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At the very beginning of the film, a trial is
underway for a young, poor minority who
killed his father. Once the potential sentence
is settled, twelve jurors are commissioned to
decide upon a verdict. These men station
themselves in a small room with a table with
twelve chairs, where they commute to come
to a solution, yet all they do is talk about their
daily lives and hobbies. As they plainly vote
to kill the boy off, only one makes the
unpopular vote claiming he is innocent. The
others question his decision, and he
expresses that they at least have to give him
another chance. Thus, each juror goes on to
give arguments surrounding the
circumstances of the murder done, the
witnesses stories, and the boys stories. After
a while, most of the jurors begin to agree that
the boy is innocent in some way, but some
are reluctant to believe it. This is either due
to them giving into to personal and cultural
prejudices that blind their judgment. But

nevertheless, once all the commotion had

settled, the boy was given another chance.

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