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I saw a rather interesting talk in the very itinerary of MEDICON, a talk on 3D printing and its role

in medicine. Microsoft is currently trying to build a holographic 3D structure of the human body,
you just heard Dr. Vinay Kumar on Google Hangouts no less, it wasnt perfect but well it was
something. The technology has come a long LONG way and Is it right that we have stuck to the
same old rote teaching methods? Remember histopathology chalk diagrams? What really did
we understand?
The OLD school method of teaching. What does it really even mean? The impression we get is
a CaCO3 munching, dark blackboard loving, anti-technology degenerated method of teaching
which is so rote and old and utterly boring *yawn* that it makes me sleepy just talking about it.
So of course by default it is a terrible method of teaching.
However, according to a report by Irish times the new methods are far less effective at imparting
knowledge to students than The traditional whole class method in which the teacher stands at
the blackboard, teaches the whole class the established body of knowledge, tests the children
with questions and ensures a disciplined class environment. Youd probably think they were
having too much Irish Coffee while researching, but then we love foreign researchers dont
Consideration of Short and long term memory architecture of human cognitive structures clearly
shows that child centered minimum guidance teaching methods dont lead to effective learning.
Long term memory develops with repetition and tests. The Modern day Minimum guidance
methods proceed as though working memory has no relevant limitations when dealing with
novel information. On other hand whole class teaching aims to give specific guidance on how to
cognitively manipulate information and store the results in long term memory.
By the show of hands, how many of you WATCH Game of Thrones? And how many have
actually read it? (Ah Never mind Nagpur still has to come out of Stone Age) Well am a voracious
reader soCaitlin Stark isnt dead, Sansa doesnt marry Ramsey, Tyrion has a mismatched pair
of eyes, and Stannis does not kill his daughter. *mind blown*
The things you miss when you dont read the books. And books are pretty old school I think. (IF
NO DONT Bother)
What I actually understand by Old school is a Teacher or a person who is physically present,
someone you can go to clear and your doubts, the one who youre scared wouldnt give you
attendance if you talk to much. How do you think will you learn better? In a box on your bed
wearing your pajamas sipping on cola can eating the leftover pizza or in a class filled with
competitive nerdy batch mates with the Professor on the podium? because in the end the aim of
all instructions is to add to long term memory, and if nothing is added, nothing is learnt.
And with that I Rest my case.

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