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Tomlin 1

Michael Tomlin
Mr. Fronk
Honors World Regional Geography
April 25, 2016
Fidel and Raul Castro
Part One
An article on titled Fidel Castro: My longevity down to fate not effort
Patrick Oppmann explains recent statements made by Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro states Soon I
will turn 90 years old, never would such a thing have occurred to me and its not the outcome of
any effort; it was fates whim, discussing his health. These comments come after a three-day
Cuban Communist Party Congress where his brother, Raul Castro, was reelected as head of the
Party. This party is the only political party allowed in Cuba. International news media was not
given access to the Party Congress. Fidel Castro resigned as President of Cuba and Head of the
Cuban Communist Party in 2006 after an illness nearly killed him. Although he is not in the most
powerful position, his ideas still hold weight in Cuba. The President of Cuba, Raul Castro, says
he plans on stepping down in 2018. Congress has still made it clear that it will stay true to the
Castro vision of tight control of the islands political system and economy after Raul Castro steps
down. (Oppmann, n.p.)
Part Two
This story has a deep connection to what we are learning in our geography class. The
United States has had many problems with Cuba. The United States almost went to a full nuclear

war after the Soviet Union set up missiles in Cuba. The Castro Regime has caused many deaths.
The U.S. government had enforced an embargo. In class we have learned that President Obama
has since decided to ease the embargo and work towards normalizing the relationship with Cuba.
Senator Marco Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants. He does not like the Presidents decisions
because he feels Castro will manipulate this changes to gain power
Part Three
I feel that in order for us to return to peace the Castros must be removed from power. We
have already found out we cannot trust them. They have killed many innocent people to gain
power. They have threatened our country. Why is it a good idea to become friends with them?
They are both older men. I think if we wait for them to pass then we can try to normalize our
relationship with Cuba, as long as they are not in the communistic mindset. I also think they need
us more than we need them and that it would be sensible to use this to come to peaceful terms.
Ultimately these peace terms are not possible with a Castro brother in power.

Works Cited
"Fidel Castro: My Longevity down to Fate." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

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