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Annotated checklist (formative assessment tool)

Curriculum area: English

Record insights about student learning concerning misconceptions, partially constructed ideas, inappropriate strategy use, and/or areas and needs for further learning gathered
through small teaching group activities, roving conferences, learning discussions and/or interactions with students

Student name
and date

Observation notes

Teaching actions required

Action taken and date

What misconceptions, partially constructed

ideas, inappropriate
strategy use or further learning needs are
evident with this student?

What possible teaching actions are required by

you to address the
learning need/s of this student?

What actions were undertaken on what



While completing the groups

spelling sort for the week on
Long and Short vowel sounds I
noticed Maddison was mixing up
her long O and short O words.

- Tomorrow during the second

spelling sort session I will have
a discussion about which
vowels sounds she can hear in
certain words, could be as
simple as a misconception, or
not hearing/saying the words

During the focus group with
Maddie on the floor, I asked her
to do her spelling sort before
addressing anything. Again she
was mixing up her long and
short vowels.
After giving feedback to her
about her words, and
identifying which words were in
the wrong section, I gave
Maddie pictures instead of
words to give it another go.
Before she put the images
down, I read the matching word
emphasising the sounds.
After using the images, we tried
the words and got Maddie to
say the words out loud.

Yellow M

Ex: placing pot under Long,

Placing go under Short

- I will have her her in a focus
group on the floor, using
images as well as the words for
- As I read words I will
emphasise the o sounds for
short vowel and ow sounds
for long vowel.

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