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Reviewer Quarter 4

Faith - It is a gift of God and a human act the believer gives personal adherence to God
who invites response and freely assents to the whole truth.
Prayer - Communication with God, a loving relationship with God, our all-loving Father,
through Jesus Christ, the Son in the Holy Spirit.
ACTS - It is a form of prayer were you adore, God and confesses your sins also give
thanks to God.
Eucharist - A source and summit of our Christian life, it is the fullness of Christian
initiation by most closely uniting the person with the mystery of Jesus.
Mysterium Fidei - It conveys one of the deep truths and mysteries of the faith.
Transubstantiation - It is a Council Trent teaches that the consecration of bread into wine
transforms the whole substance of Christ's body and wine into his blood.

From the book of Cost of Discipleship this famous statement has been quoted
around the world, "When Christ calls a man he bidS) him come and die," it is true
that this sentence summarizes the depth discipleship.
The vision for becoming a disciple is often referred to as The Great Commission -
Matt. 28:18 — 20.
Many Christians refer to themselves as members Of the church rather than
disciples. For them disciples were the twelve who spent intimate and quality time
with Jesus during His earthly ministry.
The word "Disciple" is derived from the Greek word "Mathetes". Literally
meaning — a leanerMathetes is one who directs his mind to something —a pupil
or a studentHence disciple is one who attaches himself to a teacher and follows
his teaching
What is Discipleship?
Christian discipleship is the transformation process that turns a believer into the
person God wants him to be.
Elements necessary for discipleship
Knowledge and experience are necessary in discipleship.
Only mental knowledge about Jesus does not suffice rather experience and
personal encounter with him can help in building our relationship with him.
4 elements of Christian discipleship
l) Accept Jesus as my master 2) Attachment to the person of Jesus
Commitment to the person of Jesus
Life long relationship with Jesus
Discipleship should not be mistaken with ministry of a Christian person
While discipleship belongs to the core of the person
His/ her ministry indicates his way of functioning
Discipleship should enable one to choose his/ her ministry and not vise versa
4 invitations of discipleship
1 )Come and see (Jn 1 :39)
2)Come and follow me (Mk1:17)
3)Come to me and learn from me(Mt 11:29)
4)Now come and follow me
Qualities of a disciple
Disciple is one who Hears or learns from his master
Martha gave priority to hear from Jesus when she had other options. Luke 10: 38
Disciple is one who
Obeys his master
Peter and Andrew responded to His call with an open heart
Mark 1 :16-20
Disciple is one who Enjoys the time with his master
John 6:66 - 71
Disciple is one who Hears or learns from his master
Once Jesus was praying. After he had finished, one of his disciples said "Lord,
teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples".
Luke 11:1
True discipleship
When God is the center of our lives, we live to please Him. When we please
God, we want Him to influence each area of our lives. This is discipleship.

Consecrated life
Consecrated life is a state of life in the
Catholic Church lived by those faithful who are called to follow Jesus Christ in a
more exacting way.
To consecrate something means to set it aside or devote it to a holy purpose.

Having A Spiritual Family
-Colossians 1:9-14 Family
Setting priorities has been a challenge for every family.
Everything wants to be the center of attention.
To get your family to be spiritual, understand that God is notjust anotherpriority.
He is THE priority.
Reflection: What are one or two things your own family needs to strengthen so
that God can better use your family for His purposes?

in order to foster spirituality in your child (Phil 2:12)

Have a purpose like Hannah (1 Sam 1:11)

Have a purpose like Joshua (Josh 24:15)
Become a God-oriented parent,not a problem-oriented parent (Eph 6:4)

Do not start something you will have to stop later

Lay the same foundation Paul designed for Timothy (1 Tim 1:5)
Allow yourself to be taught
Teach your child (Matt 13:1-23)
The goal in having a spiritual family is that you want to see your child grow to
respond to God, not to you...

1) What is Vocation? 2) How to discover the vocation, God is preparing for
3) Love and Serve God.
0 Every baptized Christian is called to follow Jesus, o to live as He lived, and to
be dedicated CQ_a life of self-qivinq and surrender to God's will.
The Christian vocation is a way of life that brings great joy & personal
• in spite that sometimes involves hardship and difficulties (the Way of the
A VOCATION: is a mision in this live, that God is calling, and

It is a Calling! to love him and serve him.

So even at this very moment, God is already putting everything in place, So vou
are ready to say YES! To your vocation.
Everyone has a vocation. God calls and invites all to his Savinq Plan.
Whatever God is calling you to be, your vocation is a small part Of the vocation
Of the Church.
What is the Vocation of the Church?: "To make people Holv"
If the Vocation of the Church is to make people holy, then, your vocation is to
help make evervone &QJ-Y, beginning with yourself.
0 There are those who received the "Calling" from God to be Priest
0 Priest are call to serve the Church in a very special way
• By bringing all God's people to Sacraments, and to help us to become Holy.
0 There are also others who are call to be "Consecrated to God", and belong
completely to Him, and help to build up his Kinqdom riqht here on earth.
Although these vocations are different from Priest, they have at least One
Calling that is the same:
o They are: Nuns, Sisters, and Friars, Monks, Brothers.
0 They are call to give themselves unselfish and completelv to God.
0 God gives those who are Consecrated to him a
MISION.• "reveal the love of God in the world"
Often they do this by
serving the poor
or by teaching
Some are given the mision of Prayers.
their prayers are constantly Offer to God, in behalf Of the whole church.
0 There are many religious families in the Church: The
Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Jesuits, Miss ionaries of Charities, etc.

0 The HABITS Of the sister or friars tell everyone, around them, that they are set
apart for God.
That they are Consecrated to God.
That they are giving themselves to Him as a Gift.
Habits also tell something else: they preach of Jesus. without ever saying a word.
The habit remains us that Jesus loves us, and He is present in the world
If we see some sisters or friars on the street, airport, church, etc, We know, by
their habits that: they love Jesus.
b) That they have given everything, they have and are to him.
{to do with it whatever He wants.)
o The vocation of Religious Lives implies an undivided heart: "Giving
Completely to God"
0 Those who are call to live a religious life, receive a special calling from God:
"to belong completely to him by taking 3 vows:"
Chastity (they can not get married)
0 Everything God has created is good:
It is good to own some things
It is wonderful both to get marrv. and have children And it is exiting to go
wherever you want to, and choose what you want to do.
Those who are call to religious life, know how good all these things are,
but they also know, there is another greater good:
And that greater good is
God who create everything that is aood in our lives, calls some people to be
witness of his goodness, by completerv qivinq their lives to Him.
There are some of you who are call to be Priest.
And some of you are called to stay in the world, and to be married: to become a
Dad or Mom.
But those who married too, will need to give and unselfish to their
This unselfish general "Gift of Self" will make them Holy and Happy.

Marriage is a vocation and a part of God's Plan: it is a call from God to Love and
Serve Him.
The wife responsibility is to show her husband and kids, how much God loves
them, throughout her.
The husband responsibility is to show his wife and children, how much God loves
them, through Him.
And Both Husband and Wife should share the Gospel to their Children, words
and actions.
Both should teach their children to share in God's love with their grandparents.
All are called to live their life joined to Christ in Baptism.
For many, single life becomes the best way to fulfill their vocation whether being
"single" is a choice, or a circumstance.
Accepting the vocation of the "SINGLE LIFE' means choosing to serve God as a
member of the laity.
Sin le persons serve the Christian fam y through acts of love and service, in a
variety of lay ministries.
Living a SINGLE LIFE invites individuals to make a difference in their
communlty. and wo d as Jesus did.

The dedicated SINGLE LIFE is a real vocation.

It is a calling to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ in the particular
circumstances Of daily life.
It is a commitment to be open to God's will, to serve freely and generously even
when there is no obligation or requirement to do so.
Dedicated Single Persons encounter their difficulties confident that they
are not alone or powerless. but are fully supported by Christ and His Church.
they experience communion with Christ through the sacraments, in their prayer
and in felløwship with pensioners and vorkers in various Church ministries,
Generous Single Men And Women see themselves as privileged members Of
the one family of God.
In our secular culture, being single often means being uncommitted:
with no obligations or responsibilities to anyone except yourself.
This is the way of life pursued by the young man in "The
Prodigal Son.7Luke 15-11-32)
It's a selfish way of living that always ends badly: with bitter and lonely regret.
Because a life lived only for freedom, or pleasure, or selfish gain is


The call to vocation involves free choice and an open heart.
Contrary to what we hear repeatedly in the news and entertainment media:
Freedom is not license to (doing whatever we want)
or the absence of any obligations or responsibilities
Freedom is the gift that God gives us that allows us to choose how we will live,
how we will commit ourselves to others and how we will serve the needs Of
God's family.
To be truly free, we must exercise God's ift free m responsibly, generously and
grate ul y.
0 Generous Single Persons are good stewards because they care deeply, and
respond generously,
o Single persons who have given themselves wholeheartedly to Christ are not like
the young man in the parable of the prodigal son.
On the contrary, they are fully committed individuals. They bind themselves to
the service of others,
they participate in the Church's mission and share themselves, with those who
walk with them.
Generous Single Persons respond to the distinctive calling:
They discern God's will for themselves through prayer, spiritual reading and
They commit to their families, parents, siblings and extended family members.
They partner with friends, co-workers, fellow parishioners, neighbors and all
whom they encounter in seeking to make our world a better place
o Once we have said YES to God's invitation to follow, there are many paths, that
we can follow:
Many are called to be married and to have families.
Others are called to the consecrated life as sisters, brothers or priests — or to the
ordained ministry as deacons, priests or bishops.
Some men and women are called to remain single, and to live out their Christian
lives with extraordina enerosi and commi ment to Christ and to His


0 Listen deeply to what God is saying to you.
0 He is calling you to be holy, and to live fully, and joyfully! in Christ.
0 The path you are called to take, may be unique to you, o but if you give yourself
wholeheartedly to Him, you will never have to journey alone.

Eucharist Source and Summit of the Christian Life

USCCA Chapter 17
Monday, August 24, 2015
1 . The Eucharist, the third Sacrament of initiation, is the culmination of all the
Sacraments of the Church. Jesus:
Instituted the Eucharist as a memorial of His death and Resurrection.
Commanded the Apostles to celebrate the Eucharist until His return in glory.
2. The Eucharist was prefigured through:
The use of bread and wine in the offering of Melchizedek.
The eating of the lamb, bread and drinking of wine in the Passover meal.
Jesus' changing of water into wine at the wedding of Cana.
2. The Eucharist was prefigured through:
Jesus' miracles of the multiplication of the loaves.
Jesus' discourse on the Bread of Life.
3. Jesus instituted the celebration of the Eucharist at the Passover feast of the Last
Jesus commanded the Apostles and their successors to repeat His actions and
Sunday, the day of the Resurrection of Jesus, is the Christian Sabbath and the
preeminent day for the celebration of the Eucharist.
4. The structure of the Mass (or Eucharistic Liturgy) was in place by the Second
Century. The parts of the Mass are:
The Introductory Rites.
The Liturgy of the Word.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The Concluding Rite.
5. The Mass, as sacrifice, makes present sacramentally Jesus' saving and
sacrificial death on the Cross.
The Mass is a memorial, not just a recollection of a past event but an actual
making present of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross.
The Mass makes Christ's offering present to us in an unbloody manner.
5. The Mass, as sacrifice, makes present sacramentally Jesus' saving and
sacrificial death on the Cross.
The Mass is the sacrifice of the Church, in which the faithful offer their lives to
the Father, united with the offering of Christ.
The Mass unites the members of Christ's Body on earth with those in heaven.
6. With its roots in the Passover meal, the Mass is a holy meal in which:
Bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ.
The faithful eat the Body and Blood of Christ.

The faithful must receive the Sacrament of Penance if they are conscious of
having committed a mortal sin.
6. With its roots in the Passover meal, the Mass is a holy meal in which:
The faithful are expected to fast from food or drink (excluding water) one hour
before receiving the Eucharist.
The faithful are obligated to receive the Eucharist once per year at some time
between the First Sunday of Lent through Trinity Sunday.
6. With its roots in the Passover meal, the Mass is a holy meal in which:
Christ is fully present under either of the Eucharistic species.
Our union with Christ is strengthened.
7. Christ is present in the liturgy as follows:
In the proclamation of the Scriptures.
In the assembly of the baptized.
In the person of the priest.

•The bread used for communion signifies the body of Jesus, which was broken
for us. He took on all sin, iniquity, rebellion, disease, grief and shame. The wine
(or grape juice) represents His blood, which was shed to establish a new covenant.

As you constantly receive the Body of Christ in the Holy Communion, in what
way can you emulate Jesus who is the bread for the Hungry world?

What are the top 3 gifts you usually wait for every Christmas season? 1.
 Advent Season —comes from the Latin noun “Adventus”, which means
arrival or coming. This the first season in the liturgical calendar of the Church.
 Advent Wreath —The symbol used during the season to keep track on the
celebration and is being lighted progressively.
 Gaudete Sunday —this is third Sunday of Advent; Gaudete is a Latin word
which literally means “rejoice”.
 Penance— an act of self-abasement, mortification, or devotion performed
to show sorrow or repentance for sin
 The season of Advent is the beginning of the new liturgical year after
Christ the King Sunday. This is a four-Sunday preparation for the arrival of the
Lord Jesus on Christmas Day. The candles of the Advent wreath express this
intensive preparation. The Advent season reminds us of the threefold arrival of
the Lord Jesus:
• the arrival of Jesus at Christmas as our Savior,
• the daily arrival of Jesus in our hearts; and
• the arrival of Jesus as Judge at the end of time.
 It is a season of doing penance for our sinfulness and of preparing our
hearts for the coming of Jesus.
The Liturgical Calendar is the official calendar of the Church which has series
of religious feasts and seasons. Unlike the Gregorian Calendar which is divided
into 12 months, the Church's liturgical calendar is divided into five major seasons:
[1]Advent Season—four weeks of preparation before the celebration of the
nativity of Jesus.
[2]Christmas Season—recalling the birth of our Lord and His manifestation to the
peoples of the world.
[3]Lenten Season—six weeks of penance before Easter.
[4]Easter Season—50 days of joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the
dead and His sending forth of the Holy Spirit.
[5]Ordinary Time—divided into two sections (one span of 48 weeks after
Christmas Time and another lasting about six months after Easter Time), wherein
the faithful consider the fullness of Jesus' teachings and works among his people.
Each liturgical year starts on the First Sunday of Advent during the preceding
calendar year.
1. Wreath— The wreath itself, which is made of various evergreens, signifies
continuous life. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end,
symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting
life we find in Christ.
2.First Candle (Purple)—symbolizes hope and is called the "Prophet’s Candle".
The prophets of the Old Testament, especially Isaiah, waited in hope for the
Messiah’s arrival. The purple color symbolizes royalty, repentance, and fasting.
3. Second Candle (Purple) —represents faith and is called "Bethlehem’s
Candle". Micah had foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, which
is also the birthplace of King David. The second candle is also purple to
symbolize preparation for the coming king
4. Third Candle (Pink) —symbolizes joy and is called the "Shepherd’s
Candle". To the shepherd’s great joy, the angels announced that Jesus came for
humble, unimportant people like them, too. This rose candle represents joyfulness
and rejoicing which is lit on the third Sunday called Gaudete Sunday, a Sunday of
rejoicing because the faithful have arrived at the midpoint of Advent, when their
preparation is now half over and they are close to Christmas.
5. Fourth Candle (Purple) —represents peace and is called the "Angel’s
Candle". The angels announced that Jesus came to bring peace--He came to bring
people close to God and to each other again. This color is also purple to represent
the culmination of love through the Messiah.
6. Fifth Candle —represents light and purity and is called "Christ’s Candle".
It is placed in the middle and is lit on Christmas Day. This candle is white to
represent pure light and victory.
The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent. A tradition is that each
week represents one thousand years, to sum to the 4,000 years from Adam and
Eve until the birth of the Savior. It also symbolizes the 400 years of God’s silence
after the last prophet Malachi until the birth of Christ. In the same way, we also
wait in silence through prayer and penance until Christmas day. The progressive
lighting of the candles indicates watchfulness and symbolizes the expectation and
hope surrounding our Lord’s first coming into the world and the anticipation of
His second coming to judge the living and the dead.
To call upon the Lord for his loving mercy, to have a penitent and blameless
heart, to be always ready for the Lord’s coming, to wait
for him with joyful hope because the birth of Christ is the best gift to humankind
we ought to be prepared to receive—this is the reason for the season of Advent.

At the end of the lesson, Ignacian-Marian learners will be able to…

Identify the Prayer and it’s Methods

Appreciate the importance of Prayer and it’s methods
Compose a prayer using the ACTS methods of Prayer.
ACTS - an acronym that stands for Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and
CCC - Catechism of the Catholic Church
Faith - a gift of God and a human act by which the believer gives personal
adherence to God who invites response and freely assents to the whole truth that
God has revealed.
Prayer - it is communication with God, a loving relationship with God, our all-
loving Father, through Jesus Christ. the Son in the Holy Spirit.
An acronym that stands for Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and
St. John Damascene gave a classic definition of prayer: "Prayer is the raising of
one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God“ is a form
of communication, a way of talking to God
or to the saints. Learn more about prayer and how to pray.
What are the Methods of Prayer?
Basic Methods of Prayer
Preparation of Prayer
How to Enter into prayer
Examination of Prayer (Journal Writing)
Preparation of Prayer
How to Enter into prayer
Examination of Prayer (Journal Writing)
ACTS stands for:
Adoration, Contrition,
Thanksgiving and Supplication
Levels of Christian Prayer
Compose a prayer using ACTS

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