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Paramedic Pharmacology

Executive Summary

Patricia Rand

1. Instructional Setting This educational website is designed to serve as

a companion to the Paramedic Pharmacology lecture and lab which
meets face to face. It is designed to address specific areas of the
pharmacology course which have historically been the most
challenging aspects of the course. There are two advantages to
providing this section online. First, it will reduce the number of hours
that students will need to travel to campus and second, it will enable
students to revisit the most difficult modules in the course until they
reach mastery.

2. Goals and Outcomes The production of competent Paramedics who

can safely draw up and administer medications is the ultimate outcome
of this course. The EdWeb portion of the course will specifically
address the goal of teaching Paramedic students to make correct
calculations related to drug dosing and to understand the effects of
various drug routes.

3. Learner Needs and Characteristics Learners have all met the

enrollment and prerequisite criteria for admission into the Paramedic
program. Learners are primarily kinesthetic and visual learners with
high motivation. Historically, paramedic students find the
pharmacology course, particularly the aspect of drug calculations, to
be very intimidating.

4. Instructional Content The content will be delivered in four modules

consisting of, intravenous calculations, drug dose calculations, drug
doses and drug routes.

5. Project Management This project will be managed by myself. I am

the content expert however I will seek expert consultation for certain
aspects of the project involving Flash applications.

6. Instructional Design Model Horton’s model of Absorb, Do and

Connect will be utilized. The Common Instructional Values (which
include Learner Centered, Social, Contextual, Active and Supportive)
will also be used.

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