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HSC core: Personal Interest Project(30% of course time)The Personal Interest Project is integrated

across the whole HSC course and draws together the interests, research skills and personal experiences of
the student.







Resource Name

PIP Resource List


NSW Syllabus p28

Targeted Outcomes

H7 selects, organises, synthesises and analyses

information from a variety of sources for usefulness,
validity and bias

Links to Syllabus

The lesson activities, will guide students to

be able to:
select methods appropriate to
the research proposal and apply these to the topic
Gather and evaluate information and sources
related to the topic

A note on the research process: READ, SUMMARISE, EVALUATE

ACTIVITY 1: Annotating Sources

Now lets Practice
1. READ the following article
.Concerned parent group Play Unlimited launches online campaign to end gender-specific toy marketing, by David Mack..
Highlight what you think are the main ideas in this passage AND justify your selection. Decide on the best quote from the
piece AND justify your selection.
Identify the key concepts represented in the piece time, environment, persons, culture, society AND gender, power &
authority, technology
Questions to consider:

What perspectives are represented here?

What ideas might be behind this perspective (political/social/psychological)?
How does it link to your micro world?
How does it link to other knowledge you have about the macro world?
Personal reflection what did you think about this, agree/disagree why?
What further questions does it prompt? Where else can this lead you?

Activity 2:
Students are to include a minimum of 5 resources theyre willing to use in their Personal interest project. Students will need
to reflect on the referencing blog in order to complete this activity and annotate the currency, usefulness, accuracy, validity
and biasness of the resource.


Currency, Usefulness, Validity, Accuracy and Bias

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