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wxAcceleratorTable Class Reference

Data Structures

#include <wx/accel.h>
Inheritance diagram for wxAcceleratorTable:


Detailed Description
An accelerator table allows the application to specify a table of keyboard shortcuts for menu or button commands.
The object wxNullAcceleratorTable is defined to be a table with no data, and is the initial accelerator table for a
wxAcceleratorEntry entries[4];
entries[0].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int) 'N', ID_NEW_WINDOW);
entries[1].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int) 'X', wxID_EXIT);
entries[2].Set(wxACCEL_SHIFT, (int) 'A', ID_ABOUT);
entries[3].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_DELETE, wxID_CUT);
wxAcceleratorTable accel(4, entries);

An accelerator takes precedence over normal processing and can be a convenient way to program some event
handling. For example, you can use an accelerator table to enable a dialog with a multi-line text control to
accept CTRL-Enter as meaning 'OK'.

Library: wxCore
Category: Data Structures
Predefined objects/pointers: wxNullAcceleratorTable
See Also
wxAcceleratorEntry, wxWindow::SetAcceleratorTable

Public Member Functions

wxAcceleratorTable ()
Default ctor.
wxAcceleratorTable (int n, const wxAcceleratorEntry entries[])
Initializes the accelerator table from an array of wxAcceleratorEntry.
wxAcceleratorTable (const wxString &resource)
Loads the accelerator table from a Windows resource (Windows only).
virtual ~wxAcceleratorTable ()
Generated on Tue Jul 16 2013 19:23:49 for wxWidgets by Doxygen 1.8.2

bool IsOk () const

Returns true if the accelerator table is valid.
Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject

Additional Inherited Members

Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default ctor.

Initializes the accelerator table from an array of wxAcceleratorEntry.


Number of accelerator entries.

entries The array of entries.

wxPerl Note: The wxPerl constructor accepts a list of either Wx::AcceleratorEntry objects or references to
3-element arrays [flags, keyCode, cmd] , like the parameters of Wx::AcceleratorEntry::new.

Loads the accelerator table from a Windows resource (Windows only).

Availability: only available for the wxMSW port.
resource Name of a Windows accelerator.


Destroys the wxAcceleratorTable object.

See Object Destruction for more info.

Member Function Documentation

Returns true if the accelerator table is valid.

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