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1. On 3-12-2013 around 5.

30 pm, I was taken to

BAPTIST HOSPITAL , In emergency department I was
given preliminary treatment and CT Scan of head
was done. Police took my oral complaint in hospital
at around 6.30pm and assured me that they will look
into the matter. After assessing my injuries (multiple
facial bones fractures & other bodily injuries) I was
admitted in the same hospital and was adviced for
plastic surgery.
2. I never went to police station and gave complaint as
mentioned in B-Report.
3. I didnt even knew that there was a complaint lodged
against me .
4. I never visited the accident location with police as
mentioned in B-Report.
5. My condition was very critical and was not in a
situation to talk or write for 2 days.
6. On 5/12/13 I wrote a complaint sitting in hospital and
sent the letter to police station through my brother.
7. I was discharged from hospital on 5/12/13 evening
with advised medications. After the swelling subsided
I got re-admitted on 10/12/13 and under went
surgery on 11/12/13 and got discharged on 12/12/13.
8. According to witness the statement given in B-Report
is contradicting in the statement given in front of
honorable magistrate.
9. According to the witness Mr.Anoop , the accident
occurred due to sole negligence of Vishwas not me
as mentioned in the B report.

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