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address: kapu064zuqe@post.wordpress.


Zahra Nur Fadilah

Summary: Mika finds ashes in the urn which is bought in the garage sale. She realizes that
the ashes is someones ashes. She investigates whose ashes is this?
The Mysterious Ashes
Everything is too late. You must regret of what you have done to me. Go to the
hell, the man closed the dialogue in the cell phone. At the night, he said something to
himself which can be heard like, You must get a result of what you have done to me. My
heart beat fast when I heard his conversation. I went home through the quiet way.
I thought that Denpasar is safer than Bandung. In Bandung, I used to feel anxious by
arrival debt collectors of my father. It was contrasting with Denpasar condition. Wisnu, if
you cant payback your debts IDR 75 million, you will see what I can do on you, Theo
James, the debt collector, said. You all have to move to Bali. Dad will manage his own
problems. Im sure that you all must be save there, dad spoke in a hurry. You must be
aware Wisnu. Those debt collectors will look for you wherever you go. You have to manage
these matters wisely. You need to look for an obvious way to payback those debts. Your
brothers and your sister have been annoyed because of your debts. Your parents have sold
their house which should be able to be shared with your siblings about the legacy, mom had
advised my dad more than thirty times maybe. Hey Mika, dont daydream! Come here. Help
your mom to dry clothes, mom made me realize from daydreaming. The house was
comfortable enough. Denpasar was quite safe for us to avoid debt collectors. Although in this
city my family and I have to change clothes many times, we could feel more relaxed. It had
been two months since we left our home in Bandung. Mom surrendered about her marriage.
One month ago, mom got divorced from my dad. My mom had looked for money by herself
to buy daily needs. We rented this house by using moms savings. This house wasnt too
narrow. Each room seemed to be cleaned frequently by the owner. This house consists of
three rooms and one bathroom.
I had three elder sisters, one elder brother, and two young sisters. My first elder sister
name was Michelle. She used to use lipstick too thick. She used to walk around with her
boyfriend. My dear, my new husband doesnt ever know that we are in relationship. I have
been bored by everything existing in himself, one time Michelle talked to her boyfriend in
our new house. She thought that she could get more attention from her boyfriend instead of
her new husband and family. Muthia was my second elder sister. When we were still in
Bandung, her friends had been interested to Muthias behaviour. Her smarts was shared by
teaching them. She also joined some organizations in her old school in Bandung. Mayasari
was my third sister. She used to go shopping with her friends. She was hard to be ordered
looking for jobs by my mom. Then, my elder brother was Miko who used to care about
family matters. Since mom got divorced from dad, Miko felt having a responsibility to
protect our family. My first young sister was Mila. She was in fifth grade in elementary
school. She was so gloomy. She seemed not to adapt with her surroundings. She maybe got a

bit stress along her childhood. The last one was Mitha. She was in third grade in elementary
school. In contrast with Mila, Mitha was so content by playing kites, football, and badminton.
First day in new campus, I sat in the end of desk. I liked to wear a dark hat and dark
clothes. I wanted to hide in this darkness. I argued that everyone has had a mask even both
my mother and my father. Based on my parents experience, I decided to not involve with
friendship in this campus. I could not really argue that my new friends in Bali have sincere
heart be friends with me. I really dont know where Wisnu is, James. By trembling her
hand. I get divorced with Wisnu. He isnt with me anymore. After I went home, I heard that
the debt collector had still chased my father.
. In addition, I was amazed by existing moms boyfriend. I also saw that my first sister
quarrelled with her second husband. Instead of watching them, I walked around to the garage
sale. Suddenly, I saw an antique urn in the end of store. I remembered my cozy room that was
less of decoration on my bookcase. After I had considered about the colour and the shape of
urn, I bought that dark blue urn.
In the next day, my young sisters, Mitha run around my room. The dark blue urn was
dropped unexpectedly. Then, I almost got mad to Mitha. Troy, my moms boyfriend, used to
come to our house lately. He seemed startled looking at my pieces of my broken urn. Then, I
had just realized that there were ashes spreading in the floor. I remembered when I watched
Korean drama. There were people who did cremation an actor. When I saw the ashes of
broken urn, the colour was similar to that program TV. After I rethought about it, I grinned. It
wasnt possible. In the garage sale, there wasnt sold the urn ashes even human ashes.
Two days later, I felt desiring my father in Bandung. I tried to call him but his cell
phone wasnt active. In the night, I called dad again. There still wasnt active. Tomorrow and
three days later, his phone wasnt still active. Mom, why dads phone hasnt been active
since three days ago?, I asked to my mother. I dont know darling. Your father may be busy
all the time, my mother answered by underestimating dads activities. Our father is too
busy to answer our calling. He works until the night and appears a lot of debts. We dont have
to worry. He always does something which is delight in. In the past, mom used to remind him
about his job but he ignored her, Mayasari suddenly appeared. In the past, this family was
very harmonious but I thought this family begin to destruct. Muthia, I cant call dad since
three days ago. Do you think that he is okay?. I tried to ask Muthia although after mothers
divorce she hadnt talked much. Dad can survive by himself in Bandung. Now, I just want to
focus on my academic matters, she answered briefly. I worried about dads condition. When
I thought about dad, I saw a ring in the corner room. I was confused why that ring was in my
room. I took that silver ring. I hesitated that it was my fathers ring. Perhaps, it was possessed
by an urn maker.
Miko, where are Michelle and Surya?. I was restless by thinking Michelles
quarrelling with her husband. Surya was Michelles husband. They come back to their
lodging on Jalan Gajah Mada, Denpasar, Miko carefully answered. Mika, are you sure that
Michelle will be alright with her husband after that incident? They fought emotionally. I think
their marriage will get worse. By the way, have you ever seen that dad wears this silver
ring?, I asked hoping that ring wasnt dads. Mika, where did you get this ring? I one time
have seen dad wore this ring, Miko asked surprisingly. I think it is from the urn which I
bought at garage sale. I think that this ring is unique. The ring is seldom found in some stores.

So, whos that ring? It must be dads. We have to investigate who did kill our father!!, I
revealed by appearing mixed feeling. I had experienced some troubles which were appeared
by existing his debts. Although it was bad experience, I didnt want my family to get worse.
The killer must receive my revenge. My suspicions lead to two people, dads debt collector
and Troy. First, I had to investigate Troys activities. If there was no odd thing, Miko and I
would go to Bandung to look for finding the last people with my father.
In the next morning, we worked in a group to find out my fathers killer. I ordered
Mitha and Mila to ask Troys activities during three weeks ago. Why I have to do that? I
dont want to know Troy. He is our moms boyfriend. This family has destroyed. No one can
fix this ruining family, Mila acutely said. Mila, my beloved sister, Troy has damaged your
father. You have to help this family. Then, Mitha, you must assist your elder sister, Mila, I
tried to persuade them to get some information from Troy. I convince this is good for our
family, Mila finally followed my order. I didnt want they knew about happening condition.
Mitha also follow Mila to ask Troys activities, Mitha was so straightforward at her phase.
She was too young to understand this complicated situation. Besides Troy, debt collectors of
dad can also be the killers.
Two days later, the suspect had directed to Troy who was always jealous by moms
relation with dad. Although mom got divorced from my dad, she used to text dad for our
necessity. Nevertheless, Troy used to suppose in wrong way. I used to hear mom and Troy
fought about something relating to moms ex-husband. Based on the investigation of Mila
and Mitha, Troy revealed that I went to Surabaya about two weeks ago. I have to manage
some works. I also went to Jakarta. There is a problem Mila and whats your name?, Troy
answered confidently. Mitha. Oh yes, Mitha. Is there anything else? Oh yes, I almost
forget. I brought some food and clothes from Jakarta and Surabaya. I was so busy there but I
spent about two or three hours for buying your gift, this food and nice clothes.
I was so confused thinking about that. How was the way to reveal that he was the
murderer? In the Saturday night, Troy invited us including mom, Michelle, Miko, Muthia,
Mayasari, Mitha, Mila, and I to dine in Puputan Restaurant. I tried calling Michelle many
times but there was no answer. Finally, I disregarded about Michelles inexistence. In the
restaurant, Troy attempted to be close with us as moms children. My lovely children, mom
will get married again. Troy has proposed me, moms statement was like the lightning. This
matter made me convince that Troy killed my father. I was sure that he desired having my
mother wholly. Troy, I know that you must be the murderer of my father. It is proven based
on your activities about two weeks ago. Mitha and Mila have said that your statement seemed
to be doubtable. How dare you proposing my mother, I couldnt control my emotion. What
happens to you Mika? Are you going crazy? Dont frighten me. I still want to marry with
him. I couldnt believe this. Mom still defended Troy.
I went home alone by public transportation. When I arrived home, I pick up some
clothes. I thought there was no person who cares to dad in this family. I had to move to
another place. I went to Michelles house. Mika, why Michelles ring is here?, Mila
surprised me through the phone. Milaa, what are you talking about? That is dads ring. I
was so panic answering Milas question. I guessed Mila took dads ring in my room from my
bed. You can ask Mitha even Michelle. Where are you going right now?. Im on the way
to Michelles house. Mila, how do you know that it is Michelles ring?, I didnt understand

by this condition. I think that dad has given that ring to Michelle, Mila tried to remember.
It isnt dads ring anymore you mean? Hallooo, Milaa?, the phone disconnected. I knocked
the door of Michelles house. Surya, is Michelle here?, I asked by looking for Michelle
inside the house. Michelle isnt here. Several days ago she went to Bedugul to meet some
old friends. I thought something happened here. Michelles phone wasnt active several days
ago. I had realized that there was Michelles parfume on the table. Michelle used to bring her
parfume wherever she was. Before she used up her parfume, she never left it in the house.
She went to Bedugul without bringing her parfume. It was so strange.
Suddenly, I got one call from unknown number. Mika, this is dad. I have been
kidnapped by the debt collectors, dads voice made me dizzy, I still didnt believe what I
heard. Surya where are you during this month? Have you always been together with
Michelle?. I am so busy lately. Three weeks ago until yesterday, I went to some cities.
Surya answered confidently. I feel something happens in this house, I spoke frighteningly. I
remembered that Surya ever asked about the silver ring which was mixed with ashes. So,
what do you want now?, he seemed to hold something. I tried to open the door. I ran as fast
as I can. I tried to reach security office. There was someone. I asked for help but he smiled at
me. It was 10 p.m. Surya got closed to me and this security didnt seem to help me. I thought
Surya and this security corporated. I tried to find the nearest police office in this area. After I
arrived to the police office, I told him what was happened. I stated that Surya is the killer of
my elder sister, Michelle. Mika, you dont have the proof of this case. Sir, you have to
follow me to this mans house. I think the proof is still there, I hoped that the proof was still
in that house.
I looked for the proof in all sides the house. I got one bottle in the end of the stove in
the kitchen. It was strychnine. Sir, I find this. I think this can be the proof of this case.
Although Surya wasnt in Bali several weeks ago, I think he could put strychnine in the
beverage which used to be drunk by Michelle. Finally, Surya was arrested as long as he lived.
Detective Conan by Aoyama Gosho
The Story of Wayan Mirna
Word count: 2. 358 words

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