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Garrett Steinberg
Ms. Buckless
Writing 104 H
1 April 2016
John George: An Inspirer of Others
Many men have taken the course that leads from college to a professional career. It is
during this transition into the workplace that some get hung up on the monetary value of a job
more so than its intrinsic value. This is not the case with head football coach and teacher, Mr.
George. I have had Mr. George as a teacher for one year and as a football coach during my
sophomore and junior years, but his career decisions and inspiration on and off the field stem
from a much longer period of time than that. As a student about to make the transition to college,
I felt it was important to study the influences of one of the most well known teachers at my
school and why he chose his career path. Finally, I looked at how his career has impacted other
people in the community including his family and if he has any regrets about his decision
John George attended Brown University over 25 years ago to major in electrical
engineering. His interest in math and problem solving led to this pursuit. Georges career at
Brown was not only a culmination of academics, but his passion for the sport of football. George
has played football since he was in middle school and was at the time playing as a defensive
back at Brown. His love for the game and for what he was doing in school gave him the
motivation to pursue higher learning at URI where he received his masters. Now as a grad
student with the option to start a career in various jobs, all offering high income, he chose the
pathway that would leave a greater legacy.
The pay isnt always amazing, George states I have friends from Brown though that
are making large amounts of money, but they say theres no purpose behind it. Their job may just
be to bring more profit to their firm or whatnot, while I get to work with people who could be the
future in our society.
Out of college, John George wanted to pursue his love of football by coaching it. With his
background in math and engineering, he became a math teacher at Moses Brown in Providence.
He became one of the football coaches there for a small number of years until he was offered to
be an assistant coach at Brown. For the next six years, Mr. George went about teaching at Moses

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Brown whilst in the afternoons heading over to Brown to coach their receivers. In addition, he
met his wife and settled down to have two children. As the years went on, George considered the
low salary earned at Moses Brown and how he was struggling to see his children grow up. With
a third child on the way, Mr. George made the tough decision to slow down and change up his
With warm eyes, Mr George states: I wanted to go to my kids sports games and practice
with them and watch them grow into young adults.
Between the two public schools of East Greenwich and North Kingstown, George
decided to pick EG as he liked the facilities and thought he had a shot at becoming head football
coach. If he hadnt been offered the job at either schools, Mr, George says he may have quit
teaching altogether. This would have been a tragedy for the generations of students hes taught.
Times were not always easy for Mr. George as he did not receive the head football job at first. He
actually was not a coach for his first ten years at the high school. While not being able to
continue his coaching of the sport, he honed his skills in the teaching position. Mr. George is
currently the only teacher at this high school who specializes in two different departments of
math and physical sciences. His formidable teaching skills led to him becoming known as one of
the toughest, yet most rewarding teachers in the school. I am currently a senior in his honors
physics class who is pushed to the brink on a week to week basis. Many seniors are affected by
the plague of senioritis, but his class makes me want to learn. Only a man who puts the same
amount of dedication into his craft can get that out from others and I can confidently state thats
what Mr. George does. Even as a graduating senior, I want to push myself and stay engaged in
his difficult lectures. Mr. George also does not believe in hollow compliments. Many teachers
buy into the philosophy that building a student up, no matter what they do, will give them the
confidence boost to complete a task. Mr. George will let you know when you are flat out wrong
and completely off the mark. His style of teaching makes those around him want to rise to the
occasion and inherently change their habits in order to excel.
I had this one student at Moses Brown who I dont really remember too well...I mean it
was over 16 years ago. Anyways he emailed me like last year or so from London and he is the
principal of a school over there. He thanked me for my influence in his life and the drive I
inspired him to ascertain. When I think of the people Ive inspired I dont try to brag or show

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what I do for them. The students have as much of an effect on me, but I dont look for the fuzzy
relationships. I push the kids and when they start to grasp a concept, I reward them.
In each teachers career, they would like to say they left their mark on some kids. John
George stated the story of a kid who emailed him, but never mentioned how he felt he was an
inspiration. He humbly stated his responsibilities and how teaching has given him a feeling of
intrinsic value. As the now head coach of football for the last several years and championship
winner this year, Mr George has a lot to boast about. His oldest son may attend the prestigious
little ivy: Colby college next year. His students and players fully realize his distinct work ethic.
However, George has never basked in this glory; he is a restrained and happy man who only
wants the best for his students.
When we talk to teachers, its almost like we forget they're people too. They have the
same emotions, limitations, and obstacles as any other adult. We see them in a strict or serious
manner while in the classroom, but this interview has shed light onto a new side of a teacher.
Mr. George has been through the whole process were going through now and his excellence in
his profession gives me hope for my future.

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