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Country: Syria

Committee: UNICEF 1
Delegate: Alexander Castillo

Syria fully recognizes the unfairness towards children in our country, however we are unable
to fully help the children of Syria due to the civil war funded by the west. 2 million kids were not
able to get back to school in 2015, and 400,000 of the those kids are at risk of dropping out and
being drafted into near by terrorist forces. This is not a childhood that anyone should experience,
infact that is no childhood at all. 5,000 of Syria's schools have been destroyed and turned into
shelters or armed bases, and yet still 20% of children in Syria had to cross lines of fire to go to
school. These are situations that no one should have to experience, especially children who have no
choice in the matter.
In 2011 the civil war began in Syria. Torn between the government's protection and terrorist's
forces, people are forced to flee their own homes to escape the horrors of war. There are 11 million
internally displaced people in Syria. This crisis is a major problem for our country. Our country is
currently trying to stop what are making people refugees in the first place, we are trying to stop the
terrorist forces, like the remains of Al-Qaida, the Al-Nusra front, ISIS, and many other un-named
forces that threaten to completely destroy this country.
The UN has been a huge help to Syria, the UN has launched the No Lost Generation
Initiative which is going to give aid to 4.9 million refugees, and 2.4 million children. This will put
854,000 kids back in school, protect and give support to 548,000 more kids. The UN also plans to
rebuild schools to help 300,000 kids
Syria asks for the UN to keep sending support, "Syrian refugees will begin returning home
when they see hope for improvement." Syria would also like to stress that countries in the West
should stop supporting terrorist that have made this a problem more disastrous than it needed to be.
Millions of children in Syria deprived of education, says UNICEF
CIA World Fact book

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