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Bulletin Board

Marlee DeSplinter

This is a bulletin board demonstrating the classes that are offered at the high
school. After this picture was taken a title was added underneath the
cabinets saying High School Classes. This was in my eighth grade
classroom on my cabinets since there are no bulletin boards in my in my
room. The bulletin board has a description of each high school class, the
grades you can take it, what projects that you do in that class, and pictures
of projects that former students have done. I used pictures from former
students, the engineering high school website for descriptions, paper, and
sticky tape. The technology education course gives kids a taste of what the
high school engineering classes are like, many of the students are not aware
of what the high school classes are though. This exposure to some of the

high school classes will encourage kids to take these classes because they
will want to do some of the projects posted on the board.

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