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Support our Officers

July 13th 2015 was a normal day in the United States. I went to my
internship at the local public access TV station. The mailman delivered
letters and packages.
Mr. Anderson kissed his wife goodbye before going to work. Little Jacob
went to play flag football in the park with his buddies. Sandra Bland
was found lynched sorry-- I meant hung in a police holding cell
after she had been arrested for a traffic violation. Ahhh, yep. It was
just another day in the good ole USA.
Last October, the director of Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill,Django
Unchained, and his then to-be released film The H8ful Eight stirred
up quite a controversy among our good boys in blue. Award-winning
director Quentin Tarantino, aka the man who taught us that in France, a
Quarter Pounder with Cheese is called a Royale with Cheese, spoke
nonsense at an anti police brutality rally in New York, basically referring
to cops as murderers.
"I'm a human being with a conscience," he said "And if you believe
there's murder going on then you need to rise up and stand up against
it. I'm here to say I'm on the side of the murdered." These comments
were said just days after a NYPD officer was killed, and possibly two
minutes after a black man was killed by an officer while reaching for
his wallet. Undoubtedly, officers were not thrilled about his comment,
so un-thrilled that the NYPD police union decided to publicize his new
movie The H8ful Eight by announcing a full-on boycott of the film, in
retaliation to his H8ful comments. The boycott was highly effective,
the film only totaled $144 million at the box office worldwide. Patrick
Lynch (no pun intended), the president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent
Association of the City of New York, issued a statement: "The police
officers that Quentin Tarantino calls 'murderers' aren't living in one of
his depraved big screen fantasies they're risking and sometimes
sacrificing their lives to protect communities from real crime and
mayhem." A fine example of the real crime NYPD officers handled
beautifully, happened last summer outside of a convenience store in
Brooklyn, where a black man named Eric Garner was illegally selling
cigarettes. Officers jumped into action and chocked him to death on

the scene. Big round of applause to the NYPD, protecting people from
lung cancer one step at a time.
A short while after, Quentins loving father, Tony Tarantino, famously
slammed Tarantino Jr. for his utterly disgraceful comments. I love my
son and have great respect for him as an artist but he is dead wrong in
calling police officers, particularly in New York City where I grew up,
murderers. He is a passionate man and that comes out in his art but
sometimes he lets his passion blind him to the facts and to reality. I
believe that is what happened when he joined in those anti-cop
protests." Tony is a filmmaker whom I am sure everyone has heard of,
especially because of his sons fame and fortune. The best father of
the century left Quentin before he was born, only to come back into
Quentins life after he became famous. Come on guys, how about we
give this guy an Oscar for father of the year?
Perhaps Quentin was partially referring to the suicide of Sandra Bland,
a Black Lives Matter activist who somehow managed to commit suicide
in a Waller County, Texas jail cell after she was arrested for a traffic
violation. This is completely an accident and in no way did the Waller
County Police play in any part of her death. Let me explain my
reasoning here. In Pulp Fiction, after Vincent Vega accidentally shot
Ronnie in the face, he and Jules take the car and body to the home of a
friend and associate, Jimmie. Now Jimmie asks the pair Is there a sign
on the front of my house that says dead nigger storage? Spoiler
alert: there isnt. That is because storing dead niggers aint his fucking
business. There is not a single sign outside the Waller County jail that
says dead nigger storage, so we can only assume that storing dead
niggers aint their fucking business. Therefore they are not responsible
for her death, despite the sketchy details of the entire incident, but
lets just assume that there was a noose just lying on the floor of her
cell and out of the blue (again, no pun intended) she decides that she
hates her life and hangs herself.
Lets face it, if they had killed her, they would have done it out in public
where everyone is filming it on their iPhones and uploading it to world
star, Instagram and Facebook, then the police department would just
pay off an all white jury and judge to drop the charges.

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