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Mir Mahboob Ali

(1) Struggle, Rise, Internment and Return

From the tumultuous pandemonium oI IiIties through
Sheik Muiib rose not only a name a revolution.
Nemesis oI the tyrannical octopus, heavenly
blessings Ior his people
People deprived, impoverished, tyrannized, he is the
Saviour, Emancipator.
Bengal Tigers Iound their roar long lost, till now
neglected utterly
Forcing the mighty bow beIore the wishes oI the
most, stood up with Iull glory,
God, the Almighty ordained him the Liberator
worthy oI people
Long deprived oI their rightIul rights, oppressed

His liIe on the line the leader wrested Ireedom
For his countrymen Irom the clutches oI Satan,
He unshackled his brethren.
DeIying death back Irom the intriguers` dark
Came back the uncrowned king to the smiles oI

Angels above cried with him, inIormed oI
unspeakable torture
Rape, destruction, committed by the Paki-occupation
In the name oI religion brutalizing a whole nation -
Despicable hypocrisy, shameless, brazen blasphemy!
Devoid oI any shred oI humanity, the diabolic,
myopic Iorce
Descended straight Irom the seething, burning,
swirling hell-
Their perpetual abode; gyrating like a huge slimy
With the mayhem unsatisIied, beheading a whole
nation conspired.
Created a corps oI bootlicking sycophants- called
Picked up the intelligentsia gathered by this devilish
Notorious Al-Badar, Al-Shams, killed them aIter
inhuman torture.
The skies cried, the earth trembled but the brutes
remained unmoved.

Now thundering Joy Bangla`, the holy battle cry oI
Bengalese in millions rushed out to welcome their
beloved leader,
Liberator, the Emancipator, Saviour the Founder - the
Breaching skies thundered Joy Bangla`, reaching
Heavens above
Sky shook, the earth trembled and Heavens whirled
and bled
Tremors reaped the heart oI the beastly enemy
Blood congealed with Iear, Iace blackened with
shameIul deIeat.

(II) Reaction and Amnesty*

Heart torn into pieces, tears in his eyes, the leader
God the Omniscient, the Prophet and his Mecca
The last Messenger Iorgave Sanguinary Meccans
His own people still heathen out oI Iatherly
Thus, the leader vows in his heart not to avenge
Deaths, destruction caused by the collaborators.
The leader oI leaders, the benevolent Bengali
The greatest oI all Bengalese chose the path oI peace
Reiecting vengeIul killing oI the loathsome
And thus, he rose above the multitude all over again
As was he towering always above all and sundry
A leader digniIied and compassionate in gaol and
Statesman oI supreme calibre, prudent, steadIast and

(III) Necessity oI Leaders

A revolution to succeed, a leader Iorever a paramount
French Revolution or Sepoy Mutiny proved that
Revolution is no revolution at all without the masses.
Uprising without a leader is a missile nuclear in
Revolution armed or unarmed a tremendous change
in the lives oI millions.
Participated by all, all leaders, thereIore? Ever heard
oI such Ialsity beIore!

Seething rage oI millions like a mighty tidal bore
Quake or cyclone can wreak havoc, unleashed
Only a guide sagacious supreme can rein in such
volcanic vigour
Charting a new course using the devastating Iorce,
absolutely sure.
Only a leader astute extremely can control the mighty
Guide the tremendous Iorce towards the desired goal,

(IV) Importance oI Leaders

Prime is, thereIore, importance oI a leader.
Unguided or in hands lesser, a revolution is destined
to Iail.

Blessed we are that our war was in the hands oI a
worthy leader.
Who then create conIusion to dethrone, Father, the
Beware hence you play in the hands oI Satan.
To burn in Hell Iorever, beware, beware, O believer!

(V) Coniured ConIusion

Abraham occupies the mightiest place, Father oI all
Aryans, Dravidians, Caucasians, Negroid,
Mongoloids or Semites,
Father also oI the Jewish and the Christians oI all
God crowned him with a sacred exalted position.
Fatherhood, relatively trivial, is insulting the exalted
Only to dethrone, the Iather oI a nation state,
belittling a prophet!
Drag beneath a person so exalted and hallowed to
depose a lesser man?
All sanctity proIaned blasphemy, shameIul sacrilege,
brazen, proIane!
Shame, shame, humanity deIiled, O, the IaithIul be


Our leader ordained to save us Irom iniustices
Beware do not create conIusion driven only by
myopic illusion.
Those that create conIusion and chaos on earth
Satan`s consorts are all, condemned to Hell perpetual.

O believers, remember, do not create chaos on earth!`
Raging vengeance makes you Iorget who you are.
Senses blurred with rage insatiable, iniunctions, you
do not care anymore.
Writhing, swirling vengeance slowly but surely
eating away your soul.
O believers, inert, unconscious, look about you, rise
Irom stupor!

O the children oI Abraham, in what a hellish abyss
you are!
Stirring tempest in a teacup` endlessly creating
Attribute oI abysmal Satan, he excels in the art.
Enioys his skills, bending, twisting at his sweet will,
Devil plays with human mind with perIection.
Give into temptations Ior glory and passion,
Irrevocably in the grip oI his hand you Iall
Devil`s consort Iorever condemned to Hell.

*All were pardoned under the amnestv except those against whom specific charges of
rape. murder etc. were there.

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