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‘ENEIBITION OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF QUEENSLAND, 1877. QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT COLLECTION LABOUR-SAVING MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, Erc. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND COMMENTS. BRISBANE: dances ©. BEAL, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WILLIAM STHENT, HRINRAIE. ae77. LABOUR-SAVING MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, Ere. Ix this scetion are shown the articles purchased and obtained in. England, the United States, Canada, the Wert Indies, the Colonies, ‘and other places. In order to have a practical outcome from the Centennial Exhibition in America, aud Mr. Mackay's visits to that country and the Wert Indies, he was provided with means to secure a few of such articles (not being expensive) as seemed suitable or de- sirable for colo ‘Where articles were cen that were too costly, Mr. Mackay endeavoured to obtain diagrams, plans, and descriptions of same. The result of this latter enquiry is seen, to some extent, in the illustra. tions accompanying this report, and the scries of illustrated patented articles obtained in Washington, and bound up in Volume 1, of the ‘erica on exhibition at Bowen Park. ‘Vouvae I. is devoted to photographs and descriptions of saw- ling and heary machinery used in California, Canada, and other timber countries. ‘Vouvmx 1fL—Hlustrated and descriptive catalogues of wood working machinery. ‘Vou 1V.—Hlustrated catalogues of agricultural machinery, implementa and tools, including fruit-drying appliances, &., &e. ‘Yourme V.—Dairying appliances. Vouww Vi—Pumping, windmill, blast machinery (for black- smiths, foundries), &., &. ‘Vortas VIT.—Engincering and miscellancous tools, &c. Youvus VIIL—Purniture, &e. Yourme IX.—Printing specimens, &e. Vouvates X., X1., axe XL —Hlustrations of fine and industrial arts from the Cent&nnial. ‘Vourate XTIL—Photographs of English machinery. ‘Tho articles enumerated as follows, and on exhibition at the National Association's Grounds, Bowen Park, hare becn got together ‘adesiro that they may prove suggestive aul instructive to colo- ints, In every cave, there was cousidered to be a recommendation fof some kind before purchasing.—in obvious urefulness, suitability for colonial purposes, durability, weight, strength, cost, &e., &e, 4 tis not supposed that all the articles are cither new oF novel, or that they are better or more suitable than any others for similar Hpurposes, seen previoualy in the colonien, Sach articles are simply vnatiainable. Nor have the productions of any one country been luhered to, ‘There are articles from British, American, Canadian, and Colonial makers. Illustrated and priced catalogues were collected from all quarters, suitability and cost being the principal recommen ations in bringing them for inspection. These are now bound up in volumes, classified and indexed as stated. ‘Several articles are anon, and several seodels, that contain mechanieal noveltion, either in the application of power or in their node of construction. Should an effort be made to afford technical jnetruetion in the colony, these articles, it is hoped, will be found ‘useful as affording means of education. "The agricultural appliances wore purchased only after being ween jn use ; and are each considered peculiarly suitable in their clas. "The prices given are auch as it is believed tho articles can be delivered for, in Brisbane, The names of manufacturers, and importers, and their places of business are also given. ‘The collection it wll be aeen, embraces articles from England, the Vnited States, Canada, and several additions have been obtained from Messrs. Smellic and Co., Shaw and Co., Brookes and Foster, Hockinge and Son, MeLean, and Kelly, and Lassitter and Co., of Spdney-all of which aid in making comparison ax to the relative Qualities of various articles—a comparison that could not have been tnade without the aid of the firms mentioned. The colonial ploughs shown are cousidered the best made for the work to be done, The attendants will afford euch other information az may be available. 1. Hesonixe Bap Mowixe Macurxe—John Watson, Canada, Light, durable, eficient. £24. 2, Caxapias Rearixe Macuie— capable, durable. 8. Isrensariosat Rearixe Macit bane. St 4, Tuxesurso Macun power, Eficient, strong, ruitable. Smellie and 5, Currivaron.—Page and Co., Bedford, England, L. Ease in work- implicit tm couatruction, 25. 6, Honse Raxe.—Page and Co,, England. Simple, effective durable. £14. _ : uss f 7. Anivsranix Hannow.—Page and Co, England. Suitable. £4. 8 Back-Tourn Hanxow,—Suitable, effective, MeLeau, Bris- bane. £3. be : Vm, Flemming. Strong, %.—Smellie and Co., Bris- ang 9. Provon. Cotoxrat.—Simplicity of construction, efficiency, low cost. McLean, Brisbane. £7 10s. 10. Provan, Covoxrat.— Simplicity of construction, eficiency, low cost. Kelly, Brisbane, £7 nt 11, Provan, Awmnicax.—Hockings and Son., Brisbane. Use- ful, £2 12%. Gd. and £6 5s, woxtat.—Hockings and Son, Strong, good. 12, Garvorsa Mut, erat, Disks. —For corn, wheat, Watson, Canada, Powerful, effective. 14. Gnixorra Mitt, Guooven Routxns.— Watson, Carada, Strong, effective. £10. 15, Frove Mut, Dowrstic —Smellie and Co., Brisbane, Hae sitters for four qualities, flour to bran. Simple, effective. £12 12, 16. Gnrwprea Mrts.—For corn, wheat. Strong, effective. Page and Co,, England. £5 15s. 17, Gnrworwa Mitt.—Same as 16, Brookes and Foster. £5 15s. 18, Broancast Sxxn Sowsn—Backenzic, San Jove, California. [A decided labour saver for wheat, barley, oata, or grass seods. £11. 19. Cons Praxren.—Hockings and Son. Effective, strong. £7 10s. 20, Sexo Sows axp Dnrture—Watvon, Canada. Capacity, suitability. £5. 21. Haxp Seep Darts—Pago and Co, England. Suitable. £1 1s. 22, Buea Seep Dartt.—Hockings and Son. Effective. £2 6a 23. Horse Powe Grax.—Wateon, Canada. Simplicity of Con- struction, efficient. 24, Honse, Power Gran —Simplicity, low cost. Manufacturing Co,, Sandwich, Hllinois. £10. Beart re Cesare Haven Win, Cat Th Gua Cee Way Cala srg, dale 2 Cane xen tpl fro we sods ater Hoa Ba sig ET a ergn aso Pours, —Wato, Canada Ue, sto "Eh, ete Paice, Cssous—Wation, Cana. Powel ae SS 3, oct Seana (0}—or equi, Be Be, yet lal nu 82, cont, Semescane Crsamen Senin Cos 1p US. eo ear Neh a th sel ord i aa ytty eta Tarja Thad ee Coe unas @)vine Ga vind ean BS “Anderson, Philadelphia. 'sCo,, New York. 8i 6 xxro Grores (1 dozen pairs) —H. G. Company, Ohio. "Tee Gover the! tgs oF whole han a ma the aid of steal spikes, the operator is able to hus with much rapidity and ease, Full sizod gloves, to cover all the hand, 10s. ; half gloves, 6s.; husking pins, 1s. each. 35. Cons axp Gaarx Davixo Macutrses.—Designs and diagrams in collection of patented articles. 36. Mrtxxxa Sroors.—Utility, 10 87. Mur Coouens.—Designs and diagrams in collection patented articles. ‘38, Tex Cases ror Parsenric: For home preserving. Capital, H¥. Mackay, California. For exhibition. 838. Suiroux Maximo Macrt¥t-— Golde and M'Culloeh, Canada. Urilty, capacity, 1. Saw maker 1300 to 1400 revolutions per nu, ce lags of thy eno or thickness, "£73. 40. Portex, Soormrs, on Prarsen.—For shingles, staves, &. Goldie and M'Culloch, Canada, Utility, strength, £20. 41, Paxrxa Macurs. — Flemming, Canadian Commission. Powerful, effective. 42. Saw Bexcu—For farmers, bridge contractors, &e. Simplicity of construction. Bowyer, Philadelphia. £16. 48. Scxots Saw (3).—The Fleetwood Co., Delaware. For cutting ‘omaments, &c. Useful mechanical contrivance. £10. 44, Sonoxs, Saw ax Larue (2).—Pope Manufacturing, Coy Boston. Useful mechanical contrivance. £10. 46. Saw Suaurexre—For reaping machines. Suitable, durable. ‘Smellie and Co., Brisbane. 47. Swaor or Sarria ax Factxo Saw Teers.—H. Disston and Sous. Utility. 15s. 48, Stoe Fiz von Saw Texru.—H. Disston andSons. Utility. 108. 49, Serrixo Staxe ror Cincutar Saws.—H. Disston and Sons, Utility. £2. 50, Saw Craur or Meri H. Diaston and Sons. Util 51. Sav—H. Disston and Sons. Crosscut, web, pit, han ‘arious others. Quality and euitablenem. Pricey, crovcuts per foot. Hand.saws, from Gs. each. 52, Fines.—Various. H. Disston and Sons. Quality. 53, Levets, Sqvanes, Gavors, &—H. Dieston and Sons, Quality and suitableness. 54, Gare.—(Modol and working plane) Stong, Canada. Can bo opened by man on horsoback ; very effective for bush roads. £1. and 6a, Sipe Ta sontanee cin ‘woul; is used by engineers, machinists, wheelwrights, &e., ibour saver ; with sets of tools for metal and wood, gearing, Foner. Union Co,, Philadelphia. Strong, suita- 57. Wexoris.—Patentees’ mod, complete machine, with dingras, &. Serviveable, suitable.” Not cout 7 58, Canenrens’ Mireerso axp Bonrxa Macurxes, wrrn Toots ‘59, Porr-note Diooe (1 dor.) —Eureka Co,, New York. Useful labour saver. 25x, each, ng Shy BaEAD Certens ()—Nlex, Andomon, Canal, Useful G1. Ons axo Rowtocks (2 sets) —W. Lym: Novel, uscfuly the rower, while plling inthe usual w face the boat.” £5. 62, Danxrxo Macurxe.—Brookesand Foster, Brisbane, Simple, fiective. £2 5s. 69. Fxep Trovow, Inox, ox Wutsets.—Page and Co., Bedford, England. Suitable. £2 10s 64, Favrr Darixo Macurxs—Grealoy Lukin, Brisbane. Has fhe points of simple effective dryer. Shaw and Go, makers, Bre 65, Fix Dusroxare on Fax (6)—Fowlos Co, Philadelphia. Voeful, novel; mechanically curious. 90s, each, 66. Laws Mowen (8).—Strong, durable, not costly. £8 10. G7. Dok Bris, Senixo.—Neat, effective, able. £2. 68, Wairixo Macures.—Reamington Ritle Co, Connecticut. ly clever ; usoful. £35. Wau, Ponce Peur—Goul's Mapafactring C- in New York. For elevating water from Suitable, durable. £10. “ne 70. Dovatx Acrixa Foace Poxr—Gould’s Co. Bflective, aurable, not costly. £7 10s, 71. Has Rorany Force Poxcr.—Gould’s Co, Strong, simple cffective. £6. 72. Wesourus, Powr.—Effectve, strong, £7. 73, Daxe Writ, Powr.—Gould’s Co. Strong, effective. £6. 74. Tone Wats Pear. —Gould’s Co, Effective, well made. £3 10s, 75, Furen Porxra ron Tose Wetis.—Gould’s Co. Effective, durable, 224, 928, and 60s, 76. Car For Ton Writ.—Strong. 5s. 77. Sveriox Basker—For tube well. 258, 78. Cistexs Pemrs—Gould’s Co, Strong, well made. 22 £113. 79, Inox Fonoe! Pewr—On base. Gould's Co. Strong, durable. £4105. 80. Aim Caantnuns yor Detr W:11.—Gould’s Co. £3. SL. Portante Aguazecr.—Fould's Co, Durable, effect 82, Pirx Toxos.—-Bifet ‘88, Bracemeras’ Dutt Couecrios Awenicax Toois —For carpenters, ganlencrs ., New Orleans , being able to 2. 4 Co, Useful. £2 8h. saws, houselittings, &. ke, Brookes and Foster, Brisbane. Henderson July epoken. 80, Rrruncrons—Henderson and McNeill, Landon, Bflect for increasing and concentrating light from gas. ‘15s, 87, Grease axo Waren Tavs, Coons, &e.—H. C. Meyer and Co., New York Sent for exhibition. Invoice available 88. Stuven Puarey Tea ax Corvex Sravrce.—Huntingdon, Boston, Sent for exhibition. Chaste, durable. £20. 80. Surety Kenosixe Lanr—Silver plated. A. G, Gordon, Chicago. Safe, neat, durable. £3 108 90. Axanrrteat C.xurer—For Farmers, Teachers, and others. Instructive, suitable. £7. 91, Crores Dargn Rrsts (12)—Gouli’s Manufacturing Co Strong, effective. Se. each. 92. Gas Cooxtna Stove Bfleetive, durable. £2. 98, Cooxrxo Annaxorwext Yon Scumrs.—Lambert and Co,, London. Suitable, novel, neat. 94, Knnosrxz CooxrxaSrovE.— Gordon, Chicago. Eflective. £2, 95, Watrorxo Macure—Strong, useful. £2. fective, useful. £1. ‘Henderson and MeNeill, London. 98, Porato Pants (6).—Simple, 00, Wine Naraix Rixos.—Tes nd coffe wands, flower baskets, bread tonsters, &. 100. Parser Suoormixa Inoxs—Mr. Potts Philadelphia, Very effective. Ie. net TOL, Sounentwo Marearars,—GemBclder Manufacturing Co. 7s 102, Gaare on Juuux Paree—Simple, effective, for small quanitice of fruit. "Oa 168, Waren Frueens (8) —For sing toend of pipe. Effective in arough ways toe eae Te ee 104. Listy Suipes—And shade supports of Good; eooi, Be. each set oe 105. Gaare Proxuns.—Save the fruit. Strong,effctive. 4e.cach. 106, Hap Lioirr—(Modd), for railway engine. Give briliant light 107, Exorxe Bext.—For milway. Eifetive. 108, Srxr Lapnen.—Ertension, weful. 21 109, Biow Pirr.—By mechanical action, Effective. £5. 110. Furinur Wane, Rove — (Specimens), for carrying power. ‘ocbling an Sons, New orks Well worthy attention. TLL, Wurets, (Models and specimens), for drays, wagons, buggien de, be Baiven Coy Indiask High epoken 9. 112, Wareis, Coxcusacen’s Tnoxwane.—Seut for e 1TH. King, San Francico, Highly spoken of. 118, Tnox asp Steuz insct raow Bast Fexxace—Dr. Clark, Reading, Penrylvania. Worthy attention 114 Tir Piee—From Queensland Ore. Angus Mackay. 115, ‘Scauas axp Watours—Fairbanks, 8, Johnsburg, Vermont. Well spoken of. ean ire and pith, 116. Corrox Goops.—American manufacture. Aitkinson, Boston. Sent for exhibition. Particulars available. 117, Hanwess.—Hugh Mackay, Cs fornian ieather. £0. 118. Hansess.—Buggy. H. Mackay, California, £7. 119, Sewrxo Macutse.—Osborne Co., Gulph, Ontario, Canada. ‘Well finished, durable; of first quality for work. Sent for exhibition. £6, upwards. 120, Laws Mower —He.¥ings ard Son. Dur: inch cut. £5 5s. 121. Revourrse Swixe Cuan ‘Sent for exhibition. 122, Wine Starrs. cont. 128, Bext Toten. Machine, Philadelphia 124. Woot.—Specimens from Europe, Africa, America, Australia. 125, Svoans.—Specimens from West Indies, America, &e., &e. 126, Corrox.—Specimons from America. 127. Annownoor.—Specimens from West Indies and America. 128, Taxxrxa Marenrass—Specimens from Cape of Good Hope. 129. Grass Case, containing tools, ‘notions,’ silver-plated ware, &e. ifornia. For plough, Cali- effective, 10 fovel, durable, comfortable. Pooks, jrisbane. Strong, durable. Low ‘Queensland hardwood, bent by the Grifiths 131, Boors—Mining, agricltur, ma Darel making, bast eng mechanion 182. Cararogceslstrated and priced, Collected ia Burope and Ameren" Arranged for reference. 138 Tawteny. ann -Mecwanroat, Stipes or Cexrmestat Bxminmion:tnwtructive, ef, 10. 13h. Sexn—Corn, whent, oate, gras, from various parts of America, United States, Mexico, &c. = x. Trautas. Bees Brought from California. More powerful and better honey gatherers than Back bees. Esiited by Jou Caroll 195. Heart, Dicorso Fouxa.—Uaeul whore roots abound, Strong” Hckings and Son. "tu and 6. illing, wood-working? In addition to the foregoing, 98 varieties of seed for wheat, com, Darley, trees, vegetables, de, have been wnt to the Botanical ens, Acclimativation Society, to Toowoomba, Ipswich, Mary- borough, Rockhampton, and elsewhere. ‘The Parliamentary Library has reccived a full series of the works of the United States Legislature. The Education Department a full series fof the Educational works of the United States, acreral from Canada ; it on Education &c. The National Association a large collection offworks for reference an Agriculture, Mining, Meehaniy, ei an tamples, in glaut cases, of wools from various parts of Europe; America, ‘Afnea ; sugar from West Indies, America, &2.; arrowroot from West tang materials; mercantile manure, 8c These atin it is hoped, will prove useful and instructive, and the commencement of ‘8 Library and Museum of reference. 10 196, Presrsrarrox Vorowes—Of British Phila ape REE Tin Carron tod arb ech Schon of Aine Sal Library in’ Quevnaand. (Can Be obtained by representatives of Tnatvutions). dc W. Carey, cabinet maker, Brisbane, iw the maker of ae for exhibiting these rlumen 1a. Seur-acriso Euacraicat. Macutne.—Neat, effective. Praxs axp Diacnants.—(Lettered and described) of articles too ‘costly for purchase with means available ; include patented articles in hining,agreultare, fruit drying, wheelwright work, saw milling, migne making, &., &e—in bow! and indexed volume Brrpors axo Rariwars, 137. Diagrams of low-cost railway 188. Diagrams of four-track railway. 189. Plans, working, of truse bridges for roadways and railways, 140, Diagrams of low-cost railway engines. LAL. Diagrams of Fairlie engine. 142. Diagrams of low-cost railway carriages. 143. Photographs of railway works, 144 Model of truss bridge, 100 feet span. Wm. Pettigrew, Biases ere eee ae 145. Model of head-light lamp for railway engines. (Californian, Roadway) Barve: ‘Roads Department, Queensland. — 150 feet span. 147. Moet, Hows Tvs Buivor, for Railway and Roa Chief Engineer, alway Department, Queensland. 148 Engine bell, 149, Diagrams of cow-catchers, &e. A Coutrertox or Mactrnerr, rc, sent ar tue Caxaprax Commision To Avstaauia, will be arranged adjoining the Queens- and Government Collection, and deveribed in regular catalogue. Mr. Flemming, in charge, will give particulars concerning cost, &c. FLEETWOOD SCROLL SAW.—No. 44 in Catalogue. ereloping the mechanical facultin, tis driven by aero, C, The aw ie cy toto very ea! seal im Jewellery, printers carver, es —No. 3 in Catalogue. Inarting the Ginger. They are strong and :R.—No. 1 in Cataloy ‘HUMMING BIRD MOWE! 13 Calter the Conte ie to revolve eqn, wal thi he complies for jacket aad he pute both Jacket nnd be! pe Retail ts nals at Analisis of x riley ca ale. robe haf of tae nls the att ic fa at foo ike an oniney he alteve Fa pore ved hy fangs, Brae Tike wie, Chane uj tes sal leat 3h Vhepe i ms et btw thea id the anle an thie spre fist with oo Jacket ite of the ea privet tite of He whl oot ath ‘ear Bolte attach CALIFORNIAN SEED SOWER.— No. 18 in Catalogue. of the kind ealibited They re Tron dra waar ire the mackine m shtainel be. lanping #8 in ting to the whee! etn this sive. an lee chain passe to tbe suachtae. The teed Is put bite tie hopper, aot! wwattowal trouieast fay twenty vt on vach ade of the tmerhine! andar quickly ay horse ran wall,” By mente of sides any quantity devine can be sown, or driling tm metal wo ‘smtrvatice Bae nay recommendations Bty 15 DEEP WELL FUMPS. Nos 69 and 73 in 16 POST HOLE DIGGERS—No. 59 in Catalogue. This ew tel tool. At Bare two steel scope atached to handle. There are driven into the wi inthe mine way ass crom-bar” The bande iin two parts, sod they being separnted, ‘at A. the scoops cow, ad hold the say which then lifted out without stoping Sawes C. Brat, Government Printer, Wiliam stret, Pribane

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