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Ian Flannagan, Jacqueline Garcia, Trevor Nolan

14 April 2016

Familial Love
Hello, My name is Ian, and I am Jacqueline, and Im Trevor, will be
discussing the topic of Familial Love. When I was 9 years old there was a
school play during school day and I was assigned one line as the narrator. I was
really nervous. Then it was time for me to say my line. I saw my parents in the
audience. Their smiling faces filled me with hope and I was inspired to push
through my nervousness. I projected my voice loud and clear, not mumbling
once. Everyone cheered and I couldnt have been more grateful for the love and
support my parents showed me. The definition of Familial love is the Greek word
for natural affectionsuch as the love of a parent towards offspring, and vice
Some of Familial love in Romeo/Juliet are:
when Lady Capulet cries over the death of Tybalt. She does this because he was family
and she loved him dearly, and When Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt because they are
now related through Romeo's secret marriage with Juliet.

In the story of Romeo and Juliet, family means a lot more than a husband or a
wife. Family means everyone from the head of the household down to the lowly
servants. Romeo and Juliet love its a betrayal of absolutely everything their family
stands for. For example, Capulets did not get along with the Montague.We might even
think of family as a place of refuge and security, but in Romeo and Juliet, kinship is
more often a source of danger and battle.

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An example from Romeo and Juliet would be the balcony scene, when Juliet says:
O Romeo, Romeo,wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy father and refuse thy name,Or if thou wilt not, be
but sworn my love, And Ill no longer be a Capulet.
Juliet struggles with the conflict between her feelings for Romeo and her knowledge that he is an
enemy of her family. She tries to separate Romeo from his identity as a Montague, and contemplates
deserting her own family for him. She does not imagine that their love and their families opposition can be

In modern day society, familial love is everywhere. Companies will often use
advertisements with families in them to sway the decision of consumers so they buy
their products. Some of these ads even capitalize on the way some family members feel
about each other. This often uses stereotypes about family members. One such
example of this is the husband who cant do anything that appears in some infomercials.
Car and insurance commercials often have husbands who are ignorant and dont know
anything about cars. One reason for this might be, because of the goofy 80s and 90s
dumb, but still lovable sitcom dads. Sometimes ads use the lazy indifferent teenager, or
the one that is always arguing with their parents about small insignificant stuff.
Something that explored the idea of how people think of their family, really well is
episode 18 of Rick and Morty. The episode features an alien marriage counselling
center, that uses a device to create personified versions of the negative thoughts, about
someones spouse.

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Work Citation
Jong-Hee Park, Patriya S. Tansuhaj, and Richard H. Kolbe (1991) ,"The Role of
Love, Affection, and Intimacy in Family Decision Research", in NA - Advances in
Consumer Research Volume 18, eds. Rebecca H. Holman and Michael R.
Solomon, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 651-656.

Cracked. "5 Bizarrely Specific Sexist Stereotypes in Modern Ads - The Spit Take."
YouTube. YouTube, 08 Oct. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

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