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Jtc Mariana


Angela Merkel
The image of a leader

Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany and the first woman in the history of its
country to ever hold the position .
Merkel is one of the most successful national leader in the world today, known as one the
second most powerful woman of our times and also for her strenght and ability to manage the
political changes occurred in Germany.
I belive that Chancellor of Germany is a great leader due to her leading responsability .
Holding the position for nine years,he has a unique style to gain people's confidence being
pragmatic and methodical,always prepared to solve problems and face difficult situations
following her choices which are born from personal conviction.
On the other hand she is a authentic and conservative leader, with a plan on her sleeves in
order pursue and attain her objectives,waiting for rivals and opponents to trip themselves up.
As a memorable leader she does what others dont. Taking advantage when an opportunity
arises and supporting people's interests helps her to stand out in the front of the crowd.
For example, she has been known to leave extremely important decisions until it is almost
too late.
Merkel knows how to respond to challenges and has the courage to act without being afraid
of criticism . Defines the profile of a modest and precise person, with a fantastic analytical
capability and an eye for detail. She is the strong negotiator and recognizes what must be
done and does it, whether it comes naturally to her or not.
Called a Machtfrau in Germany(a woman of power) she represents a pragmatic Germany
generation,who has managed to get to the top in a male-dominated world.

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