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Solutions Manual

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

Michael Carter
November 15, 2002

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

Chapter 1: Sets and Spaces

{ 1, 3, 5, 7 . . . } or { : is odd }
1.2 Every also belongs to . Every also belongs to . Hence , have
precisely the same elements.
1.3 Examples of nite sets are
the letters of the alphabet { A, B, C, . . . , Z }
the set of consumers in an economy
the set of goods in an economy
the set of players in a game.
Examples of innite sets are
the real numbers
the natural numbers
the set of all possible colors
the set of possible prices of copper on the world market
the set of possible temperatures of liquid water.
1.4 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, = { 2, 4, 6 }.
1.5 The player set is = { Jenny, Chris }. Their action spaces are
= { Rock, Scissors, Paper }

= Jenny, Chris

1.6 The set of players is = {1, 2, . . . , }. The strategy space of each player is the set
of feasible outputs
= { + : }
where is the output of dam .
1.7 The player set is = {1, 2, 3}. There are 23 = 8 coalitions, namely
( ) = {, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}
There are 2


coalitions in a ten player game.

/ . This implies
/ and
/ ,
1.8 Assume that ( ) . That is
or and . Consequently, . Conversely, assume .
This implies that and . Consequently
/ and
/ and therefore

/ . This implies that ( ) . The other identity is proved similarly.


c 2001 Michael Carter

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics


Figure 1.1: The relation { (, ) : 2 + 2 = 1 }
1.10 The sample space of a single coin toss is { , }. The set of possible outcomes in
three tosses is the product
{, } {, } {, } = (, , ), (, , ), (, , ),
(, , ), (, , ), (, , ), (, , ), (, , )
A typical outcome is the sequence (, , ) of two heads followed by a tail.
+ = {0}
where 0 = (0, 0, . . . , 0) is the production plan using no inputs and producing no outputs.
To see this, rst note that 0 is a feasible production plan. Therefore, 0 . Also,
0 + and therefore 0 + .
To show that there is no other feasible production plan in + , we assume the contrary.
That is, we assume there is some feasible production plan y + {0}. This implies
the existence of a plan producing a positive output with no inputs. This technological
infeasible, so that
/ .

1. Let x (). This implies that (, x) . Let x x. Then (, x )

(, x) and free disposability implies that (, x ) . Therefore x ().

2. Again assume x (). This implies that (, x) . By free disposal,

( , x) for every , which implies that x ( ). ( ) ().
1.13 The domain of < is {1, 2} = and the range is {2, 3} .
1.14 Figure 1.1.
1.15 The relation is strictly higher than is transitive, antisymmetric and asymmetric.
It is not complete, reexive or symmetric.

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

1.16 The following table lists their respective properties.


Note that the properties of symmetry and anti-symmetry are not mutually exclusive.
1.17 Let be an equivalence relation of a set = . That is, the relation is reexive,
symmetric and transitive. We rst show that every belongs to some equivalence
class. Let be any element in and let () be the class of elements equivalent to
, that is
() { : }
Since is reexive, and so (). Every belongs to some equivalence
class and therefore


Next, we show that the equivalence classes are either disjoint or identical, that is
() = () if and only if f() () = .
First, assume () () = . Then () but
/ (). Therefore () = ().
Conversely, assume () () = and let () (). Then and by
symmetry . Also and so by transitivity . Let be any element
in () so that . Again by transitivity and therefore (). Hence
() (). Similar reasoning implies that () (). Therefore () = ().
We conclude that the equivalence classes partition .
1.18 The set of proper coalitions is not a partition of the set of players, since any player
can belong to more than one coalition. For example, player 1 belongs to the coalitions
{1}, {1, 2} and so on.
= and
= and
Transitivity of implies . We need to show that . Assume otherwise, that
is assume This implies and by transitivity . But this implies that
which contradicts the assumption that . Therefore we conclude that
and therefore . The other result is proved in similar fashion.
1.20 asymmetric Assume .

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c 2001 Michael Carter

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transitive Assume and .

= and
= and
Since is transitive, we conclude that .
It remains to show that . Assume otherwise, that is assume . We
know that and transitivity implies that , contrary to the assumption
that . We conclude that and
and =
This shows that is transitive.
1.21 reexive Since is reexive, which implies .
transitive Assume and . Now
Transitivity of implies
and =
and =
and =

1.22 reexive Every integer is a multiple of itself, that is = 1.
transitive Assume = and = where , . Then = so that is a
multiple of .
not symmetric If = , , then =
multiple of 2 but 2 is not a multiple of 4.

[, ] = { , , , }
(, ) = { }
() = {, , }
() = {, }
() = {, , }
() = {, }

/ . For example, 4 is a

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.25 Let be ordered by . is a minimal element there is no element which

strictly precedes it, that is there is no element such that . is the
rst element if it precedes every other element, that is for all .
1.26 The maximal elements of are and . The minimal element of is . These
are also best and worst elements respectively.
1.27 Assume that is a best element in ordered by . That is, for all .
This implies that there is no which strictly dominates . Therefore, is maximal
in . In Example 1.23, the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are all maximal elements, but none of
them is a best element.
1.28 Assume that the elements are denoted 1 , 2 , . . . , . We can identify the maximal
element by constructing another list using the following recursive algorithm
1 = 1


if 1

By construction, there is no which strictly succedes . is a maximal element.

is maximal there does not exist
that is
( ) = { : } =
is best for every
for every
That is, every belongs to ( ) or ( ) = .
1.30 Let be a nonempty set of a set ordered by . is a lower bound for
if it precedes every element in , that is for all . It is a greatest lower
bound if it dominates every lower bound, that is for every lower bound of .
1.31 Any multiple of 60 is an upper bound for . Thus, the set of upper bounds of
is {60, 120, 240, . . . }. The least upper bound of is 60. The only lower bound is 1,
hence it is the greatest lower bound.
1.32 The least upper bounds of interval [, ] are and . The least upper bound of
(, ) is .
is an upper bound of for every
for every
is a lower bound of for every
for every

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.34 For every 2 ,

if 1 > 1 or 1 = 1 and 2 > 2
Since all elements 2 are comparable, is complete; it is a total order.
1.35 Assume is complete for every . Then for every , and for all =
1, 2, . . . , , either or or both. Either
for all Then dene .
for some Let be the rst individual with a strict preference, that is =
min ( ). (Completeness of ensures that is dened). Then dene
1.36 Let , and be subsets of a nite set . Set inclusion is
reexive since .
transitive since and implies .
anti-symmetric since and implies =
Therefore is a partial order.
1.37 Assume and are both least upper bounds of . That is for all
and for all . Further, if is a least upper bound, . If is a least
upper bound, . By anti-symmetry, = .
= and
which implies that = by antisymmetry. Each equivalence class
() = { : }
comprises just a single element .
1.39 max () = and min () = .
1.40 The subset {2, 4, 8} forms a chain. More generally, the set of integer powers of a
given number { , 2 , 3 , . . . } forms a chain.
1.41 Assume and are maximal elements of the chain . Then for all
and in particular . Similarly, for all and in particular . Since
is anti-symmetric, = .

1. By assumption, for every , () is a nonempty nite chain. Hence,

it has a unique maximal element, ().

2. Let be any node. Either is an initial node or has a unique predecessor ().
Either () is an initial node, or it has a unique predecessor (()). Continuing
in this way, we trace out a unique path from back to an initial node. We can
be sure of eventually reaching an initial node since is nite.
(1, 2) (3, 1) = (3, 2) and (1, 2) (3, 2) = (1, 2)

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics


c 2001 Michael Carter

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1. is an upper bound for { , }, that is xy and xy . Similarly,

is a lower bound for { , }.

2. Assume . Then is an upper bound for { , }, that is . If is

any upper bound for { , }, then . Therefore, is the least upper bound
for { , }. Similarly, is a lower bound for { , }, and is greater than any
other lower bound. Conversely, assume = . Then is an upper bound for
{ , }, that is .
3. Using the preceding equivalence
= ( ) =
= ( ) =
1.45 A chain is a complete partially ordered set. For every , with = ,
either or . Therefore, dene the meet and join by
is a lattice with these operations.
1.46 Assume 1 and 2 are lattices, and let = 1 2 . Consider any two elements
x = (1 , 2 ) and y = (1 , 2 ) in . Since 1 and 2 are lattices, 1 = 1 1 1
and 2 = 2 2 2 , so that b = (1 , 2 ) = (1 1 , 2 2 ) . Furthermore
b x and b y in the natural product order, so that b is an upper bound for the
= (1 , 2 ) of {x, y} must have and ,
{x, y}. Every upper bound b
b. Therefore, b is the least upper bound of {x, y}, that is b = x y.
so that b
Similarly, x y = (1 1 , 2 2 ).
1.47 Let be a subset of and let
= { : for every }
be the set of upper bounds of . Then = . By assumption, has a greatest
lower bound . Since every is a lower bound of , for every .
Therefore is an upper bound of . Furthermore, is the least upper bound of ,
since for every . This establishes that every subset of also has a least
upper bound. In particular, every pair of elements has a least upper and a greatest
lower bound. Consequently is a complete lattice.
1.48 Without loss of generality, we will prove the closed interval case. Let [, ] be an
interval in a lattice . Recall that = inf[, ] and = sup[, ]. Choose any , in
[, ] . Since is a lattice, and
= sup{ , }
Therefore [, ]. Similarly, [, ]. [, ] is a lattice. Similarly, for any
subset [, ] , sup if is complete. Also, sup = sup[, ]. Therefore
sup [, ]. Similarly inf [, ] so that [, ] is complete.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics


c 2001 Michael Carter

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1. The strong set order is

antisymmetric Let 1 , 2 with 1 2 and 2 1 . Choose 1 1
and 2 2 . Since 1 2 , 1 2 1 and 1 2 2 . On the other
hand, since 2 1 , 1 = (1 (1 2 ) 2 and 2 = 2 (1 2 ) 1
(Exercise 1.44. Therefore 1 = 2 and is antisymmetric.
transitive Let 1 , 2 , 3 with 1 2 and 2 3 . Choose 1 1 ,
2 2 and 3 3 . Since 1 2 and 2 3 , 1 2 and 2 3
are in 2 . Therefore 2 = 1 (2 3 ) 2 which implies
1 3 = 1 (2 3 ) 3
= 1 (2 3 ) 3
= 2 3 3
since 2 3 . Similarly 2 = (1 2 ) 3 2 and
1 3 = 1 (1 2 ) 3
= 1 (1 2 ) 3
= 1 2 1
Therefore, 1 3 .

2. if and only if, for every 1 , 2 , 1 2 and 1 2 , which

is the case if and only if is a sublattice.
3. Let () denote the set of all sublattices of . We have shown that is
reexive, transitive and antisymmetric on (). Hence, it is a partial order on
1.50 Assume 1 2 . For any 1 1 and 2 2 , 1 2 1 and 1 2 2 .
sup 1 1 2 2

for every 2 2

which implies that sup 1 sup 2 . Similarly

inf 2 1 2 1

for every 1 1

which implies that inf 2 inf 1 . Note that completeness ensures the existence of
sup and inf respectively.
1.51 An argument analogous to the preceding exercise establishes = . (Completeness is not required, since for any interval = inf[, ] and = sup[, ]).
To establish the converse, assume that 1 = [1 , 1 ] and 2 = [2 , 2 ]. Consider any
1 1 and 2 2 . There are two cases.
Case 1. 1 2 Since is a chain, 1 2 = 1 1 . 1 2 = 2 2 .
Case 2. 1 2 Since is a chain, 1 2 = 2 . Now 1 1 2 2 2 .
Therefore, 2 = 1 2 1 . Similarly 2 1 1 2 2 . Therefore
1 2 = 1 2 .
We have shown that 1 2 in both cases.
1.52 Assume that is a complete relation on . This means that for every , ,
either or . In particular, letting = , for . is reexive.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.53 Anti-symmetry implies that each indierence class contains a single element. If the
consumers preference relation was anti-symmetric, there would be no baskets of goods
between which the consumer was indierent. Each indierence curve which consist a
single point.
1.54 We previously showed (Exercise 1.27) that every best element is maximal. To
prove the converse, assume that is maximal in the weakly ordered set . We have to
show that for all . Assume otherwise, that is assume there is some
for which . Since is complete, this implies that which contradicts the
assumption that is maximal. Hence we conclude that for and is a
best element.
1.55 False. A chain has at most one maximal element (Exercise 1.41). Here, uniqueness
is ensured by anti-symmetry. A weakly ordered set in which the order is not antisymmetric may have multiple maximal and best elements. For example, and are
both best elements in the weakly ordered set { }.

1. For every , either = () or = () since

is complete. Consequently, () () = If () (), then
and so that and .

2. For every , either = () or = () since is

complete. Consequently, () () = and () () = .
3. For every , () and partition () and therefore (), and ()
partition .
1.57 Assume and (). Then by transitivity. Therefore ().
This shows that () ().
Similarly, assume and (). Then by transitivity. Therefore
(). This shows that () (). To show that () = (), observe that
() but that
/ ()
1.58 Every nite ordered set has a least one maximal element (Exercise 1.28).
1.59 Kreps (1990, p.323), Luenberger (1995, p.170) and Mas-Colell et al. (1995, p.313)
adopt the weak Pareto order, whereas Varian (1992, p.323) distinguishes the two orders. Osborne and Rubinstein (1994, p.7) also distinguish the two orders, utilizing the
weak order in dening the core (Chapter 13) but the strong Pareto order in the Nash
bargaining solution (Chapter 15).
1.60 Assume that a group is decisive over , . Let , be two other states.
We have to show that is decisive over and . Without loss of generality, assume
for all individuals and . Then, the Pareto order implies that and
Assume that for every , . Since is decisive over and , the social
order ranks . By transitivity, . By IIA, this holds irrespective of individual
preferences on other alternatives. Hence, is decisive over and .
1.61 Assume that is decisive. Let , and be any three alternatives and assume
for every . Partition into two subgroups 1 and 2 so that
for every 1 and for every 2
Since is decisive, . By completeness, either
in which case 1 is decisive over and . By the eld expansion lemma (Exercise
1.60), 1 is decisive.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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which implies . In this case, 2 is decisive over and , and therefore

(Exercise 1.60) decisive.
1.62 Assume is a social order which is Pareto and satises Independence of Irrelevant
Alternatives. By the Pareto principle, the whole group is decisive over any pair of
alternatives. By the previous exercise, some proper subgroup is decisive. Continuing
in this way, we eventually arrive at a decisive subgroup of one individual. By the
Field Expansion Lemma (Exercise 1.60), that individual is decisive over every pair of
alternatives. That is, the individual is a dictator.
1.63 Assume is decisive over and and is decisive over and . That is, assume
Also assume

for every

for every

This implies that and (Pareto principle). Combining these preferences,

transitivity implies that

which contradicts the assumption that . Therefore, the implied social ordering is
1.64 Assume core. In particular this implies that there does not exist any ( )
such that . Therefore Pareto.
1.65 No state will accept a cost share which exceeds what it can achieve on its own, so
that if core then
Similarly, the combined share of the two states AP and TN should not exceed 6990,
which they could achieve by proceeding without KM, that is
+ 6990
+ 1960
+ 5020
Finally, the sum of the shares should equal the total cost
+ + = 6530
The core is the set of all allocations of the total cost which satisfy the preceding
For example, the allocation ( = 1500, = 5000, = 30) does not belong
to the core, since TN and KM will object to their combined share of 5030; since they
can meet their needs jointly at a total cost of 5020. One the other hand, no group
can object to the allocation ( = 1510, = 5000, = 20), which therefore
belongs to the core.

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1.66 The usual way to model a cost allocation problem as a TP-coalitional game is
to regard the potential cost savings from cooperation as the sum to be allocated. In
this example, the total joint cost of 6530 represents a potential saving of 1530 over
the aggregate cost of 8060 if each region goes its own way. This potential saving of
1530 measures ( ). Similarly, undertaking a joint development, AP and TN could
satisfy their combined requirements at a total cost of 6890. This compares with the
standalone costs of 7100 (= 1870 (AP) + 5330 (TN)). Hence, the potential cost savings
from their collaboration are 210 (= 7100 - 6890), which measures (, ). By
similar calculations, we can compute the worth of each coalition, namely
( ) = 0
( ) = 0

(, ) = 210
(, ) = 770

( ) = 0

(, ) = 1170

( ) = 1530

An outcome in this game is an allocation of the total cost savings ( ) = 1530 amongst
the three players. This can be translated into nal cost shares by subtracting each
players share of the cost savings from their standalone cost. For example, a specic
outcome in this game is ( = 370, = 330, = 830), which corresponds to
nal cost shares of 1500 for AP, 5000 for TN and 30 for KM.
1.67 Let
= {x :

() for every }

/ core. This implies there exists some

1. core Assume that x . Suppose x
coalition and outcome y () such that y x for every .

y () implies () while
y x for every implies > for every . Summing, this


This contradiction establishes that x core.

2. core Assume that x core. Suppose x
/ . This implies there exists some

coalition such that < (). Let = () and consider the

allocation y obtained by reallocating from to , that is
+ /

/( )
where = is the number of players in and = is the number in .
> for
every so that y x for every . Further, y ()
since = + = () and y since

( + /) +

( /( )) =

= ( )

This contradicts our assumption that x

/ core, establishing that x .


Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.68 The 7 unanimity games for the player set = {1, 2, 3} are
1 S = {1}, {1,2}, {1,3}, N
{1} () =
0 otherwise
1 S = {2}, {1,2}, {2,3}, N
{2} () =
0 otherwise
1 S = {3}, {1,3}, {2,3}, N
{3} () =
0 otherwise
1 S = {1,2}, N
{1,2} () =
0 otherwise
1 S = {1,3}, N
{1,3} () =
0 otherwise
1 S = {2,3}, N
{2,3} () =
0 otherwise
1 S=N
() =
0 otherwise
1.69 Firstly, consider a simple game which is a unanimity game with essential coalition
and let be an outcome in which

for every

= 0

for every


= 1

We claim that core.

Winning coalitions If is winning coalition, then () = 1. Furthermore, if it is a
winning coalition, it must contain , that is and

= 1 = ()

Losing coalitions If is a losing coalition, () = 0 and

0 = ()

Therefore core and so core = .

Conversely, consider a simple game which is not a unanimity game. Suppose there
exists an outcome core. Then

( ) = 1


Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Since there are no veto players ( = ), ( {}) = 1 for every player and

( {}) = 1

which implies that = 0 for every contradicting (1.15). Thus we conclude that
core = .
1.70 The excesses of the proper coalitions at x1 and x2 are

{AP, KM}
{AP, TN}
{KM, TN}


(x1 ) = (180, 180, 365, 365, 395, 955)
(x2 ) = (160, 200, 370, 380, 380, 950)
d(x1 ) d(x2 ) which implies x1 x2 .
1.71 It is a weak order on , that is is reexive, transitive and complete. Reexivity

and transitivity ow from the corresponding properties of on 2 . Similarly, for

any x, y , either d(x) d(y) or d(y) d(x) since is complete on 2 .

Consequently either x y or y x (or both).
is not a partial order since it is not antisymmetric
d(x) d(y) and d(y) d(x) does not imply x = y
(, x) = ()

so that
(, x) 0


1.73 Assume to the contrary that x Nu but that x

/ core. Then, there exists a
coalition with a positive decit (, x) > 0. Since core = , there exists some y
such that (, y) 0 for every Nu. Consequently, d(y) d(x) and y x, so
that x
/ Nu. This contradiction establishes that Nu core.
1.74 For player 1, 1 = {, } and
(, ) 1 (, )
(, ) 1 (, )
Similarly for player 2
(, ) 2 (, )
(, ) 2 (, )
Therefore, (, ) satises the requirements of the denition of a Nash equilibrium
(Example 1.51).

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.75 If a is the best element in ( , ) for every player , then

( , a ) ( , a ) for every and a
for every . Therefore, a is a Nash equilibrium.
is another Nash equilibrium. Then for every
To show that it is unique, assume that a
) ( , a
) for every
, a
is a maximal element of . To see this, assume not. That is,
which implies that a
assume that there exists some such that
which implies
, a ) for every a
, a ) (
In particular
) ( , a )
, a
is anwhich contradicts the assumption that a is a Nash equilibrium. Therefore, a
other Nash equilibrium, then
is maximal in and hence also a best element of
(Exercise 1.54), which contradicts the assumption that is the unique best element.
Consequently, we conclude that a is the unique Nash equilibrium of the game.
1.76 We show that (, ) = satises the requirements of a metric, namely
1. 0.
2. = 0 if and only if = .
3. = .
To establish the triangle inequality, we can consider various cases. For example, if

+ = =
+ = + = =
and so on.
1.77 We show that , = max=1 satises the requirements of a metric,
1. max=1 0
2. max=1 = 0 if and only if = for all .
3. max=1 = max=1
4. For every , + from previous exercise. Therefore
max max ( + )
max + max
1.78 For any , any neighborhood of 1/ contains points of (namely 1/) and points
not in (1/ + ). Hence every point in is a boundary point. Also, 0 is a boundary
point. Therefore b() = {0}. Note that b(). Therefore, has no interior

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1. Let int . Thus is a neighborhood of . Therefore, is a

neighborhood of , so that is an interior point of .

2. Clearly, if , then . Therefore, assume which implies

that is a boundary point of . Every neighborhood of contains other points
of . Hence .
1.80 Assume that is open. Every has a neighborhood which is disjoint from
. Hence no is a closure point of . contains all its closure points and is
therefore closed.
Conversely, assume that is closed. Let be a point its complement . Since
is closed and
/ , is not a boundary point of . This implies that has a
neighborhood which is disjoint from , that is . Hence, is an interior point
of . This implies that contains only interior points, and hence is open.
1.81 Clearly is a neighborhood of every point , since () for every
> 0. Hence, every point is an interior point of . Similarly, every point
is an interior point (there are none). Since and are open, there complements and
are closed.
Alternatively, has no boundary points, and is therefore is open. Trivialy, on the other
hand, contains all its boundary points, and is therefore closed.
1.82 Let be a metric space. Assume is the union of two disjoint closed sets and
, that is

Then = is open as is = . Therefore is not connected.

Conversely, assume that is not connected. Then there exist disjoint open sets and
such that = . But = is also closed as is = . Therefore is the
union of two disjoint closed sets.
1.83 Assume is both open and closed, . We show that we can represent
as the union of two disjoint open sets, and . For any , = and
= . is open by assumption. It complement is open since is closed.
Therefore, is not connected.
Conversely, assume that is not connected. That is, there exists two disjoint open
sets and such that = . Now = , which implies that is closed since
is open. Therefore is both open and closed.
1.84 Assume that is both open and closed. Then so is and is the disjoint union
of two closed sets
so that
b() = = =
Conversely, assume that b() = = . This implies that Consider any .
Since = ,
/ . A fortiori, x
/ which implies that and therefore
. is closed. Similarly we can show that so that is closed and
therefore is open. is both open and closed.


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c 2001 Michael Carter

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1. Let { } be a (possibly innite) collection of open sets. Let = . Let

be a point in . Then there exists some particular which contains . Since
is open, is a neighborhood of . Since , is an interior point of .
Since is an arbitrary point in , we have shown that every is an interior
point. Hence, is open.
What happens if every is empty? In this case, = and is open (Exercise
1.81). The other possibility is that the collection { } is empty. Again =
which is open.
Suppose { 1 , 2 , . . . , } is a nite collection of open sets. Let = . If
= , then it is trivially open. Otherwise, let be a point in . Then
for all = 1, 2, . . . , . Since the sets are open, for every , there exists an open
ball (, ) about . Let be the smallest radius of these open balls, that
is = min{ 1 , 2 , . . . , }. Then () (, ), so that () for all i.
Hence () . is an interior point of and is open.
To complete the proof, we need to deal with the trivial case in which the collection
is empty. In that case, = = and hence is open.

2. The corresponding properties of closed sets are established analogously.


1. Let 0 be an interior point of . This implies there exists an open ball

about 0 . Every is an interior point of . Hence int . 0 is an
interior point of int which is therefore open.
Let be any open subset of and be a point in . is neighborhood of ,
which implies that is also neighborhood of . Therefore is an interior
point of . Therefore int contains every open subset , and hence is the
largest open set in .

2. Let denote the closure of the set . Clearly, . To show the converse, let
be a closure point of and let be a neighborhood of . Then contains
some other point = which is a closure point of . is a neighborhood of
which intersects . Hence is a closure point of .
Consequently = which implies that is closed.
Assume is a closed subset of containing . Then
since is closed. Hence, is a subset of every closed set containing .
1.87 Every is either an interior point or a boundary point. Consequently, the
interior of is the set of all which are not boundary points
int = b()
1.88 Assume that is closed, that is
= b() =
This implies that b() . contains its boundary.
Assume that contains its boundary, that is b(). Then
= b() =
is closed.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.89 Assume is bounded, and let = (). Choose any . For all ,
(, ) < + 1. Therefore, (, + 1). is contained in the open ball
(, + 1).
Conversely, assume is contained in the open ball (). Then for any ,
(, ) (, ) + (, ) < 2
by the triangle inequality. Therefore () < 2 and the set is bounded.
1.90 Let (0 ). For every , (, ) < and therefore
(, 0 ) (, ) + (, 0 ) < + = 2
so that 2 (0 ).
1.91 Let y0 . For any > 0, let y = y be the production plan which is units
less in every commodity. Then, for any y (y )
(y, y ) <

for every

and therefore y < y0 . Thus (y ) and so y int = .

1.92 For any 1
= (, 2 ) > 0
Similarly, for every 2
= (, 1 ) > 0
1 =

/2 ()

2 =

/2 ()

Then 1 and 2 are open sets containing 1 and 2 respectively.

To show that 1 and 2 are disjoint, suppose to the contrary that 1 2 . Then,
there exist points 1 and 2 such that
(, ) < /2,

(, ) < /2

Without loss of generality, suppose that and therefore

(, ) (, ) + (, ) < /2 + /2
which contradicts the denition of and shows that 1 2 = .
1.93 By Exercise 1.92, there exist disjoint open sets 1 and 2 such that 1 1 and
2 2 . Since 2 2 , 2 2 = . 2 is a closed set which contains 1 , and
therefore 2 1 = . = 1 is the desired set.
1.94 See Figure 1.2.


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1/2 ((2, 0))


Figure 1.2: Open ball about (2, 0) relative to

1.95 Assume is connected. Suppose is not an interval. This implies that there
exists numbers , , such that < < and , while
/ . Then
= ( (, )) ( (, ))
represents as the union of two disjoint open sets (relative to ), contradicting the
assumption that is connected.
Conversely, assume that is an interval. Suppose that is not connected. That is,
= where and are nonempty disjoint closed sets. Choose and .
Since and are disjoint, = . Without loss of generality, we may assume < .
Since is an interval, [, ] = . Let
= sup{ [, ] }
Clearly so that . Now belongs to either or . Since is closed in ,
[, ] is closed and = sup{ [, ] } . This implies the < . Consequently,
+ for every > 0 such that + . Since is closed, . This implies
that belongs to both and contradicting the assumption that = . We
conclude that must be connected.
1.96 Assume and also . We have to show that = . Suppose not,
that is suppose = (see Figure 1.3). Then (, ) = > 0. Let = /3 > 0. Since
, there exists some such that () for all . Since ,
there exists some such that () for all . But these statements are
contradictory since () (, ) = . We conclude that the successive terms of a
convergent sequence cannot get arbitrarily close to two distinct points, so that the limit
a convergent sequence is unique.
1.97 Let ( ) be a sequence which converges to . There exists some such that
( ) < 1
for all . Let
= max{ (1 ), (2 ), . . . , ( 1 ), 1 }
Then for all , ( ) . That is every element in the sequence ( ) belongs to
(, + 1), the open ball about of radius + 1. Therefore the sequence is bounded.

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(, )

(, )

Figure 1.3: A convergent sequence cannot have two distinct limits

1.98 The share of the th guest is


lim = 0
However, > 0 for all . There is no limit to the number of guests who will get a
share of the cake, although the shares will get vanishingly small for large parties.
1.99 Suppose . That is, there exists some such that ( , ) < /2 for all
. Then, for all ,
( , ) ( , ) + (, )
< /2 + /2 =
1.100 Let ( ) be a Cauchy sequence. There exists some such that
( ) < 1
for all . Let
= max{ (1 ), (2 ), . . . , ( 1 ), 1 }
Every belongs to ( , + 1), the ball of radius + 1 centered on .
1.101 Let ( ) be a bounded increasing sequence in and let = { } be the set of
elements of ( ). Let be the least upper bound of . We show that .
First observe that for every (since is an upper bound). Since is the least
upper bound, for every > 0 there exists some element such that > . Since
( ) is increasing, we must have
< for every
That is, for every > 0 there exists an such that
( , ) < for every
1.102 If > 1, the sequence , 2 , 3 , . . . is unbounded.
Otherwise, if 1, 1 and the sequence is decreasing and bounded by 1.
Therefore the sequence converges (Exercise 1.101). Let = lim . Then
+1 =
and therefore
= lim +1 = lim =

which can be satised if and only if


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= 1, in which case = lim 1 = 1
= 0 when 0 < 1
0 < 1

1. For every


2) 0

2 2 2 + 2 0

2 + 2 2 2

Dividing by

2 2

for every > 0. Therefore


2. Let ( ) be the sequence dened in Example 1.64. That is

1 + 1

Starting from 0 = 2, it is clear that 0 for all . Substituting in




That is

1 +


2 for every . Therefore for every

+1 =





= 2

This implies that +1 . Consequently 2 2 for every . ( ) is a

bounded monotone sequence. By Exercise 1.101, . The limit satises
the equation

Solving, this implies 2 = 2 or = 2 as required.


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1.104 The following sequence approximates the square root of any positive number
1 =
+1 = +

1.105 Let . If , then is the limit of the sequence (, , , . . . ). If

/ ,
then is a boundary point of . For every , the ball (, 1/) contains a point
. From the sequence of open balls (, 1/) for = 1, 2, 3, . . . , we can generate
of a sequence of points which converges to .
Conversely, assume that is the limit of a sequence ( ) of points in . Either
and therefore . Or
/ . Since , every neighborhood of contains points

of the sequence. Hence, is a boundary point of and .

1.106 is closed if and only if = . The result follows from Exercise 1.105.
1.107 Let be a closed subset of a complete metric space . Let ( ) be a Cauchy
sequence in . Since is complete, . Since is closed, (Exercise
1.108 Since ( ) 0, cannot contain more than one point. Therefore, it suces
to show that is nonempty. Choose some from each . Since ( ) 0, ( ) is
a Cauchy sequence. Since is complete, there exists some such that .
Choose some . Since the sets are nested, the subsequence { : } . Since
is closed, (Exercise 1.106). Since for every


1.109 If player 1 picks closed balls whose radius decreases by at least half after each
pair of moves, then { 1 , 3 , 5 , . . . } is a nested sequence of closed sets which has a
nonempty intersection (Exercise 1.108).
1.110 Let ( ) be a sequence in with closed and compact. Since is
compact, there exists a convergent subsequence . Since is closed,
we must have (Exercise 1.106). Therefore ( ) contains a subsequence which
converges in , so that is compact.
1.111 Let ( ) be a Cauchy sequence in a metric space. For every > 0, there exists
such that
( , ) < /2 for all ,
Trivially, if ( ) converges, it has a convergent subsequence (the whole sequence).
Conversely, assume that ( ) has a subsequence ( ) which converges to . That is,
there exists some such that
( , ) < /2 for all
Therefore, by the triangle inequality
( , ) ( , ) + ( , ) < /2 + /2 =
for all max ,


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1.112 We proceed sequentially as follows. Choose any 1 in . If the open ball (1 , )

contains , we are done. Otherwise, choose some 2
/ (1 , ) and consider the set
( , ). If this set contains , we are done. Otherwise, choose some 3

The process must terminate with a nite number of open balls. Otherwise, if the process
could be continued indenitely, we could construct an innite sequence (1 , 2 , 3 , . . . )
which had no convergent subsequence. The would contradict the compactness of .
1.113 Assume is compact. The previous exercise showed that is totally bounded.
Further, since every sequence has a convergent subsequence, every Cauchy sequence
converges (Exercise 1.111). Therefore is complete.
Conversely, assume that is complete and totally bounded and let 1 = { 11 , 21 , 31 , . . . }
be an innite sequence of points in . Since is totally bounded, it is covered by a
nite collection of open balls of radius 1/2. 1 has a subsequence 2 = { 12 , 22 , 32 , . . . }
all of whose points lie in one of the open balls. Similarly, 2 has a subsequence
3 = { 13 , 23 , 33 , . . . } all of whose points lie in an open ball of radius 1/3. Continuing in this fashion, we construct a sequence of subsequences, each of which lies in a
ball of smaller and smaller radius. Consequently, successive terms of the diagonal
subsequence { 11 , 22 , 33 , . . . } get closer and closer together. That is, is a Cauchy
sequence. Since is complete, converges in and 1 has a convergent subsequence
. Hence, is compact.

1. Every big set has a least two distinct points.

0 for every .

Hence ( ) >

2. Otherwise, there exists such that ( ) 1/ for every and therefore

= inf ( ) 1/ > 0.
3. Choose a point in each . Since is compact, the sequence ( ) has a
convergent subsequence ( ) which converges to some point 0 .
4. The point 0 belongs to at least one 0 in the open cover . Since 0 is open,
there exists some open ball (0 ) 0 .
5. Consider the concentric ball /2 (0 ). Since ( ) is a convergent subsequence,
there exists some such that /2 () for every .
6. Choose some 0 min{ , 2/ }. Then 1/0 < /2 and (0 ) < 1/0 < /2.
0 0 /2 () and therefore (Exercise 1.90) 0 () 0 .
This contradicts the assumption that is a big set. Therefore, we conclude that
> 0.

1. is totally bounded (Exercise 1.112). Therefore, for every > 0, there

exists a nite number of open balls ( ) such that

( )


2. ( ( )) = 2 < . By denition of the Lebesgue number, every ( ) is

contained in some .
3. The collection of open balls { ( )} covers . Therefore, fore every ,
there exists such that
( )

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Therefore, the nite collection 1 , 2 , . . . , covers .
1.116 For any family of subsets


Suppose to the contrary

that is a collection of closed sets with the nite intersection

property, but that = . Then { : } is a open cover of which does

not have a nite subcover. Consequently cannot be compact.
Conversely, assume every collection of closed sets with the nite intersection property
has a nonempty intersection. Let be an open cover of . Let
= { : }
That is

= which implies

Consequently, does not have the nite intersection property. There exists a nite
subcollection { 1 , 2 , . . . , } such that


which implies that


{ 1 , 2 , . . . , } is a nite subcover of . Thus, is compact.

1.117 Every nite collection of nested (nonempty) sets has the nite intersection property. By Exercise 1.116, the sequence has a non-empty intersection. (Note: every set
is a subset of the compact set 1 .)
1.118 (1) = (2) Exercises 1.114 and 1.115.
(2) = (3) Exercise 1.116
(3) = (1) Let be a metric space in which every collection of closed subsets with
the nite intersection property has a nite intersection. Let ( ) be a sequence
in . For any , let be the tail of the sequence minus the rst terms, that
= { : = + 1, + 2, . . . }
The collection ( ) has the nite intersection property since, for any nite set of
integers { 1 , 2 , . . . , }


where = max{ 1 , 2 , . . . , }. Therefore



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Choose any =1 . That is, for each = 1, 2, . . . . Thus, for every

> 0 and = 1, 2, . . . , there exists some ()
We construct a subsequence as follows. For = 1, 2, . . . , let be the rst
term in which belongs to 1/ (). Then, ( ) is a subsequence of ( ) which
converges to . We conclude that every sequence has a convergent subsequence.
1.119 Assume ( ) is a bounded sequence in . Without loss of generality, we can
assume that { } [0, 1]. Divide 0 = [0, 1] into two sub-intervals [0, 1/2] and
[1/2, 1]. At least one of the sub-intervals must contain an innite number of terms of
the sequence. Call this interval 1 . Continuing this process of subdivision, we obtain
a nested sequence of intervals
0 1 2 . . .
each of which contains an innite number of terms of the sequence. Consequently,
we can construct a subsequence ( ) with . Furthermore, the intervals get
smaller and smaller with ( ) 0, so that ( ) is a Cauchy sequence. Since is
complete, the subsequence ( ) converges to .
Note how we implicitly called on the Axiom of Choice (Remark 1.5) in choosing a
subsequence from the nested sequence of intervals.
1.120 Let ( ) be a Cauchy sequence in . That is, for every > 0, there exists such
that < for all , . ( ) is bounded (Exercise 1.100) and hence by the
Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, it has a convergent subsequence ( ) with .
Choose from the convergent subsequence such that and < /2. By
the triangle inequality
+ < /2 + /2 =
Hence the sequence ( ) converges to .
1.121 Since 1 and 2 are linear spaces, x1 + y1 1 and x2 + y2 2 , so that
(x1 + y1 , x2 + y2 ) 1 2 . Similarly (x1 , x2 ) 1 2 for every (x1 , x2 )
1 2 . Hence, = 1 2 is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.
With addition and scalar multiplication dened component-wise, inherits the arithmetic properties (like associativity) of its constituent spaces. Verifying this would
proceed identically as for . It is straightforward though tedious. The zero element
in is 0 = (01 , 02 ) where 01 is the zero element in 1 and 02 is the zero element in
2 . Similarly, the inverse of x = (x1 , x2 ) is x = (x1 , x2 ).

x+y =x+z
x + (x + y) = x + (x + z)
(x + x) + y = (x + x) + z
0+y =0+z


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x = y
(x) = (y)

( )

3. x = x implies
( )x = x x = 0
Provided x = 0, we must have
( )x = 0x
That is = 0 which implies = .
( )x = ( + ())x
= x + ()x
= x x
(x y) = (x + (1)y)
= x + (1)y
= x y
0 = (x + (x))
= x + (x)
= x x
1.123 The linear hull of the vectors {(1, 0), (0, 2)} is
{ (
( )}
lin {(1, 0), (0, 2)} = 1
+ 2
1 }
= 2
The linear hull of the vectors {(1, 0), (0, 2)} is the whole plane 2 . Figure 1.4 illustrates
how any vector in 2 can be obtained as a linear combination of {(1, 0), (0, 2)}.

1. From the denition of ,

= ()


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(2, 3)




Figure 1.4: Illustrating the span of { (1, 0), (0, 2) }.

for every . Rearranging
() = +


() =

() +

1 +


= ()

1. Choose any x . By homogeneity 0x = .

2. For every x , x = (1)x by homogeneity.

1.126 Examples of subspaces in include:
1. The set containing just the null vector {0} is subspace.
2. Let x be any element in and let be the set of all scalar multiples of x
= { x : }
is a line through the origin in and is a subspace.
3. Let be the set of all -tuples with zero rst coordinate, that is
= { (1 , 2 , . . . , ) : 1 = 0, , = 1 }
For any x, y
x + y = (0, 2 , 3 , . . . , ) + (0, 2 , 3 , . . . , )
= (0, 2 + 2 , 3 + 3 , . . . , + )

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x = (0, 2 , 3 , . . . , )
= (0, 2 , 3 , . . . , )
Therefore is a subspace of . Generalizing, any set of vectors with one or
more coordinates identically zero is a subspace of .
4. We will meet some more complicated subspaces in Chapter 2.
1.127 No, x
/ + if x + unless x = 0. + is an example of a cone (Section 1.4.5).
1.128 lin is a subspace Let x, y be two elements in lin . x is a linear combination
of elements of , that is
x = 1 1 + 2 2 + . . .
y = 1 1 + 2 2 + . . .
x + y = (1 + 1 )1 + (2 + 2 )2 + + ( + ) lin
x = 1 1 + 2 2 + + lin
This shows that lin is closed under addition and scalar multiplication and hence
is a subspace.
lin is the smallest subspace containing Let be any subspace containing .
Then contains all linear combinations of elements in , so that lin .
Hence lin is the smallest subspace containing S.
1.129 The previous exercise showed that lin is a subspace. Therefore, if = lin ,
is a subspace.
Conversely, assume that is a subspace. Then is the smallest subspace containing
, and therefore = lin (again by the previous exercise).
1.130 Let x, y = 1 2 . Hence x, y 1 and for any , , x + y 1 .
Similarly x + y 2 and therefore x + y . is a subspace.
1.131 Let = 1 + 2 . First note that 0 = 0 + 0 . Suppose x, y belong to . Then
there exist s1 , t1 1 and s2 , t2 2 such that x = s1 + s2 and y = t1 + t2 . For any
, ,
x + y = (s1 + s2 ) + (t1 + t2 )
= (s1 + t1 ) + (s2 + t2 )
since s1 + t1 1 and s2 + t2 2 .
1.132 Let
1 = { (1, 0) : }
2 = { (0, 1) : }

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1 and 2 are respectively the horizontal and vertical axes in 2 . Their union is not a
subspace, since for example
( ) (
) (

/ 1 2
However, any vector in 2 can be written as the sum of an element of 1 and an element
of 2 . Therefore, their sum is the whole space 2 , that is
1 + 2 = 2
1.133 Assume that is linearly dependent, that is there exists x1 , . . . , x and
2 , . . . , such that
x1 = 2 x2 + 3 x3 + . . . , x
Rearranging, this implies
1x1 2 x2 3 x3 . . . x = 0
Conversely, assume there exist x1 , x2 , . . . , x x and 1 , 2 , . . . , such that
1 x1 + 2 x2 . . . + x = 0
Assume without loss of generality that 1 = 0. Then
x1 =


x3 . . .

which shows that

x1 lin {x1 }
1.134 Assume {(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)} are linearly dependent. Then there exists
1 , 2 , 3 such that

1 1 + 2 1 + 3 0 = 0
or equivalently
1 = 0
1 + 2 = 0
1 + 2 + 3 = 0
which imply that
1 = 2 = 3 = 0
Therefore {(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)} are linearly independent.
1.135 Suppose on the contrary that is linearly dependent. That is, there exists a
set of games { 1 , 2 , . . . , } and nonzero coecients (1 , 2 , . . . , ) such that
(Exercise 1.133)
1 1 + 2 2 + . . . + = 0


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Assume that the coalitions are ordered so that 1 has the smallest number of players
of any of the coalitions 1 , 2 , . . . , . This implies that no coalition 2 , 3 , . . . , is
a subset of 1 and
(1 ) = 0

for every = 2, 3, . . . ,


Using (1.39), 1 can be expressed as a linear combination of the other games,

1 = 1/1



Substituting (1.40) this implies that

1 (1 ) = 0
( ) = 1

for every

by denition. This contradiction establishes that the set is linearly independent.

1.136 If is a subspace, then 0 and
x1 = 0
with = 0 and x1 = 0 (Exercise 1.122). Therefore is linearly dependent (Exercise
1.137 Suppose x has two representations, that is
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x
0 = (1 1 )x1 + (2 2 )x2 + . . . + ( )x


Since {x1 , x2 , . . . , , x } is linearly independent, (1.19) implies that = = 0 for all

(Exercise 1.133)
1.138 Let be the set of all linearly independent subsets of a linear space . is
ordered by inclusion. Every chain = { } has an upper bound, namely

By Zorns lemma, has a maximal element . We show that is a basis

for .
is linearly independent since . Suppose that does not span so that
lin . Then there exists some x lin . The set {x} is a linearly
independent and contains , which contradicts the assumption that is the maximal
element of . Consequently, we conclude that spans and hence is a basis.
1.139 Exercise 1.134 established that the set = { (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)} is linearly
independent. Since dim 3 = 3, any other vectors must be linearly dependent on .
That is lin = 3 . is a basis.
By a similar argument to exercise 1.134, it is readily seen that {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)}
is linearly independent and hence constitutes a basis.


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1.140 Let = {a1 , a2 , . . . , a } and = {b1 , b2 , . . . , b } be two bases for a linear

space . Let
1 = {1 } = {b1 , a1 , a2 , . . . , a }
is linearly dependent (since 1 lin ) and spans .
1 , 2 , . . . , and 1 such that

Therefore, there exists

1 b1 + 1 a1 + 2 a2 + . . . + a = 0
At least one = 0. Deleting the corresponding element a , we obtain another set 1
of elements
1 = {b1 , a1 , a2 , . . . , a1 , a+1 , . . . , a }
which is also spans . Adding the second element from , we obtain the + 1 element
2 = {b1 , b2 , a1 , a2 , . . . , a1 , a+1 , . . . , a }
which again is linearly dependent and spans .
Continuing in this way, we can replace vectors in with the vectors from while
maintaining a spanning set. This process cannot eliminate all the vectors in , because
this would imply that was linearly dependent. (Otherwise, the remaining b would be
linear combinations of preceding elements of .) We conclude that necessarily .
Reversing the process and replacing elements of with elements of establishes that
. Together these inequalities imply that = and and have the same
number of elements.
1.141 Suppose that the coalitions are ordered in some way, so that
( ) = {0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , 2 1 }
with 0 = . There are 2 coalitions. Each game corresponds to a unique list
of length 2 of coalitional worths
v = (0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , 2 1 )

with 0 = 0. That is, each game denes a vector = (0, 1 , . . . , 2 1 ) 2 and

conversely each vector 2 (with 0 = 0) denes a game. Therefore, the space of

all games is formally identical to the subspace of 2 in which the rst component

is identically zero, which in turn is equivalent to the space 2 1 . Thus, is a

2 1-dimensional linear space.
1.142 For illustrative purposes, we present two proofs, depending upon whether the
linear space is assumed to be nite dimensional or not. In the nite dimensional case,
a constructive proof is possible, which forms the basis for practical algorithms for
constructing a basis.
Let be a linearly independent set in a linear space .
is nite dimensional Let = dim . Assume has elements and denote it
If lin = , then is a basis and we are done. Otherwise, there exists some
x+1 lin . Adding x+1 to gives a new set of + 1 elements
+1 = { x+1 }

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which is also linearly independent ( since x+1

/ lin ).
If lin +1 = , then +1 is a basis and we are done. Otherwise, there exists
some x+2 lin +1 . Adding x+2 to +1 gives a new set of + 2
+2 = +1 { x+2 }
which is also linearly independent ( since x+2
/ lin +2 ).
Repeating this process, we can construct a sequence of linearly independent sets
, +1 , +2 . . . such that lin lin +1 lin +2 . Eventually, we will reach a set which spans and hence is a basis.
is possibly innite dimensional For the general case, we can adapt the proof
of the existence of a basis (Exercise 1.138), restricting to be the class of all
linearly independent subsets of containing .
1.143 Otherwise (if a set of + 1 elements was linearly independent), it could be
extended to basis at least + 1 elements (exercise 1.142). This would contradict the
fundamental result that all bases have the same number of elements (Exercise 1.140).
1.144 Every basis is linearly independent. Conversely, let = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } be a
set of linearly independent elements in an -dimensional linear space . We have to
show that lin = .
Take any x . The set
{x} = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x , x }
must be linearly dependent (Exercise 1.143). That is there exists numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , , ,
not all zero, such that
1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x + x = 0


Furthermore, it must be the case that = 0 since otherwise

1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x = 0
which contradicts the linear independence of . Solving (1.20) for x, we obtain

1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x

Since x was an arbitrary element of , we conclude that spans and hence is a

1.145 A basis spans . To establish the converse, assume that = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x }
is a set of elements which span . If is linearly dependent, then one element
is linearly dependent on the other elements. Without loss of generality, assume that
x1 lin {x1 }. Deleting x1 the set
{x1 } = {x2 , x3 , . . . , x }
also spans . Continuing in this fashion by eliminating dependent elements, we nish
with a linearly independent set of < elements which spans . That is, we can
nd a basis of < elements, which contradicts the assumption that the dimension
of is (Exercise 1.140). Thus any set of vectors which spans must be linearly
independent and hence a basis.

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1.146 We have previously shown

that the set is linearly independent (Exercise 1.135).
the space has dimension 21 (Exercise 1.141).
There are 21 distinct T-unanimity games in . Hence spans the 21 space
. Alternatively, note that any game can be written as a linear combination
of T-unanimity games (Exercise 1.75).
1.147 Let = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } be a basis for . Since is linearly independent,
(Exercise 1.143). There are two possibilities.
Case 1: = . is a set of linearly independent elements in an -dimensional
space . Hence is a basis for and = lin = .
Case 2: < . Since is linearly independent but cannot be a basis for the dimensional space , we must have = lin .
Therefore, we conclude that if is a proper subspace, it has a lower dimension
than .
1.148 Let 1 , 2 , 3 be the coordinates of (1, 1, 1) for the basis {(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)}.
That is

1 = 1 1 + 2 1 + 3 0
which implies that 1 = 1, 2 = 3 = 0. Therefore (1, 0, 0) are the required coordinates
of the (1, 1, 1) with respect to the basis {(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)}.
(1, 1, 1) are the coordinates of the vector (1, 1, 1) with respect to the standard basis.
1.149 A subset of a linear space is a subspace of if
x + y for every x, y and for every ,
Letting = 1 , this implies that
x + (1 )y

for every x, y and

is an ane set.
Conversely, suppose that is an ane set containing 0, that is
x + (1 )y

for every x, y and

Letting y = 0, this implies that


for every x and

so that is homogeneous. Now letting = 12 , for every x and y in ,

x+ y
and homogeneity implies

x+y =2

x+ y

is also additive. Hence is subspace.


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1.150 For any x , let

= x = {v : v +x }
is an ane set For any v1 , v2 , there exist corresponding s1 , s2 such that
v1 = s1 x and v2 = s2 x and therefore
v1 + (1 )v2 = (s1 x) + (1 )(s1 x)
= s1 + (1 )s2 x + (1 )x
where s = 1 + (1 )2 . There is an ane set.
is a subspace Since x , 0 = x x . Therefore is a subspace (Exercise
is unique Suppose that there are two subspaces 1 and 2 such that = 1 + x1
and = 2 + x2 . Then
1 + x1 = 2 + x2
1 = 2 + (x2 x1 )
= 2 + x
where x = x2 x1 . Therefore 1 is parallel to 2 .
Since 1 is a subspace, 0 1 which implies that x 2 . Since 2 is a subspace,
this implies that x 2 and 2 + x 2 . Therefore 1 = 2 + x 2 . Similarly,
2 1 and hence 1 = 2 . Therefore the subspace is unique.
1.151 Let denote the relation is parallel to , that is
= + x for some x
The relation is
reexive since = + 0
transitive Assume = + x and = + y. Then = + (x + y)
symmetric = + x = = + (x)
Therefore is an equivalence relation.
1.152 See exercises 1.130 and 1.162.

1. Exercise 1.150

2. Assume x0 . For every x

x = x0 + v = w
which implies that . Conversely, assume = . Then x0 = 0 since
is a subspace.
3. By denition, . Therefore = x .
/ . Suppose to the contrary
4. Let x1
lin {x1 , } =


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= x0 +
is an ane set (Exercise 1.150) which strictly contains . This contradicts the
denition of as a maximal proper ane set.
5. Let x1
/ . By the previous part, x lin {x1 , }. That is, there exists
such that
x = x1 + v for some v
To see that is unique, suppose that there exists such that
x = x1 + v for some v
0 = ( )x1 + (v v )
/ .
which implies that = since x1
1.154 Assume x, y . That is, x, y and

= ( )

For any , x + (1 )y and

+ (1 ) =
+ (1 )

= ( ) + (1 )( )
= ( )
Hence is an ane subset of .
1.155 See Exercise 1.129.
1.156 No. A straight line through any two points in + extends outside + . Put
dierently, the ane hull of + is the whole space .
1.157 Let
= a x1
= a {0, x2 x1 , x3 x1 , . . . , x x1 }
is a subspace (0 ) and
a = + x1
dim a = dim
Note that the choice of x1 is arbitrary.
is anely dependent if and only if there exists some x such that x
x1 .
a ( {x }). Since the choice of x1 is arbitrary, we assume that x =
x a ( {x }) x ( + x1 ) {x }
x x1 {x x1 }
x x1 lin {x2 x1 , x3 x1 , . . . , x1 x1 ,
. . . , x+1 x1 , . . . , x x1 }

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Therefore, is anely dependent if and only if {x2 x1 , x3 x1 , . . . , x x1 } is

linearly independent.
1.158 By the previous exercise, the set = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } is anely dependent if
and only if the set {x2 x1 , x3 x1 , . . . , x x1 } is linearly dependent, so that there
exist numbers 2 , 3 , . . . , , not all zero, such that
2 (x2 x1 ) + 3 (x3 x1 ) + + (x x1 ) = 0
2 x2 + 3 x3 + + x

x1 = 0


Let 1 =


. Then
1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x = 0

1 + 2 + . . . + = 0
as required.
1.159 Let
= a x1 = a { 0, x2 x1 , x3 x1 , . . . , x x1 }
a = x1 +
If is anely independent, every x a has a unique representation as
x = x1 + v,

v = 2 (x2 x1 ) + 3 (x3 x1 ) + + (x x1 )
so that
x = x1 + 2 (x2 x1 ) + 3 (x3 x1 ) + + (x x1 )

Dene 1 = 1 =2 . Then
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
1 + 2 + + = 1
x is a unique ane combination of the elements of .
1.160 Assume that , (, ) . This means that < < and < < . For
every 0 1
+ (1 ) > + (1 )

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+ (1 ) < + (1 )
Therefore < +(1) < and +(1) (, ). (, ) is convex. Substituting
for < demonstrates that [, ] is convex.
Let be an arbitrary convex set in . Assume that is not an interval. This implies
that there exist numbers , , such that < < and , while
/ . Dene

so that

Note that 0 1 and that

+ (1 ) =


which contradicts the assumption that is convex. We conclude that every convex set
in is an interval. Note that may be a hybrid interval such (, ] or [, ) as well as
an open (, ) or closed [, ] interval.
1.161 Let (, ) be a TP-coalitional game. If core(, ) = then it is trivially convex.
Otherwise, assume core(, ) is nonempty and let x1 and x2 belong to core(, ).
That is

1 ()
for every

1 = ( )

and therefore for any 0 1

1 ()

for every

1 = ( )


(1 )2 (1 )()

for every

(1 )2 = (1 )( )

Summing these two systems

1 + (1 )2 () + (1 )() = ()

1 + (1 )2 = ( ) + (1 )( ) = ( )

That is, 1 + (1 )2 belongs to core(, ).


for every

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1.162 Let be a collection of convex sets and let x, y belong to . for every
, x, y and therefore
x + (1 )y for all 0 1 (since is convex).
Therefore x + (1 )y .
1.163 Fix some output . Assume that x1 , x2 (). This implies that both (, x1 )
and (, x2 ) belong to the production possibility set . If is convex
(, x1 ) + (1 )(, x2 ) = ( + (1 ), x1 + (1 )x2 )
= (, x1 + (1 )x2 )
for every [0, 1]. This implies that x1 + (1 )x2 (). Since the choice of
was arbitrary, this implies that () is convex for every .
1.164 Assume 1 and 2 are convex sets. Let = 1 + 2 . Suppose x, y belong to .
Then there exist s1 , t1 1 and s2 , t2 2 such that x = s1 + s2 and y = t1 + t2 . For
any [0, 1]
x + (1 )y = s1 + s2 + (1 )t1 + t2
= s1 + (1 )t1 + s2 + (1 )t2
since s1 + (1 )t1 1 and s2 + (1 )t2 2 . The argument readily extends to
any nite number of sets.
1.165 Without loss of generality, assume that = 2. Let = 1 2 = 1 2 .
Suppose x = (1 , 2 ) and y = (1 , 2 ) belong to . Then
x + (1 )y = (1 , 2 ) + (1 )(1 , 2 )
= (1 , 2 ) + ((1 )1 , (1 )2 )
= (1 + (1 )1 , 2 + (1 )2 )
1.166 Let x, y be points in so that x, y . Since is convex, x+ (1 )y
for every 0 1. Multiplying by
(x + (1 )y) = (x) + (1 )(y)
Therefore, is convex.
1.167 Combine Exercises 1.164 and 1.166.
1.168 The inclusion + (1 ) is true for any set (whether convex or not),
since for every x
x = x + (1 )x + (1 )
The reverse inclusion +(1) follows directly from the denition of convexity.
1.169 Given any two convex sets and in a linear space, the largest convex set
contained in both is ; the smallest convex set containing both is conv .
Therefore, the set of all convex sets is a lattice with
= conv
The lattice is complete since every collection { } has a least upper bound conv
and a greatest lower bound .

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1.170 If a set contains all convex combinations of its elements, it contains all convex
combinations of any two points, and hence is convex.
Conversely, assume that is convex. Let x be a convex combination of elements in ,
that is let
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x
where x1 , x2 , . . . , x and 1 , 2 , . . . , + with 1 + 2 + . . . + = 1. We
need to show that x .
We proceed by induction of the number of points . Clearly, x if = 1 or = 2.
To show that it is true for = 3, let
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3
where x1 , x2 , x3 and 1 , 2 , 3 + with 1 + 2 + 3 = 1. Assume that > 0
for all (otherwise = 1 or = 2) so that 1 < 1. Rewriting
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3
= 1 x1 + (1 1 )
x2 +
1 1
1 1
= 1 x1 + (1 1 )y

x2 +
1 1
1 1

y is a convex combination of two elements x2 and x3 since

2 + 3
1 1
1 1
1 1
and 2 + 3 = 1 1 . Hence y . Therefore x is a convex combination of two
elements x1 and and is also in . Proceeding in this fashion, we can show that every
convex combination belongs to , that is conv .
1.171 This is precisely analogous to Exercise 1.128. We observe that
1. conv is a convex set.
2. if is any convex set containing , then conv .
Therefore, conv is the smallest convex set containing S.
1.172 Note rst that conv for any set . The converse for convex sets follows
from Exercise 1.170.
1.173 Assume x conv (1 + 2 ). Then, there exist numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , and vectors x1 , x2 , . . . , x in 1 + 2 such that
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
For every x , there exists x1 1 and x2 2 such that
x = x1 + x2


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and therefore


x1 +




= x1 + x2

where x1 = =1 x1 1 and x2 = =1 x2 2 . Therefore x conv 1 +

conv 2 .
Conversely, assume that x conv 1 + conv 2 . Then x = x1 + x2 , where
x1 =

1 ,

x1 1

2 ,

x2 2


x2 =


x = x1 + x2 =

1 +


2 conv (1 + 2 )


since x1 , x2 1 + 2 for every and .

1.174 The dimension of the input requirement set () is . Its ane hull is .

1. Let
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x


If > dim +1, the elements x1 , x2 , . . . , x are anely dependent (Exercise

1.157 and therefore there exist numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , , not all zero, such that
(Exercise 1.158)
1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x = 0


1 + 2 + . . . + = 0
2. Combining (1.21) and (1.22)
x = x 0



( )x


for any .
3. Let = min : > 0 =

We note that
> 0 since > 0 for every .


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If > 0, then / / and therefore 0

If 0 then > 0 for every > 0.
Therefore 0 for every and
= 0 for = .
Therefore, (1.23) represents x as a convex combination of only 1 points.
4. This process can be repeated until x is represented as a convex combination of
at most dim + 1 elements.
1.176 Assume x is not an extreme point of . Then there exists distinct x1 and x2 in
S such that
x = x1 + (1 )x2
Without loss of generality, assume 1/2 and let y = x2 x. Then x + y = x2 .
x y = x x2 + x
= 2x x2
= 2(x1 + (1 )x2 ) x2
= 2x1 + (1 2)x2
since 1/2.

1. For any x = (1 , 2 ) 2 , there exists some 1 [0, 1] such that

1 = 1 + (1 1 )() = (21 1)
In fact, 1 is dened by
1 =
Therefore (see Figure 1.5)
= 1

= 1

1 +

+ (1 1 )


+ (1 1 )

Similarly 2 = 2 + (1 2 )() where

2 =

2 +

Therefore, for any x 2 ,

+ (1 2 )
= 2

( )

= 1 2
+ (1 1 )2


+ 1 (1 2 )
+ (1 1 )(1 2 )

( )

= 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4


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(1 , c)

(1 , -c)
Figure 1.5: A cube in 2
where 0 1 and
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 1 2 + (1 1 )2 + 1 (1 2 ) + (1 1 )(1 2 )
= 1 2 + 2 1 2 + 1 1 2 + 1 1 2 + 1 2
That is


) (
) (
) (


2. (a) For any point (1 , 2 , . . . , 1 , ) which lies on face of the cube , (1 , 2 , . . . , 1 )

1 and therefore
(1 , 2 , . . . , 1 ) conv { , , . . . , ) } 1
so that
x conv { (, , . . . , , ) }
Similarly, any point (1 , 2 , . . . , 1 , ) on the opposite face lies in the
convex hull of the points { (, , . . . , , ) }.
(b) For any other point x = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) , let


so that
= + (1 )()


x = . . . = . . . + (1 )


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x conv { (, , . . . , ) }
In other words
conv { (, , . . . , ) }
3. Let denote the set of points of the form { (, , . . . , ) } . Clearly,
every point in is an extreme point of . Conversely, we have shown that
conv . Therefore, no point x can be an extreme point of .
is the set of extreme points of .
4. Since is convex, and , conv . Consequently, = conv .
1.178 Let x, y belong to is convex. For any [0, 1]
x + (1 )y since convex
x + (1 )y
/ since is a face
Thus x + (1 )y which is convex.

1. Trivial.

2. Let { } be a collection of faces of and let = . Choose any x, y .

If the line segment between x and y intersects , then
it intersects some face
which implies that x, y . Therefore, x, y = .

3. Let { } be a collection of faces of and let = . Choose any x, y . if

the line segment between x and y intersects , then it intersects
every face
which implies that x, y for every . Therefore, x, y = .
4. Let be the collection of all faces of . This is partially ordered by inclusion.
the previous result, every nonempty subcollection has a least upper bound
( ). Hence is a complete lattice (Exercise 1.47).

1.180 Let be a polytope. Then = conv { x1 , x2 , . . . , x }. Note that every extreme

point belongs to { x1 , x2 , . . . , x }. Now choose the smallest subset whose convex hull
is still , that is delete elements which can be written as convex combinations of other
elements. Suppose the minimal subset is { x1 , x2 , . . . , x }. We claim that each of
these elements is an extreme point of , that is { x1 , x2 , . . . , x } = .
Assume not, that is assume that x is not an extreme point so that there exists x, y
x = x + (1 )y

with 0 < < 1


Since x, y conv {x1 , x2 , . . . , x }





Substituting in (1.24), we can write x as a convex combination of {x1 , x2 , . . . , x }.

x =

+ (1 ) x =


= + (1 )

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Note that 0 1, so that either < 1 or = 1. We show that both cases lead
to a contradiction.
< 1. Then
+ (1 ) x
1 =1

x =

which contradicts the minimality of the set {x1 , x2 , . . . , x }.

= 1. Then = 0 for every = . That is
+ (1 ) = 0
which implies that =

for every =

for every = and therefore x = y.

Therefore, if {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } is a minimal spanning set, every point must be an extreme

1.181 Assume to the contrary that one of the vertices is not an extreme point of the
simplex. Without loss of generality, assume this is x1 . Then, there exist distinct
y, z and 0 < < 1 such that
x1 = y + (1 )z


Now, since y , there exist 1 , 2 , . . . , such that


x ,


= 1


Similarly, there exist 1 , 2 , . . . , such that


x ,


= 1


Substituting in (1.25)
x1 =

x + (1 )



+ (1 ) x





+ (1 ) = =1 + (1 ) =1 = 1
x1 =

+ (1 ) x

Subtracting, this implies


+ (1 ) (x x1 )

This establishes that the set {x2 x1 , x3 x1 , . . . , x x1 } is linearly dependent and

therefore = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } is anely dependent (Exercise 1.157). This contradicts
the assumption that is a simplex.

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1.182 Let be the dimension of a convex set in a linear space . Then = dim a
and there exists a set { x1 , x2 , . . . , x+1 } of anely independent points in . Dene
= conv { x1 , x2 , . . . , x+1 }
Then is an -dimensional simplex contained in .
1.183 Let w = (({1}), ({2}), . . . , ({})) denote the vector of individual worths and
let denote the surplus to be distributed, that is

= ( )

> 0 if the game is essential. For each player = 1, 2, . . . , , let

y = w + e
be the outcome in which player receives the entire surplus. (e is the th unit vector.)
Note that
({}) + =

Each y is an imputation since ({}) and

({}) + = ( )

Therefore {y1 , y2 , . . . , y } . Since is convex (why ?), = conv {y1 , y2 , . . . , y }

. Further, for every , the vectors
y y = (e e )
are linearly independent. Therefore is an 1-dimensional simplex in .
For any x dene


so that
= ({}) +
Since x is an imputation


({}) / = 1

We claim that x = y since for each = 1, 2, . . . ,

({}) +

= ({}) +
Therefore x conv {y1 , y2 , . . . , y } = , that is . Since we previously showed
that , we have established that = , which is an 1 dimensional simplex in

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1. A non-convex cone

2. A convex set

3. A convex cone

Figure 1.6: A cone which is not convex, a convex set and a convex cone
1.184 See Figure 1.6.
1.185 Let x = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) belong to + , which means that 0 for every . For
every > 0
x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , x )
and 0 for every . Therefore x + . + is a cone in .
1.186 Assume
x + y for every x, y and , +


Letting = 0, this implies that

x for every x and +
so that is a cone. To show that is convex, let x and y be any two elements in .
For any [0, 1], (1.26) implies that
x + (1 )y
Therefore is convex.
Conversely, assume that is a convex cone. For any , + and x, y

and therefore
x + y
1.187 Assume satises
1. for every 0
2. +


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By (1), is a cone. To show that it is convex, let x and y belong to . By (1), x and
(1 )y belong to , and therefore x + (1 )y belongs to by (2). is convex.
Conversely, assume that is a convex cone. Then

for every 0

Let x and y be any two elements in . Since is convex, = 12 x + (1 ) 12 y

and since it is a cone, 2 = x + y . Therefore
1.188 We have to show that is convex cone. By assumption, is convex. To show
that is a cone, let y be any production plan in . By convexity
y = y + (1 )0 for every 0 1
Repeated use of additivity ensures that
y for every = 1, 2, . . .
Combining these two conclusions implies that
y for every 0
1.189 Let denote the set of all superadditive games. Let 1 , 2 be two
superadditive games. Then, for all distinct coalitions , with =
1 ( ) 1 () + 1 ( )
2 ( ) 2 () + 2 ( )
(1 + 2 )( ) = 1 ( ) + 2 ( )
1 () + 2 () + 1 ( ) + 2 ( )
= (1 + 2 )() + (1 + 2 )( )
so that 1 + 2 is superadditive. Similarly, we can show that 1 is superadditive for
all + . Hence is a convex cone in .

1.190 Let x belong to =1 . Then x

for every . Since each is a cone,
x for every 0 and therefore x =1 .
Let = 1 + 2 + + and assume x belongs to . Then there exist x ,
= 1, 2, . . . , such that
x = x1 + x2 + + x
For any 0
x = (x1 + x2 + + x )
= x1 + x2 + + x
since x for every .


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1. Suppose that y . Then, there exist , 2 , . . . , 8 0 such that



and for the rst commodity


y1 =


If y = 0, at least one of the > 0 and hence y1 < 0 since 1 < 0 for =
1, 2, . . . , 8.
2. Free disposal requires that y , y y = y . Consider the production
plan y = (2, 2, 2, 2). Note that y y3 and y y6 . Suppose that
y . Then there exist 1 , 2 , . . . , 8 0 such that


For the third commodity (component), we have

41 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 125 26 + 58 = 2


and for the fourth commodity

22 13 + 14 + 56 + 107 28 = 2


Adding to (1.28) to (1.27) gives

41 + 52 + 23 + 44 + 125 + 36 + 107 + 38 = 4
/ .
which is impossible given that 0. Therefore, we conclude that y
y2 = (7, 9, 3, 2) (8, 13, 3, 1) = y4
3y1 = (9, 18, 12, 0) (11, 19, 12, 0) = y5
y7 = (8, 5, 0, 10) (8, 6, 4, 10) = 2y6
2y3 = (2, 4, 6, 2) (2, 4, 5, 2) = y8
2y3 + y7 = (2, 4, 6, 2) + (8, 5, 0, 10)
= (10, 9, 6, 8)
(14, 18, 6, 4) = 2y2
20y3 + 2y7 = 20(1, 2, 3, 1) + 2(8, 5, 0, 10)
= (20, 40, 60, 20) + (16, 10, 0, 20)
= (36, 50, 60, 0)
(45, 90, 60, 0) = 15y1

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5. E( ) = cone { y3 , y7 }.
1.192 This is precisely analogous to Exercise 1.128. We observe that
1. cone is a convex cone.
2. if is any convex cone containing , then conv .
Therefore, cone is the smallest convex cone containing S.
1.193 For any set , cone . If is a convex cone, Exercise 1.186 implies that
cone .

1. If > = dim cone = dim lin , the elements x1 , x2 , . . . , x are

linearly dependent and therefore there exist numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , , not all zero,
such that (Exercise 1.134)
1 x1 + 2 x2 + . . . + x = 0


2. Combining (1.14) and (1.29)

x = x 0



( )x



for any .
3. Let = min : > 0 =

We note that
> 0 since > 0 for every .
If > 0, then / / and therefore 0.
If 0 then > 0 for every > 0.
Therefore 0 for every and
= 0 for = .
Therefore, (1.30) represents x as a nonnegative combination of only 1 points.
4. This process can be repeated until x is represented as a convex combination of
at most points.

1. The ane hull of is parallel to the ane hull of . Therefore



dim = dim a = dim a

/ a ,
dim cone = dim a + 1 = dim + 1


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2. For every x conv ,
conv and there exist (Exercise 1.194) + 1
such that


conv {


) (

This implies that

x conv { x1 , x2 , . . . , x+1 }
with x1 , x2 , . . . , x+1 .
1.196 A subsimplex with precisely one distinguished face is completely labeled. Suppose
a subsimplex has more than one distinguished face. This means that it has vertices
labeled 1, 2, . . . , . Since it has + 1 vertices, one of these labels must be repeated
(twice). The distinguished faces lie opposite the repeated vertices. There are precisely
two distinguished faces.

1. (x, y) = x y 0.

2. (x, y) = x y = 0 if and only if x y = 0, that is x = y.

3. Property (3) ensures that x = x and therefore x y = y x so that
(x, y) = x y = y x = (y, x)
4. For any z
(x, y) = x y
= x z + z y
x z + z y
= (x, z) + (z, y)
Therefore (x, y) = x y satises the properties required of a metric.
1.198 Clearly x 0 and x = 0 if and only if x = 0. Thirdly



x = max = max = x
To prove the triangle inequality, we note that for any ,
max( + ) max + max




x = max( + ) max + max = x + y

1.199 Suppose that producing one unit of good 1 requires two units of good 2 and three
units of good 3. The production plan is (1, 2, 3) and the average net output, 2,
is negative. A norm is required to be nonnegative. Moreover, thequantities of inputs

and outputs may balance out yielding a zero average. That is, ( =1 )/ = 0 does
not imply that = 0 for all .


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x y = x y + y y
x y + y y
= x y
1.201 Using the previous exercise
x x x x 0

1.202 First note that each term x + y by linearity. Similarly, x + y . Fix

some > 0. There exists some x such that x x < for all x . Similarly,
there exists some y such that y y < for all y . For all max{ x , y },
(x + y ) (x + y) = (x x) + (y y)
x x + y y
Similarly, for every x
x x = x x
0 as 0
1.203 Let x be a sequence in + converging to x. For every , there exists y
and z such that x = y + z . Since is compact, there exists a subsequence z
converging to z . Let y = lim . Then y since is closed. By the previous
exercise, y + z y + z. By assumption, y + z x so that x = y + z + .
+ is closed.
1.204 Yes. Apply Exercise 1.202.
1.205 The th partial sum of the series is
s = x + x + 2 x + + 1 x
Multiplying this equation by gives
s = x + 2 x + 3 x + + x
Subtracting this equation from the previous one and canceling common terms gives
(1 )s = x x = (1 )x
Provided that = 1
s =

x x



If < 1, then 0 (Exercise 1.102) and therefore converges to x/(1 ).


1 1 1
+ + +
+ ...
2 4 8 16

is a geometric series 1 + + 2 + 3 + . . . with = 1/2. The series converges (Exercise

1.205) to

1 1 1
+ + +
+ =
2 4 8 16



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c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.207 The present value of the payments is the th partial sum of the geometric
series + + 2 + 3 + . . . which (using (1.31)) is given by
Present value = =

1.208 By Exercise 1.93, there exists an open set 1 such that 2 = . For every
x 1 , there exists an open ball (x) such that (x) and therefore (x)2 = .
The collection { (x) } of open balls is an open cover for 1 . Since 1 is compact there
exists a nite subcover, that is there exists points x1 , x2 , . . . , x in 1 such that

(x )


Furthermore, for every x , there exists such that

(x ) = x +
where is the unit ball. Let = min . = is the required neighborhood.
1.209 Clearly is a normed linear space. To show that it is complete, let (z ) be
a Cauchy sequence in where z = (x , y ). For every > 0, there exists some
such that
z z = max{ x x , y y } <
for every , . This implies that (x ) and (y ) are Cauchy sequences in and
respectively. Since and are complete, both sequences converge. That is, there
exists x and y such that x x 0 and y y 0. In other words,
given > 0 there exists such that x x < and y y < for every .
Let z = (x, y). Then, for every
z z = max{ x x , y y } <
z z.

1. By assumption, for every = 1, 2, . . . , there exists a point y such that

y <

y = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
Let =


. By assumption > y 0. Dene

x =


x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x

where =
/ ,
=1 = 1 and x < for every = 1, 2, . . . .

Consequently x 0.

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

2. Since =1 = 1, 1 for every . Consequently, for every coordinate

, the sequence ( ) is bounded. By the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (Exercise
1.119), the sequence (1 ) has a convergent subsequence with 1 1 . Let x,1
denote the corresponding subsequence of x .
Similarly, 2,1 has a subsequence converging to 2 . Let (x,2 ) denote the corresponding subsequence of (x ). Proceeding coordinate by coordinate, we obtain
a subsequence (x, ) where each term is
x, = , x1 + , x2 + + , x
and each coecient converges , . Let
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + 2 x
Then x, x (Exercise 1.202).

3. Since
=1 = 1 for every ,
=1 = 1. Consequently, at least one
of the coecients = 0. Since x1 , x2 , . . . , x are linearly independent, x = 0
(Exercise 1.133) and therefore x = 0. But (x, ) is a subsequence of (x ).
This contradicts the earlier conclusion (part 1) that x 0.

1. Let be a normed linear space of dimension and let { x1 , x2 , . . . , x }

be a basis for . Let (x ) be a Cauchy sequence in . Each term x has a
unique representation

x =
1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x

We show that each of the sequences

is a Cauchy sequence in .
Since x is a Cauchy sequence, for every > 0 there exists an such that
x x < for all , . Using Lemma 1.1, there exists > 0 such that

 ( )x  = x x <



for all , . Dividing by > 0 we get for every



is a Cauchy sequence in . Since is complete, each

Thus each sequence
sequence converges to some limit .
2. Let
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
Then x and

x x =  (




for every , x x 0 which implies that x x.

3. Since (x ) was an arbitrary Cauchy sequence, we have shown that every Cauchy
sequence in converges. Hence is complete.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

1.212 Let be an open set according to the and let x0 be a point in . Since is
open, it contains an open ball in the topology about x0 , namely (x0 , ) = { x
: x x0 < } Let
(x0 , ) = { x : x x0 < }
be the open ball about x0 in the topology. The condition (1.15) implies that
(x0 , ) (x0 , ) and therefore
x0 (x0 , )
is open in the topology. Similarly, any open in the topology is open in
the topology.
1.213 Let be a normed linear space of dimension . and let { x1 , x2 , . . . , x } be
a basis for . Let and be two norms on . Every x has a unique
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
Repeated application of the triangle inequality gives
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x




where = max x .
By Lemma 1.1, there is a positive constant such that


x /

Combining these two inequalities, we have

x x /
Setting = / > 0, we have shown
x x
The other inequality in (1.15) is obtained by interchanging the roles of and .
1.214 Assume x x = (1 , 2 , . . . , ). Then, for every > 0, there exists some
such that x x < . Therefore, for = 1, 2, . . . ,
max = x x <

Therefore x .


Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Conversely, assume that (x ) is a sequence in with for every coordinate .

Choose some > 0. For every , there exists some integer such that
< for every
Let = max { 1 , 2 , . . . , }. Then
< for every
x x = max < for every

That is, x x.
A similar proof can be given using the Euclidean norm 2 , but it is slightly more
complicated. This illustrates an instance where the sup norm is more tractable.

1. Let be closed and bounded and let x be a sequence in . Every

term x has a representation

x =


Since is bounded, so is x . That is, there exists such that x for all
. Applying Lemma 1.1, there is a positive constant such that


Hence, for every , the sequence of scalars is bounded.

2. By the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (Exercise 1.119), the sequence
1 has a
convergent subsequence with limit 1 . Let
(1) be the corresponding subsequence
of x .

3. Similarly,
(1) has a subsequence for which the corresponding scalars 2 converge to 2 . Repeating this process times (this is were niteness is important), we deduce the existence of a subsequence
() whose scalars converge to
(1 , 2 , . . . , ).

4. Let


for every , x x 0 which implies that x x.

5. Since is closed, x .
6. We have shown that every sequence in has a subsequence which converges in
. is compact.
1.216 Let x and y belong to = { x : x < 1 }, the unit ball in the normed linear
space . Then x , y < 1. By the triangle inequality
x + (1 )y x + (1 ) y + (1 ) = 1
Hence x + (1 )y .

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.217 If int is empty, it is trivially convex. Therefore, assume int = and let
x, y int . We must show that z = x + (1 )y int .
Since x, y int , there exists some > 0 such that the open balls (x, ) and (y, )
are both contained in int . Let w be any vector with w < . The point
z + w = (x + w) + (1 )(y + w)
since x + w (x, ) and y + w (y, ) and is convex. Hence z is an
interior point of .
Similarly, if is empty, it is trivially convex. Therefore, assume = and let x, y .
Choose some . We must show that = x + (1 )y .
There exist sequences (x ) and (y ) in which converge to x and y respectively
(Exercise 1.105). Since is convex, the sequence (x + (1 )y ) lies in and
moreover converges to x + (1 )y = z (Exercise 1.202). Therefore is the limit of
a sequence in and hence . Therefore, is convex.
= x1 + (1 )x2 for some (0, 1). Since x1 ,
1.218 Let x
x1 +
x1 ( + )
of radius is
The open ball about x
x, ) = x
= x1 + (1 )x2 +
( + ) + (1 )x2 +
= + (1 )x2 + (1 + )
= + (1 ) x2 +

Since x2 int
x2 +

= x2 ,


for suciently small . For such

x, ) + (1 )
int .
by Exercise 1.168. Therefore x
1.219 It is easy to show that

To show the converse, choose any x and let x0 for every . By Exercise
1.218, x + (1 )x0 for all 0 < < 1. This implies that x + (1 )x0
= for all 0 < < 1, and therefore that x0 = lim0 x + (1 )x0 .
1.220 Assume that x int . Then, there exists some such that
(x, ) = x +

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

Let y be any element in the unit ball . Then y and
x1 = x + y
x2 = x y
so that

x1 + x2

x is not an extreme point. We have shown that no interior point is an extreme point;
hence every extreme point must be a boundary point.
1.221 We showed in Exercise 1.220 that ext() b(). To show the converse, assume
that x is a boundary point which is not an extreme point. That is, there exist x1 , x2
such that
x = x1 + (1 )x2


This contradicts the assumption that is strictly convex.

1.222 If is open, int = . Since is convex
x + (1 )y = int for every 0 1
A fortiori for every x = y
x + (1 )y = int for every 0 < < 1
is strictly convex.
1.223 Let be open and x conv . That is
with x , [0, 1] and


= 1. The open ball about x

(x, ) = x +

x +






( x + )


Since is open, there exists some such that x + for all . For this
(x, ) conv
Therefore conv is open.
conv = { (1 , 2 ) 2 : 2 > 0 }

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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1.225 is closed and bounded (Proposition 1.1).

1. is bounded, that is there exists some such that x < for every x .
Let x conv . x is a convex combination of a nite number of points in , that
with , 0 and



= 1. By the triangle inequality

x <


Therefore conv is bounded.

2. Let x belong to conv . Then, there exists a sequence (x ) in conv which converges to x. By Caratheodorys theorem, each term x is a convex combination
of at most + 1 points, that is

x =


where x .
For each , the sequence (x ) lies in a compact set and hence contains a convergent subsequence. Similarly, the sequence of coecients ( ) [0, 1] is bounded
and contains a convergent subsequence (Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, Exercise
1.119). Proceeding coordinate by coordinate as in Exercise 1.215, we can construct convergent subsequences and x x .
3. Let






x x = 
( x x )



 x x 



 x x + x x 


  x  +
x x 



as , x x , and x are bounded. Therefore x x.
4. Since 0 and =1 = 1 for every , we conclude that = lim 0 and
= 1. Furthermore, since is closed, x for every and therefore
x = =1 x conv .

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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5. We have shown that conv conv , that is conv is closed.

6. conv is a closed and bounded subset of a nite dimensional space, and hence
conv is compact (Proposition 1.4 and Exercise 1.215).

1. is bounded. Therefore, there exists some such that x = max <

for every x . That is so that
x = { x = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) : for every }
Therefore .

2. Exercise 1.177.
3. is the convex hull of a nite set and hence is compact (Exercise 1.225)
4. is a closed subset of a compact set and hence is compact (Exercise 1.110).
1.227 A polytope is the convex hull of a nite set. Any nite set is compact.
1.228 The unit simplex 1 in is the convex hull of the unit vectors e1 , e2 , . . . , e ,
that is
1 = conv { e1 , e2 , . . . , e }

= (1 , 2 , . . . , ) : 0 and
= 1
This simplex has a nonempty relative interior, namely

ri = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) : > 0 and
< 1
1.229 Let = dim . By Exercise 1.182, contains a simplex of the same dimension. That is, there exist vertices v1 , v2 , . . . , v such that
= conv { v1 , v2 , . . . , v }
= 1 v1 + 2 v2 + + v :
1 , 2 , . . . , 0,
1 + 2 + . . . + = 1

Analogous to the previous part, the relative interior of is

ri = conv { v1 , v2 , . . . , v }
= 1 v1 + 2 v2 + + v :
1 , 2 , . . . , > 0,
1 + 2 + . . . + = 1

which is nonempty.
Note, the proposition is trivially true for a set containing a single point ( = 0), since
this point is the whole ane space.
1.230 If int = , then a = and ri = int . The converse follows from Exercise
1.231 Since
> inf



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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

there exists some x such that


Therefore x (p, ) which is nonempty.

Let = min be the lowest price of the goods. Then (p, ) (0, /
) and
so is bounded. (That is, no component of an aordable bundle can contain more than
To show that (p, ) is closed, let (x ) be a sequence of consumption bundles in
(p, ). Since (p, ) is bounded, x x . Furthermore
1 1 + 2 2 + + for every
This implies that
1 1 + 2 2 + +

so that x x (p, ). Therefore (p, ) is closed.

We have shown that (p, ) is a closed and bounded subset of . Hence it is compact
(Proposition 1.4).
1.232 Let x, y (p, ). That is



For any [0, 1], the cost of the weighted average bundle z = x + (1 )y (where
each component = + (1 ) ) is



+ (1 )

+ (1 )



+ (1 )
Therefore z (p, ). The budget set (p, ) is convex.

1. Assume that is strongly monotone. Let x, y with x y.

Either x y so that x y by strong monotonicity
or x = y so that x y by reexivity.
In either case, x y so that is weakly monotonic.

2. Again, assume that is strongly monotonic and let y . is open (relative

to itself). Therefore, there exists some such that
(y, ) = y +
Let x = y + e1 be the consumption bundle containing more units of good 1.
Then e1 , x (y, ) and therefore x y < . Furthermore, x y and
therefore x y.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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3. Assume is locally nonsatiated. Then, for every x , there exists some y

such that y x. Therefore, there is no best element.
is assume that x x for every x (p, ) but that
Assume otherwise, that

=1 < . Let =
=1 be the unspent income. Spending the residual
on good 1, the commodity bundle x = x + 1 e1 is aordable


+ 1



Moreover, since x x , x x , which contradicts the assumption that x is the best

element in (p, ).
otherwise, that is assume that x x for every x (p, ) but that

=1 < . This implies that x int (p, ). Therefore, there exists a neigh
borhood of x with (p, ). Within this neighborhood, there exists some
x (p, ) with x x , which contradicts the assumption that x is the best
element in (p, ).

1. Assume is continuous. Choose some y . For any x0 in (y), x0 y

and (since is continuous) there exists some neighborhood (x0 ) such that x y
for every x (x0 ). That is, (x0 ) (y) and (y) is open.
Similarly, for any x0 (y), x0 y and there exists some neighborhood (x0 )
such that x y for every x (x0 ). Thus (x0 ) (y) and (y) is open.

2. Conversely, assume that the sets (y) = { x : x y } and (y) = { x : x y }

are open in x. Assume x0 y0 .
(a) Suppose there exists some y such that x0 y z0 . Then x0 (y), which
is open by assumption. That is, (y) is an open neighborhood of x0 and
x y for every x (y). Similarly, (y) is an open neighborhood of z0 for
which y z for every z (y). Therefore (x0 ) = (y) and (z0 ) = (y)
are the required neighborhoods of x0 and z0 respectively such that

for every x (x0 ) and y (z0 )

(b) Suppose there is no y such that x0 y z0 .

i. By assumption
(z0 ) is open
x0 z0 which implies x0 (z0 ),
Therefore (z0 ) is an open neighborhood of x0 .
ii. Since is complete, either y x0 or y x0 for every y (Exercise
1.56. Since there is no y such that x0 y z0
y z0 = y x0 = y x0
Therefore (z0 ) = (x0 ).
iii. Since x x0 z0 for every x (x0 ) = (z0 )
x z0 for every x (z0 )


Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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iv. Therefore (x0 ) = (z0 ) is an open neighborhood of x0 such that

x z0 for every x (x0 )
Similarly, (z0 ) = (x0 ) is an open neighborhood of z0 such that z x0
for every z (z0 ). Consequently

for every x (x0 ) and z (z0 )

3. (y) = (y) (Exercise 1.56). Therefore, (y) is closed if and only if (y) is
open (Exercise 1.80). Similarly, (y) is closed if and only if (y) is open.

1. Let = { (x, y) : x y }. Let ((x , y )) be a sequence in which

converges to (x, y). Since (x , y ) , x y for every . By assumption,
x y. Therefore, (x, y) which establishes that is closed (Exercise 1.106)
Conversely, assume that is closed and let ((x , y )) be a sequence converging
to (x, y) with x y for every . Then ((x , y )) which implies that
(x, y) . Therefore x y.

2. Yes. Setting y = y for every , their denition implies that for every sequence
(x ) in with x y, x = lim x y. That is, the upper contour set
(y) = { x : x y } is closed. Similarly, the lower contour set (y) is closed.
Conversely, assume that the preference relation is continuous (in our denition).
We show that the set = { (x, y) : x y } is open. Let (x0 , y0 ) . Then
x0 y0 . By continuity, there exists neighborhoods (x0 ) and (y0 ) of x0 and
y0 such that x y for every x (x0 ) and y (y0 ). Hence, for every
(x, y) = (x0 ) (y0 ), x y. Therefore which implies that is
open. Consequently = { (x, y) : x y } is closed.
1.238 Assume the contrary. That is, assume there is no y with x y z. Since is
complete, either y x0 or y x0 for every y (Exercise 1.56). Since there is no
y such that x0 y z0
y z0 = y x0 = y x0
Therefore (z0 ) = (x0 ). By continuity, (z0 ) is open and (x0 ) is closed. Hence
(z0 ) = (x0 ) is both open and closed (Exercise 1.83).
Alternatively, (x0 ) and (z0 ) are both open sets which partition . This contradicts
the assumption that is connected.
1.239 Let denote the set of best elements. As demonstrated in the preceding proof

(y )

Therefore is closed (Exercise 1.85) and hence compact (Exercise 1.110).

1.240 Assume for simplicity that 1 = 2 = 1 and that = 1. Then, the budget set is
(1, 1) = { x 2++ : 1 + 2 1 }
The consumer would like to spend as much as possible of her income on good 1.
However, the point (1, 0) is not feasible, since (1, 0)
/ .


Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

1.241 Essentially, consumer theory (in economics) is concerned with predicting the way
in which consumer purchases vary with changes in observable parameters such as prices
and incomes. Predictions are deduced by assuming that the consumer will consistently
choose the best aordable alternative in her budget set. The theory would be empty
if there was no such optimal choice.

1. Let 0 = + . Then 0 is compact and 1 0 . Dene the order

x 1 y if and only if 1 (x) 1 (y). Then 1 is continuous on and
1 = { x : 1 (x) 1 (y) for every y }
is the set of best elements in with respect to the order 1 . By Exercise 1.239,
1 is nonempty and compact.

2. Assume 1 is compact. Dene the order x y if and only if (x) (y).

Then is continuous on 1 and
= { x 1 : (x) (y) for every y 1 }
is the set of best elements in 1 with respect to the order . By Exercise
1.239, is nonempty and compact.
3. Assume x Nu. Then
x y for every y
d(x) d(y) for every y
For every = 1, 2, . . . , 2
d (x) d (y) for every y

which implies x . In particular x 2 . Therefore Nu 2 .

Suppose Nu 2 . Then there exists some x, y , x

/ 2 and y 2 such

/ . Then (x) > (y).

that x y. Let be the smallest integer such that x

But x for every < and therefore (x) = (y) for = 1, 2, . . . , 1.

This means that d(y) d(x) so that x y. This contradiction establishes

that Nu = 2 .
1.243 Assume is convex. Choose any y and let x (y). Then x y. Since
is convex, this implies that
x + (1 )y y

for every 0 1

and therefore
x + (1 )y (y)

for every 0 1

Therefore (y) is convex.

To show the converse, assume that (y) is convex for every y . Choose x, y .
Interchanging x and y if necessary, we can assume that x y so that x (y). Of
course, y (y). Since (y) is convex
x + (1 )y (y)

for every 0 1

which implies
x + (1 )y y

for every 0 1

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

1.244 may be empty, in which case it is trivially convex. Otherwise, let x .

For every x
x x which implies x (x )
Therefore (x ). Conversely, by transitivity
x x y for every y
for every x (x ) which implies (x ) . Therefore, = (x ) which is
1.245 To show that is strictly convex, assume that x, y are such d(x) = d(y)
with x = y. Suppose
d(x) = (1 , x), (2 , x) . . . , (2 , x)
In the order 1 , 2 , . . . , 2 , let be the rst coalition for which ( , x) = ( , y).
That is
( , x) = ( , y) for every <


Since ( , x) = ( , y) and d(x) is listed in descending order, we must have

( , x) > ( , y)


( , x) ( , y) for every >



Choose 0 < < 1 and let z = x + (1 )y. For any coalition

(, z) = ()

= ()
+ (1 )

= ()

(1 )

= ()

+ (1 ) ()

= (, x) + (1 )(, y)
Using (1.55) to (1.57), this implies that
( , z) = ( , x),


( , z) < ( , x)
( , z) ( , x),


for every 0 < < 1, Therefore d(z) d(x). Thus z x, which establishes that
is strictly convex.
The set of feasible outcomes is convex. Assume x, y Nu , x = y. Then
d(x) = d(y) and
z = x + (1 )y x
for every 0 < < 1 which contradicts the assumption that x Nu. We conclude that
the nucleolus contains only one element.

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c 2001 Michael Carter

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1. (a) Clearly (x0 ) (x0 ) and (y0 ) (y0 ). Consequently (x0 )

(y0 ) (x0 ) (y0 ). We claim that these sets are in fact equal.
Let z (x0 ) (y0 ). Suppose that z (x0 ) but z
/ (x0 ). Then
z x0 . By transitivity, z x0 y0 which implies that z (y0 ).
Similarly z (y0 ) (y0 ) implies z (x0 ). Therefore
(x0 ) (y0 ) = (x0 ) (y0 )
(b) By continuity, (x0 ) (y0 ) is open and (x0 ) (y0 ) = (x0 ) (y0 ) is
closed. Further x0 y0 implies that x0 (y0 ) so that (x0 ) (y0 ) = .
We have established that (x0 ) (y0 ) is a nonempty subset of which
is both open and closed. Since is connected, this implies (Exercise 1.83)
(x0 ) (y0 ) =

2. (a) By denition, x
/ (x). So (x) (y) = implies x (y), that is
x y contradicting the noncomparability of x and y. Therefore
(x) (y) =
(b) By assumption, there exists at least one pair x0 , y0 such that x0 y0 . By
the previous part
(x0 ) (y0 ) =
This implies either x x0 or x y0 . Without loss of generality, assume
x y0 . Again using the previous part, we have
(x) (y0 ) =
Since x and y are not comparable, y
/ (x) which implies that y (y0 ).
Therefore x y0 and y y0 or alternatively
y0 (x0 ) (y0 ) =
(c) Clearly (x) (x) and (y) (y). Consequently
(x) (y) (x) (y)
Let z (x) (y). That is, z x. If x z, then transitivity implies x
z y, which contradicts the noncomparability of x and y. Consequently
x z which implies z x and z (x). Similarly z (y) and therefore
(x) (y) = (x) (y)
3. If x and y are noncomparable, (x)(y) is a nonempty proper subset of . By
continuity (x) (y) = (x) (y) is both open and closed which contradicts
the assumption that is connected (Exercise 1.83). We conclude that must
be complete.
1.247 Assume x y. Then x (y). Since (y) is open, x int (y). Also
y (y). By Exercise 1.218, x + (1 )y int (y) for every 0 < < 1, which
x + (1 )y y for every 0 < < 1

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

1.248 For every x , there exists some z such that z x (Nonsatiation). For any ,
choose some (0, / x z) and let y = z + (1 )x. Then
x y = x z <
Moreover, since is strictly convex,
y = z + (1 )x x
Thus, is locally nonsatiated.
We have previously shown that local nonsatiation implies nonsatiation (Exercise 1.233).
Consequently, these two properties are equivalent for strictly convex preferences.
1.249 Assume that x is not strongly Pareto ecient. That is, there exist allocation y
such that y x for all and some individual for which y x. Take 1 percent
of s consumption and distribute it equally to the other participants. By continuity,
there exists some such that y x. The other agents receive y + 1
y which, by
monotonicity, they strictly prefer to x .
1.250 Assume that (p , x ) is a competitive equilibrium of an exchange economy, but
that x does not belong to the core of the corresponding market game. Then there
exists some coalition and allocation
() such that y x for every .

Since y (), we must have y = w .

Since x is a competitive equilibrium and y x for every , y must be unaffordable, that is



w for every


and therefore




which contradicts the assumption that ().

1.251 Combining the previous exercise with Exercise 1.64
x core Pareto


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c 2001 Michael Carter

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Chapter 2: Functions
2.1 In general, the birthday mapping is not one-to-one since two individuals may have
the same birthday. It is not onto since some days may be no ones birthday.
2.2 The origin 0 is xed point for every . Furthermore, when = 0, is an identity
function and every point is a xed point.
2.3 For every , there exists some such that () = , whence 1 ().
Therefore, every belongs to some contour. To show that distinct contours are disjoint,
assume 1 (1 ) 1 (2 ). Then () = 1 and also () = 2 . Since is a
function, this implies that 1 = 2 .
2.4 Assume is one-to-one and onto. Then, for every , there exists such
that () = . That is, 1 () = for every . If is one to one, () = = ( )
implies = . Therefore, 1 () consists of a single element. Therefore, the inverse
function 1 exists.
Conversely, assume that : has an inverse 1 . As 1 is a function mapping
to , it must be dened for every . Therefore is onto. Assume there
exists , and such that () = = ( ). Then 1 () = and
also 1 () = . Since 1 is a function, this implies that = . Therefore is
2.5 Choose any and let = (). Since is one-to-one, = 1 () = 1 ( ()).
The second identity is proved similarly.
2.6 (2.2) implies for every
= 0 = 1
and therefore

For every 0
= 1 +

+ > 0

and therefore by (2.28) > 0 for every . For every 1

= 1 +

+ 1 + as

and therefore as . By (2.28) 0 as .

/2 /2

2 2
( /2 )
/2 as
2 /2


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since the term in brackets is strictly greater than 1 for any > 0. Similarly

(/(+1) ) /(+1)

( + 1) ( +1
( /(+1) )

( + 1) /( + 1)
2.8 Assume that is compact. Then is bounded (Proposition 1.1), and there
exists such that for every . For all 2

( ) 

() () = 

!   ( + 1)!


( ) 

 ( + 1)!

( ) )
1 1

1 + + + +
( + 1)!
2 4
( )


( + 1)!
by Exercise 1.206. Therefore converges to for all .
2.9 This is a special case of Example 2.8. For any , (), dene
( + ) = () + ()
( )() = ()
With these denitions + and also map to . Hence () is closed under
addition and scalar multiplication. It is straightforward but tedious to verify that ()
satises the other requirements of a linear space.
2.10 The zero element in () is the constant function () = 0 for every .

1. From the denition of it is clear that

= 0 of and only is the zero functional.
= since sup () = sup ()
It remains to verify the triangle inequality, namely
+ = sup ( + )()

= sup () + ()

sup () + ()

sup ( () + sup ()

= +
2. Consequently, for any (), () for every and therefore
(). Similarly, for any , (), ( + )() + for every

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and therefore + (). Hence, () is closed under addition and

scalar multiplication; it is a subspace of the linear space (). We conclude that
() is a normed linear space.
3. To show that () is complete, assume that ( ) is a Cauchy sequence in ().
For every
() () 0
Therefore, for , () is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers. Since is
complete, this sequence converges. Dene the function
() = lim ()

We need to show
0 and

( ) is a Cauchy sequence. For given > 0, choose such that < /2

for very , . For any and ,
() () () () + () ()
+ () ()
By suitable choice of (which may depend upon ), each term on the right can
be made smaller than /2 and therefore
() () <
for every and .
= sup () ()

Finally, this implies = lim . Therefore ().

2.12 If the die is fair, the probability of the elementary outcomes is
({1}) = ({2}) = ({3}) = ({4}) = ({5}) = ({6}) = 1/6
By Condition 3
({2, 4, 6}) = ({2}) + ({4}) + ({6}) = 1/2
2.13 The prot maximization problem of a competitive single-output rm is to choose
the combination of inputs x + and scale of production to maximize net prot.
This is summarized in the constrained maximization problem


subject to x ()

where is total revenue and =1 total cost. The prot function, which depends
upon both and w, is dened by
(, w) =


,x ()



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For analysis, it is convenient to represent the technology () by a production function

(Example 2.24). The rms optimization can then be expressed as
max (x)



and the prot function as

(, w) = max (x)



1. Assume that production is protable at p. That is, there exists some y

such that (y, p) > 0. Since the technology exhibits constant returns to scale,
is a cone (Example 1.101). Therefore y for every > 0 and

( ) =
= (y, p)
(y, p) =

Therefore { (y, p) : > 0 } is unbounded and

(p) = sup (y, p) sup (y, p) = +

2. Assume to the contrary that there exists p + with (p) =

/ { 0, +, }.
There are two possible cases.
(a) 0 < < +. Since = sup (y, p) > 0, there exists y such that
(y, p) > 0 The previous part implies (p) = +.
(b) < < 0. Then there exists y such that (y, p) < 0 By a similar
argument to the previous part, this implies (p) = .
2.15 Assume x is a solution to (2.4).
(x , ) (x, ) for every x ()
and therefore
(x , ) sup (x, ) = ()

On the other hand x () and therefore

() = sup (x, ) (x , )

Therefore, x satises (2.5). Conversely, assume x () satises (2.5). Then

(x , ) = () = sup (x, ) (x, ) for every x ()

x solve (2.4).
2.16 The assumption that () = for every implies (0 ) = for every
0 . There always exist feasible plans from any starting point. Since is bounded,
there exists such that ( , +1 ) for every x (0 ). Consequently, for
every x (0 ), (x) and

(x) = 
( , +1 )
( , +1 )


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using the formula for a geometric series (Exercise 1.108). Therefore

(0 ) =

sup (x)

x(0 )

and (). Next, we note that for every feasible plan x (0 )

(x) =

( , +1 )


= (0 , 1 ) +

(+1 , +2 )


= (0 , 1 ) + (x )


where x = (1 , 2 , . . . ) is the continuation of the plan x starting at 1 . For any 0

and > 0, there exists a feasible plan x (0 ) such that
(x) (0 )
Let x = (1 , 2 , . . . ) be the continuation of the plan x starting at 1 . Using (2.29)
and the fact that (x ) (1 ), we conclude that
(0 ) (x)
= (0 , 1 ) + (x )
(0 , 1 ) + (1 )
sup { (0 , ) + () }

Since this is true for every > 0, we must have

(0 ) sup { (0 , ) + () }

On the other hand, choose any 1 (0 ) . Since

(1 ) =

sup (x)

x(1 )

there exists a feasible plan x = (1 , 2 , . . . ) starting at 1 such that

(x ) (1 )
Moreover, the plan x = (0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) is feasible from 0 and
(0 ) (x) = (0 , 1 ) + (x ) (0 , 1 ) + (1 )
Since this is true for every > 0 and 1 (0 ), we conclude that
(0 ) sup { (0 , ) + () }

Together with (2.30) this establishes the required result, namely

(0 ) = sup { (0 , ) + () }



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2.17 Assume x is optimal, so that

(x ) (x) for every x (0 )
This implies (using (2.39))
(0 , 1 ) + (x ) (0 , 1 ) + (x )
where x = (1 , 2 , . . . ) is the continuation of the plan x starting at 1 and x =
(1 , 2 , . . . ) is the continuation of the plan x . In particular, this is true for every plan
x (0 ) with 1 = 1 and therefore
(0 , 1 ) + (x ) (0 , 1 ) + (x ) for every x (1 )
which implies that
(x ) (x ) for every x (1 )
That is, x is optimal starting at 1 and therefore (x ) = (1 ) (Exercise 2.15).
(0 ) = (x ) = (0 , 1 ) + (x ) = (0 , 1 ) + (1 )
This veries (2.13) for = 0. A similar argument veries (2.13) for any period .
To show the converse, assume that x = (0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) (0 ) satises (2.13). Successively using (2.13)
(0 ) = (0 , 1 ) + (1 )
= (0 , 1 ) + (1 , 2 ) + 2 (1 )

( , +1 ) + 2 (2 )


( , +1 ) + 3 (3 )


( , + 1) + ( )


for any = 1, 2, . . . . Since is bounded (Exercise 2.16), ( ) 0 as and

(0 ) =

( , +1 ) = (x )


Again using Exercise 2.15, x is optimal.

2.18 We have to show that
for any (), is a functional on .
is bounded.
Since ( ), there exists 1 < such that (, ) 1 for every (, )
. Similarly, for any (), there exists 2 < such that () 2 for
every . Consequently for every (, ) and ()
(, ) + () (, ) + () 1 + 2 <


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For each , the set

(, ) + () : ()

is a nonempty bounded subset of , which has least upper bound. Therefore

( )() = sup = sup (, ) + ()

denes a functional on . Moreover by (2.31)

( )() 1 + 2 <
Therefore ().
2.19 Let = {1, 2, 3}. Any individual is powerless so that
({}) = 0

= 1, 2, 3

Any two players can allocate the $1 to between themselves, leaving the other player
out. Therefore
({, }) = 1

, , =

The best that the three players can achieve is to allocate the $1 amongst themselves,
so that
( ) = 1
2.20 If the consumers preferences are continuous and strictly convex, she has a unique
optimal choice x for every set of prices p and income in (Example 1.116). Therefore, the demand correspondence is single valued.
2.21 Assume (s ) for every . Then for every player
( , s ) ( , s ) for every
s = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) is a Nash equilibrium. Conversely, assume s = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) is
a Nash equilibrium. Then for every player
( , s ) ( , s ) for every
which implies that
(s ) for every
2.22 For any nonempty compact set , ( ) is nonempty and compact provided
is continuous (Proposition 1.5) and ( ) . Therefore
1 2 3 . . .
is a nested sequence ofnonempty compact sets. By the nested intersection theorem

(Exercise 1.117), = =0 = .
2.23 If s is a Nash equilibrium, for every .


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2.24 For any , let x (). Then

(x , ) (x, )

for every x ()

(x , ) () = sup (x, )

() = sup (x, ) sup (x, ) (x , ) for every x ()


() = (x , ) for any x ()
2.25 The graph of is
graph( ) = { (, x) + + : x () }
while the production possibility set is
= { (, x) + + : () }
Assume that is convex and let ( , x ) graph( ), = 1, 2. This means that
( 1 , x1 ) and ( 2 , x2 )
= x1 + (1 )x2
= 1 + (1 ) 2 and x
for some 0 1. Since is convex
x) = ( 1 , x1 ) + (1 )( 2 , x2 )
) graph( ). That is graph( ) is convex.
and therefore x
) so that (
, x
Conversely, assuming graph( ) is convex, if ( , x ) , = 1, 2, then ( , x )
graph( ) and therefore
) graph( ) = x
, x
) = (
so that is convex.
2.26 The graph of is
graph() = { (, x) : x () }
Assume that ( , x ) graph(), = 1, 2. This means that x () and therefore
(x, ) for every and = 1, 2. Since is convex
(x1 + (1 )x2 , 1 + (1 ) 2 ) (x1 , 1 ) + (1 )(x2 , 2 )
Therefore x1 +(1)x2 ( 1 +(1)2 ) and ( 1 +(1) 2 , x1 +(1)x2 )
graph(). is convex.

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2.27 The identity function : is dened by () = for every .

2 1 = (2 ) = 2 1 = (1 )
2.28 Assume that and are increasing. Then, for every 1 , 2 with 2 1
(2 ) (1 ) = ( (2 )) ( (1 ))
is also increasing. Similarly, if and are strictly increasing,
2 1 = (2 ) (1 ) = ( (2 )) ( (1 ))
2.29 For every (), there exists a unique such that () = y. (For if 1 , 2
are such that (1 ) = (2 ), then 1 = 2 .) Therefore, is one-to-one and onto (),
and so has an inverse (Exercise 2.4). Further
2 > 2 (2 ) > (1 )
Therefore 1 is strictly increasing.
2.30 Assume : is increasing. Then, for every 2 1 , (2 ) (1 ) which
implies that (2 ) (1 ). is decreasing.
2.31 For every 2 1 .
(2 ) (1 )
(2 ) (1 )
( + )(2 ) = (2 ) + (2 ) (1 ) + (1 ) = ( + )(1 )
That is, + is increasing. Similarly for every 0
(2 ) (1 )
and therefore is increasing. By Exercise 1.186, the set of all increasing functionals
is a convex cone in ().
If is strictly increasing, then for every 2 1 ,
(2 ) > (1 )
(2 ) (1 )
( + )(2 ) = (2 ) + (2 ) > (1 ) + (1 ) = ( + )(1 )
+ is strictly increasing. Similarly for every > 0
(2 ) > (1 )
is strictly increasing.
2.32 For every 2 1 .
(2 ) > (1 ) > 0
(2 ) > (1 ) > 0
and therefore
( )(2 ) = (2 )(2 ) > (2 )(1 ) > (1 )(1 ) = ( )(1 )
using Exercise 2.31.

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2.33 By Exercise 2.31 and Example 2.53, each is strictly increasing on + . That is
1 < 2 = (1 ) < (2 ) for every


and therefore
lim (1 ) lim (2 )

This suces to show that () = lim () is increasing (not strictly increasing).

However, 1 + is strictly increasing, and therefore by Exercise 2.31
= 1 + + ()
is strictly increasing on + . While it is the case that = lim is strictly increasing
on + , (2.32) does not suce to show this.
2.34 For every > 0, log is strictly increasing (Exercise 2.32) and therefore log
is strictly increasing (Exercise 2.28). For every < 0, log is strictly increasing
and therefore (Exercise 2.30 log is strictly decreasing. Therefore log is strictly
decreasing (Exercise 2.28).
2.35 Apply Exercises 2.31 and 2.28 to Example 2.56.
2.36 is (strictly) increasing so that
2 1 = (2 ) (1 )
To show the converse, assume that 1 , 2 with (2 ) (1 ). Since is complete,
either 2 1 or 1 2 . However, the second possibility cannot occur since is
strictly increasing and therefore
1 2 = (1 ) > (2 )
contradicting the hypothesis that (2 ) (1 ). We conclude that
(2 ) (1 ) = 2 1
2.37 Assume represents the preference ordering on and let : be strictly
increasing. Then composition : is strictly increasing (Exercise 2.28).
Therefore is a utility function (Example 2.58). Since is strictly increasing
((2 )) ((1 )) (2 ) (1 ) 2 1
for every 1 , 2 Therefore, also represents .

= 1 x and therefore z x+ . Similarly,

1. (a) Let = max=1 . Then z

let = min=1 . Then z = 1 x . Therefore, x+ and x are both

nonempty. By continuity, the upper and lower contour sets (x) and (x)
are closed. is a closed cone. Since
x+ = (x) and x = (x)
x+ and x are closed.
(b) By completeness, x+ x = . Since is connected, x+ x = .
(Otherwise, is the union of two disjoint closed sets and hence the union
of two disjoint open sets.)
(c) Let zx x+ x . Then z x and also z x. That is, z x.

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(d) Suppose x z1x and x z2x with z1x = z2x . Then either z1x > z2x or
z1x < z2x . Without loss of generality, assume z2x > z1x . Then monotonicity
and transitivity imply
x z2x z1x x
which is a contradiction. Therefore zx is unique.
Let x denote the scale of zx , that is zx = x 1. For every x + , there is a
unique zx x and the function : + given by (x) = x is well-dened.
x2 x1 zx2 zx1
x2 x1
(x2 ) (x1 )
represents the preference order .

1. For every 1 , (1 , 2) (1 , 1) in the lexicographic order. If represents

, is strictly increasing and therefore (1 , 2) > (1 , 1). There exists a
rational number (1 ) such that (1 , 2) > (1 ) > (1 , 1).

2. The preceding construction associates a rational number with every real number
1 . Hence is a function from to the set of rational numbers . For any
11 , 21 with 21 > 11
(21 ) > (21 , 1) > (11 , 2) > (11 )
21 > 11 = (21 ) > (11 )
is strictly increasing.
3. By Exercise 2.29, has an inverse. This implies that is one-to-one and onto,
which is impossible since is countable and is uncountable (Example 2.16).
This contradiction establishes that has no such representation .
2.40 Let a1 , a2 with a1 2 a2 . Since the game is strictly competitive, a2 1 a1 .
Since 1 represents 1 , 1 (a2 ) 1 (a1 ) which implies that 1 (a2 ) 1 (a1 ), that
is 2 (a1 ) 2 (a2 ) where 2 = 1 . Similarly
2 (a1 ) 2 (a2 ) = 1 (a1 ) 1 (a2 ) a1 1 a2 = a1 2 a2
Therefore 2 = 1 represents 2 and
1 (a) + 2 (a) = 0 for every a
2.41 Assume . By superadditivity
( ) () + ( ) ()
2.42 Assume , () with () () for every . Then for any
(, ) + () (, ) + () for every
and therefore
( )() = sup { (, ) + ()} sup { (, ) + ()} = ( )()


T is increasing.

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2.43 For every 2 1 , if 1 (1 ) and 2 (2 ), then 1 2 1 and

therefore 1 2 (1 ). If 1 2 , then 1 2 = 1 (1 ) (2 ) and therefore
1 2 (2 ). On the other hand, if 1 2 , then 1 2 = 2 (2 ).
2.44 Assume is increasing, and let 1 , 2 with 2 1 . Let 1 (1 ). Choose
any (2 ). Since is increasing, (2 ) (1 ) and therefore 2 = 1
(2 ). 2 1 as required. Similarly, for every 2 (2 ), there exists some (2 )
such that 1 = 2 (1 ) with 2 1 .
2.45 Since () is a sublattice, sup () () for every . Therefore, the function
() = sup ()
is a selection. Similarly
() = inf ()
is a selection. Both and are increasing (Exercise 1.50).

2.46 Let 1 , 2 belong to

with 2 1 . Choose y1 = (11 , 21 , . . . , 1 ) (1 )
and y2 = (12 , 22 , . . . , 2 ) (2 ). Then, for each = 1, 2, . . . , , 1 (1 ) and
(1 ) and 1 2 (2 ) for
2 (2 ). Since each isincreasing, 1 2
each . Therefore y y ( ) and y y (2 ). () = () is

2.47 Let 1 , 2 belong to with 2 1 . Choose 1 (1 ) and 2 (2 ).

Then 1 (1 ) and 2 (2 ) for each = 1, 2, . . . , . Since each is increasing,
(1 ) and 1 2 (2 ) for each . Therefore 1 2 (1 ) and
1 2
(2 ). = is increasing.
2.48 Let be a selection from an always increasing correspondence : . For
every 1 , 2 , (1 ) (1 ) and (2 ) (2 ). Since is always increasing
1 2 = (1 ) (2 )
is increasing. Conversely, assume every selection is increasing. Choose any
1 , 2 with 1 2 . For every 1 (1 ) and 2 (2 ), there exists a selection
with = ( ), = 1, 2. Since is increasing,
1 2 = 1 2
is increasing.
2.49 Let 1 , 2 . If is a chain, either 1 2 or 2 1 . Without loss of
generality , assume 2 1 . Then 1 2 = 2 and 1 2 = 1 and (2.17) is satised
as an identity.
( + )(1 2 ) + ( + )(1 2 ) = (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) + (1 2 )
= (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) + (1 2 )
(1 ) + (2 ) + (1 ) + (2 )
= ( + )(1 ) + ( + )(2 )
(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) + (2 )

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(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) + (2 )
for all 0. By Exercise 1.186, the set of all supermodular functions is a convex cone
in ().
2.51 Since is supermodular and is nonnegative denite,
(1 2 )(1 2 ) (1 ) + (2 ) (1 2 ) (1 2 )
= (2 )(1 2 ) + (1 ) (1 2 ) (1 2 )
for any 1 , 2 . Since and are increasing, this implies
(1 2 )(1 2 ) (2 )(1 2 ) + (1 ) (1 2 ) (1 )


Similarly, since is nonnegative denite, supermodular, and and increasing

(2 )(1 2 ) (2 ) (1 ) + (2 ) (1 2 )
= (2 )(2 ) + (2 ) (1 ) (1 2 )
(2 )(2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (1 2 )
Combining this inequality with (2.33) gives
(1 2 )(1 2 ) (2 )(2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (1 2 )
+ (1 ) (1 2 ) (1 )
= (2 )(2 ) + (1 2 )(1 ) (1 2 )(1 2 )
+ (1 )(1 ) (1 2 )(1 )
= (2 )(2 ) (1 2 )(1 2) + (1 )(1 )
(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) + (2 )
is supermodular. (I acknowledge the help of Don Topkis in formulating this proof.)
2.52 Exercises 2.49 and 2.50.
2.53 For simplicity, assume that the rm produces two products. For every production
plan y = (1 , 2 ),
y = (1 , 0) (0, 2 )
0 = (1 , 0) (0, 2 )
If is strictly submodular
(w, y) + (w, 0) < (w, (1 , 0)) + (w, (0, 2 ))
Since (w, 0) = 0
(w, y) < (w, (1 , 0)) + (w, (0, 2 ))
The technology displays economies of scope.


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2.54 Assume (, ) is convex, that is

( ) + ( ) () + ( ) for every ,
For all disjoint coalitions =
( ) () + ( )
is superadditive.
2.55 Rewriting (2.18), this implies
( ) ( ) () ( ) for every ,


Let {} and let = {}. Substituting in (2.34)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
= ( {}) = {}
= ( {}) =
Substituting in the previous equation gives the required result, namely
( {}) ( ) ( {}) ()
Conversely, assume that
( {}) ( ) ( {}) ()


for every {}. Let and be arbitrary coalitions. Assume

and (otherwise (2.18) is trivially satised). This implies that = .
Assume these players are labelled 1, 2, . . . , , that is = {1, 2, . . . , }. By (2.35)
( {1}) () (( ) {1}) ( )


Successively adding the remaining players in

( {1, 2}) ( {1}) (( ) {1, 2}) (( ) {1})
( ( )) ( {1, 2, . . . , 1}) ) ( )
(( ) {1, 2, . . . , 1})
Adding these inequalities to (2.36), we get
( ( )) () ) ( ) ( )
This simplies to
( ) () ( ) ( )
which can be arranged to give (2.18).


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2.56 The cost allocation game is not convex. Let = {, }, = {, }.

Then = {, , } = and = { } and
( ) + ( ) = 1530 < 1940 = 770 + 1170 = () + ( )
Alternatively, observe that TNs marginal contribution to coalition {, } is 1170,
which is greater than its marginal contribution to the grand coalition {, , }
(1530 770 = 760).
2.57 is supermodular if
(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) + (2 )
which can be rearranged to give
(1 2 ) (2 ) (1 ) (1 2 )
If the right hand side of this inequality is nonnegative, then so a fortiori is the left
hand side, that is
(1 ) (1 2 ) = (1 2 ) (2 )
If the right hand side is strictly positive, so must be the left hand side
(1 ) > (1 2 ) = (1 2 ) > (2 )
2.58 Assume 2 1 and 2 2 . Assume that displays increasing
dierences in (, ), that is
(2 , 2 ) (1 , 2 ) (2 , 1 ) (1 , 1 )


(2 , 2 ) (2 , 1 ) (1 , 2 ) (1 , 1 )



Conversely, (2.38) implies (2.37) .

2.59 We showed in the text that supermodularity implies increasing dierences. To
show that reverse, assume that : displays increasing dierences in (, ).
Choose any (1 , 1 ), (2 , 2 ) . If (1 , 1 ), (2 , 2 ) are comparable, so that either
(1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ) or (1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ), then (2.17) holds has an equality. Therefore
assume that (1 , 1 ), (2 , 2 ) are incomparable. Without loss of generality, assume that
1 2 while 1 2 . (This is where we require that and be chains). This implies
(1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ) = (1 , 2 ) and (1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ) = (2 , 1 )
Increasing dierences implies that
(2 , 1 ) (1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ) (1 , 2 )
which can be rewritten as
(2 , 1 ) + (1 , 2 ) (1 , 1 ) + (2 , 2 )
Substituting (2.39)
(1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ) + (1 , 1 ) (2 , 2 ) (1 , 1 ) + (2 , 2 )
which establishes the supermodularity of on (2.17).


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2.60 In the standard Bertrand model of oligopoly

the strategy space of each rm is + , a lattice.
( , p ) is supermodular in (Exercise 2.51).
If the other rms increase their prices from p1 to p2 , the eect on the demand
for rm s product is

( , p2 ) ( , p1 ) =
(2 1 )

If the goods are gross substitutes, demand for rm increases and the amount
of the increase is independent of . Consequently, the eect on prot will be increasing in . That is the payo function (net revenue) has increasing dierences
in ( , p ). Specically,

( , p2 ) ( , p1 ) =
( )(2 1 )

For any price increase p2 p1 , the change in prot ( , p2 ) ( , p1 ) is

increasing in .
Hence, the Bertrand oligopoly model is a supermodular game.
2.61 Suppose displays increasing dierences so that for all 2 1 and 2 1
(2 , 2 ) (1 , 2 ) (2 , 1 ) (1 , 1 )
(2 , 1 ) (1 , 1 ) 0 = (2 , 2 ) (1 , 2 ) 0
(2 , 1 ) (1 , 1 ) > 0 = (2 , 2 ) (1 , 2 ) > 0
2.62 For any , let x1 , x2 (). Supermodularity implies
(x1 x2 , ) + (x1 x2 , ) (x1 , ) + (x2 , )
which can be rearranged to give
(x1 x2 , ) (x2 , ) (x1 , ) (x1 x2 , )


However x1 and x2 are both maximal in ().

(x2 , ) (x1 x2 , ) = (x1 x2 , ) (x2 , ) 0
(x1 , ) (x1 x2 , ) = (x1 , ) (x1 x2 , ) 0
Substituting in (2.40), we conclude
0 (x1 x2 , ) (x2 , ) (x1 , ) (x1 x2 , ) 0
This inequality must be satised as an equality with
(x1 x2 , ) = (x2 , )
(x1 x2 , ) = (x1 , )
That is x1 x2 () and x1 x2 (). By Exercise 2.45, has an increasing

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2.63 As in the proof of the theorem, let 1 , 2 belong to with 2 1 . Choose any
optimal solutions x1 ( 1 ) and x2 (2 ). We claim that x2 x1 . Assume
otherwise, that is assume x2 x1 . This implies (Exercise 1.44) that x1 x2 = x1 .
Since x1 x1 x2 , we must have x1 x1 x2 . Strictly increasing dierences implies
(x1 , 2 ) (x1 , 1 ) > (x1 x2 , 2 ) (x1 x2 , 1 )
which can be rearranged to give
(x1 , 2 ) (x1 x2 , 2 ) > (x1 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 1 )


Supermodularity implies
(x1 x2 , 2 ) + (x1 x2 , 2 ) (x1 , 2 ) + (x2 , 2 )
which can be rearranged to give
(x1 x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 2 ) (x1 , 2 ) (x1 x2 , 2 )
Combining this inequality with (2.41) gives
(x1 x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 2 ) > (x1 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 1 )


However x1 and x2 are optimal for their respective parameter values, that is
(x2 , 2 ) (x1 x2 , 2 ) = (x1 x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 2 ) 0
(x1 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 1 ) = (x1 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 1 ) 0
Substituting in (2.42), we conclude
0 (x1 x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 2 ) > (x1 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 1 ) 0
This contradiction implies that our assumption that x2 x1 is false. x2 x1 as
required. is always increasing.
2.64 The budget correspondence is descending in p and therefore ascending in p.
Consequently, the indirect utility function
(p, ) =




is increasing in p, that is decreasing in p.

2.65 = Let 2 1 and 2 1 . Select x1 ( 1 , 1 ) and x2 ( 2 , 2 ).
Since 2 1 , x1 x2 1 . Since x1 is optimal (x1 (1 , 1 )), (x1 , 1 )
(x1 x2 , 1 ). Quasisupermodularity implies (x1 x2 , 1 ) (x2 , 1 ). By the single
crossing condition (x1 x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 2 ). Therefore x1 x2 (2 , 2 ).
Similarly, since 2 1 , x1 x2 ( 2 ). But x2 is optimal, which implies that
(x2 , 2 ) (x1 x2 , 2 ) or (x1 x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 2 ). The single crossing condition
implies that a similar inequality holds at 1 , that is (x1 x2 , 1 ) (x2 , 1 ). Quasisupermodularity implies that (x1 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 1 ). Therefore x1 x2 ( 1 , 1 ).
Since x1 x2 ( 2 , 2 ) and x1 x2 ( 1 , 1 ), is increasing in (, ).
= To show that is quasisupermodular, suppose that is xed. Choose any
x1 , x2 . Let 1 = {x1 , x1 x2 } and 2 = {x2 , x1 x2 }. Then 2 1 . Assume
that (x1 , ) (x1 x2 , ). Then x1 (, 1 ) which implies that x1 x2 (, 2 ).
(If x2 (, 2 ), then also x1 x2 (, 2 ) since is increasing in (, )). But
this implies that (x1 x2 , ) (x2 , ). is quasisupermodular in .

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To show that satises the single crossing condition, choose any x2 x1 and let
= {x1 , x2 }. Assume that (x2 , 1 ) (x1 , 1 ). Then x2 (1 , ) which implies
that x2 ( 2 , ) for any 2 1 . (If x1 ( 2 , ), then also x1 x2 = x2 ( 2 , )
since is increasing in (, ).) But this implies that (x2 , 2 ) (x1 , 2 ). satises
the single crossing condition.
2.66 First, assume that is continuous. Let be an open subset in and = 1 ( ).
If = , it is open. Otherwise, choose 0 and let 0 = (0 ) . Since is
open, there exists a neighborhood (0 ) . Since is continuous, there exists a
corresponding neighborhood (0 ) with ( (0 )) ( (0 )). Since ( (0 )) ,
(0 ) . This establishes that for every 0 there exist a neighborhood (0 )
contained in . That is, is open in .
Conversely, assume that the inverse image of every open set in is open in . Choose
some 0 and let 0 = (0 ). Let be a neighborhood of 0 . contains an
open ball (0 ) about 0 . By hypothesis, the inverse image = 1 ( (0 )) is open
in . Therefore, there exists a neighborhood (0 ) 1 ( (0 )). Since (0 ) ,
( (0 )) . Since the choice of 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that is continuous.
2.67 Assume is continuous. Let be a closed set in and let = 1 ( ). Then,
is open. By the previous exercise, 1 ( ) = is open and therefore is closed.
Conversely, for every open set , is closed. By hypothesis, = 1 ( ) is
closed and therefore = 1 ( ) is open. is continuous by the previous exercise.
2.68 Assume is continuous. Let be a sequence converging to Let be a neighborhood of (). Since is continuous, there exists a neighborhood such that
() . Since converges to , there exists some such that for all
. Consequently ( ) for every . This establishes that ( ) ().
Conversely, assume that for every sequence , ( ) (). We show that if
were not continuous, it would be possible to construct a sequence which violates this
hypothesis. Suppose then that is not continuous. Then there exists a neighborhood
/ . In
of () such that for every neighborhood of , there is with ( )
particular, consider the sequence of open balls 1/ (). For every , choose a point
/ . Then but ( ) does not converge to ().
1/ () with ( )
This contradicts the assumption. We conclude that must be continuous.
2.69 Since is one-to-one and onto, it has an inverse = 1 which maps onto
. Let be an open set in . Since is open, = 1 () = () is open in .
Therefore = 1 is continuous.
2.70 Assume is continuous. Let ( , ) be a sequence of points in graph( ) converging to (, ). Then = ( ) and . Since is continuous, = () =
lim ( ) = lim . Therefore (, ) graph( ) which is therefore closed.
2.71 By the previous exercise, continuous implies graph( ) closed. Conversely, suppose graph( ) is closed and let be a sequence converging to . Then ( , ( )))
is a sequence in graph( ). Since is compact, ( ) contains a subsequence which
converges . Since graph( ) is closed, (, ) graph( ) and therefore = () and
( ) ().
2.72 Let be an open set in . Since and are continuous, 1 ( ) is open in
and 1 ( 1 ( )) is open in . But 1 ( 1 ( )) = ( )1 ( ). Therefore is
2.73 Exercises 1.201 and 2.68.


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2.74 Let be dened as in Exercise 2.38. Let (x ) be a sequence converging to x. Let

= (x ) and = (x). We need to show that .
( ) has a convergent subsequence. Let = max and = min . Then
[, ]. Fix some > 0. Since x x, there exists some such that x x <
for every . Consequently, for all , the terms of the sequence ( )
lie in the compact set [ , + ]. Hence, ( ) has a convergent subsequence
( ).
Every convergent subsequence ( ) converges to . Suppose not. That is, suppose there exists a convergent subsequence which converges to . Without loss
of generality, assume > . Let = 12 ( + ) and let z = 1, z = 1, z = 1
be the corresponding commodity bundles (see Exercise 2.38). Since > ,
there exists some such that > for every . This implies that
x z z for every
by monotonicity. Now x x and continuity of preferences implies that x z.
However x z which implies that z z which contradicts monotonicity, since

z > z. Consequently, every convergent subsequence ( ) converges to .

2.75 Assume is compact. Let be a sequence in (). There exists a sequence
in with = ( ). Since is compact, it contains a convergent subsequence
. If is continuous, the subsequence = ( ) converges in () (Exercise
2.68). Therefore () is compact.
Assume is connected but
() is not. This means
there exists open subsets and
in such that () and ( ()) ( ()) = . This implies that
= 1 () 1 () is a disconnection of , which contradicts the connectedness of
2.76 Let be any open set in . Its complement is closed and therefore compact.
Consequently, ( ) is compact (Exercise 2.3) and hence closed. Since is one-to-one
and onto, () is the complement of ( ), and thus open in . Therefore, is an
open mapping. By Exercise 2.69, 1 is continuous and is a homeomorphism.
2.77 Assume continuous. The sets { () } and { () } are closed subsets of
the and hence () = 1 { () } and () = 1 { () } are closed subsets
of (Exercise 2.67).
Conversely, assume that all upper () and lower () contour sets are closed. This
implies that the sets () and () are open.
Let be an open set in . Then for every , there exists an open ball ()


For every , () = ( , + ) and

1 ( ()) = ( ) ( + )
which is open. Consequently

( ) ( + )
1 ( ()) =
1 () =

is open. is continuous by Exercise 2.66.


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2.78 Choose any 0 and > 0. Since is continuous, there exists 1 such that
(, 0 ) < 1 = () (0 ) < /2
Similarly, there exists 2 such that
(, 0 ) < 2 = () (0 ) < /2
Let = min{1 , 2 }. Then, provided (, 0 ) <
( + )() ( + )(0 ) = () + () (0 ) (0 )
() (0 ) + () (0 )
This establishes + is continuous at 0 . Since 0 was arbitrary, + is continuous
for every 0 . The continuity of is shown similarly.
2.79 Choose any 0 . Given 0 < 1, there exists > 0 such that
() (0 ) < and () (0 ) <
whenever (, 0 ) < . Consequently, while (, 0 ) <
() () (0 ) + (0 )
< + (0 )
1 + (0 )
( )() ( )(0 ) = ()() (0 )(0 )
= ()(() (0 )) + (0 )( () (0 ))
() () (0 ) + (0 ) () (0 )
< (1 + (0 ) + (0 ))
Given > 0, let = min{1, /(1 + (0 ) + (0 ))}. Then, we have shown that there
exists > 0 such that
(, 0 ) < = ( )() ( )(0 ) <
Therefore, is continuous at 0 .
2.80 Apply Exercises 2.78 and 2.72.
2.81 For any , the upper and lower contour sets of , namely
{ : max{ (), ()} } = { : () } { : () }
{ : max{ (), ()} } = { : () } { : () }
are closed. Therefore is continuous (Exercise 2.77). Similarly for .
2.82 The set = () is compact (Proposition 2.3). We want to show that has
both largest and smallest elements. Assume otherwise, that is assume that has
no largest element. Then, the set of intervals {(, ) : } forms an open
covering of . Since is compact, there exists a nite subcollection of intervals
{(, 1 ), (, 2 ), . . . , (, )} which covers . Let be the largest of these .
Then does not belong to any of the intervals {(, 1 ), (, 2 ), . . . , (, )},
contrary to the fact that they cover . This contradiction shows that, contrary to our
assumption, there must exist a largest element , that is for all .
Let 1 ( ). Then = ( ) () for all . The existence of a smallest
element is proved analogously.

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2.83 By Proposition 2.3, () is connected and hence an interval (Exercise 1.95).

2.84 The range () is a compact subset of (Proposition 2.3). Therefore is bounded
(Proposition 1.1).

2.85 Let ()
denote the set of all continuous (not necessarily bounded) functionals
on . Then

() = () ()

(), ()
are a linear subspaces of the set of all functionals () (Exercises 2.11,

2.78 respectively). Therefore () = () ()

is a subspace of () (Exercise
1.130). Clearly () (). Therefore () is a linear subspace of ().
Let be a bounded function in the closure of (), that is (). We show that
is continuous. For any > 0, there exists 0 () such that 0 < /3.
Therefore () 0 () < /3 for every . Choose some 0 . Since 0 is
continuous, there exists > 0 such that
(, 0 ) < = 0 () 0 (0 ) < /3
Therefore, for every such that (, 0 ) <
() (0 ) = () 0 () + 0 () 0 (0 ) + 0 (0 ) (0 )
() 0 () + 0 () 0 (0 ) + 0 (0 ) (0 )
< /3 + /3 + /3 =
Therefore is continuous at 0 . Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that is continuous
everywhere, that is (). Therefore () = () and () is closed in ().
Since () is complete (Exercise 2.11), we conclude that () is complete (Exercise
1.107). Therefore () is a Banach space.
2.86 For every ,
{ : () } = { : () }
and therefore
{ : () } is closed { : () } is closed
2.87 Exercise 2.77.
2.88 1 implies 2 Suppose is upper semi-continuous. Let be a sequence converging to 0 . Assume ( ) . For every < , there exists some such that
( ) > for every . Hence
0 { : () } = { : () }
since is upper semi-continuous. That is, (0 ) for every < . Hence
(0 ) = lim ( ).
2 implies 3 Let ( , ) be a sequence in hypo which converges to (, ). That is,
, and ( ). Condition 2 implies that () . Hence,
(, ) hypo . Therefore hypo is closed.
3 implies 1 For xed , let be a sequence in { : () }. Suppose
0 . Then, the sequence ( , ) converges to (0 , ) hypo . Hence
(0 ) and 0 { : () }, which is therefore closed (Exercise 1.106).

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2.89 Let = sup (), so that
() for every


There exists a sequence in with ( ) . Since is compact, there exists

a convergent subsequence and ( ) . However, since is upper
semi-continuous, ( ) lim ( ) = . Combined with (2.43), we conclude that
( ) = .
2.90 Choose some > 0. Since is uniformly continuous, there exists some > 0 such
that ( ( ), ( )) < for every , such that ( , ) < . Let ( )
be a Cauchy sequence in . There exists some such that ( , ) < for every
, . Uniform continuity implies that ( ( ), ( )) < for every , .
( ( )) is a Cauchy sequence.
2.91 Suppose not. That is, suppose is continuous but not uniformly continuous. Then
there exists some > 0 such that for = 1, 2, . . . , there exist points 1 , 2 such that
(1 , 2 ) < 1/ but ( (1 ), (2 ))


Since is compact, (1 ) has a subsequence (1 ) converging to some . By

construction ((1 , 2 ) < 1/), the sequence (2 ) also converges to and by continuity
lim (1 ) = lim (2 )

which contradicts (2.44).

2.92 Assume is Lipschitz with constant . For any > 0, let = /2. Then,
provided (, 0 )
( (), (0 )) (, 0 ) = =

= <

is uniformly continuous.
2.93 Let , ().F Since () is a normed linear space, for every
() () = ( )()
which implies that
() () +
Since is increasing and satises (2.21)
( ) ( + ) = () +
( ) ()
That is, for every
( )()
and consequently

is a contraction with modulus .

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2.94 We have previously shown that is increasing (Exercise 2.42). By direct calculation, for any constant ,
(, ) + () +
( + )() = sup

= sup


(, ) + ()

= ()() +
2.95 Assume that is a compact subset of (). Then is bounded (Proposition
1.1). To show that is equicontinuous, choose > 0. is totally bounded (Exercise
1.113), so that there exist nite set of functions {1 , 2 , . . . , } in F such that

min /3

Each is uniformly continuous (Exercise 2.91), so that there exists > 0 such that
(, 0 ) = ( (), (0 ) < /3
Let = min{1 , 2 , . . . , }. Given any , let be such that < /3. Then
for any , 0 , (, 0 ) implies
( (), (0 ) ( (), ()) + ( (), (0 )) + ( (0 ), (0 )) <

+ + =
3 3 3

for every . Therefore, is equicontinuous.

Conversely, assume that () is closed, bounded and equicontinuous. Let ( )
be a bounded equicontinuous sequence of functions in . We show that ( ) has a
convergent subsequence.
1. First, we show that for any > 0, there is exists a subsequence ( ) such that
< for every , in the subsequence. Since the functions are
equicontinuous, there exists > 0 such that
( () (0 ) <

for every , 0 in with (, 0 ) . Since is compact, it is totally bounded

(Exercise 1.113). That is, there exist a nite number of open balls ( ),
= 1, 2 . . . , which cover . The sequence ( (1 ), (2 , . . . , ( )) is a
bounded sequence in . By the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (Exercise 1.119),
this sequence has a convergent subsequence ( (1 ), (2 ), . . . , ( )) such
that ( ) ( ) < /3 for and every , in the subsequence. Consequently, for any , there exists such that
( (), () ( (), ( )) + ( ( ), ( )) + ( ( ), ())

< + + =
3 3 3
That is, < for every , in the subsequence.
2. Choose a ball 1 of radius 1 in () which contains innitely many elements of
( ). Applying step 1, there exists a ball 2 of radius 1/2 containing innitely
many elements of ( ). Proceeding in this fashion, we obtain a nested sequence
1 2 . . . of balls in () such that (a) ( ) 0 and (b) each contains
innitely many terms of ( ). Choosing gives a convergent subsequence.

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2.96 Let . Then for every > 0 there exists > 0 and such that
< /3 and
(, 0 ) = ( (), (0 ) < /3
so that if (, 0 )
() (0 ) () () + () (0 ) + (0 ) (0 ) <

+ + =
3 3 3

2.97 For every

( ) = { : () = }
+ ( ) = { : () }
For every x either () or () = but not both. Therefore
+ ( ) ( ) =
+ ( ) ( ) =
That is

+ ( ) = ( )

2.98 Assume ( )1 . Then () = , () and + ( ). Now assume

+ ( ) so that () . Consequently, () = () = and ( ).
2.99 The respective inverses are:
{1 }
{2 }
{1 , 2 }
{2 , 3 }
{1 , 2 , 3 }


{1 }
{2 }


{1 }
{2 }
{1 , 2 }

{1 }
{1 , 2 }
{1 , 2 }
{1 , 2 }
{1 , 2 }

2.100 Let be an open interval meeting (1), that is (1) = . Since (1) = {1},
we must have 1 and therefore () = for every . Therefore is lhc at
= 1. On the other hand, the open interval = (1/2, 3/2) contains (1) but it does
not contain () for any > 1. Therefore, is not uhc at = 1.
2.101 Choose any open set and . Since () = = ( ) for every
() if and only if ( ) for every ,
() = if and only if ( ) = for every , .
Consequently, is both uhc and lhc at all .
2.102 First assume that the is uhc. Let be any open subset in and = + ( ).
If = , it is open. Otherwise, choose 0 so that (0 ) . Since is uhc,
there exists a neighborhood (0 ) such that () for every (0 ). That is,
(0 ) + ( ) = . This establishes that for every 0 there exist a neighborhood
(0 ) contained in . That is, is open in .
Conversely, assume that the upper inverse of every open set in is open in . Choose
some 0 and let be an open set containing (0 ). Let = + ( ). is an open
set containing 0 . That is, is a neighborhood of 0 with () for every .
Since the choice of 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that is uhc.
The lhc case is analogous.

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2.103 Assume is uhc and be any closed set in . By Exercise 2.97

( ) = + ( )
is open. By the previous exercise, + ( ) is open which implies that ( ) is
Conversely, assume ( ) is closed for every closed set . Let be an open subset of
so that is closed. Again by Exercise 2.97,
+ ( ) = ( )
By assumption ( ) is closed and therefore + ( ) is open. By the previous exercise,
is uhc.
The lhc case is analogous.
2.104 Assume that is uhc at 0 . We rst show that ( ) is bounded and hence has
a convergent subsequence. Since (0 ) is compact, there exists a bounded open set
containing (0 ). Since is uhc, there exists a neighborhood of 0 such that ()
for . Since 0 , there exists some such that for every .
Consequently, ( ) for every and therefore for every .
The sequence is bounded and hence has a convergent subsequence 0 .
To complete the proof, we have to show that 0 (0 ). Assume not, assume that
/ (0 ). Then, there exists an open set containing (0 ) such that 0
(Exercise 1.93). Since is uhc, there exists such that ( ) for every .
This implies that for every . Since 0 , we conclude that 0 ,
contradicting the specication of .
Conversely, suppose that for every sequence 0 , ( ), there is a subsequence of 0 (0 ). Suppose that is not uhc at 0 . That is, there exists
an open set (0 ) such that every neighborhood contains some with () .
From the sequence of neighborhoods 1/ (0 ), we can construct a sequence
and ( ) but
/ . Such a sequence cannot have a subsequence which converges to 0 () , contradicting the hypothesis. We conclude that must be uhc at
0 .
2.105 Assume that is lhc. Let be a sequence converging to 0 and 0 (0 ).
Consider the sequence of open balls 1/ (0 ), = 1, 2, . . . . Note that every 1/ (0 )
meets (0 ). Since is lhc, there exists a sequence ( ) of neighborhoods of 0 such
that () 1/ = for every . Since , for every , there exists some
such that for every . Without loss of generality, we can assume
that 1 < 2 < 3 . . . . We can now construct the desired sequence . For each
= 1, 2, . . . , choose in the set ( ) 1/m where +1 since
= = ( ) 1/ =
Since 1/m (0 ), the sequence ( ) converges to 0 and .
Conversely, assume that is not lhc at 0 , that is there exists an open set with
(0 ) = such that every neighborhood 0 contains some with () = .
Therefore, there exists a sequence with () = . Choose any 0 (0 ) .
By assumption, there exists a sequence with ( ). Since is open and
0 , there exists some such that for all , for which ( ) = .
This contradiction establishes that is lhc at 0 .

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1. Assume is closed. For any , let ( ) be a sequence in (). Since

is closed, (). Therefore () is closed.

2. Assume is closed-valued and uhc. Choose any (, )

/ graph(). Since () is
closed, there exist disjoint open sets 1 and 2 in such that 1 and ()
2 (Exercise 1.93). Since is uhc, + (2 ) is a neighborhood of . Therefore
+ (2 ) 1 is a neighborhood of (, ) disjoint from graph(). Therefore the
complement of graph() is open, which implies that graph() is closed.
3. Since is closed and compact, is compact-valued. Let ( ) be a
sequence in and ( ) a sequence in with ( ). Since is compact,
there exists a subsequence . Since is closed, (). Therefore, by
Exercise 2.104, is uhc.
2.107 Assume is closed-valued and uhc. Then is closed (Exercise 2.106). Conversely, if is closed, then () is closed for every (Exercise 2.106). If is compact,
then is compact-valued (Exercise 1.110). By Exercise 2.104, is uhc.
2.108 1 is closed-valued (Exercise 2.106). Similarly, 2 is closed-valued (Proposition
1.1). Therefore, for every , () = 1 () 2 () is closed (Exercise 1.85) and
hence compact (Exercise 1.110). Hence is compact-valued.
Now, for any 0 , let be an open neighborhood of (0 ). We need to show that
there is a neighborhood of 0 such that () .
Case 1 2 (0 ): Since 2 is uhc, there exists a neighborhood such that 0
such that 2 () which implies that () 2 ()
Case 2 2 (0 ): Let = 2 (0 ) = . For every , there exist neighborhoods (0 ) and () such that 1 ( (0 )) () = (Exercise 1.93). The sets
() constitute an open covering of . Since is compact, there exists a nite
subcover, that is there exists a nite number of elements 1 , 2 , . . . such that

( )


Let () denote =1 ( ). Note that () is an open set containing 2 (0 ).

Since 2 is uhc, there exists a neighborhood (0 ) such that 2 ( (0 ))
(). Let
(0 ) =

(0 ) (0 )


(0 ) is an open neighborhood of 0 for which

1 ((0 )) () = and 2 ((0 )) ()
from which we conclude that
((0 )) = 1 ((0 )) 2 ((0 ))

1. Let x (p, ) . Then x (p, ) and =1 . Since is
= x and
open, there exists < 1 such that x






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2. (a) Suppose that (p, ) is not lhc. Then for every neighborhood of (p, ),
there exists (p , ) such that (p , ) = . In particular, for
every open ball (p, ), there exists a point (p , ) (p, ) such
that (p , ) = . ((p , )) is the required sequence.
(b) By construction, p p < 1/ 0 which implies that for every
. Therefore (Exercise 1.202)

< and

and therefore there exists such that


which implies that
(p , )
(c) Also by construction (p , ) = which implies (p , )
and therefore
(p , ) = x


The assumption that (p, ) is not lhc at (p, ) implies that x
/ , contra .
dicting the conclusion in part 1 that x
3. This contradiction establishes that (p, ) is lhc at (p, ). Since the choice of
(p, ) was arbitrary, we conclude that the budget correspondence (p, ) is lhc
for all (p, ) (assuming = + ).
4. In the previous example (Example 2.89), we have shown that (p, ) is uhc.
the budget correspondence is continuous for all (p, ) such that >

inf x =1 .
2.110 We give two alternative proofs.
Proof 1 Let = {} be an open cover of (). For every , () () is
compact and hence can be covered by a nite number of the sets . Let
denote the union of the nite cover of (). Since is uhc, every + ( )
is open in . Therefore { + ( ) : } is an open covering of . If is
compact, it contains an nite covering { + (1 ), + (2 ), . . . , + ( ) }. The
sets 1 , 2 , . . . , are a nite subcovering of ().
Proof 2 Let ( ) be a sequence in (). We have to show that ( ) has a convergent
subsequence with a limit in (). For every , there is an with
( ). Since is compact, the sequence ( ) has a convergent subsequence
. Since is uhc, the sequence ( ) has a subsequence ( ) which
converges to () (). Hence the original sequence ( ) has a convergent
2.111 The sets , (), 2 (), . . . form a sequence of nonempty compact sets. Since
() , 2 () () and so on, the sequence of sets is decreasing. Let



By the nested intersection theorem (Exercise 1.117), = . Since 1 (),

() () for every , which implies that () .

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To show that
that ( ).
() for
(Exercise 2.107),

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(), let . For every there exists an () such

Since is compact, there exists a subsequence 0 . Since
every , 0 . The sequence ( , ) (0 , ). Since is closed
(0 ). Therefore () which implies that ().

2.112 () is compact for every by Tychonos theorem (Proposition 1.2).

Let be a sequence in and let = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) with ( ) be
a corresponding sequence of points in . For each , = 1, 2, . . . , , there exists a

subsequence with () (Exercise 2.104). Therefore = (1 , 2 , . . . , )

() which implies that is uhc.
2.113 Let (). For every x , the maximand (, ) + () is a continuous
function on a compact set (). Therefore the supremum is attained, and max can
replace sup in the denition of the operator (Theorem 2.2). is the value function
for the constrained optimization problem
max { (, ) + () }


satisfying the requirements of the continuous maximum theorem (Theorem 2.3), which
ensures that is continuous on . We have previously shown that is bounded
(Exercise 2.18). Therefore ().

1. has a least upper bound since is a complete lattice. Let = sup .

Then = ( ) is a complete sublattice of (Exercise 1.48).

2. For every , and since is increasing and is a xed point

= () ( )
Therefore ( ) . ( ( ) is an upper bound of ). Again, since is increasing, this implies that () ( ) for every . Therefore ( ) .
3. Let be the restriction of to the sublattice . Since ( ) , is an
increasing function on a complete lattice. Applying Theorem 2.4, has a smallest
xed point
is a xed point of , that is
. Furthermore, . Therefore is
an upper bound for in . Moreover,
is the smallest xed point of in .
is the least upper bound of in .
5. By Exercise 1.47, this implies that is a complete lattice.
In Example 2.91, if = {(2, 1), (1, 2)}, = {(2, 2), (3, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3)} and = (3, 3).

1. For every , there exists some () such that . Moreover,

) such that
since is increasing and
, there exists some (
for every

2. Let = inf{ }
(a) Since for every , = inf{ } inf{} =
(b) Since (
) is a complete sublattice of , = inf{ } (
3. Therefore,
4. Since and is increasing, there exists some (
) such that
Hence .

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5. This implies that

. Therefore

= (

is a xed point of .
6. Since , = inf is the least xed point of .

1. Let and = sup . For every , (). Since is

increasing, there exists some ( ) such that .

2. Let = sup . Then

(a) Since for every , = sup sup =
(b) ( ) since ( ) is a complete sublattice.
3. Dene
= { : for every }
is the set of all upper bounds of in . Then is a complete lattice, since
= ( )
4. Let : be the correspondence
() = () ()
where : is the constant correspondence dened by () = for every
. Then
(a) Since is increasing, for every , there exists some () such
that . Therefore () = for every .
(b) Both () and () are complete sublattices for every . Therefore
() is a complete sublattice for every .
(c) Since both and are increasing on , is increasing on (Exercise
5. By the previous exercise, has a least xed point .
is an upper bound of . Therefore
is the least upper bound of in .
7. By the previous exercise, has a least element. Since we have shown every
subset has a least upper bound, this establishes that is complete lattice
(Exercise 1.47).
2.117 For any , let a1 , a2 with a2 a1 . Let
1 = (a1 ) and
2 = (a2 ).
We want to show that

. Since
(a ) and (a ) is increasing, there
1 . (Exercise 2.44). Therefore
exists some (a2 ) such that
sup (a ) =
is increasing.
2.118 For any player , their best response correspondence (a ) is
1. increasing by the monotone maximum theorem (Theorem 2.1).
2. a complete sublattice of for every a (Corollary 2.1.1).

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The joint best response correspondence

(a) = 1 (a1 ) 2 (a2 ) (a )

is also
1. increasing (Exercise 2.46)
2. a complete sublattice of for every a
Therefore, the best response correspondence (a) satises the conditions of Zhous
theorem, which implies that the set of xed points of is a nonempty complete
lattice. is precisely the set of Nash equilibria of the game.
2.119 In proving the theorem, we showed that
( , + )

(0 , 1 )

for every , 0. Letting , + and therefore

( , )

(0 , 1 )

Similarly, for every , 0

( , + ) ( , +1 ) + (+1 , +2 ) + + (+1 , + )
( + 2 + + )(1 , )

(1 )
(1 , )

Letting , + and 0 so that

( , )

(1 , )

2.120 First observe that () 1 for every 1. Therefore : . For any

+ 2
() ()

2( )


1 for all ,

so that

() ()

 () ()  () ()



() ()
is a contraction on with modulus 1/2.



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is closed and hence complete (Exercise 1.107). Therefore, has a xed point. That
is, there exists 0 such that
0 = (0 ) =

(0 + )


so that 0 =

220 = 20 + 2 = 20 = 2


Letting 0 = 2
1 =

(2 + 1) =

Using the error bounds in Corollary 2.5.1,

( , 2)
(0 , 1 )
< 0.001
when = 10. Therefore, we conclude that 10 iterations are ample to reduce the
error below 0.001. Actually, with experience, we can rene this a priori estimate. In
Example 1.64, we calculated the rst ve terms of the sequence to be
(2, 1.5, 1.416666666666667, 1.41421568627451, 1.41421356237469)
We observe that
(3 , 4 ) = 1.41421568627451 1.41421356237469) = 0.0000212389982
so that using the second inequality of Corollary 2.5.1
(4 ,


0.0000212389982 < 0.001

4 = 1.41421356237469 is the desired approximation.

2.121 Choose any 0 . Dene the sequence = ( ) = (0 ). Then ( ) is a
Cauchy sequence in converging to . Since is closed, .
2.122 By the Banach xed point theorem, has a unique xed point . Let be the
Lipschitz constant of . We have to show
is a xed point of
( (), ) = ( ( (), ()) = ( ( (), ()) ( (), )
Since < 1, this implies that ( (), ) = 0 or () = .
is the only xed point of Suppose = () is another xed point of . Then
is a xed point of and
(, ) = ( (), ()) (, )
which implies that = .

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2.123 By the Banach xed point theorem, for every , there exists such
that ( ) = . Choose any 0 .
( , 0 ) = ( ( ), 0 (0 ))
( ( ), (0 )) + ( (0 ), 0 (0 ))
( , 0 ) + ( (0 ), 0 (0 ))
(1 )( , 0 ) ( (0 ), 0 (0 ))
( , 0 )

( (0 ), 0 (0 ))
(1 )

as 0 . Therefore 0 .

1. Let x be a xed point of . Then x satises

x = ( )x + c = x x +
which implies that x = .

2. For any x1 , x2


 (x1 ) (x2 ) = ( )(x1 x2 )

x1 x2 
Since = 1, the norm of is
= max


 (x1 ) (x2 ) x1 x2 
By the assumption of strict diagonal dominance, < 1. Therefore is a contraction and has a unique xed point x.

() = { () : (, ) + ( ) = () }
= { () : (, ) + ( ) = sup { (, ) + ()}}

= { () : (, ) + ( ) (, ) + () for every ()}

= arg max { (, ) + ()}

2. () is the solution correspondence of a standard constrained maximization problem, with as parameter and the decision variable. By assumption the maximand (, ) = (, ) + () is continuous and the constraint correspondence
() is continuous and compact-valued. Applying the continuous maximum theorem (Theorem 2.3), is nonempty, compact-valued and uhc.
3. We have just shown that () is nonempty for every . Starting at 0 ,
choose some 1 (0 ). Then choose 2 (1 ). Proceeding in this way,
we can construct a plan x = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . such that +1 ( ) for every
= 0, 1, 2, . . . .


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4. Since +1 ( ) for every , x satises Bellmans equation, that is

( ) = ( , +1 ) + (+1 ),

= 0, 1, 2, . . .

Therefore x is optimal (Exercise 2.17).


1. In the previous exercise (Exercise 2.125) we showed that the set of solutions to Bellmans equation (Exercise 2.17) is the solution correspondence of the
constrained maximization problem
() = arg max { (, ) + () }

This problem satises the requirements of the monotone maximum theorem (Theorem 2.1), since the objective function (, ) + ()
supermodular in
displays strictly increasing dierences in (, ) since for every 2 1
(2 , ) + () (1 , ) + () = (2 , ) (1 , )
() is increasing.
By Corollary 2.1.2, () is always increasing.
2. Let x = (0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) be an optimal plan. Then (Exercise 2.17)
+1 ( ),

= 0, 1, 2, . . .

Since is always increasing

1 = +1
for every = 1, 2, . . . . Similarly
1 = +1
x = (0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) is a monotone sequence.
2.127 Let () = () . is continuous (Exercise 2.78) with
(0) 0 and (1) 0
By the intermediate value theorem (Exercise 2.83), there exists some point [0, 1]
with () = 0 which implies that () = .

1. To show that a label min{ : = 0 } exists for every x , assume

to the contrary that, for some x , > for every = 0, 1, . . . , . This



= 1


contradicting the requirement that

= 1 for every (x)



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2. The barycentric coordinates of vertex x are = 1 with = 0 for every = .

Therefore the rule assigns vertex x the label .
3. Similarly, if x belongs to a proper face of , it coordinates relative to the vertices
not in that face are 0, and it cannot be assigned a label corresponding to a vertex
not in the face. To be concrete, suppose that x conv {x1 , x2 , x4 }. Then
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 4 x4 ,

1 + 2 + 4 = 1

/ {1, 2, 4}. Therefore

and = 0 for
x + min{ : = 0 } {1, 2, 4}

1. Since is compact, it is bounded (Proposition 1.1) and therefore it is

contained in a suciently large simplex .

2. By Exercise 3.74, there exists a continuous retraction : . The composition

: . Furthermore as the composition of continuous functions,
is continuous (Exercise 2.72). Therefore has a xed point x , that is
(x ) = x .
3. Since (x) for every x , we must have (x ) = x . Therefore,
(x ) = x which implies that (x ) = x . That is, x is a xed point of .
2.130 Convexity of is required to ensure that there is a continuous retraction of the
simplex onto .

1. () = 2 on = (0, 1) or () = + 1 on = + .

2. () = 1 on = [0, 1/3] [2/3, 1].

3. Let = [0, 1] and dene

() =


0 < 1/2

2.132 Suppose such a function exists. Dene (x) = (x). Then : continously, and has no xed point since for
x , (x) = (x) = x = x
x , (x)
/ and therefore (x) = x
Therefore has no xed point contradicting Brouwers theorem.
2.133 Suppose to the contrary that has no xed point. For every x , let (z)
denote the point where the line segment from (x) through x intersects the boundary
of . Since is continuous and (x) = x, is a continuous function from to its
boundary, that is a retraction, contradicting Exercise 2.132. We conclude that must
have a xed point.
2.134 No-retraction = Brouwer Note rst that the no-retraction theorem (Exercise 2.132) generalizes immediately to a closed ball about 0 of arbitrary radius.
Assume that is a continuous operator on a compact, convex set in a nite dimensional normed linear space. There exists a closed ball containing
(Proposition 1.1). Dene : by
(y) = { x : x is closest to y }
As in Exercise 2.129, is well-dened, continuous and (x) = x for every x .
: and has a xed point x = ((x )) by Exercise 2.133. Since

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(x) for every x , we must have (x ) = x . Therefore,

(x ) = x which implies that (x ) = x . That is, x is a xed point of .
Brouwer = no-retraction Exercise 2.132.
2.135 Let , = 1, 2, . . . be a sequence of simplicial partitions of in which the
maximum diameter of the subsimplices tend to zero as . By Sperners lemma
(Proposition 1.3), every partition has a completely labeled subsimplex with vertices
x0 , x1 , . . . , x . By construction of an admissible labeling, each x belongs to a face
containing x , that is
x conv {x , . . . }
and therefore
x ,

= 0, 1, . . . ,

Since is compact, each sequence x has a convergent subsequence x . Moreover,

since the diameters of the subsimplices converge to zero, these subsequences must
converge to the same point, say x . That is,

lim x = x ,

= 0, 1, . . . ,

Since the sets are closed, x for every and therefore



= Let : be a continuous operator on an -dimensional simplex

with vertices x0 , x1 , . . . , x . For = 0, 1, . . . , , let
= { x : }
where 0 , 1 , . . . , and 0 , 1 , . . . , are the barycentric coordinates of x and
(x) respectively. Then
continuous = closed for every = 0, 1, . . . , (Exercise 1.106)
Let x conv { x : } for some { 0, 1, . . . , }. Then

= 1 =


which implies that for some , so that x . Therefore

conv { x : }

Therefore the collection 0 , 1 , . . . , satises the hypotheses of the K-K-M

theorem and their intersection is nonempty. That is, there exists

= with ,

= 0, 1, . . . ,


are the barycentric coordinates of x and (x ) respectively.

= = 1, this implies that

= 0, 1, . . . ,

In other words, (x ) = x .

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Let 0 , 1 , . . . , be closed subsets of an dimensional simplex with vertices

x0 , x1 , . . . , x such that

conv { x : }

for every { 0, 1, . . . , }. For = 0, 1, . . . , , let

(x) = (x, )
For any x with barycentric coordinates 0 , 1 , . . . , , dene
(x) = 0 x0 + 1 x1 + + x

+ (x)

1 + =0 (x)

= 0, 1, . . . ,


By construction 0 and =0 = 1. Therefore (x) . That is, : .

Furthermore is continuous. By Brouwers theorem, there exists a xed point
with (x ) = x . That is = for = 0, 1, . . . , .
Now, since the collection 0 , 1 , . . . , covers , there exists some for which
(x , ) = 0. Substituting = in (2.45) we have



(x )

which implies that (x ) = 0 for every . Since the are closed, x for
every and therefore


2.137 To simplify the notation, let + (p) = max 0, z (p) . Assume p is a xed point
of . Then for every = 1, 2, . . . ,

+ + (p )

1 + =1 + (p )



+ (p) = + + (p )



+ (p) = + (p )

= 1, 2, . . .

Multiplying each equation by (p) we get

(p )


+ (p) = (p )+ (p )

= 1, 2, . . .

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Summing over



(p )



+ (p) =


(p )+ (p )

(p ) = 0 this implies that


(p )+ (p ) = 0

Each term of this sum is nonnegative, since it is either 0 or (p ) . Consequently,
every term must be zero which implies that (p) 0 for every = 1, 2, . . . , . In
other words, z(p ) 0.
2.138 Every individual demand function x (p, ) is continuous (Example 2.90) in p
and . For given endowment


is continuous in p (Exercise 2.78). Therefore the excess demand function

z (p) = x (p, )
is continuous for every consumer and hence the aggregate excess demand function is
Similarly, the consumers demand function x (p, ) is homogeneous of degree 0 in p
and . For given endowment , the consumers wealth is homogeneous of degree 1 in
p and therefore the consumers excess demand function z (p) is homogeneous of degree
0. So therefore is the aggregate excess demand function z(p).
z(p) =


z (p)
x (p, )


and therefore
p z(p) =

p x (p, )



Since preferences are nonsatiated and strictly convex, they are locally nonsatiated
(Exercise 1.248) which implies (Exercise 1.235) that every consumer must satisfy his
budget constraint
p x (p, ) = p for every = 1, 2, . . . ,
Therefore in aggregate
p z(p) =

p x (p, )



for every p.

p = 0

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2.140 Assume there exists p such that z(p ) 0. That is
z(p ) =

z (p) =


x (p, ) =
x (p, )




Aggregate demand is less or equal to available supply.

Let = =1 denote the wealth of consumer when the price system is p

and let x = x(p , ) be his chosen consumption bundle. Then
x x for every x (p , )
Let x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , x ) be the allocation comprising these optimal bundles. The
pair (p , x ) is a competitive equilibrium.
2.141 For each x , let denote the subsimplex of which contains x and let
x0 , x1 , . . . , x denote the vertices of . Let 0 , 1 , . . . , denote the barycentric
coordinates (Exercise 1.159) of x with respect to the vertices of and let y = (x ),
= 0, 1, . . . , , denote the images of the vertices. Since is compact, there exists

subsequences x , y and such that

x x

y y and

= 0, 1, . . . ,

Furthermore, 0 and 0 +1 + + = 1. Since the diameters of the subsimplices

converge to zero, their vertices must converge to the same point. That is, we must have
x0 = x1 = = x = x
By denition of
(x ) = 0 (x0 ) + 1 (x1 ) + + (x )
Substituting y = (x ), = 0, 1, . . . , and recognizing that x is a xed point of
, we have
= (x ) = 0 y0 + 1 y1 + + y
Taking limits
x = 0 y0 + 1 y1 + + y


For each coordinate , (x , y ) graph() for every = 0, 1, . . . . Since is closed,

(x , y ) graph(). That is, y (x ) = (x ) for every = 0, 1, . . . , . Therefore,
(2.46) implies
x conv (x )
Since is convex valued,
x (x )


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2.142 Analogous to Exercise 2.129, there exists a simplex containing and a retraction of onto , that is a continuous function : with (x) = x for every x .
Then : is closed-valued (Exercise 2.106) and uhc (Exercise 2.103).
By the argument in the proof, there exists a point x such that x (x ).
However, since (x ) , we must have x and therefore (x ) = x . This
implies x (x ). That is, x is a xed point of .
2.143 = 1 2 . . . is the Cartesian product of uhc, compact- and convexvalued correspondences. Therefore is also compact-valued and uhc (Exercise 2.112
and also convex-valued (Exercise 1.165). By Exercise 2.106, is closed.
2.144 Strict quasiconcavity ensures that the best response correspondence is in fact a
function : . Since the hypotheses of Example 2.96 apply, there exists at least
one equilibrium. Suppose that there are two Nash equilibria s and s . Since is a
((s), (s ) (s, s )
for some < 1. However
(s) = s and (s ) = s
and (2.46) implies that
(s, s ) (s, s )
which is possible if and only if s = s . This implies that the equilibrium must be unique.
2.145 Since is compact, it is totally bounded (Exercise 1.112). There exists a nite
set of points x1 , x2 , . . . , x such that

(x )


Let = conv {x1 , x2 , . . . , x }. For = 1, 2, . . . , and x , dene

(x) = max{0, x x }
Then for every x ,
0 (x) ,

= 1, 2, . . . ,

(x) > 0 x (x )
Note that (x) > 0 for some . Dene

(x) =

Then (x) and therefore : . Furthermore, is continuous and


(x) x = 


 (x)(x x) 



(x) x x



since (x) > 0 x x .

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1. For every x , (x) and therefore (x) = (x) .

2. For any x , let y = (x) () and therefore

 (y) y < 1

which implies

 (x) (x) 1 for every x

2.147 By the Triangle inequality


x (x)  (x ) (x ) +  (x ) (x)
As shown in the previous exercise

 (x ) (x ) 1 0

as . Also since is continuous

 (x ) (x) 0

x (x) 0 = x = (x)
x is a xed point of .
2.148 ( ) is bounded and equicontinuous and so therefore is ( ) (Exercise 2.96). By
Ascolis theorem (Exercise 2.95), ( ) is compact. Therefore is a compact operator.
Applying Corollary 2.8.1, has a xed point.


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Chapter 3: Linear Functions

3.1 Let x1 , x2 and 1 , 2 . Homogeneity implies that
(1 x1 ) = 1 (1 )
(2 x2 ) = 2 (2 )
and additivity implies
(1 x1 + 2 x2 ) = 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 )
Conversely, assume
(1 x1 + 2 x2 ) = 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 )
for all x1 , x2 and 1 , 2 . Letting 1 = 2 = 1 implies
(x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 )
while setting x2 = 0 implies
(1 x1 ) = 1 (x1 )
3.2 Assume 1 , 2 (, ). Dene the mapping 1 + 2 : by
(1 + 2 )(x) = 1 (x) + 2 (x)
We have to conrm that 1 + 2 is linear, that is
(1 + 2 )(x1 + x2 ) = 1 (x1 + x2 ) + 2 (x1 + x2 )
= 1 (x1 ) + 1 (x2 ) + 2 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 )
= 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x1 ) + 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 )
= (1 + 2 )(x1 ) + (1 + 2 )(x2 )
(1 + 2 )(x) = 1 (x) + 2 (x)
= (1 (x) + 2 (x))
= (1 + 2 )(x)
Similarly let (, ) and dene : by
( )(x) = (x)
is also linear, since
( )(x) = (x)
= (x)
= (x)
= ( )(x)

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3.3 Let x, x1 , x2 2 . Then

(x1 + x2 ) = (11 + 21 , 12 + 22 )
= (11 + 21 ) cos (12 + 22 ) sin , (11 + 21 ) sin (12 + 22 ) cos
= (11 cos 12 sin ) + (21 cos 22 sin ), (11 sin + 12 cos ) + (21 sin 22 cos )
= (11 cos 12 sin , 11 sin + 12 cos ) + (21 cos 22 sin , 21 sin 22 cos
= (11 , 12 ) + (21 , 22 )
= (x1 ) + (x2 )
(x) = (1 , 2 )
= (1 cos 2 sin , 1 sin + 2 cos )
= (1 cos 1 sin , 1 sin + 2 cos )
= (1 , 2 )
= (x)
3.4 Let x, x1 , x2 3 .
(x1 + x2 ) = (11 + 2 , 12 + 22 , 13 + 23 )
= (11 + 21 , 12 + 22 , 0)
= (11 , 12 , 0) + (21 , 22 , 0)
= (11 , 12 , 13 ) + (21 , 22 , 23 )
= (x1 ) + (x2 )
(x) = (1 , 2 , 3 )
= (1 , 2 , 0)
= (1 , 2 , 0)
= (1 , 2 , 3 )
= (x)
This mapping is the projection of 3-dimensional space onto the (2-dimensional) plane.
3.5 Applying the denition

0 1
(1 , 2 ) =
1 0
= (2 , 1 )

This function interchanges the two coordinates of any point in the plane 2 . Its action
corresponds to reection about the line 1 = 2 ( 45 degree diagonal).
3.6 Assume (, ) and (, ) are two games in . For any coalition
( + )() ( + )( {}) = () + ( ) ( {}) ( {})
= (() ( {})) + ( () ( {}))
= () + ( )

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3.7 The characteristic function of cost allocation game is
( ) = 0
( ) = 0

(, ) = 210
(, ) = 770

( ) = 0

(, ) = 1170

( ) = 1530

The following table details the computation of the Shapley value for player .

, ,



( {})

(() ( {}))
128 1/3
283 1/3

Thus = 283 1/3. Similarly, we can calculate that = 483 1/3 and =
763 1/3.

(() ( {}))
(() ( {}))


( {})



( {})


= ( )
= ( )
3.9 If ,
( {}) = ( {, } {}) = ( {, } {}) = ( {})
() =

(() ( {}))

(() ( {})) +

(() ( {})) +

(( {}) ())

(() ( {})) +

(( {}) ( ))

(() ( {}))

(() ( {})) +

= ()

(() ( {}))

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3.10 For any null player

() ( {}) = 0
for every . Consequently

() =

(() ( {})) = 0

3.11 Every
/ is a null player, so that
( ) = 0
Feasibility requires that

for every

( ) =

( ) = 1

Further, any two players in are substitutes, so that symmetry requires that
( ) = ( )

for every ,

Together, these conditions require that

( ) =

for every

The Shapley value of the a T-unanimity game is


( ) =
where = .
3.12 Any coalitional game can be represented as a linear combination of unanimity
games (Example 1.75)

By linearity, the Shapley value is


and therefore for player



= (, ) ( {}, )

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Using Exercise 3.8
( ) =

(, ) ( {}, )

= (, )

( {}, )

which implies that

(, ) =

( )

( {}, )

3.13 Choose any x = 0 .

0 = x x
and by additivity
(0 ) = (x x)
= (x) (x)
= 0
3.14 Let x1 , x2 belong to . Then
(x1 + x2 ) = (x1 + x2 )
= (x1 ) + (x2 )
= (x1 ) + (x2 )
= (x1 ) + (x2 )
(x) = ( (x))
= ( (x))
= ( (x))
= (x)
Therefore is linear.
3.15 Let be a subspace of and let y1 , y2 belong to (). Choose any x1 1 (y1 )
and x2 1 (y2 ). Then for 1 , 2
1 x1 + 2 x2
Since is linear (Exercise 3.1)
1 y1 + 2 y2 = 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 ) = (1 x1 + 2 x2 ) ()
() is a subspace.
Let be a subspace of and let x1 , x2 belong to 1 ( ). Let y1 = (x1 ) and
y2 = (x2 ). Then y1 , y2 . For every 1 , 2
1 y1 + 2 y2 = 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 )

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Since is linear, this implies that

(1 x1 + 2 x2 ) = 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 )
1 x1 + 2 x2 1 ( )
We conclude that 1 ( ) is a subspace.
3.16 () is a subspace of . rank () = rank implies that () = . is onto.
3.17 This is a special case of the previous exercise, since {0 } is a subspace of .
3.18 Assume not. That is, assume that there exist two distinct elements x1 and x2
with (x1 ) = (x2 ). Then x1 x2 = 0 but
(x1 x2 ) = (x1 ) (x2 ) = 0
so that x1 x2 kernel which contradicts the assumption that kernel = {0}.
3.19 If has an inverse, then it is one-to-one and onto (Exercise 2.4), that is 1 (0) = 0
and () = . Conversely, if kernel = {0} then is one-to-one by the previous
exercise. If furthermore () = , then is one-to-one and onto, and therefore has
an inverse (Exercise 2.4).
3.20 Let be a nonsingular linear function from to with inverse 1 . Choose
y1 , y2 and let
x1 = 1 (y1 )
x2 = 1 (y2 )
so that
y1 = (x1 )
y2 = (x2 )
Since is linear
(x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 ) = y1 + y2
which implies that
1 (y1 + y2 ) = x1 + x2 = 1 (y1 ) + 1 (y2 )
The homogeneity of 1 can be demonstrated similarly.
3.21 Assume that : and : are nonsingular. Then (Exercise 3.19)
() = and ( ) =
kernel = {0 } and kernel = {0 }
We have previously shown (Exercise 3.14) that = : is linear. To show
that is nonsingular, we note that
() = () = ( ) =


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If x kernel () then
(x) = ( (x)) = 0
and (x) kernel = {0 }. Therefore (x) = 0 which implies that x = 0 .
Thus kernel = {0 }.
We conclude that is nonsingular.
Finally, let z be any point in and let
x1 = 1 (z) = ( )1 (z)
y = 1 (z)
x2 = 1 (y)
z = (x1 ) = (x1 )
z = (y) = (x2 )
which implies that x1 = x2 .
3.22 Suppose were one-to-one. Then kernel = {0} kernel and = 1 is a
well-dened linear function mapping () to with
= 1 =
We need to show that this still holds if is not one-to-one. In this case, for arbitrary
y (), 1 (y) may contain more than one element. Suppose x1 and x2 are distinct
elements in 1 (y). Then
(x1 x2 ) = (x1 ) (x2 ) = y y = 0
so that x1 x2 kernel kernel (by assumption). Therefore
(x1 ) (x2 ) = (x1 x2 ) = 0
which implies that (x1 ) = (x2 ) for all x1 , x2 1 (y). Thus = 1 : ()
is well dened even if is many-to-one.
To show that is linear, choose y1 , y2 in () and let
x1 1 (y1 )
x2 1 (y2 )
Since (x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 ) = y1 + y2
x1 + x2 1 (y1 + y2 )
(y1 + y2 ) = (x1 + x2 )
(y1 ) + (y2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 )
= (x1 + x2 )
= (y1 + y2 )

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Similarly x1 1 (y1 ) and

(y1 ) = (x1 )
= (x1 )
= (y1 )
We conclude that = 1 is a linear function mapping () to with = .
3.23 Let y be an arbitrary element of () with x 1 (y). Since B is a basis for
, x can be represented as a linear combination of elements of , that is there exists
x1 , x2 , .., x and 1 , ..., such that


y = (x)


(x )

Since (x ) (), we have shown that y can be written as a linear combination of

elements of (), that is
y lin
Since the choice of y was arbitrary, () spans (), that is
lin = ()
3.24 Let = dim and = dim kernel . Let x1 , . . . , x be a basis for the kernel of
. This can be extended (Exercise 1.142) to a basis for . Exercise 3.23 showed
lin = ()
Since x1 , x2 , . . . , x kernel , (x ) = 0 for = 1, 2, . . . , . This implies that
{ (x+1 ), . . . , (x )} spans (), that is
lin {(x+1 ), ..., (x )} = ()
To show that dim () = , we have to show that { (+1 ), (+2 ), . . . , ( )} is
linearly independent. Assume not. That is, assume there exist +1 , +2 , ...,
such that

(x ) = 0


This implies that







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This implies that x can also be expressed as a linear combination of elements in

{x1 , 2 , ..., x }, that is there exist scalars 1 , 2 , . . . , such that



x =



which contradicts the assumption that is a basis for . Therefore { (x+1 ), . . . , (x )}

is a basis for () and therefore dim () = . We conclude that
dim kernel + dim () = = dim
3.25 Equation (3.2) implies that nullity = 0, and therefore is one-to-one (Exercise
3.26 Choose some x = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) . x has a unique representation in terms of
the standard basis (Example 1.79)


Let y = (x). Since is linear

y = (x) =

e =


x (e )


Each (e ) has a unique representation of the form

(e ) =


so that
y = (x)







=1 2


= x

11 12 . . . 1
21 22 . . . 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 2 . . .

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1 0
0 1

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3.28 We must specify bases for each space. The most convenient basis for is the
T-unanimity games. We adopt the standard basis for . With respect to these bases,
the Shapley value is represented by the 21 matrix where each row is the Shapley
value of the corresponding T-unanimity game.
For three player games ( = 3), the matrix is

1 0
0 1

0 0
1 1

21 2

2 01




3.29 Clearly, if is continuous, is continuous at 0.

To show the converse, assume that : is continuous at 0. Let (x ) be a sequence
which converges to x . Then the sequence (x x) converges to 0 and therefore
(x x) 0 by continuity (Exercise 2.68). By linearity, (x ) (x) = (x x)
0 and therefore (x ) converges to (x). We conclude that is continuous at x.
3.30 Assume that is bounded, that is
(x) x for every x
Then is Lipschitz at 0 (with Lipschitz constant ) and hence continuous (by the
previous exercise).
Conversely, assume is continuous but not bounded. Then, for every positive integer
, there exists some x such that (x ) > x which implies that



y =


Then y 0 but (y ) 0. This implies that is not continuous at the origin,

contradicting our hypothesis.
3.31 Let {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } be a basis for . For every x , there exists numbers
1 , 2 , . . . , such that



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(x) =

(x )


(x) = 


(x )

(x )



max (x )


By Lemma 1.1, there exists a constant such that



x  = x

Combining these two inequalities
(x) x
where = max=1 (x ) /.
3.32 For any x , let = x and dene y = x/. Linearity implies that
= sup (x/) = sup (y)


= sup

3.33 is a norm Let (, ). Clearly

= sup (x) 0

Further, for every ,

= sup (x) =

Finally, for every (, ),

+ = sup (x) + (x) sup (x) + sup (x) +



verifying the triangle inequality. There is a norm.

(, ) is a linear space Let , (, ). Since (, ) (, ), +
is linear, that is + (, ) (Exercise 3.2). Similarly, (, ) for every
. Further, by the triangle inequality + + and therefore for
every x
( + )(x) + x ( + ) x
Therefore + (, ). Similarly
( )(x) ( ) x
so that (, ).

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(, ) is complete with this norm Let ( ) be a Cauchy sequence in (, ).

For every x
(x) (x) x
Therefore ( (x)) is a Cauchy sequence in , which converges since is complete.
Dene the function : by (x) = lim (x).
is linear since
(x1 + x2 ) = lim (x1 + x2 ) = lim (x1 ) + lim (x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 )
(x) = lim (x) = lim (x) = (x)
To show that is bounded, we observe that

(x) = lim (x) = lim (x) sup (x) sup x

Since ( ) is a Cauchy sequence, ( ) is bounded (Exercise 1.100), that is there

exists such that . This implies
(x) sup x x

Thus, is bounded.
To complete the proof, we must show , that is 0. Since ( )
is a Cauchy sequence, for every > 0, there exists such that
for every , and consequently
(x) (x) = ( )(x) x
Letting go to innity,
(x) (x) = ( )(x) x
for every x and and therefore
= sup { )(x)}

for every .

1. Since is nite-dimensional, is compact (Proposition 1.4). Since is

continuous, () is a compact set in (Exercise 2.3). Since 0
/ , 0 =
(0 )
/ ().
2. Consequently, () is an open set containing 0 . It contains an open ball
() around 0 .
3. Let y and choose any x 1 (y) and consider y/ x. Since is linear,
and therefore y/ x
/ since () = .

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Suppose that y
/ (). Then x 1 and therefore
y =

since is convex. This contradiction establishes that y () and therefore

(). We conclude that () contains an open ball around 0 .
4. Let be any open set in . We need to show that () is open in . Choose
any y () and x 1 (y). Then x and, since is open, there exists
some > 0 such that (x) . Now (x) = x + and
( (x)) = y + () ()
by linearity. As we have just shown, there exists an open ball T about 0 such
that (). Let (x) = y + . (x) is an open ball about y. Since
(), (x) = y + ( (x)) (). This implies that () is open.
Since was an arbitrary open set, is an open map.
5. Exercise 2.69.
3.35 is linear
( + ) =

( + )x =


x +


x = () + ()


Similarly for every

() =

x = ()


is one-to-one Exercise 1.137.

is onto By denition of a basis lin {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } =
is continuous Exercise 3.31
is an open map Proposition 3.2
3.36 is bounded and therefore there exists such that (x) x. Similarly,
1 is bounded and therefore there exists such that for every x
1 (y)


where y = (x). This implies

x (x)
and therefore for every x .
x (x) x
By the linearity of ,
x1 x2 (x1 x2 ) = (x1 ) (x2 ) x1 x2


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3.37 For any function, continuity implies closed graph (Exercise 2.70). To show the converse, assume that = graph( ) is closed. with norm (x, y) = max{x , y}
is a Banach space (Exercise 1.209). Since is closed, is complete. Also, is a subspace of . Consequently, is a Banach space in its own right.
Consider the projection : dened by (x, (x)) = x. Clearly is linear,
one-to-one and onto with
1 (x) = (x, (x))
It is also bounded since
(x, (x)) = x (x, (x)
By the open mapping theorem, 1 is bounded. For every x

(x) (x, (x)) = 1 (x) 1  x
We conclude that is bounded and hence continuous.
3.38 (1) = 5, (2) = 7 but
(1 + 2) = (3) = 9 = (1) + (2)
(3 2) = (6) = 15 = 3 (2)
3.39 Assume is ane. Let y = (0) and dene
(x) = (x) y
is homogeneous since for every
(x) = (x + (1 )0)
= (x + (1 )0) y
= (x) + (1 ) (0) y
= (x) + (1 )y y
= (x) y
= ( () y)
= (x)
Similarly for any x1 , x2
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) = (x1 + (1 )x2 )
= (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
Therefore, for = 1/2
( x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 )
= ( (x1 ) ) + ( (x2 ) )
= (x1 ) + (x2 )

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Since is homogeneous
(x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 )
which shows that is additive and hence linear.
Conversely if
(x) = (x) + y
with linear
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) = (x1 ) + (1 )(x2 ) +
= (x1 ) + + (1 )(x2 ) +
= (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
3.40 Let be an ane subset of and let y1 , y2 belong to (). Choose any x1
1 (y1 ) and x2 1 (y2 ). Then for any
x1 + (1 )x2
Since is ane
y1 + (1 )y2 = (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) = (x1 + (1 )x2 ) ()
() is an ane set.
Let be an ane subset of and let x1 , x2 belong to 1 ( ). Let y1 = (x1 ) and
y2 = (x2 ). Then y1 , y2 . For every
y1 + (1 )y2 = (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
Since is ane, this implies that
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) = (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
x1 + (1 )x2 1 ( )
We conclude that 1 ( ) is an ane set.
3.41 For any y1 , y2 (), choose x1 , x2 such that y = (x ). Since is convex,
x1 + (1 )x2 and therefore
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) = (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
= y1 + (1 )y2 ()
Therefore () is convex.
3.42 Suppose otherwise that y is not ecient. Then there exists another production
plan y such that y y. Since p > 0, this implies that py > py, contradicting
the assumption that y maximizes prot.
3.43 The random variable can be represented as the sum



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where {} is the indicator function of the set {}. Since is linear

() =

()({} )


since ({} = ({}) = 0. For the random variable = 1, () = 1 for every


= 1
(1) =

3.44 Let 1 , 2 [0, 1]. Recall that addition in C[0,1] is dened by

(1 + 2 )() = 1 () + 2 ()
(1 + 2 ) = (1 + 2 )(1/2) = 1 (1/2) + 2 (1/2) = (1 ) + (2 )
(1 ) = (1 )(1/2) = 1 (1/2) = (1 )
3.45 Assume that x = x1 + x2 + + x maximizes over . Suppose to the contrary
that there exists y such that (y ) > (x ). Then y = x1 + x2 + + y + +
x and

(y) =
(x ) + (y ) >
(x ) = (x )

contradicting the assumption at is maximized at x .

Conversely, assume
(x ) (x ) for every x
for every = 1, 2, . . . , . Summing

(x ) = (
x ) =
( )
(x ) = (
x ) = (x) for every x
x = x1 + x2 + + x maximizes over .

1. Assume ( ) is a sequence in 1 with =

the sequence of partial sums


< . Let ( ) denote


Then ( ) is a bounded monotone sequence in which converges to . Consequently, ( ) is a Cauchy sequence. For every > 0 there exists an such



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for every and 0. Letting = 0

< for every
We conclude that 0 so that ( ) 0 . This establishes 1 0 .
To see that the inclusion is strict, that is 1 0 , we observe that the sequence
(1/) = (1, 1/2, 1/3, . . . ) converges to zero but that since

  = 1 + 1 + 1+ =

2 3
/ 1 .
Every convergent sequence is bounded (Exercise 1.97). Therefore 0 .
2. Clearly, every sequence ( ) 1 denes a linear functional 0 given by
(x) =


for every x = ( ) 0 . To show that is bounded we observe that every

( ) 0 is bounded and consequently


( )


= ( )1 ( )

Therefore 0 .
To show the converse, let e denote the unit sequences
e1 = (1, 0, 0, . . . )
e2 = (0, 1, 0, . . . )
e3 = (0, 0, 1, . . . )
{e1 , e2 , e3 , . . . , } form a basis for 0 . Then every sequence ( ) 0 has a unique
( ) =


Let 0 be a continuous linear functional on 0 . By continuity and linearity

(x) =

(e )


= (e )
so that
(x) =


Every linear function is determined by its action on a basis (Exercise 3.23).


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We need to show that the sequence ( ) 1 . For any , consider the sequence
x = (1 , 2 , . . . , , 0, 0, . . . ) where

= 0 or


Then (x ) 0 , x = 1 and
(x ) =



Since 0 , is bounded and therefore

(x ) x = <
and therefore

< for every = 1, 2, . . .



= sup




We conclude that ( ) 1 and therefore 0 = 1

3. Similarly, every sequence ( ) denes a linear functional on 1 given by
(x) =


for every x = ( ) 1 . Moreover is bounded since


( )




for every x = ( ) 1 Again, given any linear functional 1 , let = (e )

where e is the unit sequence. Then has the representation
(x) =


To show that ( ) , for = 1, 2, . . . , consider the sequence x = (0, 0, . . . , , 0, 0, . . . )


= and = 0

Then x 1 , x 1 = 1 and
(x ) =

1 ,

is bounded and therefore

  = (x ) x =

for every . Consequently ( ) . We conclude that 1 =


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3.47 By linearity
(, ) = (, 0) + (0, )
= (, 0) + (0, 1)

Considered as a function of , (, 0) is a linear functional on . Dene

() = (, 0)
= (0, 1)
(, ) = () +
3.48 Suppose

kernel kernel


Dene the function : by

(x) = (1 (x), 2 (x), . . . , (x))
kernel = { x : (x) = 0, = 1, 2, . . . }


: and : . By Exercise 3.22, there exists a linear function :
such that = . That is, for every
(x) = (x) = (1 (x), 2 (x), . . . , (x))
Let = (e ) where e is the -th unit vector in . Since every linear mapping is
determined by its action on a basis, we must have
(x) = 1 1 (x) + 2 2 (x) + + (x)

for every

That is
lin 1 , 2 , . . . ,
Conversely, suppose
lin 1 , 2 , . . . ,
That is
(x) = 1 1 (x) + 2 2 (x) + + (x)
for every

For every x =1 kernel , (x) = 0, = 1, 2, . . . , and therefore (x) = 0.

Therefore kernel . That is

kernel kernel



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3.49 Let be a hyperplane in . Then there exists a unique subspace such that
= x0 + for some x0 (Exercise 1.153). There are two cases to consider.
Case 1: x0
/ . For every x , there exists unique x such
x = x x0 + for some
Dene (x) = x . Then : . It is straightforward to show that is linear.
Since = x0 + , x = 1 if and only if x . Therefore
= { x : (x) = 1 }
Case 2: x0 . In this case, choose some x1
/ . Again, for every x , there
exists a unique x such
x = x x1 + for some
and (x) = x is a linear functional on . Furthermore x0 implies =
(Exercise 1.153) and therefore (x) = 0 if and only if x . Therefore
= { x : (x) = 0 }
Conversely, let be a nonzero linear functional in . Let = kernel and choose
x0 1 (1). (This is why we require = 0). For any x
(x (x)x0 ) = (x) (x) 1 = 0
so that x (x)x0 . That is, x = (x)x0 + for some . Therefore,
= lin (x0 , ) so that is a maximal proper subspace.
For any , let x1 1 (). Then, for every x 1 (), (x x1 ) = 0 and
{ x : (x) = } = {x : (x x1 ) = 0 } = x1 +
which is a hyperplane.
3.50 By the previous exercise, there exists a linear functional such that
= { : () = }
for some . Since 0
/ , = 0. Without loss of generality, we can assume that
= 1. (Otherwise, take the linear functional 1 ).
To show that is unique, assume that is another linear functional with
= { x : () = 1} = {x : () = 1 }
{ x : () () = 0 }
Since is a maximal subset, is the smallest subspace containing . Therefore
() = () for every .


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3.51 By Exercise 3.49, there exists a linear functional such that

= { : () = 0 }
Since x0
/ , (x0 ) = 0. Without loss of generality, we can normalize so that (x0 ) =
1. (If (x0 ) = = 1, then the linear functional = 1/c has (x0 ) = 1 and kernel =
To show that is unique, suppose that is another linear functional with kernel =
and (x0 ) = 1. For any x , there exists such that
x = x0 + v
with (Exercise 1.153). Since (v) = (v) = 0 and (x0 ) = (x0 ) = 1
(x) = (x0 + v) = (0 ) = (x0 ) = (x0 + v) = (x)
3.52 Assume = , = 0. Then
() = 0 () = 0
Conversely, let = 1 (0) = 1 (0). If = , then = = 0. Otherwise,
is a hyperplane containing 0. Choose some x0
/ . Every x has a unique
representation x = x0 + v with v (Exercise 1.153) and
(x) = (x0 )
(x) = (x0 )
Let = (x0 )/(x0 ) so that (x0 ) = (x0 ). Substituting
(x) = (x0 ) = (x0 ) = (x)
3.53 continuous implies that the set { : () = } = 1 () is closed for every
(Exercise 2.67). Conversely, let = 0 and assume that = { : () = 0 }
is closed. There exists x0 = 0 such that = lin {0 , } (Exercise 1.153). Let x x
be a convergent sequence in . Then there exist , and v , such that
x = x0 + v , x = x0 + v and
x x = x0 + v x0 + v
= x0 x0 + v v
x0 + v v
which implies that . By linearity
(x ) = (x0 ) + (v ) = (x0 )
since v and therefore
(x ) = (x0 ) (x0 ) = (x)
is continuous.


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(x + x , y) =

( + )

=1 =1

=1 =1

=1 =1

= (x, y) + (x , y)
Similarly, we can show that
(x, y + y ) = (x, y) + (x, y )
(x, y) = (x, y) = (x, y) for every
3.55 Let x1 , x2 , . . . , x be a basis for and y1 , y2 , . . . , y be a basis for . Let the
numbers represent the action of on these bases, that is
= (x , y )

= 1, 2, . . . , , = 1, 2, . . . ,

and let be the matrix of numbers .

Choose any x and y and let their representations in terms of the bases be

x and y =



respectively. By the bilinearity of

(x, y) = (
x ,
y )

(x ,

y )

(x , y )

= x y
3.56 Every y is a linear functional on . Hence
y(x + x ) = y(x) + y(x )
y(x) = y(x)
and therefore
(x + x , y) = y(x + x ) = y(x) + y(x ) = (x, y) + (x , y)
(x, y) = y(x) = y(x) = (x, y)

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In the dual space

(y + y )(x) y(x) + y (x)
(y)(x) y(x)
and therefore
(x, y + y ) = (y + y )(x) = y(x) + y (x) = (x, y) + (x, y )
(x, y) = (y)(x) = y(x) = (x, y)
3.57 Assume 1 , 2 ( , ). Dene the mapping 1 + 2 : by
(1 + 2 )(x, y) = 1 (x, y) + 2 (x, y)
We have to conrm that 1 + 2 is bilinear, that is
(1 + 2 )(x1 + x2 , y) = 1 (x1 + x2 , y) + 2 (x1 + x2 , y)
= 1 (x1 , y) + 1 (x2 , y) + 2 (x1 , y) + 2 (x2 , y)
= 1 (x1 , y) + 2 (x1 , y) + 1 (x1 , y) + 2 (x2 , y)
= (1 + 2 )(x1 , y) + (1 + 2 )(x2 , y)
Similarly, we can show that
(1 + 2 )(x, y1 + y2 ) = (1 + 2 )(x, y1 ) + (1 + 2 )(x, y2 )
(1 + 2 )(x, y) = (1 + 2 )(x, y) = (1 + 2 )(x, y)
For every ( , ) dene the function : by
( )(x, y) = (x, y)
is also bilinear, since
( )(x1 + x2 , y) = (x1 + x2 , y)
= (x1 , y) + (x2 , y)
= ( )(x1 , y) + ( (x2 , y)
( )(x, y1 + y2 ) = ( )(x, y1 ) + ( )(x, y2 )
( )(x, y) = ( )(x, y) = ( )(x, y)
Analogous to (Exercise 2.78), 1 + 2 and are also continuous

1. (, ) is a linear space and therefore so is (, (, )) (Exercise



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2. x is linear and therefore

(x, y1 + y2 ) = (x)(y1 + y2 ) = (x)(y1 ) + (x)(y2 ) = (x, y1 ) + (x, y2 )
(x, y) = (x)(y) = (x)(y) = (x, y)
Similarly, is linear and therefore
(x1 + x2 , y) = x1 +x2 (y) = x1 (y) + x2 (y) = (x1 , y) + (x2 , y)
(x, y) = x (y) = x (y) = (x, y)
is bilinear
3. Let ( , ). For every x , the partial function x : is
linear. Therefore x (, ) and (, (, )).
3.59 Bilinearity and symmetry imply
(x y, x y) = (x, x y) (y, x y)
= (x, x) (x, y) (y, x) + 2 (y, y)
= (x, x) 2 (x, y) + 2 (y, y)
Nonnegativity implies
(x y, x y) = (x, x) 2 (x, y) + 2 (y, y) 0


for every x, y and

Case 1 (x, x) = (y, y) = 0 Then (3.38) becomes
2 (x, y) 0
Setting = (x, y) generates
2 (x, y) 0
which implies that
(x, y) = 0
Case 2 Either (x, x) > 0 or (y, y) > 0. Without loss of generality, assume (y, y) >
0 and set = (x, y)/ (y, y) in (3.38). That is
(x, y)
(x, y)
(x, x) 2
(x, y) +
(y, y) 0
(y, y)
(y, y)
(x, x)

(x, y)2
(y, y)

which implies
(x, y) (x, x) (y, y) for every x, y

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3.60 A Euclidean space is a nite-dimensional normed space, which is complete (Proposition 1.4).
3.61 (x, y) = x y satises the requirements of Exercise 3.59 and therefore
(x y)2 (x x)(y y)
Taking square roots
x y x y
3.62 By denition, the inner product is a bilinear functional. To show that it is continuous, let be an inner product space with inner product denote by x y. Let x x
and y y be sequences in .


(x ) y x y = (x ) y (x ) y + (x ) y x y


(x ) y (x ) y + (x ) y x y


(x ) (y y) + (x x) y
Applying the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality

(x ) y x y x y y + x x y
Since the sequence x converges, it is bounded, that is there exists such that x
for every . Therefore

(x ) y x y x y y + x x y y y + x x y 0
3.63 Applying the properties of the inner product

x = x x 0

x = x x = 0 if and only if x = 0

x = (x) (x) = 2 x x = x
To prove the triangle inequality, observe that bilinearity and symmetry imply

x + y = (x + y) (x + y)
= x x + x y + y x + z z
= x x + 2x y + y y

= x + 2x y + y

x2 + 2 x y + y2
Applying the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality

x + y x + 2 x y + y

= (x + y)2
3.64 For every y , the partial function y (x) = x y is a linear functional on
(since x y is bilinear). Continuity follows from the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, since
for every x

y (x) = x y y x

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which shows that y y. In fact, y = y since
y = sup y (x)



 y ) 



y y = y

3.65 By the Weierstrass Theorem (Theorem 2.2), the continuous function (x) = x
attains a maximum on the compact set at some point x0 .
We claim that x0 is an extreme point. Suppose not. Then, there exist x1 , x2 such
x0 = x1 + (1 )x2 = x2 + (x1 x2 )
Since x0 maximizes x on

) (
x2 + (x1 x2 )
x2 x0 = x2 + (x1 x2 )

= x2 + 2x2 (x1 x2 ) + 2 x1 x2


2x2 (x1 x2 ) + x1 x2 0


Similarly, interchanging the role of x1 and x2


2x1 (x2 x1 ) + x2 x1 0
2x1 (x1 x2 ) + x1 x2 2 0


Adding the inequalities (3.39) and (3.40) yields


2(x2 x1 ) (x1 x2 ) + 2 x1 x2 0
2(x2 x1 ) (x2 x1 ) = 2(x2 x1 ) (x1 x2 ) 2 x1 x2 2
and therefore
x2 x1 x2 x1
Since 0 < < 1, this implies that x1 x2 = 0 or x1 = x2 which contradicts our
premise that x0 is not an extreme point.
3.66 Using bilinearity and symmetry of the inner product
x + y2 + x y2 = (x + y) (x + y) + (x y) (x y)
= x x + x y + y x + y y +
x x x y y x + y y
= 2x x + 2y y

= 2 x + 2 y

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3.67 Note that = = 1 and
+ = sup

() + () = sup (1 + ) = 2

= sup

() () = sup (1 ) = 1



so that

+ + = 5 = 2 + 2

Since and do not satisfy the parallelogram law (Exercise 3.66), () cannot be an
inner product space.
3.68 Let {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } be a set of pairwise orthogonal vectors. Assume
0 = x1 + 2 x2 + + x
Using bilinearity, this implies
0 = 0 x =

x x = x


for every = 1, 2, . . . , . Since x = 0, this implies = 0 for every = 1, 2, . . . , .

We conclude that the set {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } is linearly independent (Exercise 1.133).
3.69 Let x1 , x2 , . . . , x be a orthonormal basis for . Since represents
(x ) =


for = 1, 2, . . . , . Taking the inner product with x ,


x (x ) = x
x =
x x


Since {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } is orthonormal

x x


if =

so that the last sum simplies to

x (x ) = for every ,

1. By the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality

x y x x
for every x and y, so that

 x y 
cos = 
x y 
which implies
1 cos 1

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2. Since cos 90 = 0, = 90 implies that x y = 0 or x y. Conversely, if x y,

x y = 0 and cos = 0 which implies = 90 degrees.
3.71 By bilinearity

x + y = (x + y) (x + y) = x + x y + y x + y

If x y, x y = y x = 0 and

x + y = x + y

and let be the set of all x which are closer to y

1. Choose some x
, that is
than x
= { x : x y
x y }
is compact (Proposition 1.4).
By the Weierstrass theorem (Theorem 2.2), the continuous function (x) = xy
That is
attains a minimum on at some point x0 .
x0 y x y for every x
A fortiori
x0 y x y for every x

2. Suppose there exists some x1 such that

x1 y = x0 y =
By the parallelogram law (Exercise 3.66)

x0 x1 = x0 y + y x1


= 2 x0 y + 2 x1 y (x0 y) (y x1 )


2 1
= 2 x0 y + 2 x1 y 2  (x0 + x1 ) y



= 2 2 + 2 2 22 
 2 (x0 + x1 ) y

since 12 (x0 + x1 ) and therefore  12 (x0 + x1 ) y so that

x0 x1 2 2 + 2 2 4 2 = 0
which implies that x1 = x0 .
3. Let x . Since is convex, the line segment x+(1)x0 = x0 +(xx0 )
and therefore (since x0 is the closest point)
x0 y2  x0 + (x x0 ) y

= (x0 y) + (x x0 )
) (
= (x0 y) + (x x0 )
(x0 y) + (x x0 )

= x0 y + 2(x0 y) (x x0 ) + 2 x x0

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which implies that

2(x0 y) (x x0 ) + 2 x x0 0
Dividing through by

2(x0 y) (x x0 ) + x x0 0
which inequality must hold for every 0 < < 1. Letting 0, we must have
(x0 y) (x x0 ) 0
as required.

1. Using the parallelogram law (Exercise 3.66),


x x = (x y) + (y x )

= 2 x y + 2 y x 2 x + x

for every , . Since is convex, (x +x )/2 and therefore x + x 2.


x x = 2 x y + 2 y x 42
Since x y and x y as , , we conclude that
x x 0. That is, (x ) is a Cauchy sequence.
2. Since is a closed subspace of complete space, there exists x0 such that
x x0 . By continuity of the norm
x0 y = lim x y =

x0 y x y for every x
Uniqueness follows in the same manner as the nite-dimensional case.
3.74 Dene : by
(y) = { x : x is closest to y }
The function is well-dened since for every y there exists a unique point x
which is closest to y (Exercise 3.72). Clearly, for every x , x is the closest point to
x. Therefore (x) = x for every x .
To show that is continuous, choose any y1 and y2 in
x1 = (y1 ) and x2 = (y2 )


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be the corresponding closest points in . Then

) (
(y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 ) = (y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 )
(y1 y1 ) (x1 x2 )
= (y1 y2 ) (y1 y2 ) + (x1 x2 ) (x1 x2 )
2(y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 )
= y1 y2 2 + x1 x2 2 2(y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 )

= y1 y2 + x1 x2 2(y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 )

2 x1 x2 + 2(x1 x2 ) (x1 x2 )

= y1 y2 x1 x2
+ 2 (x1 x2 ) (y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 )
= y1 y2 2 x1 x2 2
+ 2(x1 y1 ) (x1 x2 ) 2(x2 y2 ) (x1 x2 )

= y1 y2 x1 x2

2(x1 y1 ) (x2 x1 ) 2(x2 y2 ) (x1 x2 )

so that

y1 y2 x1 x2 = (y1 y2 ) (x1 x2 )

+ 2(x1 y1 ) (x2 x1 ) + 2(x2 y2 ) (x1 2 )

Using Exercise 3.72
(x1 y1 ) (x2 x1 ) 0 and (x2 y2 ) (x1 x2 ) 0
which implies that the left-hand side
y1 y2 2 x1 x2 2 0
x1 x2 = (y1 ) (y2 ) y1 y2
is Lipschitz continuous.
3.75 Let = kernel . Then is a closed subspace of . If = , then is the zero
functional and y = 0 is the required element. Otherwise chose any y
/ and let x0
be the closest point in (Exercise 3.72). Dene z = x0 y. Then z = 0 and
z x 0 for every x
Since is subspace, this implies that
z x = 0 for every x
that is z is orthogonal to .
Let be the subset of dened by
= { (x)z (z)x : x }
For every x

(x) = (x)z (z)x = (x) (z) (z) (x) = 0

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Therefore . For every x

(x)z (z)x z = (x)z z (z)x z = 0
since z . Therefore
(x) =


2x z

= x

z (z)

= x y


z (z)

3.76 is always complete (Proposition 3.3). To show that it is a Hilbert space, we

have to that it has an inner product. For this purpose, it will be clearer if we use an
alternative notation < x, y > to denote the inner product of x and y. Assume is a
Hilbert space. By the Riesz representation theorem (Exercise 3.75), for every
there exists y such that
(x) =< x, y > for every x
Furthermore, if y represents and y represents , then y + y represents
+ and y represents since
( + )(x) = (x) + (x) =< x, y > + < x, y >=< x, y + y >
( )(x) = (x) = < x, y >=< x, y >
Dene an inner product on by
< , >=< y , y >
We show that it satises the properties of an inner product, namely
symmetry < , >=< y , y >=< y , y >=< , >
additivity < 1 + 2 , >=< y , y1 +2 >=< y , y1 + y2 >=< 1 , > + < 2 , >
homogeneity < , >=< y , y >= < y , y >= < , >
positive deniteness < , >=< y , y > 0 and < , >=< y , y >= 0 if and
only if = .
Therefore, is a complete inner product space, that is a Hilbert space.
3.77 Let be a Hilbert space. Applying the previous exercise a second time, is also
a Hilbert space. Let be an arbitrary functional in . By the Riesz representation
theorem, there exists such that
( ) =< , > for every
Again by the Riesz representation theorem, there exists x (representing ) and x
(representing ) in such that
( ) =< , >=< x , x >
(x) =< x, x >

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In particular,
(x ) =< x , x >= ( )

That is, for every , there exists an element x such that

( ) = (x )
is reexive.

1. Adapt Exercise 3.64.

2. By Exercise 3.75, there exists unique x such that

y (x) = x x
3. Substituting
(x) y = y (x) = x x = (y)
4. For every y1 , y2
x (y1 + y2 ) = (x) y1 + y2 = (x) y1 + (x) y1 = x (y1 ) + x (y1 )
and for every y
x (y) = (x) y = (x) y = x (y) = x (y)
3.79 The zero element 0 is a xed point of every linear operator (Exercise 3.13).
3.80 1 = so that
det() det(1 ) = det() = 1
3.81 Expanding along the th row using (3.8)
det() =

(1)+ ( + ) det( )


(1)+ det( ) +


(1)+ det( )


But the matrices dier only in the th row and therefore

= = ,

= 1, 2, . . .

so that
det() =

(1)+ det( ) +


(1)+ det( )


= det() + det()
3.82 Suppose that x1 and x2 are eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalue . By
(x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 ) = x1 + x2 = (x1 + x2 )
(x1 ) = (x1 ) = x
Therefore x1 + x2 and x1 are also eigenvectors.

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3.83 Suppose is singular. Then there exists x = 0 such that (x) = 0. Therefore x
is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 0. Conversely, if 0 is an eigenvalue
(x) = 0x = 0
for any x = 0. Therefore is singular.
3.84 Since (x) = x
(x) x = x x = x x
3.85 By Exercise 3.69
= x (x )
= x (x ) = (x ) x
and therefore
= x (x ) = (x ) x
3.86 By bilinearity
x1 (x2 ) = x1 2 x2 = 2 x1 x2
(x1 ) x2 = 1 x1 x2 = 1 x1 x2
Since is symmetric, this implies
(1 2 )x1 x2 = 0
and 1 = 2 implies x1 x2 = 0.

1. Since compact and is continuous (Exercises 3.31, 3.62), the maximum is

attained at some x0 (Theorem 2.2), that is
= (x0 ) x0 (x) x for every x
(x, y) = x (x) y
is well-dened.

2. For any x
(x, x) = x (x) x
= x x (x) x
= x2 (x) x

= x x

) (


= x (z) z 0

since z = x/ x .



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3. Since is symmetric
(y, x) = y (y) x
= y x (y) x
= x y (x)
= x (x) y = (x, y)
4. satises the conditions of Exercise 3.59 and therefore
((x, y))2 (x, x)(y, y) for every x, y


By denition (x0 , x0 ) = 0 and (3.41) implies that

(x0 , y) = 0 for every y
That is
(x0 , y) = x0 (x0 ) y = 0 for every
and therefore
x0 (x0 ) = 0
(x0 ) = x0
In other words, x0 is an eigenvector. By construction, x0 = 1.

1. Suppose x2 , x3 . Then
x2 + x3 x1 = x2 x1 + x3 x1 = 0
so that x2 + x3 . is a subspace.
Let {x1 , x2 , . . . , x } be a basis for (Exercise 1.142). For x , there exists
(Exercise 1.137) unique 1 , 2 , . . . , such that
x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
If x
x x1 = 1 x1 x1 = 0
which implies that 1 = 0.
dim = 1.

Therefore, x2 , x3 , . . . , x span and therefore

2. For every x ,
(x) x0 = x (x0 ) = x x0 = x x0 = 0
since is symmetric. Therefore (x) {x0 } = .
3.89 Let be a symmetric operator. By the spectral theorem (Proposition 3.6), there
exists a diagonal matrix which represents . The elements of are the eigenvalues of
. By Proposition 3.5, the determinant of is the product of these diagonal elements.

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3.90 By linearity
(x) =

(x )

denes a quadratic form since


(x) = x (x) =
(x ) =
x (x ) =

by Exercise 3.69.
3.91 Let be the symmetric linear operator dening
(x) = x (x)
By the spectral theorem (Proposition 3.6), there exists an orthonormal basis x1 , x2 , . . . , x
comprising the eigenvectors of . Let 1 , 2 , . . . , be the corresponding eigenvalues,
that is
(x ) = x

= 1, 2 . . . ,

Then for x = 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x
(x) = x (x)
= (1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x ) (1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x )
= (1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x ) (1 (x1 ) + 2 (x2 ) + + (x ))
= (1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x ) (1 1 x1 + 2 2 x2 + + x )
= 1 1 1 + 2 2 2 + +
= 1 21 + 2 22 + + 2

1. Assuming that 11 = 0, the quadratic form can be rewritten as follows

(1 , 2 ) = 11 21 + 212 1 2 + 22 22
= 11 21 + 212 1 2 +

212 2 212 2

+ 22 22
11 2 11 2

)2 ) (

= 11 1 + 2
1 2 +
+ 22
)2 (
11 22 212
= 11 1 +
2 +
2. We observe that must be positive for every 1 and 2 provided 11 > 0 and
11 22 212 > 0. Similarly must be negative for every 1 and 2 if 11 > 0 and
11 22 212 > 0. Otherwise, we can choose values for 1 and 2 which make
both positive and negative.
Note that the condition 11 22 > 212 > 0 implies that 11 and 12 must have the
same sign.
3. If 11 = 22 = 0, then is indenite. Otherwise, if 11 = 0 but 22 = 0, then the
can we can complete the square using 22 and deduce
11 , 22 0
denite if and only if
and 11 22 212
11 , 22 0

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3.93 Let : be a quadratic form on . Then there exists a linear operator

such that
(x) = x (x)
and (Exercise 3.13)
(0) = 0 (0) = 0
3.94 Suppose to the contrary that the positive (negative) denite matrix is singular.
Then there exists x = 0 such that x = 0 and therefore x x = 0 contradicting the
deniteness of .
3.95 Let e1 , e2 , . . . , e be the standard basis for (Example 1.79). Then for every
e e = > 0
3.96 Let be the quadratic form dened by . By Exercise 3.91, there exists an
orthonormal basis such that
(x) = 1 x21 + 2 x22 + + x2
where 1 , 2 , . . . , are the eigenvalues of . This implies

> 0
(x) > 0

(x) 0

= 1, 2, . . . ,
< 0
(x) < 0

(x) 0
3.97 Let 1 , 2 , . . . , be the eigenvalues of . By Exercise 3.89
det() = 1 2 . . .
By Exercise 3.96, 0 for every and therefore det() 0. We conclude that
det() > 0 > 0 for every is positive denite
by Exercise 3.96.

1. 0 = 0. Therefore, 0 is always a solution.

2. Assume x1 and x2 are solutions, that is

x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
(x1 + x2 ) = x1 + x2 = 0
x1 + x2 is also a solution.
3. Let be the linear function dened by
(x) = x
The system of equations x = 0 has a nontrivial solution if and only if
kernel = {0} nullity > 0
By the rank theorem (Exercise 3.24)
rank + nullity = dim
so that
nullity > 0 rank < dim =

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1. Assume x1 and x2 are solutions of (3.16). That is

x1 = c and x2 = c
x1 x2 = (x1 x2 ) = 0

2. Assume x solves (3.16) while x is any solution to (3.17). That is

x = c and x = 0
x + x = (x + x) = c
We conclude that x + x solves (3.16) for every x .
3. If 0 is the only solution of (3.17), = {0}. Assume x1 and x2 are solutions of
(3.16). Then x1 x2 = {0} which implies x1 = x2 .
3.100 Let = { x : x = }. For every x, y and
x + (1 )y = x + (1 )y = c + (1 )c =
Therefore, z = x + (1 )y . is ane.
3.101 Let = be an ane set . Then there exists a unique subspace such that
= x0 +
for some x0 (Exercise 1.150). The orthogonal complement of is
= { a : ax = 0 for every x }
Let (a1 , a2 , . . . , a ) be a basis for . Then
= ( ) = {x : a x = 0,

= 1, 2, . . . }

Let be the matrix whose rows are a1 , a2 , . . . , a . Then is the set of solutions
to the homogeneous linear system x = 0, that is
= { : x = 0 }
= x0 +
= x0 + { x : x = 0 }
= { x : (x x0 ) = 0 }
= { x : x = c }
where c = x0 .
3.102 Consider corresponding homogeneous system
1 + 32 = 0
1 2 = 0

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Multiplying the second equation by 3
1 + 62 = 0
31 32 = 0
and adding yields
41 = 0

for which the only solution is 1 = 0. Substituting in the rst equation implies 2 = 0.
The kernel of = x is {0}. Therefore dim (2 ) = 2, and the system x = has a
unique solution for every 1 , 2 .
3.103 We can write the system x = c in the form

.. ..
1 . + + . + + . = .

Subtracting c from the th column gives

1 1

1 ... + +
+ + .. = 0

so that the columns of the matrix

11 . . .
= .

( 1 1 )

( )



are linearly dependent (Exercise 1.133). Therefore det() = 0. Let denote the
matrix obtained from by replacing the th column with c. Then , and dier
only in the th column, with the th column of being a linear combination of the
th columns of and .

.. ..


By Exercise 3.81
det() = x det() det( ) = 0
and therefore

det( )

as required.
3.104 Let

)1 (


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The inverse satises the equation

In particular, this means that and


By Cramers rule (Exercise 3.103)

where = . Similarly



satisfy the equation

)( ) ( )










and are determined analogously.

3.105 A portfolio is duplicable if and only if there is a dierent portfolio y = x such
x = y
(x y) = 0
There exists a duplicable portfolio if and only if this homogeneous system has a nontrivial solution, that is if rank < .
3.106 State is insurable if there is a solution to the linear system
x = e


where e is the -th unit vector (the Arrow-Debreu security). (3.42) has a solution
for every state if and only if ( ) = , that is rank = .
3.107 Figure 3.1.
3.108 Let be an ane subset of . Then there exists (Exercise 3.101) a system of
linear equations x = c such that
= { x : x = c }
Let a denote the -th row of . Then
= { : a x = , = 1, 2, . . . , } =

{ x : a x = }


where each { x : a x = } is a hyperplane in (Example 3.21).


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Figure 3.1: The solutions of three equations in two unknowns

3.109 Let = { x : x c }. For every x, y and 0 1
x c
y c
and therefore
x + (1 )y = x + (1 )y c + (1 )c =
Therefore, z = x + (1 )y . is a convex set.
3.110 We have already seen that = { x : x 0 } is convex. To show that it is a
cone, let x . Then
x 0
x 0
so that x . is a convex cone.

1. Each column is a vector in . If the set {1 , 2 , . . . , } is linearly

independent, it has at most elements, that is and x is a basic feasible

2. (a) Assume {1 , 2 , . . . , } are linearly dependent. Then (Exercise 1.133)

there exist numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , , not all zero, such that
1 1 + 2 2 + + = 0
y = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) is a nontrivial solution to the homogeneous system.
(b) For every , y kernel = x and x = x y is a solution of
the corresponding nonhomogeneous system x = c. To see this directly,
y = 0

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x = c
to give
x = (x y) = c
(c) Note that x > 0 and therefore > 0 which implies that
> 0 for every
0. For every > 0, / , which implies that , so that
is a feasible solution.
Therefore, x
(d) There exists some coordinate such that = / so that

= = 0
so that



is a feasible solution with one less positive component.

3. Starting with any nonbasic feasible solution, this elimination technique can be
repeated until the remaining vectors are linearly independent and a basic feasible
solution is obtained.

1. Exercise 1.173.

2. For each , there exists elements x and coecients > 0 such that
x =




= 1. Hence

x =


=1 =1

3. Direct computation.
4. Regarding the as variables and the points as coecents,

=1 =1

is a linear equation system in which variables are restricted to be nonnegative.

By the fundamental theorem of linear programming (Exercise 3.111), there exists


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a basic feasible solution. That is, there exists coecients 0 and > 0 for
at most ( + ) components such that


=1 =1

Decomposing, (3.43) implies


=1 =1


= 1

for every


5. (3.43) implies that at least one > 0 for every . This accounts for at least
of the positive . Since there are at most ( + ) coecients which are
strictly positive, there are at most indices which have more than one positive
coecient . For the remaining indices, x = x for some ; that is
x .

1. Since is productive, there exists x 0 such that x > 0. Consider any

z for which z 0. For every > 0
(x + z) = x + z > 0


Suppose to the contrary that z 0. That is, there exists some component < 0.

= max{ }

Without loss of generality, 1 attains this maximum, that is assume = 1 /1 .

1 + 1 = 0
+ 0
for every .
Now consider the matrix = . By the assumptions of the Leontief model
(Example 3.35), the matrix has 1 along the diagonal and negative o-diagonal
elements. That is
= 1

= 1, 2, . . . ,

, = 1, 2, . . . , ,

= 0

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That is, every element of is nonnegative. Consequently since x + z 0

(x + z) 0


On the other hand, substituting = in (3.45)

( )(x + z) > 0
x + z > (x + z)
which implies that the rst component of (x + z) is negative, contradicting (3.45).
This contradiction establishes that z 0.
Suppose x = 0. A fortiori x 0. By the previous part this implies x 0. On the
other hand, it also implies that x = (x) = 0 so that x 0. We conclude that
x = 0 is the only solution to x = 0. is nonsingular.
Since is nonsingular, the system x = y has a unique solution x for any y 0. By
the rst part, x 0.
3.114 Suppose is productive. By the previous exercise, is nonsingular with inverse
1 . Let e be the th unit vector. Since e 0, there exists x 0 such that
x = e
Multiplying by 1
x = 1 x = 1 e = 1

where 1
is the column of 1 . Since x 0 for every , we conclude that 1 0.

Conversely, assume that 1 0. Let 1 = (1, 1, . . . , 1) denote a net output of 1 for

each commodity. Then
x = 1 1 0
x = 1 > 0
is productive.
3.115 Takayama 1985, p.383, Theorem 4.C.4.
3.116 Let a0 = (01 , 02 , . . . , 0 ) be the vector of labour requirements and the wage
rate. The unit prot of industry is

= +

Recall that 0 for = . The vector of unit prots for all industries is
= p 0
Prots will be zero in all industries if there exists a price system p such that
= p 0 = 0
p = 0


By the previous results, (3.46) has a unique nonnegative solution p = 1 0 if the

technology is productive. Furthermore, 1 is nonnegative. Since 0 > 0, so is
p > 0.

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3.117 Let denote the steady state unemployment rate for blacks. Then satises
the equation
= 0.0038(1 ) + 0.8975
which implies that = 0.036. That is, the data implies an unemployment rate of 3.6
percent for blacks. Similarly, the unemployment rate for white males satises the
= 0.0022(1 ) + 0.8614
which implies that = 0.016 or 1.6 percent.
3.118 The transition matrix is


.6 .25
.4 .75

If the current state vector is x0 = (.4, .6), the state vector after a single mailing will be
x1 = x0
.6 .25
.4 .75
Following a single mailing, the number of subscribers will drop to 30 percent of the
mailing list, comprising 24 percent from renewals and 15 percent new subscriptions.
3.119 Let () = 2 . For every 1 , 2 and 0 1
(1 + (1 )2 ) = (1 + (1 )2 )2
= (1 + (1 )2 )(1 + (1 )2 )
= 2 21 + 2(1 )1 2 + (1 )2 22
= 21 + (1 )22 21 (1 )22 + 2 21 + 2(1 )1 2 + (1 )2 22
= 21 + (1 )22 (1 )21 2(1 )1 2 + (1 )22
= 21 + (1 )22 (1 )(1 2 )2
21 + (1 )22
= (1 ) + (1 )(2 )
3.120 () = is linear and therefore convex. In the previous exercise we showed that
2 is convex. Therefore () = is convex for = 1, 2. Assume that is convex for


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1. Then
(1 + (1 )2 ) = (1 + (1 )2 )
= (1 + (1 )2 )(1 + (1 )2 )1
(1 + (1 )2 )(1
+ (1 )1

(since 1 is convex)

= 2 1 + (1 )1
2 + (1 )1 1
+ (1 )2 2

= 1 + (1 )2 1 (1 )2

+ 2 1 + (1 )1
2 + (1 )1 1
+ (1 )2 2

= 1 + (1 )2 (1 ) 1 1 1


= 1 + (1 )2 (1 ) 1 (1 2 ) 2 (1 2 )

= 1 + (1 )2 (1 ) (1 2 )(1
Since is monotonic (Example 2.53)
0 1 2 0
and therefore
(1 2 )(1
We conclude that
(1 + (1 )2 ) 1 + (1 )2 = (1 ) + (1 )(2 )
is convex for all = 1, 2, . . . .
3.121 For given x1 , x2 , dene : [0, 1] by
() = (1 )x1 + x2
Then (0) = x1 , (1) = x2 and = .
Assume is convex. For any 1 , 2 [0, 1], let
1 and (2 ) = x
(1 ) = x
For any [0, 1]

x1 + (1 )
1 + (1 )2 =
x1 + (1 )
1 + (1 )2 =
x1 ) + (1 ) (
x2 )
(1 ) + (1 )2 )

is convex.
Conversely, assume is convex for any x1 , x2 . For any [0, 1]
() = x1 + (1 )x2

x1 + (1 )x2 = ()
(0) + (1 )(1)
= (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )

Since this is true for any x1 , x2 , we conclude that is convex.


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3.122 Assume is convex which implies epi is convex. The points (x , (x )) epi .
Since epi is convex
1 (x1 , (x1 )) + 2 (x1 , (x1 )) + + (x , (x )) epi
that is
(1 x1 + 2 x2 + + x ) 1 (x1 ) + 2 (x1 ) + + (x ))
Conversely, letting = 2 and = 1 , (3.25) implies that
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
Jensens inequality can also be proved by induction from the denition of a convex
function (see for example Sydsaeter + Hammond 1995; p.624).
3.123 For each , let = log so that

Since is convex (Example 3.41)

1 1 2 2 . . .

> 0 =

exp( ) = exp

by Jensens inequality. Setting = 1/, we have

(1 2 . . . )1/


as required.
3.124 Assume is concave. That is for every x1 , x2 and 0 1
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
Multiplying through by 1 reverses the inequality so that
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) = (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
which shows that is concave. The converse follows analogously.
3.125 Assume that is concave. Then is convex and by Theorem 3.7
epi = { (, ) : (), }
is convex. But
epi = { (, ) : (), } = { (, ) : (), } = hypo
Therefore hypo is convex.
Conversely, if hypo is convex, epi is convex which implies that is convex and
hence is concave.


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3.126 Suppose that x1 minimizes the cost of producing at input prices w1 while x2
be the weighted average price, that is
minimizes cost at w2 . For some [0, 1], let w
= w1 + (1 )w2
minimizes cost at w.
and suppose that x
) = w
= (w1 + (1 )w2 )
+ (1 )w2 x

= w1 x
But since x1 and x2 minimize cost at w1 and w2 respectively
w1 x1 = (w1 , )
w1 x
(1 )w2 x2 = (1 )(w2 , )
(1 )w2 x
so that
+ (1 )w2 x
(w1 , ) + (1 )w2 , )
) = (w1 + (1 )w2 , ) = w1 x
This establishes that the cost function is concave in w.
3.127 Since is concave, Jensens inequality implies


( ) =

( )

for any consumption stream 1 , 2 , . . . , so that

= (
( )

It is impossible to do better than consume a constant fraction = / of wealth in
each period.
3.128 If 1 = 3 , the inequality is trivially satised. Now assume 1 = 3 . Since
2 [1 , 3 ], there exists [0, 1] such that
2 = 1 + (1 )2
= 1 2 + 3 . Then
[1 , 3 ] and there exists [0, 1] such that
= 1 + (1 )2

+ 2 = ( + )1 + (1 ) + (1 ) 3

1 3 = ( + )(3 1 )
which implies that + = 1 and therefore = 1 . Since is convex
(2 ) (1 ) + (1 ) (2
) (1 ) + (1 ) (2 )
= (1 ) (1 ) + (3 )
) + (2 ) (1 ) + (3 )

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3.129 Let 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 with 1 < 2 and 1 < 2 . Note that 1 2 2 2

2 1 and therefore (Exercise 3.128)
1 2 ) (2 2 ) + (2 1 ) > (1 2 ) (2 2 ) + (2 1 )
That is
(1 1 ) > (1 2 ) (2 2 ) + (2 1 )
(2 2 ) (1 2 ) > (2 1 ) (1 1 )
as required.
3.130 A functional is ane if and only if inequalities (3.24) and (3.26) are satised as
3.131 Since and are convex on
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )

(x + (1 )x ) (x ) + (1 )(x )


for every x1 , x2 and [0, 1]. Adding

( + )(x1 + (1 )x2 ) ( + )(x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
+ is convex. Multiplying (3.47) by 0
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) ( (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ))
= ( (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ))
is convex.
Moreover, if is strictly convex,
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) < (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )


for every x1 , x2 , x1 = x2 and (0, 1). Adding this to (3.48)

( + )(x1 + (1 )x2 ) < ( + )(x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
so that + is strictly convex. Multiplying (3.49) by > 0
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) < ( (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ))
= ( (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ))
is strictly convex.
x epi ( ) x epi and x epi
That is
epi ( ) = epi epi
Therefore epi is convex (Exercise 1.162) and therefore is convex (Proposition

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3.133 If is convex
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
Since is increasing
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
(x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
since is also convex. The concave case is proved similarly.
3.134 Let = log . If is convex, (x) = (x) is an increasing convex function of a
convex function and is therefore convex (Exercise 3.133).
3.135 If is positive and concave, then log is concave (Exercise 3.51). Therefore

= log 1 log = log

is convex. By the previous exercise (Exercise 3.134), this implies that 1/ is convex.
If is negative and convex, then is positive and concave, 1/ is convex, and
therefore 1/ is concave.
3.136 Consider the identity
(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (2 )
= (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 )
+ (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (2 )

(1 , 2 ) = (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (2 )

Then is supermodular if is nonnegative denite and submodular if is nonpositive denite. Using the identity (3.50), can be decomposed into two components
(1 , 2 ) = 1 (1 , 2 ) + 2 (1 , 2 )
1 (1 , 2 ) = (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 )
(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 )
2 (1 , 2 ) = (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) (2 )


will denite if both components are denite.

For any 1 , 2 1 , let = (1 2 ), = (1 ) and = (1 2 ). Provided is
monotone, lies between and . Substituting in (3.51)
1 (1 , 2 ) = () + () () ( + )
and Exercise 3.128 implies

1 (1 , 2 ) = () + () () ( + )
Now consider 2 .


if is

{ }

(1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (1 ) is
(2 ) if is



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and therefore since is increasing

2 (1 , 2 ) =

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0 if is supermodular
0 if is submodular


Together (3.52) and (3.53) gives the desired result.


1. Assume that is bounded above in a neighborhood of x0 . Then there

exists a ball (0 ) and constant such that
(x) for every x (0 )
Since is convex
(x + (1 )x0 ) (x) + (1 ) (x0 ) + (1 ) (x0 )


2. Given x (0 ) and [0, 1] let

z = x + (1 )x0


Subtracting (x0 ) from (3.54) gives

(z) (x0 ) ( (x0 ))
Rewriting (3.55)
(1 )x0 = z x
(1 + )x0 = z + (2x0 x)

(2x0 x)
x0 =
3. Note that
(2x0 x) = x0 (x x0 ) (x0 )
so that
(2x0 x)
and therefore
(x0 )

(z) +
(2x0 x)
(z) +


which implies
(1 + ) (x0 ) (z) +
( (x0 ) ) (z) (x0 )
4. Combined with (3.56) we have
( (x0 ) ) (z) (x0 ) ( (x0 ))
(z) (x0 ) ( (x0 ))
and therefore (z) (x0 ) as z x0 . is continuous.


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1. Since is open, there exists a ball (x1 ) . Let = 1 + 2 . Then

x0 + (x1 x0 ) (1 ) .

2. Let = 1
. The open ball (x1 ) of radius centered on x1 is contained in .
Therefore is a neighborhood of x1 .
3. Since is convex, for every y
(y) (1 ) (x) + (z) (1 ) + (z) + (z)
Therefore is bounded on .
3.139 The previous exercise showed that is locally bounded from above for every
x . To show that it is also locally bounded from below, choose some x0 . There
exists some (x0 and such that
(x) for every x (x0 )
Choose some 1 (x0 ) and let x2 = 2x0 x1 . Then
x2 = 2x0 x1 = x0 (x1 x0 ) (x0 )
and (x2 ) . Since is convex

(x1 ) + (x2 )

and therefore
(x1 ) 2 (x) (x2 )
Since (x2 ) , (x2 ) and therefore
(x1 ) 2 (x)
so that is bounded from below.
3.140 Let be a convex function dened on an open convex set in a normed linear
space, which is bounded from above in a neighborhood of a single point x0 . By
Exercise 3.138, is bounded above at every x . This implies (Exercise 3.137) that
is continuous at every x .
3.141 Without loss of generality, assume 0 . Assume has dimension and let
x1 , x2 , . . . , x be a basis for the subspace containing . Choose some > 0 small
enough so that
= conv {0, x1 , x2 , . . . , }
Any x is a convex
combination of the points 0, x1 , x2 , . . . , x and so there exists
0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , 0,
= 1 such that x = 0 0 + 1 x1 + + x . By Jensens
(x) = (0 0 + 1 x1 + + x ) 0 (0) + 1 (x1 ) + + (x )
max{ (0), (x1 ), . . . , (x ) }
Therefore, is bounded above on a neighbourhood of some x0 int (which is
nonempty by Exercise 1.229). By Proposition 3.8, is continuous on .


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3.142 Clearly, if is convex, it is locally convex at every x , where is the required

neighborhood. To prove the converse, assume to the contrary that is locally convex
at every x but it is not globally convex. That is, there exists x1 , x2 such that
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) > (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 )
() = x1 + (1 )x2
Local convexity implies that is continuous at every x (Corollary 3.8.1), and
therefore continuous on . Therefore, is continuous on [0, 1]. By the continuous
maximum theorem (Theorem 2.3),
= arg max ()
x[x1 ,x2 ]

is nonempty and compact. Let 0 = max . For every > 0,

(0 ) (0 ) and (0 + ) < (0 )
x0 = 0 x1 + (1 0 )x2 and x = (0 + )x1 + (1 0 )x2
Every neighborhood of x0 contains x , x [x1 , x2 ] with
(x ) + (x ) = (0 ) + (0 + ) < (0 ) = (x0 ) =

x + x

contradicting the local convexity of at x0 .

3.143 Assume is quasiconcave. That is for every x1 , x2 and 0 1
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) min{ (x1 ), (x2 )}
Multiplying through by 1 reverses the inequality so that
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) min{ (x1 ), (x2 )} = max{ (x1 ), (x2 )}
which shows that is quasiconvex. The converse follows analogously.
3.144 Assume is concave, that is
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) for every x1 , x2 and 0 1
Without loss of generality assume that (x1 ) (x2 ). Then
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x1 ) = (x1 ) = min{ (x1 ), (x2 )}
is quasiconcave.
3.145 Let : . Choose any 1 , 2 in with 1 < 2 . If is increasing, then
(1 ) (1 + (1 )2 ) (2 )
for every 0 1. The rst inequality implies that
(1 ) = min{ (1 ), (2 )} (1 + (1 )2 )

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so that is quasiconcave. The second inequality implies that

(1 + (1 )2 ) max{ (1 ), (2 )} = (2 )
so that is also quasiconvex.
Conversely, if is decreasing
(1 ) (1 + (1 )2 ) (2 )
for every 0 1. The rst inequality implies that
(1 ) = max{ (1 ), (2 )} (1 + (1 )2 )
so that is quasiconvex. The second inequality implies that
(1 + (1 )2 ) max{ (1 ), (2 )} = (2 )
so that is also quasiconcave.
() = { x : (x) } = {x : (x) } = ()
3.147 For given and , choose any p1 and p2 in (). For any 0 1, let
= p1 + (1 )p2 . The key step is to show that any commodity bundle x which is
is also aordable at either p1 or p2 . Assume that x is aordable at p
aordable at p
that is x is in the budget set
x }
x (
p, ) = { x : p
To show that x is aordable at either p1 or p2 , that is
x (p1 , ) or x (p2 , )
assume to the contrary that
/ (p1 , ) and x
/ (p2 , )
This implies that
p1 x > and p2 x >
so that
p1 x > and (1 )p2 > (1 )
Summing these two inequalities
x = (p1 + (1 )p2 )x >
contradicting the assumption that x (
p, ). We conclude that
p, ) (p1 , ) (p2 , )
, ) = sup{ (x) : x (
p, ) }
sup{ (x) : x (p1 , ) (p2 , ) }

() for every 0 1. Thus, () is convex and so is quasiconvex

Therefore p
(Exercise 3.146).

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3.148 Since is quasiconcave

(x1 + (1 )x2 ) min{ (x1 ), (x2 )} for every x1 , x2 and 0 1
Since is increasing
) (
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) ( min{ (x1 ), (x2 )}) min{ (x1 ) , (x2 ) }
is quasiconcave.
3.149 When 1, the function
(x) = 1 1 + 2 2 + . . .
is convex (Example 3.58) as is 1/ . Therefore
(x) = ((x))


is an increasing convex function of a convex function and is therefore convex (Exercise

3.150 is a monotonic transformation of the concave function (x) = x.
3.151 By Exercise 3.39, there exist linear functionals and and scalars and such
(x) = (x) + and (x) = (x) +
The upper contour set
() = { : (x) }
() +
= { :
() +
= { : (x) +
(x) + }

(x) }
= { + : (x)
which is a halfspace in and therefore convex. Similarly, the lower contour set
() = { : (x) }
is also a halfspace and hence convex. Therefore is both quasiconcave and quasiconvex.
3.152 For 0
() = { : (x) 0 } =
which is convex. For > 0
() = { : (x) }
= { : (x) (x) }
= { :

= { : (x) (x) 0 }
is convex since = + () is concave (Exercises 3.124 and 3.131). Since ()
is convex for every , is quasiconcave.

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(x) =

where = 1/ is positive and convex by Exercise 3.135. By the previous exercise, is

3.154 Let = log . If is concave, (x) = (x) is an increasing function of
(quasi)concave function, and hence is quasiconcave (Exercise 3.148).
3.155 Let
(x) = log (x) =

log (x)


As the sum of concave functions, is concave (Exercise 3.131). By the previous

exercise, is quasiconcave.
= 1 + (1 ) 2
are optimal solutions for 1 , 2 and
3.156 Assume x1 , x2 and x
respectively. That is
(x1 , 1 ) = ( 1 )
(x2 , 2 ) = ( 2 )
= ()

x, )
Since is convex in
= (

x, )
= (
x, 1 + (1 ) 2 )
x, 1 ) + (1 ) (x , 2 )
(x1 , 1 ) + (1 ) (x2 , 2 )
= ( 1 ) + (1 )( 2 )
is convex.
3.157 Assume to the contrary that x1 and x2 are distinct optimal solutions, that is
x2 , for some , so that
x1 , x2 (), x1 =
(x1 , ) = (x2 , ) = () (x, ) for every x ()
= x1 + (1 )x2 for (0, 1). Since () is convex, x
is feasible. Since is
Let x
strictly quasiconcave
x, ) > min{ (x1 , ), (x2 , ) } = ()
contradicting the optimality of x1 and x2 . We conclude that () is single-valued for
every . In other words, is a function.

1. The value function is

(0 ) =

sup (x)

x(0 )

(x) =



( , +1 )

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(0 ) = {x : +1 ( ), = 0, 1, 2, . . . }
Since an optimal policy exists (Exercise 2.125), the maximum is attained and
(0 ) = max (x)
x(0 )


It is straightforward to show that

(x) is strictly concave and
(0 ) is convex
Applying the Concave Maximum Theorem (Theorem 3.1) to (3.57), we conclude
that the value function is strictly concave.
2. Assume to the contrary that x and x are distinct optimal plans, so that
(0 ) = (x ) = (x )
is feasible and
= x + (1 )x . Since (0 ) is convex, x
Let x
x) > (x ) + (1 ) (x ) = (x )
which contradicts the optimality of x . We conclude that the optimal plan is
3.159 We observe that
( () ) is supermodular in (Exercise 2.51)
( () ) displays strictly increasing dierences in (, ) (Exercise 3.129)
() = [0, ()] is increasing.
Applying Exercise 2.126, we can conclude that the optimal policy (0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) is a
monotone sequence. Since is compact, k is a bounded monotone sequence, which
converges monotonically to some steady state (Exercise 1.101).
3.160 Suppose there exists (x , y ) such that
(x, y ) (x , y ) (x , y) for every x and y
Let = (x , y ). Since
(x, y ) for every x
max (, y )

and therefore
min max (x, y) max (x, y )

y x

max min (x, y)
x y

Combining the last two inequalities, we have

max min (x, y) min max (, y)
x y

y x


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Together with (3.28), this implies equality

max min (x, y) = min max (x, y)
x y

y x

Conversely, suppose that

max min (x, y) = = min max (x, y)
x y

y x

The function
(x) = min (x, y)

is a continuous function (Theorem 2.3) on a compact set . By the Weierstrass theorem

(Theorem 2.2), there exists x which maximizes on , that is
(x ) = min (x , y) = max (x) = max min (x, y) =

x y

which implies that

(x , y) for every y
Similarly, there exists y such that
(x, y ) for every x
Combining these inequalities, we have
(x, y ) (x , y) for every x and y
In particular, we have
(x , y ) (x , y )
so that = (x , y ) as required.
3.161 For any and , let
() = min (, ) and () = max (, )

() = min (, ) max (, ) = ()

and therefore
max () max ()

That is
max min (, ) max (, )


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3.162 Clearly () = his homogeneous of degree . Conversely assume is homogeneous of degree , that is
() = ()
Letting = 1
() = (1)
Setting (1) = and interchanging and yields the result.

(x) = (1 (1 ) + 2 (2 ) + . . . ( ) )

= (1 1 + 2 2 + . . . )
= (x)
3.164 For ++

() = (x0 ) = (x0 ) = ()
3.165 Suppose that x minimizes the cost of producing output at prices w. That is
w x w x

for every x ()

It follows that
w x w x

for every x ()

for every > 0, verifying that x minimizes the cost of producing at prices w.
(w, ) = (w)x = (w x ) = (w, )
(w, ) homogeneous of degree one in input prices w.
3.166 For given prices w, let x minimize the cost of producing one unit of output, so
that (w, 1) = w x . Clearly (x ) = 1 where is the production function.
Now consider any output . Since is homogeneous
(x ) = (x ) =
Therefore x is sucient to produce , so that
(w, ) w (x ) = w x = (w, 1)
Suppose that
(w, ) < w (x ) = (w, 1)
Then there exists x such that (x ) = and
w x < w (x )
which implies that

< w x = (w, 1)

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Since is homogeneous


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(x ) = 1

Therefore, x is a lower cost method of producing one unit of output, contradicting the
denition of x . We conclude that
(w, ) = (w, 1)
(w, ) is homogeneous of degree one in .
3.167 If the consumers demand is invariant to proportionate changes in all prices and
income, so also will the derived utility. More formally, suppose that x maximizes
utility at prices p and income , that is
x x

for every x (p, )

(p, ) = (x )
Since (p, ) = (p, )
x x

for every x (p, )

(p, ) = (x ) = (p, )
3.168 Assume is homogeneous of degree one, so that
(x) = (x)

for every > 0

Let (x, ) epi , so that

For any > 0
(x) = (x)
which implies that (x, ) epi . Therefore epi is a cone.
Conversely assume epi is a cone. Let x and dene = (x). Then (x, ) epi
and therefore (x, ) epi so
Now suppose to the contrary that
(x) = < = (x)


Then (x, ) epi . Since epi is a cone, we must have (x, /) epi so that

(x) = (x)
contradicting (3.58). We conclude that
(x) = (x) for every > 0

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3.169 Take any x1 and x2 in and let

1 = (x1 ) > 0 and 2 = (x2 ) > 0
Since is homogeneous of degree one,
( )
( )

Since is quasiconcave

+ (1 )


for every 0 1. Choose = 1 /(1 + 2 ) so that (1 ) = 2 /(1 + 2 ). Then


1 + 2
1 + 2
Again using the homogeneity of , this implies
(x1 + x2 ) 1 + 2 = (x1 ) + (x2 )
3.170 Let () be a strictly positive denite, quasiconcave functional which is
homogeneous of degree one. For any x1 , x2 in and 0 1 x1 , (1 )x2 in
and therefore
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + ((1 )x2 )
since is superadditive (Exercise 3.169). But
(x1 ) = (x1 )
((1 )x2 ) = (1 ) (x2 )
by homogeneity. Substituting in (3.58), we conclude that
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) ((1 )x2 )
is concave.
3.171 Assume that is strictly positive denite, quasiconcave and homogeneous of
degree , 0 < < 1. Dene
(x) = ( (x))


Then is quasiconcave (Exercise 3.148. Further, for every > 0


(x) = ( (x))
= (x)
= ( (x))


= (x)
so that is homogeneous of degree 1. By Exercise 3.170, is concave.
(x) = ((x))

That is = where
() =
is monotone and concave provided 1. By Exercise 3.133, = is concave.

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3.172 Continuity is a necessary and sucient condition for the existence of a utility
function representing (Remark 2.9).
Suppose represents the homothetic preference relation . For any x1 , x2
(x1 ) = (x2 ) = x1 x2 = x1 x2 = (x1 ) = (x2 ) for every > 0
Conversely, if is a homothetic functional,
x1 x2 = (x1 ) = (x2 ) = (x1 ) = (x2 ) = x1 x2 for every > 0
3.173 Suppose that = where is strictly increasing and is homogeneous of
degree . Then

= (x)
is homogeneous of degree one and =
( )
() = )
is increasing.
3.174 Assume x1 , x2 with
(x1 ) = ((x1 )) = (x2 )) = (x2 )
Since is strictly increasing, this implies that
(x1 ) = (x2 )
Since is homogeneous
(x1 ) = (x1 ) = (x2 ) = (x2 )
for some . Therefore
(x1 ) = ((x1 )) = ((x2 )) = (x2 )
3.175 Let x0 = 0 be any point in , and dene : by
() = (x0 )
Since is strictly increasing, so is and therefore has a strictly increasing inverse
1 . Let = 1 so that = .
We need to show that is homogeneous. For any x , there exists such that
() = (x0 ) = (x)
that is = (x) = 1 ( (x)). Since is homothetic
() = (x0 ) (x) for every > 0
and therefore
(x) = 1 ( (x)) = 1 ( (x0 )) = 1 () = = (x)
is homogeneous of degree one.

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3.176 Let be the production function. If is homothetic, there exists (Exercise 3.175)
a linearly homogeneous function and strictly increasing function such that = .
(w, ) = min{ w x : (x) }

= min{ w x : ((x)) }

= min{ w x : (x) 1 () }

= 1 ()(w, 1)
by Exercise 3.166.
3.177 Let : be positive, strictly increasing, homothetic and quasiconcave. By
Exercise 3.175, there exists a linearly homogeneous function : and strictly
increasing function () such that = . = 1 is positive, quasiconcave
(Exercise 3.148) and homogeneous of degree one. By Proposition 3.12, is concave
and therefore = is concaviable.
3.178 Since () is a supporting hyperplane to at x0 , then
(x0 ) =
and either
(x) = (x0 ) for every x
(x) = (x0 ) for every x
3.179 Suppose to the contrary that y = (, ) int . Then y y . By strict
y = y + (1 )y y for every (0, 1)
Since y int , y for suciently small. That is, there exists some such that
y is feasible and y y , contradicting the optimality of y .
3.180 For notational simplicity, let be the linear functional which separates and
in Example 3.77. (y) measure the cost of the plan y = (, ), that is (y) = + .
Assume to the contrary there exists a preferred lifestyle in , that is there exists some
y = (, ) such that y y = ( , ). Since y , (y) (y ) by (3.29). On
the other hand, y which implies that (y) (y ). Consequently, (y) = (y ).
By continuity, there exists some < 1 such that y y which implies that y .
By linearity
(y) = (y) < (y) = (y ) =
contrary to (3.29). This contradiction establishes that y is the best choice in budget
set .
3.181 By Proposition 3.7, epi is a convex set in with (x0 , (x0 )) a point on
its boundary. By Corollary 3.2.2 of the Separating Hyperplane Theorem, there exists
linear a functional ( ) such that
(x, ) (x0 , (x0 )) for every (x, ) epi


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can be decomposed into two components (Exercise 3.47)

(x, ) = (x) +
The assumption that x0 int ensures that > 0 and we can normalize so that
= 1. Substituting in (3.59)
(x) + (x) (x0 ) + (x0 )
(x) (x0 ) + (x x0 )
for every x .
3.182 By Exercise 3.72, there exists a unique point x0 such that
(x0 y) (x x0 ) 0 for every x
Dene the linear functional (Exercise 3.64)
(x) = (x0 y) x
and let = (x0 ). For all x
(x) (x0 ) = (x x0 ) = (x0 y) (x x0 ) 0
and therefore
(x) (x0 ) = for every x

(x0 ) (y) = (x0 y) = (x0 y) (x0 y) = x0 y > 0

since y = x0 . Therefore (x0 ) > (y) and
(y) < (x) for every x
3.183 If y b(), y and there exists a sequence of points {y } converging
to y (Exercise 1.105). That is, there exists a sequence of nonboundary points {y }
converging to y. For every point y , there is a linear functional and such
(y ) < (x)

for every x

Dene = / . By construction, the sequence of linear functionals belong

to the unit ball in (since = 1). Since is nite dimensional, the unit ball is
compact as so has a convergent subsequence with limit such that
(y) (x)

for every

(y) (x)

for every

A fortiori

3.184 There are two possible cases.

/ By Exercise 3.182, there exists a hyperplane which separates y and which a
fortiori separates y and , that is
(y) (x)

for every x

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y Since y
/ , y must be a boundary point of . By the previous exercise,
there exists a supporting hyperplane at y, that is there exists a continuous linear
functional such that
(y) (x)

for every x

1. () .

2. () is convex and hence an interval (Exercise 1.160.

3. () is open in (Proposition 3.2).
3.186 is nonempty and convex and 0
/ . (Otherwise, there exists x and y
such that 0 = y + (x) which implies that x = y contradicting the assumption that
= .) Thus there exists a continuous linear functional such that
(y x) (0) = 0

for every x , y

so that
(x) (y) for every x , y
Let = supx (x). Then
(x) (y) for every x , y
By Exercise 3.185, (int ) is an open interval in (, ], hence (int ) (, ),
so that (x) < for every x int . Similarly, (int ) > and
(x) < < (y) for every x int , y int
3.187 Since int = , int and can be separated. That is, there exists a
continuous linear functional and a number such that
(x) (y)

for every x , y int

which implies that

(x) (y)

for every x , y




(y) = inf (y)


Conversely, suppose that and can be separated. That is, there exists such
(x) (y)

for every x , y

Then (int ) is an open interval in [, ), which is disjoint from the interval ()

(, ]. This implies that int = .
3.188 Since x0 b(), {x0 } int = and int = . By Corollary 3.2.1, {x0 } and
can be separated, that is there exist such that
(x0 ) (x) for every x


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3.189 Let x . Since is a cone, x for every 0 and therefore

(x) /

for every 0

Taking the limit as implies that

(x) 0

for every x

3.190 First note that 0 and therefore (0) = 0 so that 0. Suppose that
there exists some z for which (z) = = 0. By linearity, this implies

z) = (z) = 2 >

which contradicts the requirement

(z) for every z
3.191 By Corollary 3.2.1, there exists such that
(z) (x)

for every x , z

By Exercise 3.190
(z) = 0

for every z

(x) 0

for every x

and therefore

Therefore is contained in the hyperplane (0) which separates from .

3.192 Combining Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 3.2.1, there exists a hyperplane ()
such that
(x) (y)

for every x , y

and such that

(x) < (y)

for every x int , y

Since int = , there exists some x int with (x) < . Hence 1 () = ().
3.193 Follows directly from the basic separation theorem, since = int and =
int .
3.194 Let = . Then
1. is a nonempty, closed, convex set (Exercise 1.203).
2. 0
/ .
There exists a continuous linear functional such that
(x) > (0) = 0

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Figure 3.2: and cannot be strongly separated.

for every z (Exercise 3.182). For every x , y , z = y x and
(z) = (y) (x) > 0
(x) + (y)
which implies that
sup (x) + inf (y)

sup (x) < inf (y)

3.195 No. See Figure 3.2.


1. Assume that there exists a convex neighborhood 0 such that

( + ) =
Then ( + ) is convex and int ( + ) = and int ( + ) = . By
Corollary 3.2.1, there exists continuous linear functional such that
(x + u) (y)

for every x , u , y

Since ( ) is an open interval containing 0, there exists some u0 with (u0 ) =

> 0.
(x) + (y)

for every x , y

which implies that

sup (x) < inf (y)

Conversely, assume that and can be strongly separated. That is, there exists
a continuous linear functional and number > 0 such that
(x) < + (y) for every x , y
Let = { : () < }. is a convex neighborhood of 0 such that
( + ) = .

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2. Let and be nonempty, disjoint, convex subsets in a normed linear space

with compact and closed. By Exercise 1.208, there exists a convex neighborhood 0 such that ( + ) = . By the previous part, and can
be strongly separated.
3.197 Assume (, ) = inf{ x y : x , y } = 2 > 0. Let = (0) be
the open ball around 0 of radius . For every x , u , y
x + (u) y = x y u x y u
so that
( + , ) = inf x + (u) y inf (x y u)


inf x y sup u)

= 2
Therefore ( + ) = and so and can be strongly separated.
Conversely, assume that and can be strongly separated, so that there exists a
convex neighborhood of 0 such that ( + ) = . Therefore, there exists > 0
such that (0) and
+ =
This implies that
(, ) = inf{ x y : x , y } > > 0
3.198 Take = {y} and = in Proposition 3.14. There exists such that
(y) < (x)

for every x

By Corollary 3.2.3, = 0.

1. Consider the set

= { (), 1 (), 2 (), . . . , () : }
is the image of a linear mapping from to = +1 and hence is a subspace
of +1 .

2. By hypothesis, the point e0 = (1, 0, 0, . . . , 0) +1 does not belong to .

Otherwise, we have an such that () = 0 for every but () = 1.
3. By the previous exercise, there exists a linear functional such that
(e0 ) > 0
(z) = 0

for every z

4. In other words, there exists a vector = (0 , 1 , . . . , ) = (+1) such

e0 > 0
z = 0

for every z


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Equation (3.61) states that
z = 0 z0 + 1 z1 + + z = 0

for every z

That is, for every ,

0 (x) 1 1 (x) 2 2 (x) . . . (x) = 0
5. Inequality (3.60) establishes that 0 > 0. Without loss of generality we can
normalize so that 0 = 1.
6. Therefore
() =



3.200 For every x , (x) = 0, = 1, 2 . . . and therefore

(x) =

(x) = 0


3.201 The set

= { 1 (), 2 (), . . . , () : }
is a closed subspace in . If the system is inconsistent, c = (1 , 2 , . . . , )
/ . By
Exercise 3.198, there exists a linear functional on such
(z) = 0 for every z
(c) > 0
That is, there exist numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , such that

(x) = 0



> 0


which contradicts the hypothesis

= 0 =


= 0


Conversely, if for some x

(x) =

= 1, 2, . . . ,


(x) =




= 0 =




= 0

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= { x : x = 1 } is
3.202 The set
compact (the unit ball is compact if and only if is nite-dimensional)
convex (which is why we need the 1 norm)
By Proposition 3.14, there exists a linear functional such that

for every x
for every x

x) > 0
(x) = 0

= x/ x1 .
For any x , x = 0, dene x
) = x1 (
(x) = (x1 x
x) > 0

1. Let
= { (x, ) : (x), x }
= { (x, ) : = 0 (x), x }
is the epigraph of a convex functional and hence convex. is a subspace of
= and also convex.

2. Since is convex, int = . Furthermore

0 (x) (x) = int =
3. By Exercise 3.2.3, there exists linear functional such that
(x, ) 0
(x, ) = 0

for every (x, )

for every (x, )

There exists such that > (0) and therefore (0, ) int and (0, ) > 0.
(0, 1) =

(0, 1) > 0

4. Let be dened by
(x) = (x, 0)

where = (0, 1). Since

(x, 0) = (x, ) (0, )
= (x, )
(x) = ((x, ) ) = (x, ) +

for every
5. For every x
(x) = (x, 0 (x)) + 0 (x)

= 0 (x)
since (x, 0 (x)) = 0 for every x . Thus is an extension of 0 .

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6. For any x , let = (x). Then (x, ) and (x, ) 0. Therefore

(x) = (x, ) +

= (x, ) + (x)

Therefore is bounded by as required.
3.204 Let be dened by
(x) = 0 x
Then 0 (x) (x) for all x . By the Hahn-Banach theorem (Exercise 3.15), there
exists an extension such that
(x) (x) = 0 x
= sup (x) = 0

3.205 If x0 = 0, any bounded linear functional will do. Therefore, assume x0 = 0. On

the subspace lin {x0 } = {x0 : }, dene the function
0 (x0 ) = x0
0 is a bounded linear functional on lin {x0 } with norm 1. By the previous part, 0
can be extended to a bounded linear functional with the same norm, that is
= 1 and (x0 ) = x0 .
3.206 Since x1 = x2 , x1 x2 = 0. There exists a bounded linear functional such that
(x1 x2 ) = x1 x2 = 0
so that
(x1 ) = (x2 )


is a complete lattice (Exercise 1.179).

The intersection of any chain is

nonempty (since is compact)
a face (Exercise 1.179)
Hence every chain has a minimal element.
By Zorns lemma (Remark 1.5), has a minimal element 0 .
2. Assume to the contrary that 0 contains two distinct elements x1 , x2 . Then
(Exercise 3.206) there exists a continuous linear functional such that
(x1 ) = (x2 )
Let be in the minimum value of (x) on 0 and let 1 be the set on which it
attains this minimum. (Since 0 is compact, is well-dened and 1 is nonempty.
That is
= min{ () : x 0 }
1 = { x : (x) = }

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Now 1 0 since (x1 ) = (x2 ).

To show that 1 is a face of 0 , assume that x+(1)y 1 for some x, y 0 .
Then = (x + (1 )y) = (x) + (1 ) (y) = . Since x, y 0 , this
implies that (x) = (y) = so that x, y 1 . Therefore 1 is a face.
We have shown that, if 0 contains two distinct elements, there exists a smaller
face 1 0 , contradicting the minimality of 0 . We conclude that 0 comprises
a single element x0 .
3. 0 = {x0 } which is an extreme point of .
3.208 Let = () be a supporting hyperplane to . Without loss of generality
(x) for every x


and there exists some x such that

(x ) =
That is is maximized at x .
Version 1 By the previous exercise, achieves its maximum at an extreme point.
That is, there exists an extreme point x0 such that
(x0 ) (x) for every x
In particular, (x0 ) (x ) = . But (3.62) implies (x0 ) . Therefore, we
conclude that (x0 ) = and therefore x0 .
Version 2 The set is a nonempty, compact, convex subset of a linear space.
Hence, by Exercise 3.207, contains an extreme point, say x0 . We show
that x0 is an extreme point of .
Assume not, that is assume that there exists x1 , x2 such that x0 = x1 +
(1 )x2 for some (0, 1). Since x0 is an extreme point of , at least
one of the points x1 , x2 must lie outside . Assume x1
/ which implies that
(x1 ) < . Since (x2 )
(x0 ) = (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) <


However, since x0 , we must have

(x0 ) =
which contradicts (3.63).
Therefore x0 is an extreme point of . In fact, we have shown that every extreme
point of must be an extreme point of .
3.209 Let denote the closed, convex hull of the extreme points of . (The closed,
convex hull of a set is simply the closure of the convex hull.) Clearly and it
remains to show that contains all of .
By the Strong Separation
Assume not. That is, assume and let x0 .
Theorem, there exists a linear functional such that
(x0 ) > (x) for every x


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On the other hand, by Exercise 3.16, attains its maximum at an extreme point of .
That is, there exists x1 such that
(x1 ) (x) for every x
In particular
(x1 ) (x0 )

since x0 . This contradicts (3.64) since x1 .

Thus our assumption that yields a contradiction. We conclude that

1. (a) is compact and convex, since it is the product of compact, convex

sets (Proposition 1.2, Exercise 1.165).

(b) Since x =1 conv , there exist x conv such that x = =1 x .

(x1 , x2 , . . . , x ) (x) so that (x) = .
(c) By the Krein-Millman theorem (or Exercise 3.207), (x) has an extreme
point z = (z1 , z2 , . . . , z ) such that
z conv for every

=1 z = x.
since z (x).

2. (a) Exercise 1.176

(b) Since > = dim , the vectors y1 , y2 , . . . , y are linearly dependent
(Exercise 1.143). Consequently, there exists numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , , not all
zero, such that
1 y1 + 2 y2 + + y = 0
(Exercise 1.133). Let


Then 1 for every and

1 y1 + 2 y2 + + y = 0
(c) Since 1, z + y conv for every = 1, 2, . . . , . Furthermore



z +


y =


z = x


Therefore, z+ (x). Similarly, z (x).

(d) By direct computation

1 + 1
z + z

which implies that z is not an extreme point of (x), contrary to our assumption. This establishes that at least z are extreme points of the
corresponding conv .

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(0, 2.5)

conv 2

(.5, 2)


conv 1
Figure 3.3: Illustrating the proof of the Shapley Folkman theorem.
3. Every extreme point of conv is an element of .
3.211 See Figure 3.3.
3.212 Let {1 , 2 , . . . , } be a
collection of
subsets of an -dimensional

linear space and let x



. That is, there exists x

conv such that x = =1 x . By Caratheodorys theorem, there exists for every x
a nite number of points x1 , x2 , . . . , x such that x conv {x1 , x2 , . . . , x }.
For every = 1, 2, . . . , , let
= { x : = 1, 2, . . . , }

x ,

x conv


. Moreover, the sets are compact (in fact

That is, x
conv = conv
nite). By the previous exercise, there exists points z such that

z ,

z conv


and moreover z for at least indices .

3.213 Let be a closed convex set in a normed linear space. Clearly, is contained in
the intersection of all the closed halfspaces which contain .
For any y
/ , there exists a hyperplane which strongly separates {y} and . One
of its closed halfspaces contains but not y. Consequently, y does not belong to the
intersection of all the closed halfspaces containing .

1. Since () is the intersection of closed, convex sets, it is closed and convex.

Assume x is feasible, that is x (). Then w x (w, ) and x ().
That is, () ().


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2. Assume () is convex. For any x0

/ () there exists w such that
w x0 <

inf w x = (w, )

x ()

by the Strong Separation Theorem. Monotonicity ensures that w 0 and hence

/ ().
3.215 Assume x () = (). That is
(w) for every x
w x
Therefore, for any +
w x (w) for every x
which implies that x () = ().
3.216 A polyhedron
= { : () , = 1, 2, . . . , }

{ x : (x) }

is the intersection of a nite number of closed convex sets.

3.217 Each row a = (1 , 2 , . . . ) of denes a linear functional (x) = 1 1 +
2 2 + + on . The set of solutions to x c is
= { : (x) , = 1, 2, . . . , }
is a polyhedron.
3.218 For simplicity, we assume that the game is superadditive, so that () 0 for
every . Consequently, in every core allocation x, 0 ( ) and
core [0, ( )] [0, ( )] [0, ( )]
Thus, the core is bounded. Since it is the intersection of closed halfspaces, the core is
also closed. By Proposition 1.1, the core is compact.
3.219 polytope = polyhedron Assume that is a polytope generated by the
points { x1 , x2 , . . . , x } and let 1 , 2 , . . . , denote the proper faces of . For
each = 1, 2, . . . , , let denote the hyperplane containing so that =
. For every such hyperplane, there exists a nonzero linear functional
and constant such that (x) = for every x . Furthermore, every such
hyperplane is a bounding hyperplane of . Without loss of generality, we can
assume that (x) for every x . Let
= { x : (x) , = 1, 2, . . . , }
Clearly . To show that , assume not. That is, assume that there
exists y and let x ri . (ri is nonempty by exercise 1.229). Since is
= x+(1)y belongs
closed (Exercise 1.227), there exists a some such that x
to the relative boundary of , and there exists some such that x
Let + = { x : (x) } denote the closed half-space bounded by and
= x+(1)y, which implies that
containing . is a face of + containing x
x, y . This in turn implies that x , which contradicts the assumption
that x ri . We conclude that = .

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polyhedron = polytope Conversely, assume is a nonempty compact polyhedral

set in a normed linear space. Then, there exist linear functionals 1 , 2 , . . . ,
in and numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , such that = { x : (x) , =
1, 2, . . . , }. We show that has a nite number of extreme points. Let denote
the dimension of . If = 1, is either a single point or closed line segment
(since is compact), and therefore has a nite number of extreme points (that
is, 1 or 2).
Now assume that every compact polyhedral set of dimension 1 has a nite
number of extreme points. Let , = = 1, 2, . . . , denote the hyperplanes
associated with the linear functionals dening (Exercise 3.49). Let x be
an extreme point of . Then is a boundary point of (Exercise 1.220) and
therefore belongs to some . We claim that x is also an extreme point of the set
. To see this, assume otherwise. That is, assume that x is not an extreme
point of . Then, there exists x1 , x2 such that x = x1 + (1 )x2 .
But then x1 , x2 and x is not an extreme point of . Therefore, every extreme
point of is an extreme point of some , which is a compact polyhedral set
of dimension 1. By hypothesis, each has a nite number of extreme
points. Since there are only such hyperplanes , has a nite number of
extreme points.
By the Krein-Milman theorem (Exercise 3.209), is the closed convex hull of its
extreme points. Since there are only nite extreme points, is a polytope.

1. Let , so that (x) 0 and (x) 0 for every x . For every

, 0
(x) + (x) 0
for every . This shows that + . is a convex cone.
To show that is closed, let be the limit of a sequence ( ) of functionals in
. Then, for every x ,
(x) 0
so that
(x) = lim (x) 0

2. Let x, y . Then, for every

(x) 0 and (y) 0
and therefore
(x + y) = (x) + (y) 0
for every , 0. There x + y . is a convex cone.
To show that is closed, let x be a sequence of points in converging to
. For every = 1, 2, . . .
(x ) 0 for every
By continuity
(x) = lim (x ) 0 for every
Consequently x which is therefore closed.

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3. Let x . Then (x) 0 for every so that x .

4. Exercise 1.79.
3.221 Let 2 . Then (x) 0 for every x 2 . A fortiori, since 1 2 ,
(x) 0 for every x 1 . Therefore 1 .
3.222 Exercise 3.220 showed that . To show the converse, let y
/ . By
Proposition 3.14, there exists some and such that
(y) >
(x) <

for every x

Since is a cone, 0 and (0) = 0 < . Since = for every > 0 then
(x) < 0

for every x

/ . That is
so that . (y) > 0, y
/ = y
from which we conclude that .
3.223 Let
= cone {1 , 2 , . . . , }

= { : =
, 0 }

be the set of all nonnegative linear combinations of the linear functionals . is a

closed convex cone.
Suppose that
/ cone {1 , 2 , . . . , }, that is assume that
/ . Then { } is a
compact convex set disjoint from . By Proposition 3.14, there exists a continuous
linear functional and number such that
sup () < < ( )

Since 0 , 0 and so ( ) > 0. Further, for every

() = (

( ) < for every 0


Since can be made arbitrarily large, this last inequality implies that
( ) 0

= 1, 2, . . . ,

By the Riesz representation theorem (Exercise 3.75), there exists x

( ) = (x) and ( ) = (x)
( ) = (x) 0

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x . By hypothesis
(x) = ( ) 0
contradicting the conclusion that ( ) > 0. This contradiction establishes that ,
that is
() =



3.224 Let a1 , a2 , . . . , a denote the rows of and dene the linear functional , 1 , 2 , . . . ,
(x) = cx
(x) = a x = 1, 2, . . . ,
Assume cx 0 for every x satisfying x 0, that is (x) 0 for every x where
= { x : (x) 0, = 1, 2, . . . , }
By Proposition 3.18, there exists y
+ such that
(x) =




a = y


Conversely, assume that

c = y =


x 0 = a x 0 for every = cx 0
3.225 Let = + denote the positive orthant of . is a convex set (indeed cone)
with a nonempty interior. By Corollary 3.2.1, there exists a hyperplane p () such
p x py

for every x , y

Since 0
p0 = 0
which implies that 0 and
p x 0

for every

To show that p is nonnegative, let e1 , e2 , . . . , e denote the standard basis for .

Each e belongs to so that
pe = 0

for every

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3.226 Assume y is an ecient production plan in and let = . is convex.

We claim that ++ = . Otherwise, if there exists some z ++ , let y = y +z
z implies y while
z ++ implies y > y
contradicting the eciency of y . Therefore, is a convex set which contains no
interior points of the nonnegative orthant + . By Exercise 3.225, there exists a price
system p such that
p x 0 for every x
Since = , this implies
p(y y ) 0 for every y
py py for every y
maximizes the producers prot at prices p.
3.227 Consider the set = { x : x }.
int = = int + =
From the previous exercise, there exists a hyperplane with nonnegative normal p 0
such that
p x 0

for every x

p x 0

for every x

Since p 0, this implies


1. Suppose x (x ). Then, there exists an allocation (x1 , x2 , . . . , x ) such



where x (x ) for every = 1, 2, . . . , . Conversely, if (x1

, x2 , . . . , x ) is an

allocation with x (x ) for every = 1, 2, . . . , , then x = =1 x (x ).

2. For every agent , x (x ), which implies that
x =

x (x )


and therefore
0 = (x ) x =
Since individual preferences
are convex, (x ) is convex for each and therefore

= (x ) x = (x ) x is convex (Exercise 1.164).


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Assume to the contrary that int = . That is, there exists some z
with z < 0. This implies that there exists some allocation (x1 , x2 , . . . , x ) such

x x < 0

and x
for every . Distribute z equally to all the consumers. That is,
consider the allocation
y = x + z/
By strict monotonicity, y x x for every . Since

y =
x + z = x =

(y1 , y2 , . . . , y ) is a reallocation of the original allocation x which is strictly

preferred by all consumers. This contradicts the assumed Pareto eciency of x .
We conclude that
int =
3. Applying Exercise 3.227, there exists a hyperplane with nonnegative normal p
0 such that
p z 0 for every z
That is
p (x x ) 0 or p x p x for every x (x )


4. Consider any allocation which is strictly preferred to x by consumer , that is

x (x ). Construct another allocation y by taking > 0 of each commodity
away from agent and distributing amongst the other agents to give
y = (1 )x

y = x +
x ,

By continuity, there exists some > 0 such that y = (1 )x x . By

monotonicity, y x for every = . We have constructed
an allocation y
which is strictly preferred to x by all the agents, so that y = y (x ).
(3.65) implies that
py px
That is

x +
p (1 )x +

x = p x +
x p x +

which implies that

px px

for every x (x )


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5. Trivially, x is a feasible allocation with endowments w = x and = p w =

p x . To show that (p , x ) is a competitive equilibrium, we have to show that
x is the best allocation in the budget set (p, ) for each consumer . Suppose
to the contrary there exists some consumer and allocation y such that y x
and py = px . By continuity, there exists some (0, 1) such that
y x and
p(y ) = py < py px
contradicting (3.66). We conclude that
x x for every x (p , )
for every consumer . (p , x ) is a competitive equilibrium.
3.229 By the previous exercise, there exists a price system p such that x is optimal
for each consumer in the budget set (p , p x ), that is
x x for every x (p , p x )


For each consumer, let be the dierence between her endowed wealth p w and her
required wealth p x . That is, dene
= p x p w = p (x w )
p x = p + w


By assumption x is feasible, so that

w =
(x w ) = 0

so that

= p

(x w ) = 0

Furthermore, for = w + , (3.68) implies

(p , ) = { x : p x p w + } = { x : p x p x } = (p , p x )
for each consumer . Using (3.67) we conclude that
x x for every x (p , )
for every agent . (p , x ) is a competitive equilibrium where each consumers after-tax
wealth is
= pw +
3.230 Apply Exercise 3.202 with = + .
= { p : p x 0 for every x }
No such hyperplane exists if and only if ++ = . Assume this is the case. By
Exercise 3.225, there exists x 0 such that
xp = p x 0 for every p
In other words, x . By the duality theorem = which implies that x
as well as + , contrary to the hypothesis that + = {0}. This contradiction
establishes that ++ = .

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3.232 Given a set of nancial assets with prices p and payo matrix , let
= { (px, ) : x }
is the set of all possible (cost, payo) pairs. It is a subspace of +1 . Let be the
nonnegative orthant in +1 . The no arbitrage condition
x 0 = p x 0
implies that = {0}. By Exercise 3.230, there exists a hyperplane with positive
normal = 0 , 1 , . . . , such that
z = 0

for every z

z > 0

for every z +1

That is
for every x

0 px + x = 0
p x = /0 x

for every x

/0 is required state price vector.

Conversely, if a state price vector exists


then clearly
x 0 = p x 0
No arbitrage portfolios exist.
3.233 Apply the Farkas lemma to the system
x 0
c x > 0
3.234 The inequality system y c has a nonnegative solution if and only if the
corresponding system of equations
y z = c

has a nonnegative solution y

+ , z + . This is equivalent to the system



where = ( , ) and is the identity matrix. By the Farkas lemma,

system (3.69) has no solution if and only if the system
x 0 and c x > 0

has a solution x . Since =

, x 0 implies

x 0 and x 0
and the latter inequality implies x + . Thus we have established that the system
y c has no nonnegative solution if and only if
x 0 and c x > 0 for some x +

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+ such that
3.235 Assume system I has a solution, that is there exists x

x = 0, c
x > 0, x
Then x = x
x satises the system
x = 0, cx = 1, x 0


x = 0, xc = 1, x 0


which is equivalent to

Suppose y satises
y c
Multiplying by x 0 gives
x y xc
Substituting (3.71), this implies the contradiction
We conclude that system II cannot have a solution if I has a solution.
Now, assume system I has no solution. System I is equivalent to (3.70) which in turn
is equivalent to the system

x = b

is ( + 1) and b =
+1 . If (3.72) has no solution,
where =
there exists (by the Farkas alternative) some z +1 such that
z 0 and bz > 0
Decompose z into z = (y, ) with y and . The second inequality implies
(0, 1) (y, ) = 0y + = > 0
Without loss of generality, we can normalize so that = 1 and z = (y, 1).
Now = ( , c) and so the rst inequality implies that

( , c)
= y + c 0
y c
We conclude that II has a solution.

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3.236 For every linear functional , there exists a vector a such that
(x) = a x
(Proposition 3.11). Let be the matrix whose rows are a , that is

. . .
Then, the system of inequalities (3.31) is
x c
where c = (1 , 2 , . . . , ). By the preceding exercise, this system is consistent if and
only there is no solution to the system
= 0

c > 0


= 0

= 0

= 1, 2, . . . ,


Therefore, the inequalities (3.31) is consistent if an only if

= 0 =



for every set of nonnegative numbers 1 , 2 , . . . , .

3.237 Let be the 2 matrix comprising and as follows

Then the Fredholm alternative I

c x = 1

x = 0
is equivalent to the system
x 0

cx > 0


By the Farkas alternative theorem, either (3.73) has a solution or there exists +
such that

= c


Decompose into two -vectors

= (, ), , +

so that (3.74) can be rewritten as

= = ( ) = c
Dene y = We have established that either (3.73) has a solution or there
exists a vector y such that
y = c

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3.238 Let a , = 1, 2, . . . , denote the rows of . Each a denes linear functional

() = a on , and c denes another linear functional () = c x. Assume that
() = c x = 0 for every x where
= { x : (x) = a x = 0, = 1, 2, . . . , }
Then the system
= 0
has no solution satisfying the constraint c x > 0. By Exercise 3.20, there exists scalars
1 , 2 , . . . , such that




= y


That is y = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) solves the related nonhomogeneous system

y = c
Conversely, assume that y = c for some . Then
c x = = 0
for all such that = 0 and therefore there is no solution satisfying the constraint
c x = 1.
3.239 Let
= { z : z = x, x }
the image of . is a subspace. Assume that system I has no solution, that is

++ =
By Exercise 3.225, there exists y
+ {0} such that
yz = 0 for every z
That is
yx = 0 for every x
Letting x = y, we have y y = 0 which implies that
y = 0
System II has a solution y.
is a solution to I. Suppose to the contrary there also exists
Conversely, assume that x
to II. Then, since
0, we must have y

> 0.
a solution y
x > 0 and y

= 0, a contradiction. Hence, we
On the other hand, y = 0 which implies x
conclude that II cannot have a solution if I has a solution.

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3.240 We have already shown (Exercise 3.239) that the alternatives I and II are mutually incompatible. If Gordans system II
y = 0
has a semipositive solution y 0, then we can normalize y such that 1y = 1 and the
y = 0
1y = 1
has a nonnegative solution.
Conversely, if Gordans system II has no solution, the system
y = c

where =
and c = (0, 1) = (0, 0, . . . , 0, 1), 0 , is the ( + 1)st unit
vector has no solution y 0. By the Farkas lemma, there exists z +1 such that

z 0
cz < 0
Decompose z into z = (x, ) with x . The second inequality implies that < 0
cz = (0, 1) (x, ) = < 0
Since = (, 1), the rst inequality implies that
z = (, 1)(x, ) = x + 1 0
x 1 > 0
x solves Gordans system I.
3.241 Let a1 , a2 , . . . , a be a basis for . Let
= (a1 , a2 , . . . , a )
be the matrix whose columns are a . To say that contains no positive vector means
that the system
x > 0
has no solution. By Gordans theorem, there exists some y 0 such that
y = 0
that is
a y = ya = 0, = 1, 2, . . . ,
so that y .

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3.242 Let be the subspace = { z : x : x }. System I has no solution x 0

if and only if has no nonnegative vector z 0. By the previous exercise, contains
a positive vector y > 0 such that
yz = 0 for every z
Letting x = y, we have y y = 0 which implies that
y = 0
System II has a solution y.
3.243 Let
= { z : z = x, x }
the image of . is a subspace. Assume that system I has no solution, that is

+ = {0}
By Exercise 3.230, there exists y
++ such that
yz = 0 for every z
That is
yx = 0 for every x
Letting x = y, we have y y = 0 which implies that
y = 0
System II has a solution y.
is a solution to I. Suppose to the contrary there also exists
Conversely, assume that x
> 0.
to II. Then, since
> 0, we must have y

a solution y
x 0 and y

= 0, a contradiction. Hence, we
On the other hand, y = 0 which implies x
conclude that II cannot have a solution if I has a solution.
3.244 The inequality system y 0 has a nonnegative solution if and only if the
corresponding system of equations
y + z = 0

has a nonnegative solution y

+ , z + . This is equivalent to the system



where = ( , ) and is the identity matrix. By Gordans theorem, system

(3.75) has no solution if and only if the system
has a solution x . Since =

x > 0

, x > 0 implies

x > 0 and x > 0

and the latter inequality implies x ++ . Thus we have established that the system
y 0 has no nonnegative solution if and only if
x > 0 for some x ++

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3.245 Assume system II has no solution, that is there is no y such that

y 0, y 0
This implies that the system
y 0
1y 1

has no solution y + . Dening =

, the latter can be written as
y e+1


where e+1 = (0, 1), 0 .

By the Gale alternative (Exercise 3.234), if system (3.76) has no solution, the alternative system
z 0, e+1 z > 0

has a nonnegative solution z +1

+ . Decompose z into z = (x, ) where x + and
+ . The second inequality implies > 0 since e+1 z = .

= ( , 1) and the rst inequality implies

z = ( , 1)
= x + 1 0

x 1 > 0
Thus system I has a solution x + . Since x = 0 implies x = 0, we conclude that
x 0.
Conversely, assume that II has a solution y 0 such that y 0. Then, for every
x +
x y = y x 0
Since y 0, this implies
x 0
for every x + which contradicts I.
3.246 We give a constructive proof, by proposing an algorithm which will generate
the desired decomposition. Assume that x satises x 0. Arrange the rows of
such that the positive elements of x are listed rst. That is, decompose into two
submatrices such that
1x > 0
1x = 0
Case 1 1 x 0 has no solution and the result is proved or

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Case 2 1 x 0 has a solution x .

be a linear combination of x and x . Specically, dene
Let x
= x + x
> max

b x
b x

where b is the th row of 1 . is chosen so that

1 x > 1 x
By direct computation
= 1 x + 1 x > 0
= 1 x + 1 x 0
is another solution to x 0
since 1 x = 0 and 1 x 0. By construction, x
such that
x has more positive components than x. Again, collect all the positive
components together, decomposing into two submatrices such that
Case 1 2 x 0 has no solution and the result is proved or
Case 2 2 x 0 has a solution x .
In the second case, we can repeat the previous procedure, generating another decomposition 3 , 3 and so on. At each stage , the matrix get larger and smaller.
The algorithm must terminate before equals , since we began with the assumption
that x > 0 has no solution.
3.247 There are three possible cases to consider.
Case 1: y = 0 is the only solution of y = 0. Then x > 0 has a solution x by
Gordans theorem and
x + 0 > 0
Case 2: y = 0 has a positive solution y > 0 Then 0 is the only solution x 0
by Stiemkes theorem and
0 + y > 0
Case 3 y = 0 has a solution y 0 but y > 0. By Gordans theorem x > 0 has
no solution. By the previous exercise, can be decomposed into two consistent
x > 0
x = 0

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such that x 0 has no solution. Assume that is and is where

= . Applying Stiemkes theorem to , there exists z > 0, z . Dene
+ by
= 1, 2, . . . ,
= = + 1, + 2, . . . ,
Then x, y is the desired solution since for every , = 1, 2, . . . , either > 0
or (x) = (x) > 0.
3.248 Consider the dual pair

= 0, y 0, z 0
x 0 and ( , )

By Tuckers theorem, this has a solution x , y , z such that

x 0, x 0, y + z = 0, y 0, z 0
x + y > 0
x + z > 0
Substituting z = y implies
y 0
x y > 0
3.249 Consider the dual pair
x 0 and y = 0, y 0
where is an matrix. By Tuckers theorem, there exists a pair of solutions
x and y such that
x + y > 0


Assume that x > 0 has no solution (Gordan I). Then there exists some such that
(x ) = 0 and (3.77) implies that > 0. Therefore y 0 and solves Gordan II.
Conversely, assume that y = 0 has no solution y > 0 (Stiemke II). Then, there
exists some such that = 0 and (3.77) implies that (x ) > 0). Therefore x
solves x 0 (Stiemke I).
3.250 We have already shown that Farkas I and II are mutually inconsistent. Assume
that Farkas system I
x 0, c x < 0
has no solution. Dene the ( + 1) matrix =
the system
x 0

. Our assumption is that

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has no solution with (x)+1 = cx > 0. By Tuckers theorem, the dual system
z = 0
has a solution z +1
with z+1 > 0. Without loss of generality, we can normalize

so that z+1 = 1. Decompose z into z = (y, 1) with y

+ . Since = ( , c),

z = 0 implies
z = ( , c)(y, 1) = y c = 0
y = c
+ solves Farkas II.
3.251 If x 0 solves I, then
x ( y1 + y2 + y3 ) = x y1 + x y2 + x y3 ) > 0
since x y1 = y1 x > 0, x y2 = y2 x 0 and x y3 = y3 x = 0 which
contradicts II.
The equation x = 0 is equivalent to the pair of inequalities x 0, x 0. By
Tuckers theorem the dual pair
y1 + y2 + y3 y4 = 0

x 0
x 0
x 0
x 0

has solutions , y1 1 , y2 2 , u3 , v3 3 such that

y1 0

x + y1 > 0

y2 0
u3 0

x + y2 > 0
x + u3 > 0

v3 0

x + v3 > 0

Assume Motzkin I has no solution. That is, there is y1 0. Dene y3 = u3 v3 .

Then y1 , y2 , y3 satises Motzkin II.

1. For every a , let a be the polar set

a = { x : x = 1, xa 0 }
a is nonempty since 0 a . Let x be the limit of a sequence x of points in a .
Since x a 0 for every , xa 0 so that x a . Hence a is a closed subset of
= { x : x = 1 }.

2. Let {a1 , a2 , . . . , a } be any nite set of points in . Since 0

/ , the system

a = 0,


= 1, 0


has no solution. A fortiori, the system

a = 0



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has no solution
+ . If is the n matrix whose rows are a , the latter
system can be written as
y = 0
3. By Gordans theorem, the system
x > 0


= 0.
has a solution x
4. Without loss of generality, we can take
x = 1. (3.78) implies that
a > 0
a x
a . Hence
for every = 1, 2 . . . , so that x


5. We have shown that for every nite set {a1 , a2 , . . . , a } , =1 a is nonempty closed subset of the compact set = { : x = 1}. By the Finite
intersection property (Exercise 1.116)

a =

6. For every p

pa 0 for every a

p denes a hyperplane (a) = pa which separates from 0.

3.253 The expected outcome if player 1 adopts the mixed strategy p = (1 , 2 , . . . , )
and player 2 plays her pure strategy is
(p, ) =

= pa


where a is the th column of . The expected payo to 1 for all possible responses
of player 2 is the vector (p) = p. The mixed strategy p ensures player 1 a
nonnegative security level provided p 0.
Similarly, if 2 adopts the mixed strategy q = (1 , 2 , . . . , ), the expected payo to 2
if 1 plays his strategy is a q where a is the th row of . The expected outcome for
all the possible responses of player 1 is the vector q. The mixed strategy q ensures
player 2 a nonpositive security level provided q 0.
By the von Neumann alternative theorem (Exercise 3.245), at least one of these alternatives must be true. That is, either
Either I p > 0, p 0 for some p
or II q 0, q 0 for some q
Since p 0 and q 0, we can normalize so that p 1 and q 1 . At least
one of the players has a strategy which guarantees she cannot lose.

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1. For any , dene the game

(a1 , a2 ) = (a1 , a2 )
(p, ) = max min (p, ) = 1
1 = max min

2 = min max
(, q) = min max (, q) = 2

By the previous exercise,

Either 1 0 or 0
That is
Either 1 or 2
2. Since this applies for arbitrary , it implies that while
1 2
and there is no such that
1 < < 2
Therefore, we conclude that 1 = 2 as required.

1. The mixed strategies p of player 1 are elements of the simplex 1 ,

which is compact (Example 1.110). Since 1 (p) = min=1 (p, ) is continuous
(Maximum theorem 2.3), 1 (p) achieves its maximum on 1 (Weierstrass
theorem 2.2). That is, there exists p 1 such that
1 = 1 (p ) = max 1 (p)

Similarly, there exists q 1 such that

2 = 2 (q ) = min 2 (q)

2. Let (p, q) denote the expected outcome when player 1 adopts mixed strategy p
and player 2 plays q. That is
(p, q) =

=1 =1

= (p , q ) = max (, q )

(, q ) = (p, q ) for every p 1

= (p , q ) = min (p , )

(p , ) = (p , q) for every q 1

(p , q ) is a Nash equilibrium.

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3.256 By the Minimax theorem, every nite two person zero-sum game has a value.
The previous result shows that this is attained at a Nash equilibrium.
3.257 If player 2 adopts the strategy 1
p (1 ) = 1 + 22 < 0 if 1 > 22
If player 2 adopts the strategy 5
p (5 ) = 1 22 < 0 if 1 < 22
1 (p) = min p (z) min{p (1 ), p (5 )} < 0

for every p such that 1 = 2 . Since 1 + 2 = 1, we conclude that

= 0 p = p = ( 2/3, 1/3)
1 (p)
< 0 otherwise
We conclude that
1 = max 1 (p) = 0

which is attained at p = ( 2/3, 1/3).



2 = min max
z =1

Since is compact, 2 = 0 implies there exists z such that

max = 0

which implies that

z 0. Consequently = .
2. Assume to the contrary that there exists
z int
That is, there exists some strategy q 1 such that q < 0 and therefore
2 < 0, contrary to the hypothesis.
3. There exists a hyperplane with nonnegative normal separating from (Exercise 3.227). That is, there exists p + , p = 0 such that
p (z) 0 for every z
and therefore
1 (p ) = min p (z) 0

Without loss of generality, we can normalize so that

p 1 .



= 1 and therefore

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4. Consequently
1 = max 1 (p) 1 (p ) 0

On the other hand, we know that contains a point z 0. For every p 0

p (z) 0
and therefore
) 0
1 (p) = min p (z) p (

so that
1 = max 1 (p) 0

We conclude that
1 = 0 = 2
3.259 Consider the game with the same strategies and the payo function

(a1 , a2 ) = (a1 , a2 )
The expected value to player 2 is
(, q) = min max (, q) = 2 = 0
2 = min max

By the previous exercise 1 = 2 = 0 and

1 = max min (p, ) = max min
(p, ) + = 1 + = = 2

3.260 Assume that p1 and p2 are both optimal strategies for player 1. Then
(p1 , q) for every q 1
(p2 , q) for every q 1
= p1 , p2 + (1 ). Since is bilinear
Let p
p, q) = (p1 , q) + (1 )(p2 , q) for every q 1
is also an optimal strategy for player 1.
Consequently, p
3.261 is the payo function of some 2 person zero-sum game in which the players
have + 1 and + 1 strategies respectively. The result follows from the Minimax

1. The possible partitions of = {1, 2, 3} are:

{1}, {2}, {3}
{, }, {},

, , = , = =

{1, 2, 3}
In any partition, at most one coalition can have two or more players, and therefore

( ) 1



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2. Assume x = (1 , 2 , 3 ) core. Then x must satisfy the following system of

1 + 2 1 = ({1, 2})
1 + 3 1 = ({1, 3})
2 + 3 1 = ({2, 3})
which can be summed to yield
2(1 + 2 + 3 ) 3
1 + 2 + 3 3/2
which implies that x exceeds the sum available. This contradiction establishes
that the core is empty.
Alternatively, observe that the three person majority game is a simple game with
no veto players. By Exercise 1.69, its core is empty.
3.263 Assume that the game (, ) is not cohesive. Then there exists a partition
{1 , 2 , . . . , } of such that
( ) <

( )


Assume x core. Then

( )

= 1, 2, . . . ,

Since {1 , 2 , . . . , } is a partition


( ) > ( )


which contradicts the assumption that x core. This establishes that cohesivity is
necessary for the existence of the core.
To show that cohesivity is not sucient, we observe that the three person majority
game is cohesive, but its core is empty.
3.264 The other balanced families of coalitions in a three player game are
1. = { } with weights
() =



2. = {{1}, {2}, {3}} with weights () = 1 for every

3. = {{}, {, }}, , , , = = with weights () = 1 for every
3.265 The following table lists some nontrivial balanced families of coalitions for a four
player game. Other balanced families can be obtained by permutation of the players.

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{123}, {124}, {34}

{12}, {13}, {23}, {4}
{123}, {14}, {24}, {3}
{123}, {14}, {24}, {34}
{123}, {124}, {134}, {234}

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1/2, 1/2, 1/2
1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1
1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2
2/3, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3
1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3

3.266 Both sides of the expression

e =

are vectors, with each component corresponding to a particular player. For player ,
the component of e is 1 and the component of e is 1 if and 0 otherwise.
Therefore, for each player , the preceding expression can be written

= 1

For each coalition , the share of the coalition at the allocation x is

(x) =
= e x
The condition


means that for every x

(x) =


Substituting (3.79)
e x =

which is equivalent to the condition

e = e

3.267 By construction, 0. If = 0,

= 0

implies that = 0 for all and consequently

() ( ) 0

is trivially satised. On the other hand, if > 0, we can divide both conditions by .)


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3.268 Let (, 1 ) and (, 2 ) be balanced games. By the Bondareva-Shapley theorem,

they have nonempty cores. Let x1 core(, 1 ) and x2 core(, 2 ). That is,
(x1 ) 1 () for every
(x2 ) 2 () for every
Adding, we have
(x1 ) + (x2 ) = (x1 + x2 ) 1 () + 2 () for every
which implies that x1 + x2 belongs to core(, 1 + 2 ). Therefore (, 1 + 2 ) is
balanced. Similarly, if x core(, ), then x belongs to core(, ) for every
+ . That is (, ) is balanced for every + .

1. Assume otherwise. That is assume there exists some y . Taking

the rst components, this implies that

e =

for some ( 0 : ). Let = { > 0} be the set of coalitions

with strictly positive weights. Then is a balanced family of coalitions with
weights (Exercise 3.266).
However, looking at the last coordinate, y implies

() = ( ) + > ( )

which contradicts the assumption that the game is balanced. We conclude that
and are disjoint if the game is balanced.
2. (a) Substituting y = (e , 0) in (3.36) gives
(z, 0 ) (0, 0) = 0
which implies that 0.
NOTE We still have to show that 0.
(b) Substituting (e , ( )) in (3.36) gives
e + 0 ( ) > e + 0 ( ) + 0
for all > 0, which implies that 0 < 0.
3. Without loss of generality, we can normalize so that 0 = 1. Then the separating
hyperplane conditions become
(z, 1) y 0

(z, 1) (e , ( ) + ) < 0

for every y


for every > 0


For any , (e , ()) . Substituting y = (e , ()) in (3.80) gives

e z () 0
that is
(z) = e z = ()

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while (3.81) implies
(z) = e z > ( ) +

for every > 0

This establishes that z belongs to the core. Hence the core is nonempty.

1. Let = ( ) > 0 since (, ) is essential. For every ,


() =

0 ({}) = 0 for every
0 ( ) = 1
0 is 01 normalized.
2. Let y core(, 0 ). Then for every

0 ()


= 1


Let w = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) where = ({}). Let x = y + w. Using (3.82) and


( + )

0 () +


= ()

( + )


= ( )
Therefore, x = y + w core(, ). Similarly, we can show that
x core(, ) = y =

(x w) core(, 0 )

and therefore
core(, ) = core(, 0 ) + w

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3. This immediately implies

core(, ) = core(, 0 ) =
3.271 (, ) is 01 normalized, that is
({} = 0 for every
( ) = 1
Consequently, x belongs to the core of (, ) if and only if

= 0


= ( ) = 1


() for every


(3.84) and (3.85) ensure that x = (1 , 2 , . . . , ) is a mixed strategy for player 1 in the
two-person zero-sum game. Using this mixed strategy, the expected payo to player I
for any strategy of player II is
(x, ) =

(, ) =


(3.86) implies
(x, ) =

1 for every

That is any x core(, ) provides a mixed strategy for player I which ensures a
payo at least 1. That is
core(, ) = = 1
Conversely, if the < 1, there is no mixed strategy for player I which satises (3.86) and
consequently no x which satises (3.84), (3.85) and (3.86). In other words, core(, ) =
3.272 If is the value of , there exists a mixed strategy which will guarantee that II
pays no more than . That is, there exists numbers 0 for every coalition
such that

= 1


(, )

for every

that is


for every


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for every


For each coalition let



in (3.87)

Augment the collection with the single-player coalitions to form the collection
= { {} : }
and with weights { : } and

{} = 1

Then is a balanced collection.

Since the game (, ) is balanced
1 = ( )






that is

= (1/, 1/, . . . , 1/), the payo is

If I plays the mixed strategy x
x, ) =

> 0 for every

Therefore > 0 and (3.88) implies that




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3.273 Assume core(, ) = and let core(, ). Then
(x) () for every
where =


measures the share coalition at the allocation x.

Let be a balanced family of coalitions with weights . For every , (3.89)

(x) ()
Summing over all



Evaluating the left hand side of this inequality

(x) =

= ( )
Substituting this in (3.90) gives
( )

The game is balanced.




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Chapter 4: Smooth Functions

4.1 Along the demand curve, price and quantity are related according to the equation
= 10
This is called the inverse demand function. Total revenue () (price times quantity)
is given by
() =
= (10 )
= 10 2
= ()
() can be rewritten as
() = 21 + 4( 3)
At = 3, the price is 7 but the marginal revenue of an additional unit is only 4. The
function decomposes (approximately) the total revenue into two components the
revenue from the sale of 3 units (21 = 3 7) plus the marginal revenue from the sale
of additional units (4( 3)).
4.2 If your answer is 5 per cent, obtained by subtracting the ination rate from the
growth rate of nominal GDP, you are implicitly using a linear approximation. To see
this, let

= price level at the beginning of the year

= real GDP at the beginning of the year
= change in prices during year
= change in output during year

We are told that nominal GDP at the end of the year, ( + )( + ), equals 1.10
times nominal GDP at the beginning of the year, . That is
( + )( + ) = 1.10


Furthermore, the price level at the end of the year, + equals 1.05 times the price
level of the start of year, :
+ = 1.05
Substituting this in equation (4.38) yields
1.05( + ) = 1.10
which can be solved to give
= (

1) = 0.0476

The growth rate of real GDP (/) is equal to 4.76 per cent.

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To show how the estimate of 5 per cent involves a linear approximation, we expand the
expression for real GDP at the end of the year.
( + )( + ) = + + +
Dividing by
( + )( + )


The growth rate of nominal GDP is

( + )( + )
( + )( + )


= Growth rate of output

+ Ination rate
+ Error term
For small changes, the error term / is insignicant, and we can approximate the
growth rate of output according to the sum
Growth rate of nominal GDP = Growth rate of output + Ination rate
This is a linear approximation since it approximates the function ( + )( + ) by
the linear function + + . In eect, we are evaluating the change output at
the old prices, and the change in prices at the old output, and ignoring in interaction
between changes in prices and changes in quantities. The use of linear approximation
in growth rates is extremely common in practice.
4.3 From (4.2)
x (x) = (x0 + x) (x0 ) (x)
and therefore
(x) =

(x0 + x) (x0 ) (x)


(x) 0 as x 0
can be expressed as
lim (x) = 0


4.4 Suppose not. That is, there exist two linear maps such that
(x0 + x) = (x0 ) + 1 (x) + x 1 (x)
(x0 + x) = (x0 ) + 2 (x) + x 2 (x)
lim (x) = 0,



= 1, 2

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Subtracting we have
1 (x) 2 (x) = x (1 (x) 2 (x))


1 (x) 2 (x)

Since 1 2 is linear, (4) implies that 1 (x) = 2 (x) for all x .

To see this, we proceed by contradiction. Again, suppose not. That is, suppose there
exists some x such that
1 (x) = 2 (x)
For this x, let

1 (x) 2 (x)

By linearity,
1 (x) 2 (x)
= for every > 0
and therefore

1 (x) 2 (x)
= = 0

which contradicts (4). Therefore 1 (x) = 2 (x) for all x .

4.5 If : is dierentiable at x0 , then
(x0 + x) = (x0 ) + (x) + (x) x
where (x) 0 as x 0 . Since is a continuous linear function, (x) 0 as
x 0 . Therefore
lim (x0 + x) = lim (x0 ) + lim (x) + lim (x) x





= (x0 )
is continuous.
4.8 The approximation error at the point (2, 16) is
(2, 16)
(2, 16)
Absolute error
Percentage error
Relative error


By contrast, (2, 16) = 8 = (2, 16). Table 4.1 shows that gives a good approximation
to in the neighborhood of (2, 16).

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Table 4.1: Approximating the Cobb-Douglas function at (2, 16)

x0 + x
At their intersection:
(0.0, 0.0) (2.0, 16.0)

Approximation Error
Percentage Relative

(x0 + x)

(x0 + x)





Around the unit circle:

(1.0, 0.0) (3.0, 16.0)
(0.7, 0.7) (2.7, 16.7)
(0.0, 1.0) (2.0, 17.0)
(-0.7, 0.7) (1.3, 16.7)
(-1.0, 0.0) (1.0, 16.0)
(-0.7, -0.7) (1.3, 15.3)
(0.0, -1.0) (2.0, 15.0)
(0.7, -0.7) (2.7, 15.3)





Around a smaller circle:

(0.10, 0.00) (2.1, 16.0)
(0.07, 0.07) (2.1, 16.1)
(0.00, 0.10) (2.0, 16.1)
(-0.07, 0.07) (1.9, 16.1)
(-0.10, 0.00) (1.9, 16.0)
(-0.07, -0.07) (1.9, 15.9)
(0.00, -0.10) (2.0, 15.9)
(0.07, -0.07) (2.1, 15.9)





Parallel to the
(-2.0, 0.0)
(-1.0, 0.0)
(-0.5, 0.0)
(-0.1, 0.0)
(0.0, 0.0)
(0.1, 0.0)
(0.5, 0.0)
(1.0, 0.0)
(2.0, 0.0)
(4.0, 0.0)

x1 axis:
(0.0, 16.0)
(1.0, 16.0)
(1.5, 16.0)
(1.9, 16.0)
(2.0, 16.0)
(2.1, 16.0)
(2.5, 16.0)
(3.0, 16.0)
(4.0, 16.0)
(6.0, 16.0)





Parallel to the
(0.0, -4.0)
(0.0, -2.0)
(0.0, -1.0)
(0.0, -0.5)
(0.0, -0.1)
(0.0, 0.0)
(0.0, 0.1)
(0.0, 0.5)
(0.0, 1.0)
(0.0, 2.0)
(0.0, 4.0)

x2 axis:
(2.0, 12.0)
(2.0, 14.0)
(2.0, 15.0)
(2.0, 15.5)
(2.0, 15.9)
(2.0, 16.0)
(2.0, 16.1)
(2.0, 16.5)
(2.0, 17.0)
(2.0, 18.0)
(2.0, 20.0)






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4.9 To show that is nonlinear, consider

((1, 2, 3, 4, 5) + (66, 55, 75, 81, 63)) = (67, 57, 78, 85, 68)
= (85, 78, 68, 67, 58)
= (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) + (81, 75, 67, 63, 55)
To show that is dierentiable, consider a particular point, say (66, 55, 75, 81, 63).
Consider the permutation : dened by
(1 , 2 , . . . , 5 ) = (4 , 3 , 1 , 5 , 2 )
is linear and
(66, 55, 75, 81, 63) = (81, 75, 67, 63, 55) = (66, 55, 75, 81, 63)
Furthermore, (x) = (x) for all x close to (66, 55, 75, 81, 63). Hence, (x) approximates (x) in a neighborhood of (66, 55, 75, 81, 63) and so is dierentiable at (66, 55, 75, 81, 63).
The choice of (66, 55, 75, 81, 63) was arbitrary, and the argument applies at every x such
that x = x .
In summary, each application of involves a permutation, although the particular
permutation depends upon the argument, x. However, for any given x0 with x0 =
x0 , the same permutation applies to all x in the neighborhood of x0 , so that the
permutation (which is a linear function) is the derivative of at x0 .
4.10 Using (4.3), we have for any x
(x0 + x) (x0 ) [x0 ](x)

(x0 + x) (x0 ) [x0 ](x)

For x = 1, this implies

[x0 ](x)
(x0 + x) (x0 )


that is
x [x0 ] = lim (x + x) (x ) = [x0 ](x)

4.11 By direct calculation

(x0 + ) (x0 )

(x01 , x02 , . . . , x0 + , . . . , x0 ) (x01 , x02 , . . . , x0 , . . . , x0 )

= lim

(x0 + e ) (x0 )
= lim

= e [x ]

[x0 ] = lim


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4.12 Dene the function

() = (8, 8) + (1, 1)
= (8 + )1/3 (8 + )2/3
The directional derivative of in the direction (1, 1) is
(1,1) (8, 8) = lim () (0)

Generalization of this example reveals that the directional derivative of along any
x0 [x0 ] = 1 for every x0 . Economically,
ray through the origin equals 1, that is
this means that increasing inputs in the same proportions leads to a proportionate
increase in output, which is the property of constant returns to scale. We will study
this property of homogeneity is some depth in Section 4.6.
4.13 Let p = (x0 ). Each component of p represents the action of the derivative on
an element of the standard basis {e1 , e2 , . . . , e }(see proof of Theorem 3.4)
= [x0 ](e )
Since e = 1, [x0 ](e ) is the directional derivative at x0 in the direction e (Exercise 4.10)
e (x0 )
= [x0 ](e ) =
But this is simply the partial derivative of (Exercise 4.11)
e (x0 ) = (x0 )
= [x0 ](e ) =
4.14 Using the standard inner product on (Example 3.26) and Exercise 4.13
< (x0 ), x >=

[x0 ]x = [x0 ](x)


4.15 Since is dierentiable

(x1 + x) = (x1 ) + (x0 ) x + (x) x
with (x) 0 as x 0. If is increasing, (x1 + x) (x1 ) for every x 0 and
> 0. Therefore
(x0 ) x + (x) x = (x0 ) x + (x) x 0
Dividing by and letting 0
(x0 ) x 0 for every x 0
In particular, this applies for unit vectors e . Therefore
(x1 ) 0,

= 1, 2, . . . ,


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x (x0 ) measures the rate of increase of in the di4.16 The directional derivative
rection x. Using Exercises 4.10, 4.14 and 3.61, assuming x has unit norm,

x (x0 ) = [x0 ](x) =< (x0 ), x >  (x0 )

This bound is attained when x = (x0 )/  (x0 ) since

 (x0 )2

(x0 )

x (x ) =< (x ),
=  (x0 )
(x )
(x )
The directional derivative is maximized when (x0 ) and x are aligned.
4.17 Using Exercise 4.14
= { x :< [x0 ], x >= 0 }
4.18 Assume each is dierentiable at x0 and let
[x0 ] = (1 [x0 ], 2 [x0 ], . . . , [x0 ])

f (x0 + x) f [x0 ] f [x0 ]x =

1 (x0 + x) 1 [x0 ] 1 [x0 ]x

2 (x0 + x) 2 [x0 ] 2 [x0 ]x

(x0 + x) (x0 ) [x0 ]x

(x0 + x) (x0 ) [x0 ]x
0 as x 0
for every implies
f (x0 + x) f (x0 ) f [x0 ](x)
0 as x 0


Therefore f is dierentiable with derivative

f [x0 ] = = (1 (x0 ), 2 [x0 ], . . . , [x0 ])
Each [x0 ] is represented by the gradient [x0 ] (Exercise 4.13) and therefore
[x0 ] is represented by the matrix

1 [x0 ]
1 1 [x0 ] 2 1 [x0 ] . . . 1 [x0 ]
2 [x0 ] 1 2 [x0 ] 2 2 [x0 ] . . . 2 [x0 ]



[x0 ]

1 [x0 ] 2 [x0 ] . . .

[x0 ]

Conversely, if f is dierentiable, its derivative f [x0 ] : be decomposed into

component 1 [x0 ], 2 [x0 ], . . . , [x0 ] functionals such that

1 (x0 + x) 1 (x0 ) 1 [x0 ]x

2 (x0 + x) 2 (x0 ) 2 [x0 ]x

f (x0 + x) f (x0 ) f [x0 ]x =


(x0 + x) (x0 ) [x0 ]x


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(4.43) implies that

(x0 + x) (x0 ) [x0 ]x
0 as x 0
for every .
4.19 If [x0 ] has full rank, then it is one-to-one (Exercise 3.25) and onto (Exercise
3.16). Therefore [x0 ] is nonsingular. The Jacobian (x0 ) represents [x0 ], which
is therefore nonsingular if and only if det (x0 ) = 0.
4.20 When is a functional, rank = 1. If [x0 ] has full rank (1), then
[x0 ] maps onto (Exercise 3.16), which requires that (x0 ) = 0.
4.23 If : is bilinear
(x0 + x, y0 + y) = (x0 , y0 ) + (x0 , y) + (x, y0 ) + (x, y)
[x0 , y0 ](x, y) = (x0 , y) + (x, y0 )
(x0 + x, y0 + y) = (x0 , y0 ) + [x0 , y0 ](x, y) + (x, y)
Since is continuous, there exists such that
(x, y) x y

for every x and y

and therefore
NOTE This is not quite right. See Spivak p. 23. Avez (Tilburg) has
(x, y) x y x + y (x, y)2
which implies that
(x, y)
0 as (x, y) 0
(x, y)


x1 ,x2 0

(x1 , x2 )
x1 x2

Therefore is dierentiable with derivative

[x0 , y0 ] = (x0 , y) + (x, y0 )
4.24 Dene : 2 by
(1 , 2 ) = 1 2
Then is bilinear (Example 3.23) and continuous (Exercise 2.79) and therefore dierentiable (Exercise 4.23) with derivative
[1 , z2 ] = (z1 , ) + (, z2 )

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The function is the composition of with and ,

(x, y) = ( (x), (y))
By the chain rule, the derivative of is
[x, y] = [1 , z2 ] [x], [x]
= (z1 , [y]) + ( [x], z2 )
= [x][y]) + (y) [x]
where z1 = (x) and z2 = (y).
4.25 For = 1, () = is linear and therefore (Exercise 4.6) [] = 1 ( []() =
). For = 2, let () = so that () = 2 = ()(). Using the product rule
[x] = ()() + ()() = 2
Now assume it is true for 1 and let () = 1 , so that (x) = (). By the
product rule
[x] = [] + ()1
By assumption [] = ( 1)2 and therefore
[x] = [] + ()1 = ( 1)2 + 1 = 1
4.26 Using the product rule (Exercise 4.24)
(0 ) = (0 ) + 0 (0 )
= 0 + 0 (0 )
where 0 = (0 ). Marginal revenue equals one unit at the current price minus the
reduction in revenue caused by reducing the price on existing sales.
4.27 Fix some x0 and let = [x0 ]
. Let y0 = (x0 ). For any y, let x =
1 0
1 0
(y + y) (y ) so that (y) = (x + x) (x) and
 1 0
 (y + y) 1 (y0 ) (y) = (x (x0 + x) (x0 )) 
Since is dierentiable at x0 with [x0 ] = 1
(x0 + x) (x0 ) = 1 (x) + (x) x
 1 0

 (y + y) 1 (y0 ) (y) = 
x 1 (x) + (x) x 

=  (x) x 

= x  (x) 
with (x) 0 as x 0 . Since 1 and are continuous, (x) 0 as y 0.
We conclude that 1 is dierentiable with derivative = [x0 ]


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log () = log
and therefore

() = exp log () = log

By the Chain Rule, is dierentiable with derivative

() = log log = log
4.29 By Exercise 4.15, the function : dened by () =
tiable with derivative
[] = 2 = 2

= 1 is dieren-

Applying the Chain Rule, 1/ = is dierentiable with derivative

[x] = [ (x)] [x] = (

4.30 Applying the Product Rule to (1/)

[x, y] = (x) [y] +

= (x) (
)2 +
(y) [x] (x)[y]
4.31 In the particular case where
1/3 2/3

(x1 , x2 ) = x1 x2
the partial derivatives at the point (8, 8) are
1 [(8, 8)] =

and 2 [(8, 8)] =

4.32 The partial derivatives of (x) are from Table 4.4

[x] = 1 1 2 2 . . . 1 . . .
so that the gradient is

(x) =


1 2

, ,...,
1 2


4.33 Applying the chain rule (Exercise 4.22) to general power function (Example 4.15),
the partial derivatives of the CES function are
[x] =

(1 1 + 2 2 + + ) 1

= 1
(1 1 + 2 2 + + )



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4.34 Dene
() = ()

() ()
( )

Then is continuous on [, ] and dierentiable on (, ) with

() = ()

() ()
( ) () = ()

By Rolles theorem (Exercise 5.8), there exists (, ) such that

() = ()

() ()

4.35 Assume (x) 0 for every x . By the mean value theorem, for any x2 x1
(x1 , x2 ) such that
in , there exists x
(x2 ) = (x1 ) + [
x](x2 x1 )
Using (4.6)
(x2 ) = (x1 ) +

x)(2 1 )



x) 0 and x2 x1 implies that

x)(2 1 ) 0


and therefore (x2 ) (x1 ). is increasing. The converse was established in Exercise
4.36 (
x) > 0 and x2 x1 implies that

x)(2 1 ) > 0


Substituting in (4.44)
(x2 ) = (x1 ) +

x)(2 1 ) > (x1 )


is strictly increasing.
4.37 Dierentiability implies the existence of the gradient and hence the partial derivatives of (Exercise 4.13). Continuity of [x] implies the continuity of the partial
To prove the converse, choose some x0 and dene for the partial functions
() = (01 , 02 , . . . , 01 , , 0+1 + +1 , . . . , 0 + )

= 1, 2, . . . ,

so that () = (x ) where x = (01 , 02 , . . . , 0 , , 0+1 + +1 , . . . , 0 + ). Further, 1 (01 + 1 ) = (x0 + x), (0 ) = (x0 ), and (0 + ) = 1 (0 ) so that
(x0 + x) (x0 ) =

(0 + ) (0 )


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By the mean value theorem, there exists, for each , between 0 + and such
(0 + ) ( ) = (
x )
= (01 , 02 , . . . , 0 , , 0+1 + +1 , . . . , 0 + ). Therefore
where x
(x0 + x) (x0 ) =

x )


Dene the linear functional

(x) =

(x0 )


(x0 + x) (x0 ) (x) =


x ) (x0 )


 (x0 + x) (x0 ) (x)
( (
x ) (x0 )

so that

 (x0 + x) (x0 ) (x)

( (

x ) (x0 )

( (
x ) (x0 )

since the partial derivatives (x) are continuous. Therefore is dierentiable with
(x) =

[x0 ]


4.38 For every x1 , x2

(x1 ) (x2 )


x[x1 ,x2 ]

(x) x1 x2

by Corollary 4.1.1. If [x] = 0 for every x , then

(x1 ) (x2 ) = 0
which implies that (x1 ) = (x2 ). We conclude that is constant on . The converse
was established in Exercise 4.7.
4.39 For any x0 , let be an open ball of radius of radius centered on x0 .
Applying the mean value inequality (Corollary 4.1.1) to we have

 (x) (x) (x0 ) (x0 )  sup [
x] [
x] x x0


sup [
x] [



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for every x . Given > 0, there exists such that for every , >
< / and <

 (x) (x) (x0 ) (x0 )  x x0


for and x . Applying the mean value inequality to , there exists such
(x) (x0 ) x x0


Using (4.45) and (4.46) and the fact that < we deduce that
(x) (x0 ) (x0 ) 3 x x0
is dierentiable with derivative .
4.40 Dene
() =

By the chain rule (Exercise 4.22)

() =

= ()

which implies (Example 4.21) that

() =

= for some

Evaluating at = 0 using 0 = 1 gives

(0) =

= for some

so that
() =


which implies that

+ =
4.41 If = , () = 1 and
() =


To show that this is the only function with constant elasticity, dene
() =


is dierentiable (Exercise 4.30) with derivative

() =

() ()1
() ()


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() =


() = ()
Substituting in (4.47)
() =

() ()
= 0 for every

Therefore, is a constant function (Exercise 4.38). That is, there exists such
() =

= or () =

4.42 Dene : by
(x) = (x) [x0 ](x)
is dierentiable with
[x] = [x] [x0 ]
Applying Corollary 4.1.1 to ,
(x1 ) (x2 )


x[x1 ,x2 ]

[x] x1 x2

for every x1 , x2 . Substituting for and

(x1 ) [x0 ](x1 ) (x2 ) + [x0 ](x2 ) = (x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 )


x[x1 ,x2 ]

[x] [x0 ] x1 x2

4.43 Since is continuous, there exists a neighborhood of x0 such that

[x] [x0 ] < for every x
and therefore for every x1 , x2

x[x1 ,x2 ]

[x] [x0 ] <

By the previous exercise (Exercise 4.42)

(x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 ) x1 x2
4.44 By the previous exercise (Exercise 4.43), there exists a neighborhood such that
(x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 ) x1 x2
The Triangle Inequality (Exercise 1.200) implies
(x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 ) (x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 ) x1 x2
and therefore
(x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 ) + x1 x2 [x0 ] + x1 x2

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4.45 Assume not. That is, assume that
y = (x1 ) (x2 ) conv

Then by the (strong) separating hyperplane theorem (Proposition 3.14) there exists a
linear functional on such that
(y) > (a)

for every a


() = ( (x1 ) (x2 )) = ( (x1 )) ( (x2 ))
is a functional on . By the mean value theorem (Theorem 4.1), there exists some
[x1 , x2 ] such that
x](x1 x2 ) = [
x](x x2 ) = ()
(x1 ) (x2 )) = ( )[
for some contradicting (4.44).
4.46 Dene : [, ] by

() = () () () () () ()

[, ] and is dierentiable on , ) with

() = () () () () () () = ()() ()() = ()
By Rolles theorem (Exercise 5.8), there exists (, ) such that
() = () () () () () () = 0
4.47 The hypothesis that lim ()/() exists contains two implicit assumptions, namely
and are dierentiable on a neighborhood of (except perhaps at )
() = 0 in this neighborhood (except perhaps at ).
Applying the Cauchy mean value theorem, for every , there exists some (, )
such that
( )
() ()
( )
() ()
and therefore
( )
= lim
= lim
( )

4.48 Let = 1 + 2 + + = 1. Then from (4.12)

1 log 1 + 2 log 2 + . . . log

log 1 +
log 2 + . . .

lim () =

and therefore
lim log (, x) =


log 1 +
log 2 + . . .

so that

lim (, x) = 1 2 . . .

which is homogeneous of degree one.


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4.49 Average cost is given by ()/ which is undened at = 0. We seek lim0 ()/.
opitals rule
= lim
0 1
= (0)

which is marginal cost at zero output.


1. Since lim ()/ () = k, for every > 0 there exists such that


 )  < /2 for every

For every > , there exists (Exercise 4.46)
(, ) such that
() ()
() ()
and therefore by (4.49)

 () ()

 < /2 for every >

 () ()

() ()
() ()

() ()
() ()
() () 1

() ()


For xed



and therefore there exists 2 such that



< 2 for every > 2

which implies that


 ()  < 2 2 for every > = max{1 , 2 }
4.51 We know that the result holds for = 1 (Exercise 4.22). Assume that the result
holds for 1. By the chain rule
( )[x] = [ (x)] [x]
If , , the , 1 and therefore (by assumption) ( ) 1 ,
which implies that .

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4.52 The partial derivatives of the quadratic function are
1 = 21 + 22
2 = 21 + 22
The second-order partial derivatives are
11 = 2

21 = 2

12 = 2

22 = 2

4.53 Apply Exercise 4.37 to each partial derivative [x].

(x0 ) =

11 [x0 ] 12 [x0 ]
21 [x0 ] 22 [x0 ]


4.56 For any 1 , dene : by
() = () + [](1 ) + 2 (1 )2
is dierentiable on with
() = [] [] + [](1 ) 22 (1 ) = [](1 ) 22 (1 )
Note that (1 ) = (1 ) and
(0 ) = (0 ) + (0 )(1 0 ) + 2 (1 0 )2


is a quadratic approximation for near 0 . If we require that this be exact at 1 = 0 ,

then (0 ) = (1 ) = (1 ). By the mean value theorem (Theorem 4.1), there exists
between 0 and 1 such that
(1 ) (0 ) = (
)(1 0 ) = (
)(1 0 ) 22 (1 ) = 0
which implies that
2 =


Setting = 1 0 in (4.50) gives the required result.

4.57 For any 1 , dene : by
() = () + [](1 ) + [](1 )2 + (3) [](1 )3 + . . .
1 ()

+ [](1 ) + +1 (1 )
is dierentiable on with
() = [] [] + [](1 ) [](1 ) + (3) [](1 )2 (3) [](1 0 )2 + . . .
1 (+1)

[](1 )
[](1 ) ( + 1)+1 (1 )
( 1)!
All but the last two terms cancel, so that
() = (+1) [](1 ) ( + 1)+1 (1 ) =


1 (+1)

[] ( + 1)+1 (1 )

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Note that (1 ) = (1 ) and

(0 ) = (0 ) + [0 ](1 0 ) + [0 ](1 0 )2 + (3) [0 ](1 0 )3 + . . .
+ (+1) [0 ](1 0 ) + +1 (1 0 )+1
is a polynomial approximation for near 0 . If we require that +1 be such that
(0 ) = (1 ) = (1 ), there exists (Theorem 4.1) some
between 0 and 1 such
)(1 0 ) = 0
(1 ) (0 ) = (
which for 1 = 0 implies that
) =

1 +1
] ( + 1)+1 = 0

+1 =

+1 [
( + 1)!

Setting = 1 0 in (4.51) gives the required result.

4.58 By Taylors theorem (Exercise 4.57), for every 0 , there exists
0 and such that
(0 + ) = (0 ) + [0 ] + [0 ]2 + ()
() =

1 (3)

= (3) [
] is bounded on [0, ] and therefore
Since 3 , (3) [

= lim (3) [
]() = 0
0 3!

4.59 The function : dened by

() = x0 + (1 )x
is with [] = x and () = 0 for = 2, 3, . . . . By Exercise 4.51, the
composite function = is +1 . By the Chain rule
() = [()] [] = [()](x)

() = [()](x)
= 2 [()] [](x x0 )
= 2 [()](x)(2)

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and for all 1 + 1

() () = (1) [()](x)(1)
= [()] [](x x0 )(1)
= [()](x)()

4.60 From Exercise 4.54, the Hessian of is


(x) = 2

and the gradient of is

(x) = (21 , 22 ) with (0, 0) = 0

so that the second order Taylor series at (0, 0) is

(x) = (0, 0) + (0, 0)x + 2x


= 21 + 21 2 + 22
Not surprisingly, we conclude that the best quadratic approximation of a quadratic
function is the function itself.

1. Since [x0 ] is continuous and one-to-one (Exercise 3.36), there exists a

constant such that
x1 x2 [x0 ](x1 x2 )


Let = /2. By Exercise 4.43, there exists a neighborhood such that

[x0 ](x1 x2 ) ( (x1 ) (x2 )) = (x1 ) (x2 ) [x0 ](x1 x2 ) x1 x2
for every x1 , x2 . The Triangle Inequality (Exercise 1.200) implies
[x0 ](x1 x2 ) ( (x1 ) (x2 )) x1 x2
Substituting (4.52)
2 x1 x2 ( (x1 ) (x2 )) x1 x2
That is
x1 x2 ( (x1 ) (x2 ))


and therefore
(x1 ) = (x2 ) = x1 = x2
2. Let = (). Since the restriction of to is one-to-one and onto, and therefore
there exists an inverse 1 : . For any y1 , y2 , let x1 = 1 (y1 ) and
x2 = 1 (y2 ). Substituting in (4.53)

 1 (y1 ) 1 (y2 ) y1 y2
so that

 (y1 ) 1 (y2 ) 1 y1 y2

1 is continuous.

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3. Since is open, = 1 () is open. Therefore, = () is a neighborhood of

(x0 ). Therefore, is locally onto.
4.62 Assume to the contrary that there exists x0 = x1 with (x0 ) = (x1 ). Let
x = x1 x0 . Dene : [0, 1] by () = (1 )x0 + x1 = x0 + x. Then
(0) = x0

(1) = x1

() = x

( (
() = x () (x0 )

(0) = 0 = (1)
By the mean value theorem (Mean value theorem), there exists 0 < < 1 such that
() and
() = x [()]x = x (())x = 0
which contradicts the deniteness of .
4.63 Substituting the linear functions in (4.35) and (4.35), the IS-LM model can be
expressed as
(1 ) = 0 + 0 +
+ = /
which can be rewritten in matrix form as
) (


where = 0 + 0 + . Provided the system is nonsingular, that is


 = 0

the system can be solved using Cramers rule (Exercise 3.103) to yield
(1 )/ ( )

( ) /

4.64 The kernel

kernel [(x0 , 0 )] = { (x, ) : [(x0 , 0 )](x, ) = 0 }
is the set of solutions to the equation
) (
) (
x (x0 , 0 )x + (x0 , 0 )
[x0 , 0 ]

Only = 0 satises this equation. Substituting = 0, the equation reduces to
x (x0 , 0 )x = 0
which has a unique solution x = 0 since x [x0 , 0 ] is nonsingular. Therefore the
kernel of [x0 , 0 ] consists of the single point (0, 0) which implies that [x0 , 0 ] is
nonsingular (Exercise 3.19).

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4.65 The IS curve is horizontal if its slope is zero, that is


This requires either

1. unit marginal propensity to consume ( = 1)
2. innite interest elasticity of investment ( = )
4.66 The LM curve = () is implicitly dened by the equation
(, ; , , ) = (, ) / = 0
the slope of which is given by


Economic considerations dictate that the numerator ( ) is positive while the denominator ( ) is negative. Preceded by a negative sign, the slope of the LM curve
is positive. The LM curve would be vertical (innite slope) if the interest elasticity of
the demand for money was zero ( = 0).
4.67 Suppose is convex. For any x, x0 let
() = x + (1 )x0 (x) + (1 ) (x0 )
for 0 < < 1. Subtracting (0) = (x0 )
() (0) (x) (x0 )
and therefore
(x) (x0 )

() (0)

Using Exercise 4.10

(x) (x0 ) lim

() (0)
x [x0 ] = [x0 ](x x0 )

Conversely, let x0 = x1 + (1 )x2 for any x1 , x2 . If satises (4.29) on , then

(x1 ) (x0 ) + [x0 ](x1 x0 )
(x2 ) (x0 ) + [x0 ](x2 x0 )
and therefore for any 0 1
(x1 ) (x0 + [x0 ](x1 x0 )
(1 ) (x2 ) (1 ) (x0 + (1 ) [x0 ](x2 x0 )
Adding and using the linearity of (Exercise 4.21)
(x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) (x0 ) + [x0 ](x1 + (1 )x2 x0 )
= (x0 ) = (x1 + (1 )x2 )
That is, is convex. If (4.29) is strict, so is (4.54).


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4.68 Since is convex, it has a subgradient (Exercise 3.181) such that

(x) (x0 ) + (x x0 ) for every x
(4.31) implies that is also a subgradient of on
(x) (0 ) + (x x0 ) for every x
Since is dierentiable, this implies that is unique (Remark 4.14) and equal to the
derivative of . Hence is dierentiable at x0 with [x0 ] = [x0 ].
4.69 Assume is convex. For every x, x0 , Exercise 4.67 implies
(x) (x0 ) + (x0 ) x x0
(x0 ) (x) + (x) x0 x
(x) + (x0 ) (x) + (x0 ) + (x) x0 x + (x0 ) x x0
(x) x x0 (x0 ) x x0
and therefore
(x) (x0 ) x x0 0
When is strictly convex, the inequalities are strict.
Conversely, assume (4.32). By the mean value theorem (Theorem 4.1), there exists
(x, x0 ) such that
x) x x0
(x) (x0 ) = (
By assumption
x0 0
x) (x0 ) x
x0 = x0 + (1 )x x0 = (1 )(x x0 )
and therefore
(1 ) (
x) (x0 ) x x0 0
so that
x) x x0 (x0 ) x x0 0
and therefore
(x) (x0 ) = (
x) x x0 (x0 ) x x0
Therefore is convex by Exercise 4.67.

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4.70 For , () = () and (4.32) becomes
( (2 ) (1 )(2 1 ) 0
for every 1 , 2 . This is equivalent to
(2 )(2 1 ) (1 )(2 1 )0
2 > 1 = (2 ) (1 )
is strictly convex if and only if the inequalities are strict.

4.71 is increasing if and only if = 0 (Exercise 4.35). is strictly increasing

if = > 0 (Exercise 4.36).
4.72 Adapting the previous example

= 0
() = ( 1) 2 = 0


if = 1
if = 2, 4, 6,

Therefore, the power function is convex if is even, and neither convex if 3 is odd.
It is both convex and concave when = 1.
4.73 Assume is quasiconcave, and (x) (x0 ). Dierentiability at x0 implies for
all 0 < < 1
(x0 + (x x0 ) = (x0 ) + (x0 )(x x0 ) + () (x x0 )
where () 0 and 0. Quasiconcavity implies
(x0 + (x x0 ) (x0 )
and therefore
(x0 )(x x0 ) + () (x x0 ) 0
Dividing by and letting 0, we get
(x0 )(x x0 ) 0
Conversely, assume is a dierentiable functional satisfying (4.36). For any x1 , x2
with (x1 ) (x2 for every x, x0 ), dene : [0, 1] by
() = (1 )x1 + x2 = x1 + (x2 x1 )
We need to show that () (1) for every (0, 1). Suppose to the contrary that
(1 ) < (1). Then (see below) there exists 0 with (0 ) < (1) and (0 ) < 0. By
the Chain Rule, this implies
(0 ) = (x0 )(x2 x1 ) < 0
critical where x0 = x1 + (x2 x1 ). Since x2 x0 = (1 )(x2 x1 ) this implies that
(0 ) =

(x0 )(x2 x0 )


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On the other hand, since (x0 ) (x2 ), (4.36) implies

(x0 )(x2 x0 ) 0
contradicting (4.55).
To show that there exists 0 with (0 ) < (1) and (0 ) < 0: Since is continuous,
there exists an open interval (, ) with < 1 < with () = () = (1) and
() < (1) for every (, ). By the Mean Value Theorem, there exist 0 (, 1 )
such that
0 < (1 ) () = (0 )(1 )
which implies that (0 ) > 0.
4.74 Suppose to the contrary that
(x) > (x0 ) and (x0 )(x x0 ) 0
critical Let x1 = (x0 ) = 0. For every +
(x0 )(x + x1 x0 ) = (x0 )x1 + (x0 )(x x0 )
(x0 )x1

= (x0 ) < 0
Since is continuous, there exists > 0 such that
(x + x1 ) > (x0 ) and (x0 )(x + x1 x0 ) < 0
contradicting the quasiconcavity of (4.36).
4.75 Suppose
(x) < (x0 ) = (x0 )(x x0 ) < 0
This implies that
(x) > (x0 ) = (x0 )(x x0 ) > 0
and is pseudoconcave.

1. If [] is concave (and dierentiable)

(x) (x0 ) + (x0 ) (x x0 )
for every x, x0 (equation 4.30). Therefore
(x) > (x0 ) = (x0 ) (x x0 ) > 0
is pseudoconcave.

2. Assume to the contrary that is pseudoconcave but not quasiconcave. Then,

= x1 + (1 )x2 , x1 , x2 such that
there exists x
x) < min{ (x1 ), (x2 )}
Assume without loss of generality that
x) < (x1 ) (x2 )


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Pseudoconcavity (4.38) implies

) > 0
x)(x2 x


x (1 )x2 )/
Since x1 = (
x1 x

(1 )x2
(x2 x
x =

Substituting in (4.57) gives

) < 0
x)(x1 x
which by pseudoconcavity implies (x1 ) (
x) contradicting our assumption
(4.56) .
3. Exercise 4.74.
4.77 The CES function is quasiconcave provided 1 (Exercise 3.58). Since (x) >
0 for all x + +, the CES function with 1 is pseudoconcave on ++ .
4.78 Assume that : is homogeneous of degree , so that for every x
(x) = (x) for every > 0
Dierentiating both sides of this identity with respect to
(x) = (x)
and dividing by > 0
(x) = 1 (x)
4.79 If is homogeneous of degree
x (x) = lim (x + x) (x)

((1 + )x) (x)

= lim

(1 + ) (x) (x)
= lim

(1 + ) 1
= lim

Applying LHopitals Rule (Exercise 4.47)

(1 + )1
(1 + )1
(x) = lim


and therefore
x (x) = (x)


4.80 For xed x, dene

() = (x)
By the Chain Rule
() = [x](x) = (x) = ()


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using(4.40). Dierentiating the product ()

() = ()1 + () = () () = 0
from (4.59). Since this holds for every , () must be constant (Exercise 4.38), that
is there exists such that
() = = () =
Evaluating at = 1, (1) = and therefore
() = (1)
Since () = (x) and (1) = (x), this implies
(x) = (x) for every x and > 0
is homogeneous of degree .
4.81 If is linearly homogeneous and quasiconcave, then is concave (Proposition
3.12). Therefore, its Hessian is nonpositive denite (Proposition 4.1). and its diagonal
elements 2 (x) are nonpositive (Exercise 3.95). By Wicksells law, 2 (x) is
4.82 Assume is homogeneous of degree , that is
(x) = (x) for every x and > 0
By Eulers theorem
[x](x) = (x)
and therefore the elasticity of scale is

(x) =
(x) =


Conversely, assume that

(x) =

that is
(x) = (x)
By Eulers theorem, is homogeneous of degree .
4.83 Assume () is dierentiable and homogeneous of degree = 0. By Eulers
[x](x) = (x) = 0
for every x such that (x) = 0.
4.84 satises Eulers theorem
(x) =




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Dierentiating with respect to

(x) =

(x) + (x)


( 1) (x) =


= 1, 2, . . . ,


Multiplying each equation by and summing

( 1)

(x) =


(x) = x x

=1 =1

By Eulers theorem, the left hand side is

( 1) (x) = x x
4.85 If is homothetic, there exists strictly increasing and linearly homogeneous
such that = (Exercise 3.175). Using the Chain Rule and Exercise 4.78
(x) = ( (x)) (x) = ( (x)) (x)
and therefore
( (x)) (x)
( (x)) (x)

( (x) (x)
( (x)) (x)


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Chapter 5: Optimization
5.1 As stated, this problem has no optimal solution. Revenue () increases without
bound as the rate of exploitation gets smaller and smaller. Given any positive exploitation rate 0 , a smaller rate will increase total revenue. Nonexistence arises from
inadequacy in modeling the island leaders problem. For example, the model ignores
any costs of extraction and sale. Realistically, we would expect per-unit costs to decrease with volume (increasing returns to scale) at least over lower outputs. Extraction
and transaction costs should make vanishingly small rates of output prohibitively expensive and encourage faster utilization. Secondly, even if the government weights
future generations equally with the current generation, it would be rational to value
current revenue more highly than future revenue and discount future returns. Discounting is appropriate for two reasons
Current revenues can be invested to provide a future return. There is an opportunity cost (the interest foregone) to delaying extraction and sale.
Innovation may create substitutes which reduce the future demand for the fertilizer. If the government is risk averse, it has an incentive to accelerate exploitation,
trading-o of lower total return against reduced risk.
5.2 Suppose that x is a local optimum which is not a global optimum. That is, there
exists a neighborhood of x such that
(x , ) (x, ) for every x ()
and also another point x () such that
(x , ) > (x , )
Since () is convex, there exists (0, 1) such that
x + (1 )x ()
By concavity of
(x + (1 )x , ) (x , ) + (1 ) (x , ) > (x , )
contradicting the assumption that x is a local optimum.
5.3 Suppose that x is a local optimum which is not a global optimum. That is, there
exists a neighborhood of x such that
(x , ) (x, ) for every x ()
and also another point x () such that
(x , ) > (x , )
Since () is convex, there exists (0, 1) such that
x + (1 )x ()


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By strict quasiconcavity of
(x + (1 )x , ) > min{ (x , ), (x , ) } > (x , )
contradicting the assumption that x is a local optimum. Therefore, if x is local
optimum, it must be a global optimum.
Now suppose that x is a weak global optimum, that is
(x , ) (x, ) for every x
but there another point x such that
(x , ) = (x , )
Since () is convex, there exists (0, 1) such that
x + (1 )x ()
By strict quasiconcavity of
(x + (1 )x , ) > min{ (x , ), (x , ) } = (x , )
contradicting the assumption that x is a global optimum. We conclude that every
optimum is a strict global optimum and hence unique.
5.4 Suppose that x is a local optimum of (5.3) in , so that
(x ) (x)


for every x in a neighborhood of x . If is dierentiable,

(x) = (x ) + [x ](x x ) + (x) x x
where (x) 0 as x x . (5.80) implies that there exists a ball (x ) such that
[x ](x x ) + (x) x x 0
for every x (x ). Letting x x , we conclude that
[x ](x x ) 0
for every x (x ).
Suppose there exists x (x ) such that
[x ](x x ) = < 0
Let dx = x x so that x = x + dx. Then x dx (x ). Since [x ] is linear,
[x ](dx) = [x ](dx) = > 0
contradicting (5.80). Therefore
[x ](x x ) = 0
for every x (x ).


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5.5 We apply the reasoning of Example 5.5 to each component. Formally, for each ,
let be the projection of along the axis
( ) = (1 , 2 , . . . , 1 , , +1 , . . . , )
maximizes ( ) over + , for which it is necessary that
( ) 0

( ) = 0

( ) = [x ]
[x ] 0

[x ] = 0

5.6 By Taylors Theorem (Example 4.33)

(x + dx) = (x ) + (x )dx + dx (x )dx + (dx) dx
with (dx) 0 as dx 0. Given
1. (x ) = 0 and
2. (x ) is negative denite
and letting dx 0, we conclude that
(x + dx) < (x )
for small dx. x is a strict local maximum.
5.7 If x is a local minimum of (x), it is necessary that
(x ) (x)
for every x in a neighborhood of x . Assuming that is 2 , (x) can be approximated by
(x) (x ) + (x )dx + dx (x )dx
where dx = x x . If x is a local minimum, then there exists a ball (x ) such that
(x ) (x ) + (x )dx + dx (x )dx
(x )dx + dx (x )dx 0
for every dx (x ). To satisfy this inequality for all small dx requires that the
rst term be zero and the second term nonnegative. In other words, for a point x to
be a local minimum of a function , it is necessary that the gradient be zero and the
Hessian be nonnegative denite at x . Furthermore, by Taylors Theorem
(x + dx) = (x ) + (x )dx + dx (x )dx + (dx) dx
with (dx) 0 as dx 0. Given

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Figure 5.1: The strictly concave function (1 , 2 ) = 1 2 + 32 21 22 has a unique

global maximum.
1. (x ) = 0 and
2. (x ) is positive denite
and letting dx 0, we conclude that
(x + dx) > (x )
for small dx. x is a strict local minimum.
5.8 By the Weierstrass theorem (Theorem 2.2), has a maximum and a minimum
on [, ]. Either
(, ) and ( ) = 0 (Theorem 5.1) or
(, ) and ( ) = 0 (Exercise 5.7) or
Both maxima and minima are boundary points, that is , {, } which
implies that is constant on [, ] and therefore () = 0 for every (, )
(Exercise 4.7).
5.9 The rst-order conditions for a maximum are
1 (1 , 2 ) = 2 21 = 0
2 (1 , 2 ) = 1 + 3 22 = 0
which have the unique solution 1 = 1, 2 = 2. (1, 2) is the only stationary point of
and hence the only possible candidate for a maximum. To verify that (1, 2) satises
the second-order condition for a maximum, we compute the Hessian of
(x) =
1 2
which is negative denite everywhere. Therefore (1, 2) is a strict local maximum of .
Further, since is strictly concave (Proposition 4.1), we conclude that (1, 2) is a strict
global maximum of (Exercise 5.2), where it attains its maximum value (1, 2) = 3
(Figure 5.1).

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5.10 The rst-order conditions for a maximum (or minimum) are

1 () = 21 = 0
2 () = 22 = 0
which have a unique solution 1 = 2 = 0. This is the only stationary point of . Since
the Hessian of
2 0
0 2
is positive denite, we deduce (0, 0) is a strict global minimum of (Proposition 4.1,
Exercise 5.2).
5.11 The average rms prot function is
(, ) =
and the rms prot maximization problem is
max (, ) = 1/6 1/3
A necessary condition for a prot maximum is that the prot function be stationary,
that is
1 5/6 1/3 1

1 1/6 2/3
(, ) =

(, ) =

which can be solved to yield



The rms output is


1 1/6 1 1/3
9 9

and its prot is

1 11 1 1
1 1
( , ) =
3 3
3 29 9 6
5.12 By the Chain Rule
x ( )[x ] = x [x ] = 0
Since > 0
x ( )[ ] = 0 x [x ] = 0
has the same stationary points as .


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5.13 Since the log function is monotonic, nding the maximum likelihood estimators is
equivalent to solving the maximization problem ( Exercise 5.12)
max log (, ) =

log 2 log 2
( )2
2 =1

For (
2 ) to solve this problem, it is necessary that log be stationary at (
2 ),
that is
2) =
log (

) = 0

2 =1

log (
2) =

+ 3
)2 = 0


which can be solved to yield


2 =



5.14 The gradient of the objective function is

2(1 1)
(x) =
2(2 1)
while that of the constraint is

(x) =


A necessary condition for the optimal solution is that these be proportional that is
2(1 1)
() =
= (x)
2(2 1)
which can be solved to yield
1 = 2 =


which includes an unknown constant of proportionality . However, any solution must

also satisfy the constraint
(1 , 2 ) = 2
This can be solved for


and substituted into (5.80)

1 = 2 =

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5.15 The consumers problem is
max (x) = 1 + log 2

subject to (x) = 1 + 2 2 = 0
The rst-order conditions for a (local) optimum are
1 (x ) = 1 = 1 ( )

1 0

2 = 2 ( )
2 (x ) =

2 0


1 (1 ) = 0



We can distinguish two cases:

Case 1 1 = 0 in which case the budget constraint implies that 2 = /2 .
Case 2 1 > 0 In this case, (5.81) implies that = 1. Consequently, the rst inequality of (5.82) implies that 2 > 0 and therefore the last equation implies 2 = /2
with 1 = .
We deduce that the consumer rst spends portion of her income on good 2 and the
remainder on good 1.
5.16 Suppose without loss of generality that the rst components of y are strictly
positive while the remaining components are zero. That is
> 0
= 0

= 1, 2, . . . ,
= + 1, + 2, . . . ,

(x , y ) solves the problem

max (x)
subject to g(x) = 0
= + 1, + 2, . . . ,
= 0
By Theorem 5.2, there exist multipliers 1 , 2 , . . . , and +1 , +2 , . . . , such that
x [x , y ] =
y [x , y ] =


x [x , y ]
y [x , y ] +



Furthermore, 0 for every so that

y [x , y ]

y [x , y ]


[x , y ] =

[x , y ] if > 0


5.17 Assume that x = (1 , 2 ) solves

max (1 , 2 )

1 ,2


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subject to
(1 , 2 ) = 0
By the implicit function theorem, there exists a function : such that
1 = (2 )


((2 ), 2 ) = 0
for 2 in a neighborhood of 2 . Furthermore
[2 ] =

1 [x ]
2 [x ]


Using (5.41), we can convert the original problem into the unconstrained maximization
of a function of a single variable
max ((2 ), 2 )

If 2 maximizes this function, it must satisfy the rst-order condition (applying the
Chain Rule)
1 [] [2 ] + 2 [x ] = 0
Substituting (5.42) yields
1 [x ]
1 []
+ 2 [x ] = 0
2 [x ]
1 []
1 [x ]
2 [x ]
2 [x ]
5.18 The consumers problem is
max (x)

subject to p x =
Solving for 1 from the budget constraint yields

1 =
Substituting this in the utility function, the aordable utility levels are

, 2 , 3 , . . . ,

(2 , 3 , . . . , ) =


and the consumers problem is to choose (2 , 3 , . . . , ) to maximize (5.85). The

rst-order conditions are that
(2 , 3 , . . . , ) be stationary, that is for every good
= 2, 3, . . . ,


(2 , 3 , . . . , ) = 1 (x )
+ (x ) = 0

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which reduces to
1 (x )(

) + (x ) = 0

1 (x )

(x )

= 2, 3, . . . ,

This is the familiar equality between the marginal rate of substitution and the price
ratio (Example 5.15). Since our selection of 1 was arbitrary, this applies between any
two goods.
5.19 Adapt Exercise 5.6.
5.20 Corollary 5.1.2 implies that x is a global maximum of (x, ), that is
(x , ) (x, ) for every x
which implies
(x )

(x ) (x)

(x) for every x

Since g(x ) = 0 this implies

(x ) (x)

(x) for every x

A fortiori
(x ) (x) for every x = { x : g(x) = 0 }
5.21 Suppose that x is a local maximum of on . That is, there exists a neighborhood
such that
(x ) (x) for every x
But for every x , (x) = 0 for every and

(x) = (x) +
(x) = (x)
and therefore
(x ) (x) for every x
5.22 The area of the base is
Base = 2 = /3
and the four sides
Sides = 4

3 12

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5.23 Let the dimensions of the vat be . We wish to

min Surface area = = + 2 + 2


subject to = 32
The Lagrangean is
(, , , ) = + 2 + 2 .
The rst-order conditions for a maximum are
= + 2 = 0


= + 2 = 0


= 2 + 2 = 0
= 32


Subtracting (5.45) from (5.44)

= ( )
This equation has two possible solutions. Either

or =

But if = 1/, (5.44) implies that = 0 and the volume is zero. Therefore, we conclude
that = . Substituting = in (5.45) and (5.46) gives
+ 2 =
4 = 2
from which we deduce that

Substituting in (5.45)
+ 2 =

= 4

which implies that

= 2 or =

To achieve the required volume of 32 cubic metres requires that

= = 32
so that the dimensions of the vat are



The area of sheet metal required is

= + 2 + 2 = 48

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5.24 The Lagrangean for this problem is

(x, ) = 21 + 22 + 23 (21 32 + 53 19)

A necessary condition for x to solve the problem is that the Lagrangean be stationary
at x , that is
1 = 21 2 = 0
2 = 22 + 3 = 0
3 = 23 5 = 0

which implies
2 =

1 =

2 =


It is also necessary that the solution satisfy the constraint, that is

21 32 + 53 = 19
Substituting (5.89) into the constraint we get
2 + + = 19 = 19
which implies = 1. Substituting in (5.89), the solution is x = (1, 32 , 52 ). Since the
constraint is ane and the objective ( ) is concave, stationarity of the Lagrangean
is also sucient for global optimum (Corollary 5.2.4).
5.25 The Lagrangean is
(1 , 2 , ) =
(1 1 + 2 2 )
1 2

The Lagrangean is stationary where

1 = 1
1 = 0
2 = 1
2 = 0
1 2

Therefore the rst-order conditions for a maximum are


= 1



1 2


= 2
1 1 + 2 2

Dividing (5.48) by (5.49) gives



1 2

= 1 2

which simplies to
(1 )1


2 2 =

(1 )
1 1

Substituting in the budget constraint (5.50)

(1 )
1 1 =

+ (1 )
1 1 =

1 1 +



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so that
1 =

+ (1 ) 1

From the budget constraint (5.92)

2 =

(1 )
+ (1 ) 2

5.26 The Lagrangean is

1 2
(x, ) =
1 2 . . . (1 1 + 2 2 + ... + )

The rst-order conditions for a maximum are

1 2

. . .
1 2 . . .

= 0


= 1, 2, . . . ,

Summing over all goods and using the budget constraint





= , this implies


Substituting in (5.93)


= 1, 2, . . . ,

5.27 The Lagrangean is

(x, ) = 1 1 + 2 2 (1 + 2 ).
The necessary conditions for stationarity are
1 (x, ) = 1 1
2 (x, ) = 2 1
1 = 1
2 = 1



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which reduce to
= 11

2 1
2 =

1 1

( ) 1
2 =
Substituting in the production constraint

2 1
1 =
( ) 1
1 =

we can solve 1


1 =



) 1

) 1

2 =



) 1

5.28 Example 5.27 is awed. The optimum of the constrained maximization problem
( = /2) is in fact a saddle point of the Lagrangean. It maximizes the Lagrangean in
the feasible set, but not globally.
The net benet approach to the Lagrange multiplier method is really only applicable
when the Lagrangean (net benet function) is concave, so that every stationary point
is a global maximum. This requirement is satised in many standard examples, such
as the consumers problem (Example 5.21) and cost minimization (Example 5.28). It
is also met in Example 5.29. The requirement of concavity is not recognized in the
text, and Section 5.3.6 should be amended accordingly.
5.29 The Lagrangean
(x, ) =

( ) +




can be rewritten as
(x, ) =

( ) +



The th term in the sum is the net prot of plant if its output is valued at . Therefore,
if the company undertakes to buy electricity from its plants at the price and instructs
each plant manager to produce so as to maximize the plants net prot, each manager

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will be induced to choose an output level which maximizes the prot of the company
as a whole. This is the case whether the price is the market price at which the
company can buy electricity from external suppliers or the shadow price determined
by the need to satisfy the total demand . In this way, the shadow price can be used
to decentralize the production decision.
5.30 The Lagrangean for this problem is
(1 , 2 , 1 , 2 ) = 1 2 1 (21 + 222 3) 2 (221 + 22 3)
The rst-order conditions for stationarity
1 = 2 21 1 42 1 = 0
2 = 1 41 2 22 2 = 0
can be written as
2 = 2(1 + 22 )1


1 = 2(21 + 2 )2


which must be satised along with the complementary slackness conditions

21 + 222 3 0

1 0

1 (21 + 222 3) = 0

221 + 22 3 0

2 0

2 (221 + 22 3) = 0

First suppose that both constraints are slack so that 1 = 2 = 0. Then the rst-order
conditions (5.96) and (5.97) imply that 1 = 2 = 0. (0, 0) satises the Kuhn-Tucker
conditions. Next suppose that the rst constraint is binding while the second constraint
have two solutions,
is slack
(2 = 0). The rst-order
and (5.97)
conditions (5.96)

1 = 3/2, 2 = 3/2, = 1/(2 2) and 1 = 3/2, 2 = 3/2, = 1/(2 2),

but these violate the second constraint. Similarly, there is no solution in which the rst
constraint is slack and the second constraint binding. Finally, assume that the both
constraints are binding. This implies that 1 = 2 = 1 or 1 = 2 = 1, which points
satisfy the rst-order conditions (5.96) and (5.97) with 1 = 2 = 1/6.
We conclude that three points satisfy the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, namely (0, 0), (1, 1)
and (1, 1). Noting the objective function, we observe that (0, 0) in fact minimizes
the objective. We conclude that there are two local maxima, (1, 1) and (1, 1), both
of which achieve the same level of the objective function.
5.31 Dividing the rst-order conditions, we obtain

( )
(, )
(, )

(1 )
Using the revenue function
(, ) = ( (, )) (, )
the marginal revenue products of capital and labor are
(, ) = () (, )
(, ) = () (, )
so that their ratio is equal to the ratio of the marginal products
(, )
(, )
(, )

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The necessary condition for optimality can be expressed as

(, )
(, )

whereas the necessary condition for cost minimization is (Example 5.16)
(, )

(, )

The regulated rm does not use the cost-minimizing combination of inputs.

5.32 The general constrained optimization problem
max (x)

subject to g(x) 0
can be transformed into an equivalent equality constrained problem
max (x)

subject to g(x) + s = 0 and s 0

(x, s) = g(x) + s, the
through the addition of nonnegative slack variables s. Letting g
rst-order conditions a local optimum are (Exercise 5.16)

x (x ) =
x (x , s ) =
x (x )

s (x, s) =
0 = s (x )
s = 0



Condition (5.98) implies that 0 for every . Furthermore, rewriting the constraint
s = g(x)
the complementary slackness condition (5.99) becomes
g(x) = 0

g(x) 0

This establishes the necessary conditions of Theorem 5.3.

5.33 The equality constrained maximization problem
max (x)

subject to g(x) = 0
is equivalent to the problem
max (x)

subject to g(x) 0
g(x) 0
By the Kuhn-Tucker theorem (Theorem 5.3), there exists nonnegative multipliers

1 , 2 , . . . , and 1 , 2 , . . . , such that

(x ) =

[x ]
[x ] = 0

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(x) = 0 and (x) = 0

= 1, 2, . . . ,

Dening = +
, (5.100) can be written as

(x ) =

[x ]

which is the rst-order condition for an equality constrained problem. Furthermore, if

x satises the inequality constraints
(x ) 0 and (x ) 0
it satises the equality
(x ) = 0
5.34 Suppose that x solves the problem
max c x subject to x 0

with Lagrangean
= c x x
Then there exists 0 such that
x = c = 0
that is, = c. Conversely, if there is no solution, there exists x such that x 0
c x > c 0 = 0
5.35 There are two binding constraints at (4, 0), namely
(1 , 2 ) = 1 + 2 4
(1 , 2 ) = 2 0
with gradients
(4, 0) = (1, 1)
(4, 0) = (0, 1)
which are linearly independent. Therefore the binding constraints are regular at (0, 4).
5.36 The Lagrangean for this problem is
(x, ) = (x) (p x )
and the rst-order (Kuhn-Tucker) conditions are (Corollary 5.3.2)
[x , ] = [x ] 0

p x

x 0

( [x ] ) = 0

(p x ) = 0

for every good = 1, 2, . . . , . Two cases must be distinguished.



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Case 1 > 0 This implies that p x = , the consumer spends all her income.
Condition (5.101) implies
[x ] for every with [x ] = for every for which > 0
This case was analyzed in Example 5.17.
Case 2 = 0 This allows the possibility that the consumer does not spend all her
income. Substituting = 0 in (5.101) we have [x ] = 0 for every . At the
optimal consumption bundle x , the marginal utility of every good is zero. The
consumer is satiated, that is no additional consumption can increase satisfaction.
This case was analyzed in Example 5.31.
In summary, at the optimal consumption bundle x , either
the consumer is satiated ( [x ] = 0 for every ) or
the consumer consumes only those goods whose marginal utility exceeds the
threshold [x ] and adjusts consumption so that the marginal
utility is proportional to price for all consumed goods.
5.37 Assume x (x ). Then there exists
such that x + x for every
0 .
Dene ([0,
]) by () = (x + x). If x is a local maximum,
has a local maximum at 0, and therefore (0) 0 (Theorem 5.1). By the chain rule
(Exercise 4.22), this implies
(0) = [x ](x) 0
and therefore x
/ + (x ).
5.38 If x is a tangent vector, so is x for any nonnegative (replace 1/ by / in
the preceding denition. Also, trivially, x = 0 is a tangent vector (with x = x and
= 1 for all ). The set of all vectors tangent to at x is therefore a nonempty
cone, which is called the cone of tangents to at x .
To show that is closed, let x be a sequence in converging to some x . We
need to show that x . Since x , there exist feasible points x and
such that
(x x )/ x as
For any choose such that
x x

and then choose such that

x x and (x x )/ x

Relabeling x as x and as we have we have constructed a sequence x in

S such that

x x 


(x x )/ x (x x )/ x  + x x 1

Letting , x converges to x and (x x )/ converges to x, which proves

that x as required.

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5.39 Assume x (x ). That is, there exists

such that x + x for every
]. For = 1, 2, . . . , let =
/. Then x = x + x , x x and

(x x )/ = (x + x x )/ = x. Therefore, x (x ).
5.40 Let dx (x ). Then there exists a feasible sequence {x } converging to x and a
sequence { } of nonnegative scalars such that the sequence {(x x )/ } converges
to dx. For any (x ), (x ) = 0 and

(x ) = [x ](x x ) + x x 
where 0 as k . This implies

(x ) = [x ](x x ) + (x x )/ 

Since x is feasible
(x ) 0

and therefore

[x ]((x x )/ ) + (x x )/  0
Letting we conclude that
[x ](dx) 0
That is, dx .
5.41 0 1 by denition. Assume dx 1 . That is
[x ](dx) < 0

[x ](dx) 0

for every (x )

for every (x )


where (x ) = (x ) (x ) is the set of concave binding constraints at x . By

concavity (Exercise 4.67), (5.104) implies that
(x + dx) (x ) = 0 for every 0 and (x )
From (5.103) there exists some such that
(x + dx) < 0 for every [0, ] and (x )
Furthermore, since (x ) < 0 for all (x ), there exists some > 0 such that
(x + dx) < 0 for every [0, ] and (x )
= min{ , } we have
(x + dx) 0 for every [0,
] and = 1, 2, . . . ,
x + dx = { x : (x) 0, = 1, 2, . . . , } for every [0,
Therefore dx . We have previously shown (Exercises 5.39 and 5.40) that

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5.42 Assume that g satises the Quasiconvex CQ condition at x . That is, for every
such that (
(x ), is quasiconvex, (x ) = 0 and there exists x
x) < 0.
x . Quasiconvexity and regularity implies that
Consider the perturbation dx = x
for every binding constraint (x ) (Exercises 4.74 and 4.75)
x) < (x ) = (x ) (
x x ) = (x ) dx < 0
That is
[x ](dx) < 0
Therefore, dx 0 (x ) = and g satises the Cottle constraint qualication condition.
5.43 If the binding constraints (x ) are regular at x , their gradients are linearly
independent. That is, there exists no = 0, (x ) such that

[x ] = 0
(x )

By Gordans theorem (Exercise 3.239), there exists dx such that

[x ] dx < 0 for every (x )
Therefore dx 0 (x ) = .
5.44 If concave, (x ) = , and AHUCQ is trivially satised (with dx = 0 1 ).
For every , let
= { dx : [x ](dx) < 0 }

1 (x ) =

(x )

(x )

where (x ) and (x ) are respectively the concave and nonconcave constraints

binding at x . If satises the AHUCQ condition, 1 (x ) = and Exercise 1.219
implies that

1 =

(x )

(x )

= { dx : [x ](dx) 0 }
and therefore

1 =

(x )

Since (Exercise 5.41)

and is closed (Exercise 5.38), we have
= 1
which implies that = .

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5.45 For each = 1, 2, . . . , , either

(x ) < 0 which implies that = 0 and therefore [x ](x x ) = 0

(x ) = 0 Since is quasiconvex and (x) 0 = (x ), Exercise 4.73 implies that

[x ](x x ) 0. Since 0, this implies that [x ](x x ) 0.
We have shown that for every , [x ](x x ) 0. The rst-order condition
implies that

[x ](x x ) 0
[x ](x x ) =

(x )

(x )

x 0

(x ) (x ) x = 0

The rst-order conditions imply that for every x , x 0 and


(x ) (x ) x 0

and therefore
(x ) (x ) (x x ) 0
(x ) (x x )

(x ) (x x ) 0

5.46 Assuming = = 0, the constraints become

2 30
2 25
The rst and third conditions are redundant, which implies that = = 0. Complementary slackness requires that, if > 0,
= 1 2 2 = 0
or = 12 . Evaluating the Lagrangean at (0, 1/2, 0) yields
( (
= 3 + + 3
x, 0, , 0
( + 2 + 3 25)
25 5
+ +
This basic feasible solution is clearly not optimal, since prot would be increased by
increasing either or .


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Following the hint, we allow > 0, retaining the assumption that = 0. We must
be alert to the possibility that = 0. With = 0, the constraints become
2 + 30
2 + 3 25
+ 20
The rst constraint is redundant, which implies that = 0. If > 0, complementary
slackness requires that
= 3 3 = 0
= 3(1 )


The requirement that 0 implies that 1. Substituting (5.105) in the second

rst-order condition
= 1 2 = 1 2 3(1 ) = 2 +
implies that
= 2 + < 0

for every 1

Complementary slackness then requires implies that = 0.

The constraints now become
3 25
The rst and third are redundant, so that and = 0. Equation (5.105) implies
that = 1.
Evaluating the Lagrangean at this point ( = 0, 1, 0), we have
(, (0, 1, 0)) = 3 + + 3
( + 2 + 3 25)
= 25 + 2
Clearly this is not an optimal solution, An increase in is indicated. This leads us
to the hypothesis > 0, > 0, = 0 which was evaluated in the text, and in fact
lead to the optimal solution.
5.47 If we ignore the hint and consider solutions with > 0, 0, = 0, the
constraints become
2 + 2 30
+ 2 25
2 + 20
These three constraints are linearly dependent, so that any one of them is redundant
and can be eliminated. For example, 3/2 times the rst constraint is equal to the sum of

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the second and third constraints. The feasible solution = 0, = 5, = 10, where
the constraints are linearly dependent, is known as a degenerate solution. Degeneracy
is a signicant feature of linear programming, allowing the theoretical possibility of a
breakdown in the simplex algorithm. Fortunately, such breakdown seems very rare in
practice. Degeneracy at the optimal solution indicates multiple optima.
One way to proceed in this example is to arbitrarily designate one constraint as redundant, assuming the corresponding multiplier is zero. Arbitrarily choosing = 0 and
proceeding as before, complementary slackness ( > 0) requires that
= 3 2 = 0
= 3 2


Nonnegativity of implies that 32 .

Substituting (5.106) in the second rst-order condition yields
= 1 2 2
= 1 2 2(3 2 )
= 5 + 2 < 0 for every


Complementary slackness therefore implies that = 0, which takes us back to the

starting point of the presentation in the text, where > 0, = = 0.
5.48 Assume that (c1 , 1 ) and (c2 , 2 ) belong to . That is

c1 0
c2 0
For any (0, 1),

= 1 + (1 )2

c = c1 + (1 )c2 0

and therefore (
c, ) . This shows that is convex. Let 1 = (1, 1, . . . , 1) .
Then (c 1, + 1) int = . There has a nonempty interior.
5.49 Let (c, ) int . This implies that c < 0 and > . Since is monotone
(c) (0) = z <
which implies that (c, )
/ .
5.50 The linear functional can be decomposed into separate components, so that
there exists (Exercise 3.47) and such that
(c, ) = (c)
Assuming , there exists (Proposition 3.4) such that (c) = c and
(c, ) = c
The point (0, + 1) belongs to . Therefore, by (5.75),
(0, ) (0, + 1)

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

which implies that
0 ( + 1) 0

or 0. Similarly, let { e1 , e2 , . . . , e } denote the standard basis for (Example

1.79). For any = 1, 2, . . . , , the point (0 e , ) (which corresponds to decreasing
resource by one unit) belongs to and therefore (from (5.75))
(0 e ) = + 0 =
which implies that 0.
5.51 Let
c = (
x) < 0 and = (
Suppose = 0. Then, since is nonzero, at least one component of must be nonzero.
That is, 0 and therefore
< 0


But (
c, ) and (5.74) implies

c 0
and therefore = 0 implies
contradicting (5.107). Therefore, we conclude that > 0.
5.52 The utilitys optimization problem is
max (, ) =

, 0


( ( ) ) 0

subject to (y, ) = 0

= 1, 2, . . . ,

The demand independence assumption ensures that the objective function is concave,
since its Hessian

1 0 . . .
2 . . . 0 0

is nonpositive denite (Exercise 3.96). The constraints are linear and hence convex.
Moreover, there exists a point (0, 1) such that for every = 1, 2, . . . ,
(0, 1) = 0 1 < 0
Therefore the problem satises the conditions of Theorem 5.6. The optimal solution
(y , ) satises the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, that is there exist multipliers 1 , 2 , . . . ,
such that for every period = 1, 2, . . . ,
= ( ) 0

( ( ) ) = 0

( ) = 0



c 2001 Michael Carter

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

and that capacity be chosen such that
= 0






where is the Lagrangean

(, , ) =


( ( ) ) 0

( )


In o-peak periods ( < ), complementary slackness requires that = 0 and therefore from (5.108)
( ) =
assuming > 0. In peak periods ( = )
( ) = +
We conclude that it is optimal to price at marginal cost in o-peak periods and charge
a premium during peak periods. Furthermore, (5.109) implies that the total premium
is equal to the marginal capacity cost

= 0


Furthermore, note that





= 0


Therefore, the utilitys total revenue is

(, ) =




( )
( + )


+ 0 = (, )


Under the optimal pricing policy, revenue equals cost and the utility breaks even.

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Chapter 6: Comparative Statics

6.1 The Jacobian is


where is the Hessian of the Lagrangean. We note that

(x0 ) is negative denite in the subspace = { x : g x = 0 } (since x0 satises
the conditions for a strict local maximum)
g has rank (since the constraints are regular).
Consider the system of equations


)( ) ( )


where x and y . It can be decomposed into

x + g y = 0


g x = 0


Suppose x solves (6.30). Multiplying (6.29) by x gives

x x + x g y = x x + (g x) y = 0
But (6.30) implies that the second term is 0 and therefore x x = 0. Since is
positive denite on = { x : g x = 0 }, we must have x = 0. Then (6.29) reduces to
g y = 0
Since g has rank , this has only the trivial solution y = 0 (Section 3.6.1). We have
shown that the system (6.38) has only the trivial solution (0, 0). This implies that the
matrix is nonsingular.
6.2 The Lagrangean for this problem is

= (x) g(x) c

By Corollary 6.1.1
(c) = c =
6.3 Optimality implies
(x1 , 1 ) (x, 1 ) and (x2 , 2 ) (x, 2 ) for every x
In particular
(x1 , 1 ) (x2 , 1 ) and (x2 , 2 ) (x1 , 2 )
Adding these inequalities
(x1 , 1 ) + (x2 , 2 ) (x2 , 1 ) + (x1 , 2 )

Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Rearranging and using the bilinearity of gives

(x1 x2 , 1 ) (x1 x2 , 2 )
(x1 x2 , 1 2 ) 0
6.4 Let 1 denote the prot maximizing price with the cost function 1 () and let 1 be
the corresponding output. Similarly let 2 and 2 be the prot maximizing price and
output when the costs are given by 2 ().
With cost function 1 , the rms prot is
= 1 ()
Since this is maximised at 1 and 1 (although the monopolist could have sold 2 at
price 2 )
1 1 1 (1 ) 2 2 1 (2 )
1 1 2 2 1 (1 ) 1 (2 )


The increase in revenue in moving from 2 to 1 is greater than the increase in cost.
2 2 2 (2 ) 1 1 2 (1 )
which can be rearranged to yield
2 (1 ) 2 (2 ) 1 1 2 2
Combining the previous inequality with (6.31) yields
2 (1 ) 2 (2 ) 1 (1 ) 1 (2 )


6.5 By Theorem 6.2

w [w, ] = x and [w, ] =
and therefore
(, w) 0
(, w) =
(, w) 0
(, w) =

(, w) = (, w)
(, w) =

(, w) = (, w)
(, w) =

since is convex and therefore (w, ) is symmetric (Theorem 4.2) and nonnegative
denite (Proposition 4.1).
6.6 By Shephards lemma (6.17)
(, ) = (, )

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Using Youngs theorem (Theorem 4.2),
[w, ] =
[w, ]

[w, ]

= [w, ]
[w, ] 0 [w, ] 0
6.7 The demand functions must satisfy the budget contraint identically, that is

(p, ) = for every p and


Dierentiating with respect to m

[p, ] = 1


This is the Engel aggregation condition, which simply states that any additional income
be spent on some goods. Multiplying each term by /( )


[p, ] = 1
(p, )

the Engel aggregation condition can be written in elasticity form

= 1


where = / is the budget share of good . On average, goods must have unit
income elasticities.
Dierentiating the budget constraint with respect to

[p, ] + (, ) = 0


This is the Cournot aggregation condition, which implies that an increase in the price
of is equivalent to a decrease in real income of . Multiplying each term in the
sum by / gives


[p, ] =

Multiplying through by /


[p, ] =



c 2001 Michael Carter

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Solutions for Foundations of Mathematical Economics

6.8 Supermodularity of (x, , w) follows from Exercises 2.50 and 2.51. To show
strictly increasing dierences, consider two price vectors w2 w1
(x, , w1 ) (x, , w2 ) =

(1 )


(2 )


(2 1 )


Since w2 w1 , w2 w1 0 and

=1 (

1 ) is strictly increasing in x.

6.9 For any 2 ( 1 , 2 = (2 ) (1 ) = 1 and ( 1 , ) ( 2 , ) is increasing in

and therefore ( (2 ), ) ( (1 ), )) is increasing in .
6.10 The rms optimization problem is
max ()

The objective function

(, , ) = ()
supermodular in (Exercise 2.49)
displays strictly increasing dierences in (, ) since
( 2 , , ) ( 1 , , ) = ( 2 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 )
is strictly increasing in for 2 > 1 .
Therefore (Corollary 2.1.2), the rms output correspondence is strongly increasing and
every selection is increasing (Exercise 2.45). Therefore, the rms output increases as
the yield increases. It is analogous to an increase in the exogenous price.
6.11 With two factors, the Hessian is


Therefore, its inverse is (Exercise 3.104)





where = 11 22 12 21 0 by the second-order condition. Therefore, the Jacobian

of the demand functions is
1 1
1 1 2 1
22 12
= =
1 2 2 2

1 2 =



if 21 > 0

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