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DNA A-T-G-G-C-T-C-T-A-A-C-G-A-T-A-T-G-A Coding strand

T-A-C-C-G-A-G-A-T-T-G-C-T-A-T-A-C-T Template strand

Coding strand - will be the same as mRNA (except DNA has T

and RNA has U)

Template strand complementary strand of DNA used to

transcribe mRNA

mRNA AUG-GCU-CUA-ACG-AUA-UGA (used to find amino


tRNA UAC-CGA-GAU-UGC-UAU-ACU (anticodons on tRNA,

which carries amino acids to the ribosome)

Amino Acids Met-Ala-Leu-Thr-Ile-STOP


A mutation is defined as a change made to the sequence of bases in DNA or RNA.

There are several different category for a mutation to fit into

Mutation can be grouped by:

When it occurs
How it occurs
What it affects


Uv rays might erase some nitrogen bases in DNA

For the most part, the two major categories are:

Germline mutation a mutation that occurs in the gametes (sex cells) of an

organism, and can lead to significant effects in offspring

mutation occurring in any other cell found in the body

Somatic mutation A____________________________________________,
and cannot be passed down to offspring

Another form of a mutation is an alteration to a chromosomes structure.

A segment of genes is removed

Deletion ________________________________________________

A segment of genes will be repeated

Duplication ________________________________________________

A segment of genes is flipped

Inversion ________________________________________________

A segment of genes is placed on the incorrect chromosomes

Insertion ________________________________________________

Two chromosomes incorrectly switches a segment of genes

Translocation ________________________________________________


Some mutations will affect protein production

Point mutation a change in a single nucleotide of DNA or RNA

Three types:
Silent the change will produce the same amino acid
Missense mutated codon produces a different amino acid
Nonsense it will cause a stop codon to appear earlier in the sequence

Frameshift mutation - occurs when a number of nucleotides are added to or deleted from the mRNA

Causes of Mutations

Mutation can occurs in several different manners

It can be spontaneous and randomly occur

Mutagen anything in the environment
It can also be caused by a ________
that cause a mutation

Cigarettes ______,
UV rays etc.
Examples _______,

Effects of Mutations

Neutral mutations
have neither a positive effect or a negative
A silent point mutation
effect on the organism. ( Example __________________________)

Beneficial mutations a mutation that will have a beneficial effect

__________________on the organism, such as causing the organism to be better suited for
its environment

Any mutations that will cause a organism harm

Harmful mutations ___________________________________
(Examples genetic disorders, cancer, etc.)

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