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Name: Allie Klein

Lesson Number: 3

Subject Area: Math

Grade Level: 3rd

Date: May 7th, 2016

Start Time: 11:00 am

End Time: 12:00 pm

Cooperating Teachers Signature:

Topic/Concept/Skill: Measuring length using rulers and mass using a balance.
Related Standards:
3.M.1: Estimate and measure the mass of objects in grams (g) and kilograms (kg) and the
volume of objects in quarts (qt), gallons (gal), and liters (l).
Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step real-world problems involving masses or
volumes that are given in the same units (e.g., by using drawings, such as a beaker with a
measurement scale, to represent the problem).
3.M.2: Choose and use appropriate units and tools to estimate and measure length, weight, and
temperature. Estimate and measure length to a quarter-inch, weight in pounds, and temperature
in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit.
The students are familiar with using a ruler and understand the units of inches and centimeters.
They also understand the concept of weight and mass, and the units of pounds and grams.
Content Objective of Instruction:
In order to master the concept of measuring length and mass, students will be able to participate
in three stations where they will work both hands-on and with technology (application), finding
measurements (analysis) of different items within a one-hour time period.
Teacher Materials/Resources:

Box full of 10 gram blocks (on shelf at back of room)
At least 10 rulers with both inches and centimeters represented

At least 8 small objects (2 of each for measuring both mass and length at different
stations), can be found around the room. Examples: pencil, pen, small eraser, paper clips,

chalk, m&ms, etc.

Website for technology station measuring game:
At least 8 Laptops/desktop computers
Empty chart for recording measurement findings (30 copies) (at end of lesson plan)
30 copies of the exit ticket and answer key (listed at the end of the lesson plan)
30 copies of homework worksheets and answer key! (2 listed at end of lesson plan)

Student Materials:

Compass Learning login

Anticipatory Set (Introductory Approach):

I will split the students into two teams (one half vs. the other) and have them play against each
other in a game. I will have a balance up at the front of the room with me with the objects the
students will measure later on in the day. To play the game, each team will collectively decide
which item they think will be heavier, and whichever team is correct gets a point! I will do this
for about 10 minutes. The winning team will all get purple tickets as a reward. This will
hopefully get the students excited and interested in the topic of measuring things!
Instructional Procedures: (Blooms Taxonomy: Application & Analysis)
1. Greet the students as they walk in for their math block. Some students will be switching
with Mrs. Grismores class, and some students will remain in the room for this block.
2. Walk around the room with the blue homework tray (located at the back of the room on
the circle table) and collect all HomeLink worksheets from the night before. Any student
that does not have their homework completed must finish it during FlexTime at the end of
the day. Write these students names on a post-it so you dont forget who needs to work
on this.
3. After the students have settled in and all homework has been collected, announce to the
students that todays math block will be all about measuring! Tell them we will
specifically be working with length and weight/mass today.

4. Anticipatory- I will split the students into two teams (one half vs. the other) and have
them play against each other in a game. I will have a balance up at the front of the room
with me with the objects the students will measure later on. To play the game, have each
team collectively decide which item they think will be heavier and write it on a piece of
paper. Collect the answers and then place the two items in the balance. Whichever team is
correct gets 1 point! If both teams chose the correct item, give both a point. The team
with the most points will win and they will all get purple tickets as a reward. (Total time:
10 minutes)
5. After the game is finished, praise the students for doing such an awesome job working in
teams! Then, tell the students that today will be a Math Exploration day, and we will be
working in 3 different stations, all pertaining to measurement.
6. Go over each station clearly with the students before beginning rotations:
Station A: Measuring length! (MI: Kinesthetic) At this station, there will be
rulers along with a random assortment of different everyday items to measure.
Students will pick 5 items to measure with the ruler, both in inches and
centimeters each. In the first open space of their chart, the student will write the
name of the object. In the next space the students will write the length of the
object in both inches and centimeters. The students should be able to complete

this station without much assistance from the teacher.

Station B: Measuring mass! (MI: Kinesthetic) At this station, there will be a
balance along with another random assortment of small items. There will also be a
box full of 10 gram blocks. You may need to assist students with instruction at
this station. Here, every student will get an individual turn to measure the mass of
one object each. They will choose an item to measure and put it into one side of
the balance. After this, they will put in 10 gram blocks one at a time, counting out
loud so the other students can hear. Once the balance has been equaled, they will
figure out the mass of the object by multiplying however many blocks were
placed on the balance by 10. This answer (in grams) will tell the mass of the
object! The students will then all write down the findings on their charts. It will

then move on to the next student and they will repeat the same process!
Station C: This is my technology station! (MI: Visual/Auditory) Every student
will either be using a laptop or desktop computer and they will be playing a game
called Fish Tales where they will do different activities measuring the length of
cartoon fish! The students will need to use the headphones attached to the
computers in order to not distract the others. This is the link again:
The students should be able to follow along with the game independently!
7. Pass out the blank charts to each student. Every group of desks will be assigned a
beginning station to start the rotations. Begin with the group closest to the door, and have
them be station A. Then move clockwise around the room for stations B and C. Every
station will last 15 minutes. You can go to and pull up the
countdown on the projector, so the students will know how much time they have left
before the next rotation.
8. After each group of students has gone through every rotation, there should be about 10
minutes of their math block left. Have the students return to their original desks, and
clean up all items and put them in the center of the table for you to collect and put away
9. After everyone is settled down, its time for a quick evaluation of learning, in the form of
an exit ticket listed at the end of the lesson plan. Pass out the homework at the same
time as the exit ticket and remind students that the homework is due tomorrow. While
youre passing them out, briefly go over what we learned today! Discuss why we
measure mass/weight and length, and why they are important to learn (Closure).
10. Once every student has an exit ticket, give them about 3 minutes to fill it out. After this,
their math block is over and you can collect their exit tickets, which I will look over later!

Provisions for ENL Learner:

ENL student can use the glossary in their math journal for any vocabulary they dont know. Feel
free to offer them any help they may need throughout the lesson.

Provisions for IEP Learners:

There is a student that has Autism Spectrum Disorder, but he should not need any extra
provisions during the stations. If for some reason he does become overwhelmed by the activities,
he is allowed to go to the resource (OCEAN) room to take a break for 10 minutes or so.

Talk to the students about how important it is to be able to measure things, and to understand
different units of measurement, such as feet, miles, ounces, grams, or pounds. We hear these
words in everyday language, but if we dont know what they mean, then we cant understand
what people are talking about or follow directions correctly. Practicing measuring the way they
did today will help so much in the future! Praise the students for working so hard at their
stations, and encourage them as much as you can.

Evaluation of Learning:
My evaluation of learning will be in the form of an exit ticket, as well as when I periodically
check in with the different stations as theyre happening. The exit ticket will be a few simple
questions and I will take it for a completion grade.

Independent Practice:

Remediation: For students that I notice are struggling with the stations, I will invite to
come to my classroom during FlexTime for the next few days, where we will continue to

practice and go over measurement.

Extend/Enrich: For students that I notice are doing exceptionally well with measuring and
finish the activities quickly, I will have them help other students that are struggling a little

bit. They can also go around the room and measure more things if they wish.
Independent Practice: The students will have 2 homework sheets that deal with
measuring length to be due the next day. Feel free to mention that they can measure
anything in their home they may want to!


Exit Ticket

What is the unit we used when finding

the mass of an object?


What are the two units of

measurement found on a ruler?


If you were using a ruler to measure

length, what are 3 items you could



Measurement Chart


Name___Answer Key____

Exit Ticket

What is the unit we used when finding

the mass of an object?


What are the two units of

measurement found on a ruler?

Inches and Centimeters

If you were using a ruler to measure

length, what are 3 items you could


Anything small, specific examples:

Pencil, pen, eraser, paper clip, hand sanitizer
bottle, box of raisins

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