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Jason Nguyen

3600 North Frazier St. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 960-7741

May 4, 2016

Ms. Gongora
Sierra Vista High School
3600 N. Frazier St.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Dear Ms. Gongora:
For my junior paper, I plan to research the controversial issue of the human inducement of global
warming. The increasing amount of greenhouse gas emissions have caught my attention. People
do not realize the damage they are causing to the environment when doing typical things such as
driving. The global climate is increasingly getting warmer and some people may not have
The thesis of my research paper is that the human population has manufactured ways to damage
and hurt the planet through the consumption of fossil fuels, deforestation, and The Industrial
Revolution. A counterargument could be that climate has changed before, before humans roamed
the earth.
My understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation is to write down somebody elses ideas
or findings and not give them proper credit. I agree to submit my research paper to,
a web service that checks for plagiarism. I understand that forgery is falsifying a signature. I also
understand that if I were to plagiarize, forge or otherwise misrepresent any aspect of my Junior
research paper I will fail Junior English.

Jason Nguyen

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