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Examples of Student Work

Student 1:
“Romeo criticizes the Friar on line 67 by saying that he is not worthy of giving advice to him
because he has no idea how Romeo feels and how his marriage with Juliet and the death of
Tybalt affected him. He says to the Friar that, “Thou canst not speak of what thou dost not feel”
(line 67). I partially agree with what Romeo is saying because I believe that the Friar has no
idea what Romeo is going through, but that doesn’t make him invalid for giving advice.”

Student 2:

“On line 67 of 3.3 Romeo says, 

“Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel.
Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy love,
An hour but married, Tybalt murderѐd,
Doting like me, and like me banishѐd, 
Then mightst thou speak, then mightst thopu tear thy hair.”
 Romeo’s saying that Friar Lawrence hasn’t felt the same way he does. He’s saying that
the Friar can’t speak about love when he hasn’t experienced it the way Romeo has.
Romeo continues to explain all that he’s gone through, and everything that he
underwent. Romeo’s basically saying that the Friar hasn’t endured the same hardships
or intense love as himself. 

 I agree with Romeo’s assessment of the Friar’s understanding; since Romeo’s situation
is more complicated and unique compared to other relationships. Friar Lawrence is also
a religious figure and part of a religious order in the Catholic Church; so he’s not allowed
to have sex. Which might be a reason why Romeo says Friar Lawrence can’t relate to
his situation or talk as if he knows what Romeo’s going through.”

Student 3:
“Romeo says, “Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel” as if to say that he can’t give him
advice if he has never felt the same way he does. I feel like in most cases you don't need to be
an expert on something to give advice about it, but the friar has never really given good advice
to Romeo and it would help if had some knowledge of what he is going through. I also feel like
since the Friar has never and will never be in a relationship because of his religous position he
isn’t qualified to give love advice.”

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