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Sekolah Kebangsaan Temudok Awik Saratok

English Semester One Examination

Year 2
Name: ______________________

Answer all the questions given.

Questions 1
Match the pictures with the correct expressions.

Marks: ___________

Question 2
Write down the question number in the brackets next to the answer below.

Question 3
Fill in the blanks with

and or but.

Question 4
Encik Amin and Cik Nor have a stall at the night market. Encik Amin sells food and Cik
Nor sells drinks. Complete the menu below.

Question 5
Your cousin, Cecilia visits you. You want to show her the places in your town. Read the
map and write.

Question 6
The pictures below describe a lion. Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.
Then, write out the sentences neatly.

Questions 7
The pictures below tell us about Hong Chees brother. Choose the correct sentence for
each picture. The, write the sentence neatly.

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