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1. QQ Account Registration :

After you are done you will receive a QQ ID full of numbers. This is your ID for all
Tencent game and is extremely important so remember it.

2. QQ Account Verification :

1. Name

2. Choose the third, Resident Identity Card (the 3rd option is passport, you
can just write fake info try it just trrrryyyyyyyyyy)
3. Birthdate year/month/day
4. Adress (just write anything
you can even write ringdingdong as your address)
5. Confirm

If you are redirected to the page such as this then that means you are a golden man
and now you are ready for the game!

3. Changing System Locale

Before you start installing the game, make sure to change your System Locale to
Chinese first
Go to Control Panel > Region and Language > Administrative > Change System Locale.
Start > Type Region and Language > Administrative > Change System Locale.

4. Installing the Game

Open the folder where you save your downloaded game and launch the installer.
If you are using Windows 8.1, make sure you run the client with Win 7 compatibility
or else you will get an error.

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