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What is the function of the Friar in Romeo and Juliet?

– Harris Barra

Thesis: Friar Lawrence plays as an advisor and trusting member of the church to both
Romeo and Juliet. He provides information, help and seeks interest in resolving the feud
between both houses. As such he is perceived as a catalyst for the events he foreshadows
when uniting them both.

Point 1: Friar Lawrence’s function is to guide and support Romeo and Juliet
Quote: “Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast”
Explanation: Friar advises Romeo that he should not be so impulsive and fast in love and
show an element of haste with the words ‘stumble’ and ‘wisely’. Both words are juxtaposed
to show that bad choices can result in a ‘stumble’ but good choices can be ‘wise’.

Point 2: Friar Lawrence’s function is to preach and educate as a HolyMan

Quote: “These violent delights have violent ends”
Quote2: “I’ll give thee armour to keep off that word”
Explanation: Friar Lawrence tells Romeo and Juliet that their impulsive love can show
impulsive and negative consequences. He says this as it is one of the practices in
Catholicism as a Friar, he must educate the people. To a Shakespearean audience, this is
seen as the right thing to do as the majority were Catholic/Christian and can relate such
values. Friar tells Romeo that he will ‘give thee armour’. The Friar implies a mental and
optimistic mindset towards Romeo to give him confidence and hope in his actions. The word
‘armour’ has connotations of protection and shielding, this shows that the Friar will help
Romeo face the consequences ahead.

Point 3: Friar Lawrence’s function is to bring hope and peace

Quote: “For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households’ rancor to pure love”
Quote2: “For by your leaves, you shall not stay alone, Til Holy Church incorporate two in one”
Explanation: The Friar brings the most optimism, confidence and hope to the play during Act
3 where Romeo and Juliet wed. He agrees to marry them as he believes their love and joy for
each other will affect their family feud and turn their ‘households’ rancor to pure love’. The
word ‘Pure’ having similarities to single, holy and cleansed shows the contrast between
peace and the feud. Though Romeo and Juliets have doubts about eloping and unsure about
their family reaction and actions towards it, Friar Lawrence aids them by saying ‘Til Holy
Church’ which ensures their faith in Catholicism. He says ‘you shall not stay alone’ to relate
the communion of saints and reinforce their bond with Christian Faiths.

Conclusion: Friar Lawrence has several functions to ensure the love between Romeo and
Juliet throughout the play, to bring wisdom through experience and religion and to stop the
feud from consuming them as the next generation as he has foreshadowed humbleness

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