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Romeo and Juliet: The Balcony scene
Check for Understanding
1. The balcony scene is in Act ________, Scene______.
2. Describe the setting and costume of the first video (4-5 sentences):

3. Which character is speaking in the first video? How do you know? (2-3 sentences):

4. A soliloquy (solo = one, loquor = I speak) is when____________ (number of) character(s) are
on stage speaking to ____________________.
5. What is the purpose of a soliloquy in a play? (1-2 sentences)

6. One famous line from the balcony scene is But soft, what light through yonder window
breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun in which Romeo uses a metaphor to compare
two unlike things. What are the two unlike things that Romeo compares?
____________________ to _______________________.
7. Why does Romeo make this comparison? What does he really mean to say? (2- 3 sentences):

8. Describe the setting and costumes in the second video (Royal Shakespeare Company). How
are they different and how are they similar to the setting and costume in the first video? (4-5

9. What does Juliet mean when she says That which you call a rose by any other name would
smell just as sweet? (1-3 sentences)

10. Describe the setting and costumes in the 3rd video. How are they different and how are they
similar to the first two videos of the same scene? (4-5 sentences):

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