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Lindsey Caudle and Diamond White

1st Block

Suspect Questioning
1. Where were you during the time that the murder took place?
I was at Janes apartment.
2. Did you go alone or did someone go with you?
I went by myself.
3. How did you know Jane Doe?
She was my girlfriend. We met through a mutual friend.
4. Was Janes roommate, Kristy, there when you arrived?
I didnt know she was there until I heard her scream when I grabbed Jane.
5. What did you do when you got to Ms. Does apartment?
I went to the door and knocked and when she opened it, I just went in.
6. How did Ms. Doe act when she saw you?
She was upset that I barged in her apartment and was asking what my problem
7. Why did you murder your girlfriend, Mr. Smith?
I believed she was cheating on me with a friend of mine.
8. Why did you believe she was cheating on you?
I saw her hug my friend after he hugged Kristy when we arrived at their
apartment one day, and
they talk when we are at their apartment sometimes. I counted 15 minutes that
they talked the
last time we hung out there. Thats why I stabbed her 15 times.
9. Tell me what you did to Jane Doe the night you killed her.
I walked in and grabbed Jane, threw her down and grabbed her by her neck, then
stabbed her 15
10. How do you feel about what you did to Jane that night?

Im relieved. Now I dont have to keep her straight anymore.

Witness Questioning
1. Where were you at the time the murder took place?
I was at my apartment.
2. What is your relationship to the victim and the suspect?
Jane and I have been friends since middle school and Tom Smith was her new
3. When was the last time you saw Tom Smith before the incident?
Earlier that day when he brought his friend over to our apartment.
4. Was Mr. Smith acting strange or like he might do something like this at that time?
He wasnt acting that different from how he usually acts. But he was acting more
possessive over
Jane and not comfortable with Jane and Joe talking. He would sit and watch them
for like 20
minutes straight sometimes, it seems.
5. Has he had an aggressive history towards Jane in the past that you know of?
They would argue a lot and he was always paranoid that she was cheating on him
and accused
her of it often.
6. What was Tom doing at the apartment that night?
Usually when he doesnt like something he will comeback after he is alone and
tart arguments
with Jane until he feels better.
7. What did Jane do when she saw Mr. Smith?
She was normal at first until he barged in acting more angry and aggressive than
he usually is,
then she was more confused and asking him what his problem was. Once he
started to get in her
face and hands on, she became very scared and begged him to calm down and to
not hurt her.
8. Can you tell me everything that happened from Tom arriving at the apartment up
until police

Jane and I were at our apartment when we heard loud knocks on the door, Jane
got up and
Opened the door to see who it was and Tom shoved passed Jane to get inside
then slammed the door
shut. He was very angry. He kept yelling and calling Jane names and started to
push her around, and i
screamed. I yelled at him to stop but he hardly even glanced my way and just
continued to shove
Jane around. Then he grabbed her and slammed her down and the ground and
she was screaming for
her life. I began to panic because I've never seen him this aggressive before. I
rushed to grab my
phone to call 911, as i was dialing the number Tom grabbed Jane by her neck and
pulled out a knife
and stabbed her and he kept stabbing her over and over. I began to scream and
cry and was worried
he might kill me next, but he just glanced at me, then walked out the door. I told
the operator what
happened and gave them our address and they told me to try and keep pressure
on the wounds until help arrived, so I tried, but when I checked for her pulse I didn't
feel one. That's when the police arrived
and the EMT's took over.
9. Did Tom show any intent to harm you or pose any threat towards you or was his
aggression only
directed towards Jane?
No, he didn't attempt to harm meat all. He didn't even speak to me. He was
focused on Jane.
Even when i screamed or started calling911, he didn't try to stop me or
anything. He just killed her
And then left, hardly glancing at me before he walked out. Like he didn't just
murder his girlfriend.
10. Why do you think Tom would do this to Jane?
Tom was always paranoid and accusing Jane of cheating on him. She would
never do such a thing
and never did anything that should make him think that. But he always accused
her of it. He

didn't like Jane talking to other guys, even if he was standing right there and
could hear
everything and know they weren't up to anything. He didn't want her getting
close to anyone. He
used to get mad at her for being so close to me, but I guess that stopped
bothering him when he
brought his friend, Joe, over to our apartment earlier that day and they were
talking about
sports and how their favorite teams were doing this season. Tom sat across the
room starring at
him for around20 minutes ,I'd say. Didn't say a word, but you could tell he
wasn't happy. I guess
he just let all the paranoia get to him this time and he snapped... And decided to
kill Jane.

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