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APEDA -IFOAM Conference 2010

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2010-05-16 06:06:09 - Nksagar: May 15,2010- New Delhi -European Union,Switzerlan
d and the US recognizes NPOP standards and conformity procedures assessment of I
ndia -ISO -17011 to be at par with their requirements and Indian Organic product
s are 80% of exports to Europe and USA.
APEDA launches Tracenet -the traceability system for organic products which will
help enhanced credibility of The Indian Organic products in Global market espec
ially to the western market with Indian exports rise in this sector to $ one bil
lion in five years.APEDA has the vision to make India Number one Organic hub in
this decade.
Mr Anand Sharma Federal Minister of
Commerce and Industry launched the web based traceability system for organic pro
ducts.Minister said " Organic farming with its emphasis on closed nutrient cycle
s,bio-diversity and effective soil management would help us mitigate and even re
verse the effects of climate change.I am told that Organic Agriculture practices
are among the most effective strategies for mitigating carbon dioxide norms".He
added,"that with launch of web based traceability software for Organic products
exports will get boost and farmers get remunerative prices."
Speaking to Mr NK Sagar of Sagar media, Andre Lew - IFOAM President said India h
as the opportunity to be the biggest producers of organic products. In terms of
standards for organic products Lew said India has domestic standards which enabl
e them to exports and with Indian domestic standards get nod of developed countr
ies the other countries too will adopt Indian domestic standards.
India Organic sector is the fastest moving sector and the Organic food,cotton,me
dicine fossils from the farms are of high value market in developed countries ma
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