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plural noun: humanities
the human race; human beings collectively.

Studying humanities has been a pleasure. I wasnt sure what to expect

going into the class but I cant say that I was disappointed. I learned about a
wide array of people and situations and stuff. I used to enjoy school because I
enjoyed learning, but eventually it got boring and repetitive but I think
humanities brought back some of the joy in learning for me, even though it was
second semester of my senior year when I was completely unmotivated.
Humanities subjects like happiness, the good life, and privilege taught me new
and interesting things about my fellow man and helped me to find a new
perspective on various topics.
The topic of privilege was especially interesting to me. The ideas exploring
people being biased against an individuals economic state, race, sexuality,
gender, and so on are so prevalent today, yet some people dont see it. In the
middle of the discussions about privilege, outside of class I was .talking to one of
my wealthy, white, male friends. He said something along the lines of Ugh I
hate humanities! The privilege thing is way dumb! Like no matter what you have
to work hard to make it in life, it doesnt matter if youre a girl or black. Like its
the same for everyone! And I had no words for him and his egocentric views.
His lack of belief in white male privilege just strengthened my belief. Privilege is
sometimes not seen by those who have it, but are evident to those who dont.

Another topic that interested me was happiness and the section on how
different religions believe one finds happiness. It was fascinating to learn about
how similar some religions are to my own, like I had no idea that Islam,
Christianity, and Judaism all split off from the same branch. It was also cool to
learn about how different some religions are. Such as Daoism, Hinduism, and
Buddhism. The ideas surrounding reincarnation and finding Dharma that
Buddhism teaches is so foreign to me but I can see why people believe in that.
Everyone is just trying to find happiness in this life, and it made me think about
how people are brutally judged based on how they find happiness in this life and
I just dont think thats fair. As Ellen Degeneres always says, Be kind to one

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