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SS8 - Pakkar

India Conference Assignment

Step 6: Tangible Symbol


Task: You have done the research, done some critical thinking, demonstrated your
findings through a poster display as well as presentation software, and now it is
time to tie it together in one single piece. This is where it becomes a bit more
challenging, as you will be asked to create a tangible symbol or item that
represents your chosen state or UT.
What does tangible mean? It means something that we can touch and in our
case, visualize.
For example, a tangible symbol of peace is the white dove. There is a deeper
meaning to this symbol.
Important notes:
The resources you might use are up to you so long as they are safe and

appropriate. You may wish to use popsicle sticks, empty toilet paper rolls,
plastercine, clay, paper and pencil, etc. The choice is yours. However, do not
forget the important question:

How does this symbol represent my chosen state or union territory?

Some of you might choose to create a visual representation of your state or UTs
provincial symbol, and that is okay.
You MUST include a document that answers the following questions:
1. What is your symbol of? Describe it.
2. How does your tangible item represent your chosen state or UT? Explain.
This should be done in 4-5 developed sentences.

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