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(Alhadath Intenational ) (Premier Inn
" "The Convoy of Thirst








" "The Convoy of Thirst








" :

" : " Tell Me a Story ":

My lady, your heart wouldnt take any more pain. You are
an old woman in your thirtieth decade!This sentence was
said by the doctor of the company which I work for. He
said that sentence in a hurry like someone throwing a
stone into a lake. He said it while he gazed at what was
left of the beauty in the eye which had disappeared early
that forenoon. He gazed for a long while at my features.
He seemed as if he was reading a hieroglyphic letter. He
tapped me on the shoulders. He didnt seem impressed as
there was no expression on my face, thats why he said
.that quietly with the tone of an upset person
She rolled over a lot in her bed. She resentfully smiled in
a meaningless manner while she was watching the hands
of the clock which were approaching 8.00 am. For the first
time in her life, she feels that the hands of the clock
connect to her mercilessly with a hellish time wheel which
drowns her every second in a cauldron of pain, anger and
sad memories. Is she scared of death? Is she afraid that
her heart will stop beating forever? Is she scared to
imagine the ghost of her good old mother would be
wondering around the house, lonely, miserable and

No she is afraid that she will die without having him. She is
afraid that she might die without fulfilling her desires.
Again she smiled in a sarcastic manner about that verse
desires not fulfilled and with difficulty, she managed to
remember the rest of the verse but she couldnt

remember the name of the poet who wrote that verse. She
closed her lips and rolled to the other side of her bed and
said in a loud voice as if she was talking to someone in
front of her: Damn that poet! Whats his name? And
!damn you, the man I loved
She closed her eyes and felt like shes falling on the
moon. She shut the window of the memories of the past
and the present with pink streamers. Unintentionally she
found herself checking her body flirt with it with the
memories of the past and licking from its small mouth the
honey of old memories and love. She jumped gracefully
towards the golden framed mirror. She gazed deeply into
her small shoulders which were shyly showing under her
crimson dress. She wildly looked at the black lines under
her eyes. She felt sad. She jumped in the lake of her grey
eyes which were showing in the mirror and on a far away
rock, she saw him sitting there staring at her with looks
like those of the past. He approached her, kissed her and
embraced her. That kiss, that embrace and that desire
.were what she has waited for, imagined and hoped for

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