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Session 1

Learning Outcomes:
Students will start to think about different environmental issues associated with global warming.
Students will share their prior knowledge and understandings about the issues, especially knowledge
associated with their cultural backgrounds.
Students will start to understand where these issues are affecting and how they relate to themselves.

World map (class size, and small group size)
Environmental Issue cards (Big set and small set)
Sea level rises
Soil deterioration
Pest increases
Extinction f species
Changing weather pattern
Video Clip
Play dough
Voice recorder

Introduction- 5 mins

To introduce this topic we will set the classroom up with a large World map at the front of the class.
We will present a number of environmental issues on the board (which can later be stuck on the map),
including sea level rises, soil deterioration, pest increases, extinction of specific animal species and
changing weather patters. We will read these out to the students and ask them to start thinking about
anything they know about the issue and where it might be occurring.
Have you heard of these issues before?
Where did you hear about them?
What do some of these issues mean?
Where do you think they might be occurring?

Development- 20 mins
In groups of 2/3 the students will be given their own world map and list of environmental issues. They
will be asked to work together to stick the environmental issues where they think it is occurring around
the world. Throughout this section we hope students will use their background knowledge and cultural
understandings to locate where some of the issues are occurring on their maps. Whilst students are
completing this task all educators will be working the a group each and taking notes on their
discussion and background knowledge/understandings.
Once the students have completed their own maps, they will come together on the floor and each
group will have a chance to show the class where they put each environmental issue and why they
chose this area. This will give them a chance to share their cultural backgrounds and understandings
with both us and the other students. Allowing us to know the students in a more personal level.
Once all students have shared their groups ideas, we will discuss the similarities and differences
about the placements, and why they might have occurred.

Why did you place your issues where you did?
What helped to inform your knowledge?

What did we notice about where different groups placed the issues? Were they in similar or different
Why might have some of these differences occurred? (If there was any)

We will not clarify if the students ideas are correct or not, allowing them to discover this in their
research in future sessions. We will keep the map out for students to refer to during the three
Consolidation- 25 mins
Watch the video for (stop at 2 minutes 48 seconds),
Responding to the video:
How does this make you feel? Why?
Students will then choose a creative way to respond to this question, for example through drawing,
creating (using play-dough, paper collage or other creative materials available), acting, writing, etc.
While students are working, we will be roving around the room, making sure that the students
understand what they are doing and are on track. During this time we will also ask a few students if
they would like to share their response with the class, during the closure.

Early finishing
Is there another way that you could express your idea?
Have students start to think about an environmental issue they might want to explore further, or ways
they might be able to find the information. As well as thinking of a way they might want to present their
Closure- 10 mins
Students are brought back together. We will then invite the students that were picked during
consolidation to come and share their work with the rest of the class. If time permits we will allow for
other students to share.

How did the video make you feel?
How did you represent this?
Why did you choose this way to represent your feelings?
We will then discuss with students that they will be researching one of the environmental issues
presented to them earlier in more detail throughout future sessions. Students may pick an issue that
has been presented earlier in the session, or they can pick another issue that they might have interest

Session 2

Range of research resources (books, pamphlets, educational posters, website links) related to the
topics that emerge during session 1.
Idea journal
Scrap paper fro drafting
Whiteboard markers
Technology such as interactive whiteboard, ipads etc.

Introduction- 5 mins

Students will start on the floor where educators will hand out sticky notes to each child and ask
them to write one thing they remembered from the last lesson. This may be a sentence, a word, a
drawing or a symbol that reflected on what they talked about in the session or a thought that was
provoked by the session.
- The sticky notes will be put on the board and discussed to see common themes and ideas.
What do you remember from last weeks session?
Was there something that stood out for you?
Have you noticed any of the issues in your everyday lives?
Can you think of any new ideas that might link?

Development- 20 mins

Ask if anyone has thought about their topic for the presentation next week, have they thought
about how they will be presenting it? Students will be encouraged to present their finding through
a point of view, whether that be of their own or a fictional character. They may wish to draw on
people in their own lives that may a connection with the topic.
Think, pair, share activity to share ideas on topics and presentation style. Students will have 1
minute of thinking time, they may use the notes on the board to decide on a presentation
Scaffold the researching process by showing the importance of focus questions. Have a
discussion about the types of topic questions they may use, answers and examples will be written
on the board for their use.
Once students have a topic they will develop 3 key questions to facilitate their research. If
students are still unsure of a topic, they may stay on the floor to work with one teacher to
brainstorm ideas.
Students will write these questions in their own idea journal to help scaffold their thoughts. Each
teacher will be shadowing 2/3 students each expanding their ideas and questions.

Was there something that you enjoyed learning about last session?
Who is effected by your issue?

How does your issue impact on peoples lives?

How does it affect other counties?

Consolidation- 25 mins

Once students have 3 questions they may start researching with the array of resources provided.
Teachers will be roving, monitoring students and helping with their research by using open ended
questions to broaden their thinking.
Students will be encouraged to use a variety of sources for each question, from books to
newspapers to websites.
Students will be prompted to think about how they will be presenting this information and
encouraged to use creative and innovative ways.
Once their focus questions are answered they may begin to plan their presentation.

Is this a good website to be using? How do you know?
Can you see any links between your questions? Do some have the same answer?
Does that consequence just effect your issue/area?
Do you think this impacts you at all?
How are you going to present your presentation?
Whos point of view are you presenting from?

Early finishers

If students believe they have finished their presentation, they will be encouraged to elaborate,
find more sources for their information or create something that compliments their presentation.

Closure- 10 mins

During the lesson, 2-3 children will be asked if they would share their plans for their presentation
with the rest of the class. Remind students they will time in the next lesson to finish their
presentation but if they would like to they could work on it at home and ask family members
questions about the topic to find possible connections.

Session 3

Learning Outcomes:
Students will present their discoveries in a creative and informed way.
Students will collaborate with others, to understand other class members points of
Students will develop understanding about the current issues related to global
warming and consider what could be done in the future.
Range of resources for creating presentations including paper, pencils, craft materials,
computers etc.
Long table for United Nations style meeting
Technology such as interactive whiteboard, projector etc.
Introduction- 5 mins
To introduce this session we will ask students to share with a partner in their topic group what
they have discovered so far about their issue, and their ideas about presentation. Educators
can rove the classroom and touch base with each group to gain an idea of whether the
students are on track. Educators can prompt students in creative ways of presenting using
open-ended questions.
Who do you think might be most affected by this issue? How would they voice their opinion?
How do you feel about this issue? Can you put yourself in someone elses position?
What do you think the most engaging way to share this with the class might be?
Development- 20 mins
Working in groups of 2/3 with an educator for each group, students will continue on their
presentations in their own unique and creative way. Students will have a range of materials to
work with and will be encouraged to explore new and innovative ways of presenting.
Students will be asked to deliver their presentation from the perspective of someone affected
by their issue; this may be a house owner, president, farmer etc. Students will be given a
criteria/structure for their presentations so that enough relevant information is included.
How might you present this? How does your method of presentation relate to the perspective
you have chosen?
Why would the perspective you have chosen have an opinion on this particular issue? How
does it directly affect them?
Consolidation- 25 mins
Gather children to the table. Begin presentations. Ensure that each child is encouraged and
monitor behaviour of all students so that a safe and inclusive learning environment is
Each group has question time after their presentation to allow other students an opportunity to
engage with their content and consider its effect and how it is related to global warming.

Closure- 10 mins
Commend students for their presentation. Allow students the opportunity to reflect on the
presentations and offer cool and warm feedback to their peers. As a class discuss the issues
presented and the effects of these issues, the new information the students have discovered
and how they plan to use this information. Students will be given the opportunity to discuss
as a class the possible strategies they could put in place in their lives to help address the
issues that were discussed.
Students will receive their What is global warming? answers, completed in the first session.
Using a think, pair, share strategy, students will reflect on what they originally believed about
Global Warming and how these ideas have changed as a result of their learning.
What have you learned?
What is something that you liked about someone elses presentation? Why did you like that
specific part?
Can you offer someone else feedback on how they could improve their presentation?
What does this information mean for us?
Is there anything we can do to be more sustainable?
How have your attitudes towards Global Warming changed through these three

Feedback on lessons - From other pre service teachers

How can they improve their lesson plans?
I think your lesson plan is very detail and provides students with many learning opportunities.
The introduction to the lesson with reflection on the previous learning is a great start.
Im not sure how I would improve the lesson, however I may show the students different
presentations to give them some inspiration. Even a refresher on the program Powerpoint to
ensure student are able to use the basics.
How can they improve their lesson plans?
I think that the unit of work flows really well, and that I can't think of much to improve. Possibly
students to work in groups when presenting their work.

How can they improve their lesson plans?

I think these lesson plans work will in consolidating childrens knowledge by drawing on their own
understandings and prior knowledge to assist discussions and activities. However I would maybe
include more direct learning outcomes in which children can develop more skills. Maybe there
could also be the inclusion of group work in order to meet the learning preferences of all children.

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