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Academician: Rhullielton Pereira Lechner de Albuquerque

RGM: 23.165
Teacher: Karla Costa English II
*Activity: Watch the movie Freedom Writers and write 2 paragraphs
highlighting my view on this film.
Soon as the teacher goes to the class by first time, I felt disappointed
when I put myself in her shoes. The students were hostile and unfriendly
with her; they mocked her and fought themselves. Its really sad, because
shows a sad reality of classrooms. What caught my close attention in the
movie was the fact that the Teacher Erin has not given up and perseverated.
She believed them. She believed their abilities.
Some important parts that Ive appreciated in this film were when the
husband asked Erin: Are you sure about this? And she answered: Its not
exactly how I pictured it. Its something to reflect. In other scene, to
encourage her, he said: Youre a teacher because you say you are. Its not
easy to be a teacher!
Other scene that its drew my attention was the part of Erin said to her
students: Raise your hand if you know what the Holocaust is. No one
raised their hands, not even a white boy. After this, she asked: Raise your
hand if anyone in this classroom has ever been shot at. So everyones hand
rose up. I felt really affected with this, because well find different
situations with our students too.
The Erin suggestion to encourage her students to tell their own lives
in a diary, even if it might be confidential, sparked on them the interest by
reading and writing. Plus, they could be new people, better people.

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