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Body Paragraph Expository Essay

Religious love is the love for the figure in ones religion. When I interviewed my mom
she said she felt the most spiritual when she felt she had been visited by a higher spirit. This left
her feeling humble, grateful, and small. This type of love is referenced in Romeo and Juliet when
Romeo uses religion as a pick up line in Act 1 Scene 5 Lines 104-122. This shows Romeo
comparing the love he feels for Juliet to a religious experience. Religious love to me is like a
candle. It may flicker once in a while but it doesnt go out.
Tough love is the promotion of someones wellbeing by enforcing certain rules or requiring
them to take responsibility for their actions. Tough love shows up in Romeo and Juliet several
times but the most prominent to me was when Romeo is falling apart at the friars cell after he
had been banished. In Act 3 Scene 3 Lines 118-168 when the friar is yelling at Romeo to pull
himself together. The friar is only yelling at Romeo because he knows that crying and weeping
on the floor is not goanna help him. A little while after my brother turned 22 he got kicked out of
the house because he had no job and just sat on his computer in his room all day. When he was
kicked out he moved down to Texas to live with my sister. Since then he has gotten a job, hes
going back to school, has a girlfriend, is getting his license and hes doing farm work outside.
Tough love is kind of like a bee and a flower. The flower cant grow without the bee to pollinate
it. The bee doesnt hurt the flower but helps it to thrive.

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