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Cold War


How did the cold war start?

While most historians think its origins to the period immediately following World
War II , Others thought it began ending of world war I. This is due to the race to
get nuclear and other military power between Soviets and USA

Cuban Revolution
This is the Revolution led by The legendary Fidel castro on the Cuban
government due to the poverty and lack of living the better life.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the
Soviet Union, and Cuba in October 1962, during the Cold War

Two long term Consequences of Cold War

Loss of money due to all of it going to military and weapons, and
society was in poverty and cant afford much because economy is

What is NATO?
Nation stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and this is an
alliance of about 28 countries bordering the North Atlantic.

What is the Warsaw Pact?

A defense treaty between Eastern and Central European places during
the cold war. Like NATO, this is supposed to balance the power between
these Places

How did the cold war impact North Korea?

Cold war split Korea into North and South, North turned Communist and
into a hot mess for war.

How did the cold war impact Vietnam?

Alike with Korea, Vietnam was also split into North and South, North was
communist, North Nam beat South Nam and were unified under

How did the cold war impact Afghanistan?

it was used as a military base for Americans and put pressure on Afghani
government from soviet Russia. It made Afghanistan an enemy with the U.U.S.R.

The downfall of the Soviet union

the soviet union fell because half was Communist and half was non Communist.
So Basically the Economy Collapsed.

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