserable. I felt so depressed, you cant
imagine. What I did, I started talking, sort of out loud, to Allie.
How does this quote relate to the theme of loneliness in the story?
A. Holden isnt lonely because he is with people constantly
B. He is surrounded by people in his life, but prefers to talk to someone hes
C. Holden does not speak to Allie, he only thinks about him
D. Holden talks to Allie because he is bored and wanted to pass time by
talking to Allie.
9. What could be changed to improve Holdens relationship with his parents?
A. Stop sending him to various boarding schools
B. Involve Holden in discussions about his life

C. Put him in family therapy before his mental health deteriorates
D. All of the above
10. What is the name of the prostitute Holden orders in chapter 13?
A. Candy
B. Sunshine
C. Sugar
D. Sunny
11. Which event happened first?
A. Holden meets with Phoebe in New York
B. Holden meets with the prostitute, but doesnt follow through
C. Holden meets with Mr. Spencer
D. Holden fights Stradlater

12. If you really want to hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is
where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents
were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of
crap, but I dont feel like going into it.
How does the opening sentence set the tone for the rest of the novel?
A. The opening sentence is completely different from the rest of the story
B. His informal and obnoxious tone continues throughout the story
C. His formal and delightful tone continues throughout the story
D. His hate for David Copperfield continues throughout the book
13. I thought Id be feeling a lot better than I do. I was a bit premature in my
Why does Holden reject the prostitute after he ordered her?
A. He calculated that he could not afford to pay off the prostitute.
B. Her Bosom wasnt big enough
C. Though immature, he has a sense between right and wrong
D. He had just had a surgical operation, making it hard for sexual intercourse.
14. Ask her if she still keeps her kings in the back row
Why does Hold tell Stradlater this?
A. He wanted to refer back to old times to find out if Jane was still innocent
B. He wants to play checkers with Jane
C. He wanted to know if Jane was keeping up with the latest checkers
D. He wanted to know if she is still abused by her step father

15. Hello sir, I said, I got you note. Thanks a lot. Hed written me this note asking
me to stop by and say good-by before vacation started, on account of I wasnt
coming back. You didnt have to do all that. Id have come over to say good-by
How is Holdens word choice related to his respect for Mr. Spencer?
A. He uses formal words to show deep respect for him because he believes
Mr. Spencer is a kind hearted man, and feels bad.
B. Holden does not respect Mr. Spencer because he is his stereotypical view
of adults
C. Holden sarcastically respects Mr. Spencer because he is immature
D. Holden does not use formal language when with Mr. Spencer because he
has no respect for him
16. I mean I had the whole evening free, and I thought Id give her a buzz and, if she
was home yet, take her dancing or something somewhere.
What changes could you make to improve the grammar in this sentence?
A. I had the whole evening free, I thought Id give her a buzz, if she was
home, yet take her dancing, or something.
B. I had the whole evening free; I thought Id give her a buzz; if she was
home; take her dancing or something.
C. I had the whole evening free. I thought Id give her a buzz. If she was
home. Take her dancing. Or something.
D. I had the whole evening free. I thought Id give her a buzz, and if she was
home, take her dancing, or something.

17. Mr. Haas was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life. Ten times worse than
old Thurmer. On Sundays, for instance, old Haas went around shaking hands with
everybody's parents when they drove up to school. He'd be charming as hell and
all. Except if some boy had little old funny-looking parents. You should've seen
the way he did with my roommate's parents. I mean if a boy's mother was sort of
fat or corny-looking or something, and if somebody's father was one of those guys
that wear those suits with very big shoulders and corny black-and-white shoes,
then old Haas would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile and
then he'd go talk, for maybe a half an hour, with somebody else's parents.
How would you use your knowledge of theme to compare this quote to Holdens
view of adults?
A. He uses the headmaster as a prime example of phoniness, reflects on his
opinion of all adults
B. The headmaster has nothing to do with the theme of adulthood because he
is known for taking care of his childrens innocence in school

C. Holden only thinks that the headmaster is a mean person, not phony
D. None of the above
18. Create a new title for the novel. Using textual evidence, explain why you chose
that name.

19. How does the storys tone reflect on Holdens mental state and outlook?

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