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1) Instructions:
To role-play two conversations. A) Accepting/refusing invitations B) Describing
2) Grammar and vocabulary to be used:
Conversation A 98; 100; 101
Conversation B 103; 106
3) Grouping:
In pairs.
4) Material:
Collage or PowerPoint presentation illustrating the information related to both
5) Timing:
4 6 minutes
6) Deadline:
See calendar
7) Example:
A. Hey Pepo, Pancho is getting married next week and we are throwing a
bachelor party (98) for him. Oh really? That sounds cool. Indeed, do you want
to come? (100) Its going to be a rowdy celebration! (98) Thanks, pal. When is
it? We think Saturday or Sunday should be fine. Me, too (101). Most people
are free on the weekends
B. Hi, Pancha. What are you doing? Im still figuring out what festival to attend
on my next vacation. Where would you like to go? I really want to visit Cuzco,
so I think I will attend the Inti Raymi festival. Oh, really? Whats it about?
Well, it takes place (103) in June. People gather (103) to praise the god SUN and
offer him their farm products. Sounds interesting. It is. Also, before (106) the
Ros Trujillo, Eduardo Icpna English Teacher

festival starts, tourists have to wear traditional clothes to participate (103) in this
festival etc

1) Instructions:
To retell your favorite fairy tale story pretending to be one of the
2) Grammar and Vocabulary to be used:
From Unit 08 110; 112; 113; 115; 118
3) Grouping:
4) Material:
Collage (cardboard with pictures in relation to the characters and events in
the story) or PowerPoint Presentation (97-2003 preferably)
5) Timing:
4-6 minutes
6) Deadline:
See calendar
7) Example:
My name is Burro and in this moment, Im going to tell you a magical
story, not predictable (110) at all. One day (112), I was walking (113)
gracefully (118) along a lively forest when suddenly two soldiers showed
up and captured (113) me

Ros Trujillo, Eduardo Icpna English Teacher

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