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ten crate new technology inator Trish Morris, far left, and Kendra Haugen demonstrate the -w Promethean smarthoards dur- house at Jueobson Elementary ne sehol distriet fy the ‘e-state area to have Promethean ventary and secondary classroom, ‘om Belmond native Richard Ja- ccobson which funded the purchase. Hangen showed a number of reading and language arts programs she will be using this year, including vocabulary and spelling lessons. Haugen told the nearly 400 people who attended the program at the ‘open house that Promethean boards allow students to be uetive participants in the elassroom, rather th just passive observers, o school’s capital campaign recognized apace 1) auve Jacobson >ublic support ior what they. was also given ‘of the elen Tenold said the passage of the bond relerendum and private dona: tions have given Belmond-Ktemme ing and first clays athletic Took forward to what will happen at the high school” during the upcom wg and renovation, ‘Tenold reminded everyone assem led that property owners are only paying $1.10 per $1,000 of assessed ‘was promised by the years, not the 20 years that was pavsed., thanks 10 favorable interest rates,” he said, Texold thanked the Parons of the district for their sup- port time, tax dollars and votes ‘Talbot sid all donations of $1,000 ‘or more are recognized on the honor roll boards im the front entrance of the new school, The donations, he ‘said, will benefit students For gener= ations to come. "We extend a huge thank you for your generosity, caring

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