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Words are the power of heart Confuscius

Psychology says that we need to get in touch with people in order to have a good mental
health. During our lives we have met lots of different people, different ways of communication,
but, even with that, I have never met someone who is exactly alike others. People are unique.
But what does differentiate people? We cant be certain about somebodys personality
unless that person speaks own mind.
Words. It has always been about words. The only thing which reflects that one persons way
of thinking. To understand a man, listen to his words. Rene Descartes says: I think, therefore I
exist. For sure we have been even just once in our life hurt by some unkind words, a blow with
a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword. Unlike physical damages, some mean words can
even scar our mind and in addition to that, they can influence our life, either in a subconscious
way or even being aware of this fact.
Even with very good thoughts, you can even have the most beautiful words to say to a person,
but if you say them wrong, everything is done. Every word is important. Every single word.
But what are words? We use them in order to express our self, our thoughts and also feelings.
They are so powerful and influence us in many ways, such as making us very happy or even can
cause fights, wars. Used badly, they can cause a lot of injury or even death. Yes, death.Words,
once spoken cant be erased. Im quite sure that words cant move mountains, but can move men.
Do you think your words are meaningless? If so, you are so much mistaken. Well, you must
think better.
One day, in a country side church, one boy dropped the chalice used for Eucharist. The
priest slapped his face and said: Go away and never come back again. That boy is the so
known Tito, a Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman, a cruel communist dictator.
In another cathedral in a big city, a boy also dropped the chalice used for Eucharist. The priest,
gently turned back to him and whispered with a kind voice: No worries. One day, you will
become an important priest. That boy grew up and became a bishop of the Catholic Church,
Fulton Sheen known for his preaching and especially his work on television.

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