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Chantha Ramann

Room: 304

Answer the questions

1. Who is the old man in Mitty's first fantasy?
The old man is Mitty as commander of a navy hydroplane.
2. Where does Mitty Drop off his wife?
Mitty drop off his wife at a beauty parlor.
3. In the Hospital fantasy, how does Dr. Mitty repair the broken machine?
He Uses a pen to replace a piston.
4. What causes the women who passes Mitty in the street to begin laughing?
He says "puppy biscuit"
5. Why does Mitty's wife decide she must take his temperature when they get
His behavior is peculiar.

Contrast Walter Mitty's life with his secret life. Why does he feel the need to escape
from real life?
In real life he is bullied, forgetful, ineffectual, in secret life he is heroic.
He feels the need to escape real life situations of being laughed at and regarded as
Each of Mitty's daydreams is sparked by some detail of everyday life ...... Explain how
his other daydreams grow out of actual events.
Driving his car=commander of a navy hydroplane; newsboy mention trials= he imagines
himself as a heroic defendant; pictures of bombers=dream of a flying ace; waiting against the
wall=being before a firing squad.
What kind of person is Mrs. Mitty?
Bossy, Impatient, and sharp tongued.
How is firing squad incident symbolic of Mitty's view of himself? Is this an adequate
summing-up of the total effect of the story?
Mitty is the epitome of a romantic hero is his dreams; Yes because he's a meek man waiting
in the cold for his wife which contrasts with being a bold hero in front of a firing squad.
How is the Mitty Story both "Funny" and sad?
Funny- Mitty's real life is incongruous with his dream-life; use of cliches from movies and
literature; use of mock jargon and stereo-typed herosim.
Sad- How others treat him his inability to cope with his everyday world.

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