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GBMS Spelling Bee Champ

: Anmol B. (5th grade)

Runner Up:
Danyal A. (6th grade)

On Friday, March 4th, Danyal A. and

Anmol B. represented our school in
the Somerset County Regional Spelling
Bee, where they both advanced to the
final rounds.
Danyal was eliminated in the 6th round
on the word miscellaneity. Anmol
finished in third place and was eliminated in the final round with the
word demulcent.
Impressive work! The winner of the bee travels to Washington DC in
the summer to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

(noun, derived from the Latin: demulcere "caress"); an
agent that supposedly forms a soothing film over a mucous
membrane, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the
(noun, origin-late 18th century; from classical Latin

miscellaneousness; an instance
being composed of
many different elements or types.

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