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Malware, Malware Everywhere - How to Detect and Defend

Against Today's Security Threats
Wednesday, Jun 1st
1:30 p.m. ET

Live Via WebEx

from Your Oce
(or tablet or smartphone)

A lot of well-known companies with big names and big security budgets have
been hacked recently. But the threat exists for everyone.

Ciscos 2016 Annual Security

Report Highlights

Did you know that over 41% of targeted aBacks are against organizaDons with
fewer than 500 employees? Or that in Ciscos annual security report, 100% of
corporate networks examined had malicious trac on them?

92 percent of companies
found running soPware with
known vulnerabili=es

Chances are that youve already been hacked you just dont
know it yet.

More than 85 percent of

organiza=ons studied are
aected by malicious

Cisco can help. We deliver intelligent cybersecurity for the real world,
providing the industry's most comprehensive advanced threat protec=on
porWolio of security solu=ons. Cisco's threat-centric approach to security
reduces complexity, while providing unmatched visibility, con=nuous control and
advanced threat protec=on across the en=re aXack con=nuum, allowing
customers to act smarter and more quickly -- before, during, and aPer an aXack.
Join us for a comprehensive update on our security architecture porWolio and
how you can leverage these solu=ons in your organiza=on!

browser extensions.
Less than of SMBs use
web security
Only 59 percent of
organiza=ons said their
security infrastructure was
very up to date.

Attend via WebEx from the comfort of your desk or mobile device!

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