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Tissue Salts by Schussler

previous chapter: SEPTICEMIA


Ferrum phos
Inflammation of the skin when there exists either fever, heat, pain, throbbing or redness; pimples, heat
and congestion of the skin.
Kali mur
ACNE. Pimples on the face with thick white contents, caused by a disturbed action of the follicular glands.
They remain indolent, and they are apparently connected with gastric or genital derangement. Often will
prevent suppuration.
ECZEMA. Crusta lactea, scrufy eruptions on the head and face of little children. Dandruff. This is the
principal remedy in alternation with Ferrum phos., arising from vaccination with impure lymph. Eczema
resulting from deranged uterine functions, characteristic tongue, dry, flourlike scales on the skin.
Albuminoid discharge from the skin with white tongue. Vesicular eczema, albuminoid secretions or
contents. It will often act magically in very obstinate forms of chronic eczema.
ERUPTIONS. Acne, pustules, pimples, etc., connected with stomach derangements, white tongue
accompanied with deranged menstrual periods, sero-fibrinous secretions.
ERYTHEMA. After Ferrum phos. if swelling be present and vesicles or bullae form.
HERPES ZONA. Shingles, vesicles encircling half of the body like a belt, white tongue.
LUPUS. Useful in stubborn cases with gastro-intestinal symptoms.
WARTS. On the hands, also externally.
SYCOSIS. Primary remedy. Early stage pustules, later dry flour-like scales persistent with glandular
BUNIONS. Chilblains and lupus, principal remedy.
Kali phos
ECZEMA. If nervous irritation and oversensitiveness accompany it. Greasy scabs with offensive smell;
secretions of the skin, irritating, causing soreness of the parts, itching, with a crawling sensation, gentle
friction agreeable, excess causes sore, chafed skin, bloody, watery secretions, excessive, offensive
perspirations. Itching of scalp; back of head sore as if hair was pulled. Alopecia areata. Carbuncles.
CHILBLAINS. On toes, hands and ears, tingling and itching pain. Recent, not suppurating. Neurotic
MALIGNANT PUSTULE. Blisters and blebs all over the body, watery contents, skin withered and wrinkled.
Neurotic symptoms and pain exaggerated.
Kali sulph
Dryness of the skin from suppressed skin diseases. Dread of hot drinks.
ECZEMA. Discharge of yellow, effete matter, eczema suddenly suppressed with other symptoms of this
ERUPTIONS. Suddenly receding through a chill or from other causes. Diseased condition of the nails,
interrupted growth, skin scales freely on a sticky base. Sores on the skin, with yellow, watery secretion on
limited portion, with peeling off of skin.
PSORIASIS. Several cases of this affection are reported as having been cured with this remedy. Great
desquamation of the epidermis is a keynote indication.
DANDRUFF. Yellowish or white scales on the scalp (also as a wash), falling off of hair, lower lip dry and
"The internal use of Kali sulph., a dose every four hours, has invariably cured every case of tinea capitis. I
rely upon this remedy exclusively, using no wash or greasy ointments whatever." (A. P. Davis.) Effects of
ivy poisoning, fuming, itching papular eruptions. Nettlerash.
Magnesia phos
Barber's itch; herpetic eruptions with white scales. Dandruff, pustules and pimples on scalp. Rash like
insect bites, worse about knees, ankle and elbows.

Natrum mur
ERUPTIONS. With clear, watery contents, small vesicles or blisters with colorless, watery contents, forming
into thin scabs or crusts which fall off and readily form again. Pustular eruptions on forehead. Skin of
hands, especially about nails, dry and cracked.
ECZEMA. White scales, eruptions with watery contents from eating too much salt.
INTERTRIGO. Soreness of the skin in children with watery symptoms, white scales on the scalp. Intertrigo
between thighs and scrotum with acrid discharge and excoriation.
PEMPHIGUS. Fluid from blisters and blebs like water.
RUPIA. Blisters, not pustular eruptions.
SYCOSIS. If watery symptoms correspond.
DANDRUFF. White scales on scalp. Falling of hair from lack of nutrition.
WARTS. In palms of hands or scales, large and sensitive.
URTICARIA. About the joints especially.
HERPES ZOSTER. Second remedy, herpetic eruptions occurring through the course of any disease.
Effects of bites of insects (externally), warts in the palms of the hands. Urticaria and miliary eruptions.
Natrum phos
Soreness, chafing of the skin in children. Swelling of the sebaceous glands; eruptions from vaccination.
ECZEMA. With symptoms of acidity, secretions creamy, honey-colored, golden-yellow scabs. Crusta lactea
about ears of little children.
LUPUS both internally and externally.
ERYTHEMA. Roserash (with Ferrum phos.), sore patches on the skin, yellow, creamy discharge, hives,
itching all over the body, like insect bites.
Natrum sulph
Chafing of the skin in children with bilious symptoms. Chilblains.
ECZEMA. Vesicles, eruptions containing yellowish, watery secretions. Yellow scales.
PEMPHIGUS. Watery vesicles or blebs all over the body. Debilitated subjects.
WHEALS. Containing a yellow watery secretion. Oedema of the skin.
WARTS. It abstracts water from the base of the warts and causes a shrinking of the same. Warts caused by
long exposure to dampness.
Itching exanthema, small pustules filled with lymph, dying quickly. Small wounds suppurate profusely.
Phagedaenic ulcers, carbuncles. Suppurative process in the skin. Acne, burns by day. Pemphigus, zona,
rhagades, rose-colored blotches. Erysipelas with suppuration. Boils come in crops. Malignant pustules.
Diseases of the finger nails, brittleness, etc.
Calcarea phos
Chafed skin, excoriation, itching of the skin.
ECZEMA. Eruption of the skin, with yellow-white scabs and vesicles (albuminous, white of egg contents),
anaemia, bloodlessness of the skin. A cachectic eczema worse from changes of weather.
FRECKLES. Lessened by this remedy.
HERPES. Itchings acute or chronic, intercurrently.
LUPUS. If partial manifestations of scrofulosis.
PRURIGO. Pruritus, troublesome itching of the skin, often in old people (4x tr.), alternately with Kali phos.
ACNE. In young people during puberty who suffer from headaches after mental application.
PERSPIRATION. TOO frequent or excessive, especially if about the head, vesicular blisters with albuminous
contents, tubercles on the skin.
Calcarea sulph
Scald-head of children, if there be purulent discharges or yellow purulent crusts, festers, etc. Pimples, if
matter forms on their heads, pustules, nodules, suppurating purulent scabs, suppuration of the skin,
sores discharging pus or sanious matter. Herpetic eruptions, all over itching of soles.
CHILBLAINS. Discharging pus.
Calcarea fluor
Chaps, cracks of the skin, also use externally with vaseline, fissures in the palms of the hands, fissures of
the anus, horny skin, suppurations with callous, hard edges. Carbuncles. Brittleness of finger nails. Teeth
are also likely to be brittle.
ECZEMA. Due to venous hyperaemia, worse in damp weather, better at night. Squamous eczema with
thickening and cracking of the skin. Eczema of anus consequent to haemorrhoids.

PSORIASIS of extremities, which is uncommonly hyperaemic, deep reddish in tint.

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