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Alexander Castillo

Opening Speech
Thank you Honorable Chair, Syria fully recognizes the unfairness towards
children in our country, however we are unable to fully help the children of Syria
due to the civil war funded by the west. Two million kids were not able to get back to
school in 2015, and Four-hundred-thousand of the those kids are at risk of dropping
out and being drafted into near by terrorist forces. This is not a childhood that
anyone should experience, infact that is no childhood at all. Five-thousand of Syria's
schools have been destroyed and turned into shelters or armed bases, and yet still
20% of children in Syria had to cross lines of fire to go to school. Syria would like to
ask for the UN to keep sending support, as Assad once said, "Syrian refugees, will
begin returning home when they see hope for improvement." Syria would also like
to stress that countries in the West should stop supporting terrorist that have made
this a problem more disastrous than it needed to be.

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