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20 May 2016

Dear Mrs.Stegner
For my reflection letter I have chosen the research paper, Brave New World essay, Racial
Profiling essay, and for process work I have chosen, compare and contrast charts, annotated
articles, and a survey. From this work, I will reflect on what I learned about creating a works
cited page, reading the texts, create a first draft, edit the draft, and integrating quotes. My
strengths are writing an introductory paragraph and MLA formatting, some of my weaknesses
are ethos/logos/pathos and grammar. I will address my academic essays, how I have learned to
find evidence and integrate quotes , how I need to learn how to read better and other goals that I
have for my writing skills.
The first essay that I will be reflecting is the research paper that I did on bullying. The
assignment that was given to my class was to make a research paper on a type of bullying. The
type of bullying that I chose was cyberbullying. This was one of my better papers that I wrote
because I was able to mix all the elements of writing an essay together. I had to research online
sources and find information on my type of bullying. For example, I brought in an article from
CNN News, [that talked] about facts and stories [of] people who have been affected by
cyberbullying. This skill helped me integrate information into my article to show it is not just
my opinion but more or less facts. The second piece that I will be referencing is the essay that I
did on the book Brave New World. The prompt that I was given in writing this essay was to
compare society today to the imaginary society in the book, and decide whether they are more
similar or different. I chose to side with that the two societies are different in many ways. In this
essay I had to find evidence from the book and incorporate that into my essay. For example, in
Brave New World all physiological stigmata....... And the last piece that I will be reflecting is
the essay that I did on Racial Profiling. This prompt was to create an essay that either explained
that racial profiling is necessary for our society, or it should not be allowed. This was a difficult
essay because I had to get real world problems and explain why I chose to side with that racial
profiling is necessary. For example, An israeli airline had problems about profiling and
started to overuse the privileges which caused more problems. These are the essays that I chose
to reflect in this letter because, they are the ones that showed my improvement the most.
The first piece of process work that I am going to talk about is compare and contrast charts that I
used when writing my Brave New World essay. In these charts I had to compare and contrast
similarities and differences in both the fictional society and our society today. This helped me
make connections to the two societies and come up with my essay. The second process work is
annotated articles. These were hand annotated in class and at home, that I used for almost all of
the essays that required outside information to be integrated. The annotating help draw
conclusions and find evidence easier when actually writing the essays. The third, and final
process work is a survey that was created by me about food. This project was a group effort and
between both of the partners you were required to have a certain number of responses to your

survey. This survey helped show people opinions certain topics which helped out in the project.
Those are all the process works that I felt showed my advances throughout the year.
I have learned over this year of ERWC to create a perfect works cited page. In all of the essays
that I quoted outside sources other than my own writing I had to create a works cited page. In the
end I have become very quick at creating a proper MLA formatted works cited page. The second
skill that I have developed is reading supplied texts. Since ERWC is mainly a writing class, the
amounts of reading I had over the year was not as heavy as I have had in other classes. But, when
I had to read quick and reading the supplied text and gather information out of the certain text.
The third skill that I have mastered is creating first draft. Everyone knows that a first draft is the
most important part, because it can be used to find flaws, and errors, as well as places for
improvement. The fourth skill is editing that draft and molding it until you have reached the
status of final paper. This is a very important skill to learn because it shows you can find errors in
your own writings which allows you to created an almost flawless pieces of work. The fifth, and
last skill that I have acquired throughout ERWC is integrating quotes. The best research papers,
and essays on novels always have quotes that are from an outside source that have been
integrated correctly, this allows your paper to flow smoothly and get the point across. Over my
last year of high school english, these five skills are the skills that I personally have improved on
the most.
Throught ERWC, I have found that I am stronger some skills than in others. Some of my
strengths that I have found are writing introductory paragraphs. This is a great strength to have
because the first paragraph grabs the reader's attention and builds up your whole essay. Having
this as a strength is very good for me early on because I can now focus on fixing the rest of my
essay and not worry about the introduction. Another strength that I have is, MLA format. This is
a simple skill to have but it play a huge role in your final paper. Every english teacher I have had
all through high school were very strict on MLA so this skill to have was very important. A
weakness that I have is putting in ethos, logos, and pathos into my writing. This is difficult for
me because I still do not know the differences between the three thing which obviously would
affect my ability to put them in. My last weakness that I have is grammar. I am not the most
grammatically efficient person, and after reading through my essay a few times I am still very
likely to have many errors in my essay, which is not the best thing. Those are my strengths and
weaknesses that I had in ERWC.
When I first started ERWC this year I was not the best at finding quotes and integrating them.
But, as seen above, these skills have become one of my better qualities that I have developed.
Both of these skills are very important and both are used when finding outside evidence and
bring it into your essay. After completing the research paper, and the two essays that we did on
books these skills really began to blossom. Now I can say at the end of the year I feel confident
in both of them.

When talking about my ability to read text and comprehend it, I would say I am proficient at it.
All through high school the worst part of english for me was reading books about pointless
topics. But I see now that all books have a bigger picture to find and I enjoy trying to find that
bigger picture. I still might not be the best reader but over the years I have advanced my skills of
reading greatly.
To conclude, all throughout high school the teachers that I have had all tried to teach me the
basics and what to expect for college. I have learned that integrating quotes is probably the
biggest concept to understand because that is the basis to all your essays. These skills that I have
learned have transferred to almost any class that required you to read and find evidence. I think I
am prepared and ready to move on in life and tackle the challenges that might be college level
english classes. Thank you Mrs. Stegner for being my teacher for two years and helping me
prepare for college.
Richard Ram

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