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What are question you ask to yourself when you start to write session plan
Before start making a session plan, you must consider some questions that are necessary as you make the
session plan, questions like What are the current competencies of my trainee?
Where did you get the answer to the question?
To get the answer to these question you must determine Current Competencies by either asking for a
Proof of Competencies like employment certificates, projects, certificate of awards and other related
proofs. You can also conduct Pre assessment or Diagnostic Assessment and Recognition of Prior
Describe the component of you Session Plan
The components of making a session plans are Industry Sector, Qualification Title and Level, Unit of
Competency, Module Title, Learning Outcomes ,Introduction, Learning Activities, Evaluation and
Teachers Reflection
What factors did you consider in training methods?
The factors that must be consider in training methods are Objectives, trainers, content, participants,
training techniques, time, cost, space, equipment and materials
What assessment method did you choose for the session plan? Did you think you made a good choice
and explain?
Written test, practical test and performance test. These assessment methods are pretty much useful
because these are the common assessment techniques that students are aware of, this is the perfect
choice to be consider in making assessment methods.
In preparing assessment tools, how did you consider validity and cost effectiveness
While preparing assessment tools we must consider the validity and cost effectiveness of the instruments
by comparing and looking up the Training Regulation standards
Why use Table of Specification
By using Table of Specification, you can match up the objectives that you have taught and give an
estimated percentage for each objectives allocated on what level to be measured like knowledge,
comprehension and application. The benefits is that we can now see a more emphasized objective.

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