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Shawl measures 15 (38 cm) wide (from

back neck to lower edge) and 86 (218.5 cm)

long (across lower edge)

1. Flower motifs are worked in joined rounds
with right side facing at all times. Motifs are
joined using a join-as-you-go technique
into a long strip.
2. The body of the shawl is worked beginning
across one long edge of the flower motif


Designed by Kimberly K. McAlindin


What you will need:

With smaller hook, ch 5; join with slip st in first

ch to form a ring.
Round 1 (right side): Ch 7 (counts as dc, ch 4),
dc in ring, [ch 4, dc in ring] 5 times, ch 4; join
with slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch7 dc
and 7 ch-4 spaces.
Round 2: *(Slip st, ch 5, 7 dtr) in next ch-4
space (petal made), ch 1, work 3 slip sts
evenly spaced down last dtr made; repeat
from * around; join with slip st in same chspace as first petal7 petals.

AUNT LYDIAS Fashion Crochet

size 3: 6 balls 201 White
Susan Bates Crochet Hook:
3.75mm [US F-5] (for shawl),
3.25mm [US D-3] (for flower
Yarn needle
GAUGE: One flower motif
measures 3 (9.5 cm) from petal
tip to petal tip. Gauge is not critical
for this design.


(make and join 22 more)

Buy Thread
AUNT LYDIAS Fashion Crochet
size 3, Art. 182 available 100%
Mercerized Cotton, 150 yd (147m)

Bridal Shawl
This gorgeous shawl is perfect for the
bride or can be crocheted in a color for
bridesmaids. It is beautiful, elegant and could
be worn on any special occasion.

Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

Find more ideas & inspiration: and

2013 Coats & Clark

Work same as first motif through Round 17

dc and 7 ch-4 spaces.
Current motif is now completed and joined to
the previous motif when working the last two
petals. Arrange and join motifs so that there
are four petals of each motif across one long
edge (lower edge) of strip and three petals
of motif across other long edge of strip (top
Round 2 (joining round): *(Slip st, ch 5, 7
dtr) in next ch-4 space (petal made), ch 1,
work 3 slip sts evenly spaced down last dtr
made; repeat from * 4 more times to make 5
petals; hold current motif and previous motif

Want to Learn How?

Click the play button below

Learn To Join As You Go

Be sure to check out the rest of our videos at the

Red Heart Yarns YouTube channel for more how-to
and inspirational videos.

with wrong sides together and sts matching,

following sts are worked into the current motif
except when sts of the previous motif are
explicitly indicated: (slip st, ch 5, 7 dtr) in next
ch-4 space, ch 1, slip st in corresponding dtr
of previous motif, ch 1, work 3 slip sts evenly
spaced down last dtr made, (slip st, ch 5,
slip st in next dtr of previous motif, 7 dtr) in
next ch-4 space, ch 1, work 3 slip sts evenly
spaced down last dtr made; join with slip st in
same ch-space as first petal.


Row 1: With larger hook and right side of

flower motif strip facing, join yarn with slip st
in top of beginning ch-5 of first petal of top
edge. Note: The first petal of the top edge is
the first of the three petals at the top of the
first motif. The third of the top three petal of
the first motif is joined to the 2nd motif. Ch 7,
slip st in last dtr of same petal, ch 7, slip st in
top of beginning ch-5 of next petal, ch 7, slip
st in last dtr of same petal, ch 7, slip st in top
of beginning ch-5 of next petal (third petal at
top edge of first motif), *ch 7, slip st in last

LC3947 Bridal Shawl

dtr of first petal of next motif, ch 7, slip st in

top of beginning ch-5 of next petal, ch 7, slip
st in last dtr of same petal, ch 7, slip st in top
of beginning ch-5 of next petal; repeat from *
across top edge, ch 7, slip st in last dtr of last
petal of top edge, turn.
Row 2: Ch 7 (counts as tr, ch 3), slip st in first
ch-space, *ch 7, slip st in next ch-space; repeat
from * across, ch 3, tr in last slip st, turn.
Row 3: Ch 5, skip first ch-3 space, (dtr, ch 3,
dtr) in each ch-space across to last ch-space,
dtr in last ch-space, turn.
Row 4: Ch 5, (dtr, ch 3, dtr) in each ch-space
across, dtr in top of turning ch,, turn.
Rows 57: Ch 5, (dtr, ch 2, dtr) in each chspace across, dtr in top of turning ch, turn.
Rows 811: Ch 4, (tr, ch 2, tr) in each chspace across, tr in top of turning ch, turn.
Rows 1214: Ch 4, (tr, ch 1, tr) in each chspace across, tr in top of turning ch, turn.
Rows 15 and 16: Ch 3 (counts as dc), (dc, ch
1, dc) in each ch-space across, dc in top of
turning ch, turn.
Row 17: Ch 1, sc in each dc across skipping
all ch-1 spaces. Fasten off.


Weave in ends.

ch = chain; dc = double crochet; dtr = double
treble crochet; sc = single crochet; st(s) =
stitch (es); tr = treble crochet; ( ) = work
directions in parentheses into same st; [ ] =
work directions in brackets the number of
times specified; * = repeat whatever follows
the * as indicated.

Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

Find more ideas & inspiration: and

2013 Coats & Clark

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